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Location: outer easter melbourne
Registered: September 2004
TCCA Cruise 29th October
Thu, 20 October 2005 09:57
Hey All,
I know I havn't been around much lately, but I'll try to fix that. Any ways for those that are interesed, the Toyota Car Club of Australia is having a cruise in and around the Yarra Valley on Sat 29th. Its basicly going to be a brief meet and great in the morning with a couple of hours driving ending in a nice little picnic area where a BBQ will be set up for some lunch. We're taking in some really nice driving roads that are a little less known.
Where: Diamond Creek Station/Macca's Carpark Melways P12 A6.
I'll be there with either my TA22 Celica with 71 on the door(dry weather), or a Blue JZZ30 Soarer (wet weather), so please come up and say hi.
When: 29th October 9:00am - leave 10:00am sharp
Finish: Somewhere out to the east of the burb's but nothing to far out.
Bring: Car (anything registered with wheels), full tank of fuel, couple of bucks for the BBQ at the finish, although feel free to bring your own lunch if you want, Melways just in case.
This is a calander event for our members to use club plated cars this also means for those in other clubs with club plates can use there cars for this too.
I hope to see some of you guys there.
MSN Messanger:
[Updated on: Thu, 20 October 2005 13:07]

Location: Colac, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Thu, 20 October 2005 12:47

the day after my birthday - yarra valleys north east of the city isnt it ??
coming from down this way - how long will the cruise go for - from the actual city meeting spot mate - as for me its a 2-3 hr drive to get to melb alone - on top of cruising

Location: outer easter melbourne
Registered: September 2004
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Thu, 20 October 2005 13:02

The cruise should be around 3 hours at the absolute max and that is at a slow pace. The start is approx 5 min from the end of the ring road so it should be fairly easy to find although it isn't in the city. The start was put here becasue it is only a short trip from the end of the ring road for those in the western suburbs and it gets us nice and close to the twisty bits. As for the finish I managed a trip from there to the westgate bridge in just over an hour.

Location: Colac, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Thu, 20 October 2005 13:17

Ahh thats not bad then - you can probably understand having to justity coming though in my case - ive got to get up first then go for the drive then get home , and manage to still be awake at the end of it 
but nods - end of the ring road isnt hard to get to from this side of the fence , its getting home thats the main concern as im sure ill work the sunday ( as per usual )
Is this the area you'd mentioned having the show and shine in one day in the future , also ?

Location: outer easter melbourne
Registered: September 2004
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Thu, 20 October 2005 13:25

Unfortunatly that show and shine looks like it has fallen in a heap. I'll be giving the idea another go next year but for now its had to step back a bit ans I've been way too busy. I totally get where your coming from with the time thing I did a check on where Colac was, cause I didn't have a clue. The best I can says as for the return is that if you look at a map of where Diamond Creek is in relation to Melb CBD the finish is approx twice that distance as the crow flies, but most of run back to Melb is highway.

Location: Laverton, Vic
Registered: July 2003
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Fri, 21 October 2005 07:41

I'm there of course. with the newly clubplated KE-35. FINALLY!!!!
But yeah I helped with the cruise, and the trip back from the finish isn't hard or to long. and as Rinmax said, it's all free way.

Location: Laverton, Vic
Registered: July 2003
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Mon, 24 October 2005 11:44

come on guys, all of you are always saying you want "us" TCCA people to organise cruises, well trust me this ones gonna have some awesome roads, and it ain't a monster of a cruise, big enough to have fun.

Location: Colac, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Tue, 25 October 2005 02:37

mate id be there with bells on , literally if i had the gt4 ..
ive just got off the phone - id been wondering what the holdup was with my car - engineer went to hospital friday , only got out yesterday evening, massif asthma attacks and now the Flu .. so yeah , no work done for 5 days
have to call thursday to see what progress has been made on it , but i dont like my chances of having it ready ..
Ive got no car atm - not even the supra , as thats busted as well ..
Seems to be a common thing - a great cruise comes up - but broken cars and no backups always stuff things up
Though like you , im surprised there hasnt been more interest for the cruise , yes the question IS asked all the time, i get the same response whenever the idea of a great ocean road run is offered , but the melbournians seem to be scared to get out of their comfort zone ..
Which is a shame - theres some really good roads OUTSIDE of the city , or mount dandenong, or lapping on chaps .....

