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Castle hill / Campbelltown
May 2002
icon8.gif  LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 06:14 Go to next message
Just wondering has anyone in the mods lost their Liscence if so how long and what for i'm not proud but i only have 41 days to go till i get it back just wondering has anyone else gone through this boring time in their life ??????

I lost it DUI for 8 months Nope

only 41 days to go Rolling Nod
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May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 06:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
That will teach you not to go and get shit faced and go and chase chicks AND THEN try and drive home No No No What was your alcohol reading on that machine when you left the club?
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Forums Junkie

Launceston, Tasmania
May 2002
haha, funny little head!
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 07:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I've still got mine just, I have had 9 points worth of warnings aswell as losing 3 points. I'm only alowed to get 4 points also cause i'm a provisional driver. can't lose an another point till November the 8th Sad
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods
Banned User

May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 07:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I had a P 4 point licence!

1st speeding fine 90km/h in a 60 zone 3 points $140
2nd speeding fine 130km/h in a 90 zone 4 points $180
3rd speeding fine 139km/h in a 100 zone 4 points $180
4th reckless driving(read roadrage) 4 points $220

Licence was suspended for 3 months. I continued driving(very stupid)

5th U-turn at intersection(no sign) 2 points $60 and a court date.
Licence was suspended for another 3 months and a $350 fine. I continued driving(very fuking stupid)

6th Fail to stop at stop sign. 3 points $135 and a court date.

Lost my licence completly for 2 years and a $750 fine. Needless to say I learnt my lesson! I now dont drive.

Total points lost on a 4 point licence = 20
Total fines = $2015

Only 18 months to go Cry
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I supported Toymods

Turramurra, Sydney.
May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 08:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yeah I lost mine about 2 years ago, for doing 119 in a 70 zone. Lost 6 points, had my licence suspended for 3 months, but the real killer was the $1419 fine.
I figured I'd get my car painted in that 3 months, but it blew out to a bit longer...... like another 15 months longer (18 months in total). Oh well, at least it's on the road now. I gotta give it a bit more power now.......

Hey showtime, if you don't mind me asking, how much was your fine?
I rarely meet someone who's been done for anything, including DUI (which is the worst offence in my opinion, not that I'm pinning or anything....), who has been fined more than me.
EDIT: Jeezus, take the above thread as a perfect example!!!!!

[Updated on: Thu, 06 June 2002 08:21]

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I supported Toymods
Banned User

May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 08:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Just as a note, If someone does'nt belive my post, I still have all the papers to prove it!
I also have a 30k falcon in the garage not being drivin too Sad
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 08:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message

First fine i had was for doing 85km in a 60km zone, $165 and 3 points (my mum took that one for me)

Second time i lost my licence for four months for doing 108km in a 60km zone, i was trying to race a wrx, copped a $300 dollar fine, six points, passenger restriction for a year, oh and 11 month extension on my p's on top of the 4 month extension, though i continued to drive.

Third fine was for doing 89km in a 60km zone (nearly lost it again) cause i was late for work. That cost $200 and another 3 points.

So far i have spent $665 on fines and lost 12 points, i should have been on suspension or good boy option this time but as i pointed out above my mum took my first fine so i am lucky, she is not so though as she lost all her points and is on the 12 month option.

[Updated on: Thu, 06 June 2002 08:42]

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sunshine coast
June 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 08:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
When i lost my licence i saved so much money from not buying fuel i managed to buy a front mounted intercooler and piping for my tx3 so i guess theres some good things to losing your licence..........or maybe not
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May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 08:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I got done for exceeding 140km/h in a 80 zone (was actually doing about 170-180)

18 months lose of liscence
$600+ court fees.

Just a bit over a month till i get it back Nod Very Happy Grin

Cheers Norm.

P.S. I got my P's 3 months before i got done Nope
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Forums Junkie

Sydney, OZ
May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 09:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I've lost mine 4 times, Have a Driving record longer than two Toilet rolls, Starts at 14yo- Driving unlicensed and finishes with court conviction - Charges were
1: Driving at speeds dangerous to the Public,
2: Street Racing,
3: Speeding 0ver 45Kph
4 Hours in Goal while being processed, 4hrs Listing to the dickhead who caused all the shit & crap about how good his Bomadore was... He was behind me looking at my arse end 99% of the way when we did get nabbed....
Court Verdict- Charged with number 1, others dropped $10,000 Fine, $5,000 court costs, 1year good behaviour and Three years walking. I'm still walking!! 5 months to go....Lost my stupid EX over it and had to listing to every relation about it!! ( I'm Half Greek, So that way too many to handle!! Yes I have learned!! And I'm Not proud of it, especially when I have to tick "Yes I'm a Criminal" box on ever questionarie I fill out.
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up yours!
May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 09:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
two and a half years for the bear!
now they cant catch me!HEHE
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

South of Wollongong
May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 10:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
HEHEHE, nice work there Johnny, well not really, but yeah, quite a driving record you have there! Razz

And Cool1, quite some dollars you've had to part with! frig!

Me, i have no record as yet... Laughing

Still only on green P's...will be for another year or so...
I reckon it would suck not being able to drive

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 13:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
f*ck Razz
and here I was thinking you guys were responsible... I feel all out of place
my only fine was $184 and 3 points for 79 in a 60 zone (but it was actually a 70 zone.. stupid copper)

my brother is still on suspension for DUI resulting in his car wrapped around a tree, his reading was 0.21 I think ... it was the highest at the meetings he had to attend

my other brother wrote off my mum's car into a tree while unlisenced... so genetics are against me... my friends all say the 1G will be the end of me

of course, I regularly speed 15+ (and 45+), but I just do it sensibly

what did you lose your lisence for yogi?
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 13:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
and I'm with bigworm.... no excuse for DUI, and no sympathy .. sorry Smile
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May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 13:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message

With a record like that, maybe you can speak to the RTA and get a special free number plate like WANKER OR DICKHEAD! Then again maybe a big sticker on the back window would do the trick.


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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods
Banned User

May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 13:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
It was someone like you that made me get the reckless driving fine Cool
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 14:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message

shit justin!! No use gettin all lame about it!! It isn't like anyone needs any more mamma's here!! I bet we all got our own mamma's to complain to us!! Don't judge dood just relax!! I'm sure he's not proud of it, I bet there's plenty of shit you're not proud of!!

maybe we should all pitch in and get you plate!

what do you all think??


P.S. sorry about bitching...
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Toymods Board Member

September 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 22:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dont want to lose mine... got 6 points left.. got 3 back last year ...
My worst fine is 3 points $184 for running into the back of a hearse at 100kph... it was all bad..

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Occasional Poster

Castle hill / Campbelltown
May 2002
icon8.gif  Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 22:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Like i said i'm not proud of it but just wondering have people been through similar experiences.........all up it cost me bout
$1200 with court costs and my fine was 770 i think but i have learnt my lesson and well i won't be doing it again thats for bloody sure No No No and i was .17 but at the police station
i had dropped in 45 mins to .12 no excuses i don't want sympathy it's a fuct up mistake and well just wondering what other people have done to lose theirs thats all
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 23:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Speaking personally, I've never lost a licence, but I've copped a couple of speeding fines over approx. 17 years of driving.
Luckily for me, When I received these fines, I was on licences which didn't have points "attached"... Smile

As for DUI, I won't judge anyone. I can only hope you've learnt from your mistake. One of my brothers went DUI in the mid-80s and I thought "Shit, he won't do THAT again..." Wrong! He went DUI not once, but twice more! (3rd time lost licence for two years and was told "don't bother appealing". I think he finally got the message...