Location: outer easter melbourne
Registered: September 2004
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Tue, 25 October 2005 07:59

Bummer about the car Stu, I know that feeling when your missing the best ride you got. Hopefully if the weather is good then I can bring my 22 out for its first run with the freshly rebuilt engine. There's still a little tread on the advans so it should be great fun with heaps of grip.
I can only hope that some of you guys come out and have a little fun in the hills. For those that think that a drive up Mt Dandenong tourist road or the Black Spur is good, well thats basicly the types of roads we will be driving along, only thing you got to loose is a tank of gas.
Sorry Stu I'm not trying to rub it in, just think its a good way to enjoy a car thats all.

Location: Colac, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Tue, 25 October 2005 08:06

i agree with you mate - no skin off my nose , its disappointing to go to a big effort to make a decent long cruise route , then have say 4 cars turn up form a basis of well over 30, because its away from the city , or it will be dark when you get home ..
as pointed out - its about 3 hours to get to melb from here - cost me usually over 100 buck easy in return fuel in the gt4 and i ALWAYS make an effort when i can get up to do so , be it for tcca , classic celica, ozcelica or toymods events or meets. Just get hardly NOTHING in return bar for a few regulars like hirogen, viper nipples, and Shinny ( to name a few ) from the city.
hopefully youll organise another one with TCCA in november ( after the 20th PLEASE! ) that ill be able to attend, as the rest of this month is buggered , and next month i have the classic adelaide rally to prepare for !
[Updated on: Tue, 25 October 2005 08:10]

Location: Melbourne
Registered: November 2003
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Fri, 28 October 2005 03:57

Man, talk about lack of interest. I'll make an effort to be there though.
Location: Melbourne
Registered: April 2005
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Fri, 28 October 2005 04:13

I'm holping to be there with my new TA22

Location: outer easter melbourne
Registered: September 2004
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Fri, 28 October 2005 12:27

Well I hope to see you guys there, unfortunatly my 22 has taken a turn for the worst so it wont be coming so you'll have to look for my Soarer at the start.

Location: Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Sun, 30 October 2005 12:19

gah! forgot all about this cruise

Location: outer easter melbourne
Registered: September 2004
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Mon, 31 October 2005 06:34

Don't worry about it no one from toymods even bothered to come so your not alone.

Location: Laverton, Vic
Registered: July 2003
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Mon, 31 October 2005 06:39

well Shraka came but was a little late and we'd already started.
Pitty no one else could make it though.

Location: Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Mon, 31 October 2005 07:22

well im in the club so it was a poor effort

Location: Melbourne
Registered: November 2003
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Mon, 31 October 2005 13:48

I came! I was only... err... an hour late. 
In my defence I am lazy... and the start point is an hours drive from my place... shut up stu.

Location: outer easter melbourne
Registered: September 2004
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Mon, 31 October 2005 23:43

Thanks for coming out anyway shraka

Location: Colac, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Tue, 01 November 2005 01:50

As a suggestion to the TCCA guys who dont mind a drive - maybe make an ocean road run for december /january - so that you lot and your club plated cars can come down

Location: Laverton, Vic
Registered: July 2003
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Tue, 01 November 2005 09:33

good idea. only thing is lasat time we did that only 1 toymods person showed up.
not say that we won't keep running them, just that most of the time we only get TCCA guys to them.
Oh well we'll still let you guys know when the're on

Location: Colac, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Tue, 01 November 2005 10:35

the ideas there - some great roads , the weathers been awesome of late - and if it happens before school holidays , should be a pretty " cruisy " run
you all know if i had the chance id have come, and im sure id be able to gether a few of the regulars who visit me to make the effort
Its up to the greater community of vic forum users to stand up for a change

I Supported Toymods
Location: Lwr Templestowe, Melbourne
Registered: August 2004
Re: TCCA Cruise 29th October
Tue, 01 November 2005 14:03
I'd love to come. But can never make it 'coz its on a Saturday