Road rage? Did anyone see the news piece the other night about some wanker in a 4X4 who went beserk as a result of a minor bingle in Sydney? Rammed the other car (an orange BMW, if memory serves) and attempted to stab the driver before pissing off...Now that is a complete wanker!!! Sad
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 23:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
YOGI8U wrote on Thu, 06 June 2002 7:36 PM

now they cant catch me!HEHE

Cant beet the radio, and then when thay do catch you thay will drag you out the passanger door king hit you in the face and add resisting arrest (by beeing difficult to drag out the passanger side of your car) and assulting a police officer (with your face agenst his fist)

i have found it much better to just pull over as soon as you see them throw there coffee out the window and think of a decent story, saved me from geting done for 160-170 in a 110 zone it was droped back to 140

speeding down a fwy at 9am on a sunday is one thing .05 or other offences are just plain stupid i personaly think it should be .00 spend the beer/weed money on your car or paying off what ya owe!

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I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 23:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
screw the 0.05 .. ANY alcohol impairs your ability to drive, and too many people out tehre have little enough ability as is.
it should be a 0.02 limit for everyone (which is basically no drinks)
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Thu, 06 June 2002 23:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Touch wood....I made it past my P's with no fines/points. We only had them for one year when I got them, beat the new laws by just under two months.

I dont see anything wrong with speeding under safe conditions. By safe, I'm kinda in agreeance with Allan. An empty multi-lane freeway is safe. Like when you pelt along at 200kph because you are running late Smile

There is NO way I could be DUI. Its crazy! Every time I've got drunk, you sit there and think, I dont have the ability to see/think/walk straight, how the hell am I going to control 1200kg of metal!! No No No No No No No No No
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North Sydney
May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Fri, 07 June 2002 00:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
im on one point No No No
ive been issued with my official "you should drive more carefully if you want to keep your licence" letter
not sure how long itll last went past a 60 camera doing 70
those stupid changeable speed signs, you get used to a speed limit and then they change it Nope
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Fri, 07 June 2002 00:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
is that 1 point left on P's, or 1 point left of your 12?

I never understand how people lose all their points on their lisence, except maybe thru getting unlucky with speeding a fair bit
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North Sydney
May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Fri, 07 June 2002 01:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
1 point on my 12, ive lost,in order:
2 for speeding
3 for neg driving
3 for bot wearing my seatbelt as a passenger
2 for red light
1 for speeding
No No No
i understand police have a job to do but sometimes (alot ) you get a cop on a power trip, like the 3 for no seatbelt as apassenger, those guys were......
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May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Fri, 07 June 2002 21:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Cool1, I guess those words were a little harsh but still, it all sounds pretty stupid and I'm sure you've learnt your lesson. We've all been caught with the odd speeding ticket and that I can understand. Its the DUI that really shits me and gets under my skin.
As for Mr Cool Tim, I wasn't even talking to you, but I wouldn't mind seeing that Celica of yours. A man with that much to say must have a mighty fine car for all to see? Or maybe its just another stock shitty, hence the picture of the yellow number plate next to your name?

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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Fri, 07 June 2002 22:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Yeah it's just a stock shitty, it has keyless entry big stereo and a custom interior (with lots of velour and thick pile shag) and, I must admit, ricey blue neons replace the interior light. I managed to give it a remote boot realease thoough. that's cool... I am picking up a 1ggte on wednesday though and then things shall get moving can't decide weather or not to paint the engine bay whilst it's out though....

Anyways, after owning 1100cc bikes, cars never are going to seem fast are they??

No use being a lameass Justin, just don't bitch on other people. It's not nice...

(cool) Tim

P.S. the number plates kinda more like under my name...
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Forums Junkie

Sydney, Australia
May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Fri, 07 June 2002 22:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I guess this is a good time to remind everyone (in NSW at least) that double-demerit points apply this long weekend Smiley $$
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods
Toymods Club Secretary

May 2002
Re: LOST UR LISCENCE Fri, 07 June 2002 22:37 Go to previous message
ugh! double points long weekends Nope

I always tell myself to drive at the limit, but do i?? No No No

Thank god there were no cops camped on the M5 on my way to work this morning!! Eye Spin (running late sucks!)
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