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Location: s.a
Registered: May 2004
Classic Celica Club- cruise Saturday
Wed, 02 November 2005 03:46
Hi everyone,
Just a reminder to everyone who wasn't at the meeting / didn't get the sms whatever - Cruise this Saturday 3pm K-Mart Ingle Farm. This cruise will be in a treasure hunt / orienteering format where there will be 9 set points to go to in any order to collect clues for a prize for the first crew back! No prizes for speeding / reckless driving either, it isn't aboout who can tear ass around the most but who can work together with their passenger / street directory the best. Should be lotsa fun, bring a friend to navigate and look for the clues. Bring your radios too.

Location: Adeliade
Registered: February 2005
Re: Classic Celica Club- cruise Saturday
Thu, 03 November 2005 07:30

hey i hope i can come along but i have to go to dry creek auto wreckers tomorrow at 4 to get a diff centre and brake master cylinder.
So i have to adjust the real brakes and do a brake flush before i can drive it again so hopefully ill have it done by sat so i can come.

Location: Adeliade
Registered: February 2005
Re: Classic Celica Club- cruise Saturday
Thu, 03 November 2005 08:58

also i couldnt come to the meeting tuesday so could someone PM me or reply here on where CCC stands with Small Car Sunday.
i want to show of my beautiful engine bay lol you could eat of the damn 18RG rocker cover

Location: North Of The Big Smoke
Registered: September 2005
Re: Classic Celica Club- cruise Saturday
Thu, 03 November 2005 09:04

yeah will be on cruise for sure should be good for something different.
Matt-have got another meeting next tuesday night where we will be finalise our small car sunday display info so your more than welcome to come along if your interested in being in display.

Location: Adeliade
Registered: February 2005
Re: Classic Celica Club- cruise Saturday
Thu, 03 November 2005 09:22

ill come along to the meeting hopefully.
as i got a msg on my phone to come to the last one but yeah the diff was dead and i was getting the brake upgrade done.
also i was joking about been on display lol you saw my gold celica it would make ppl stay away from the CCC stand lol.

Location: Morphett Vale
Registered: November 2005

Location: Morphett Vale
Registered: November 2005
Re: Classic Celica Club- cruise Saturday
Fri, 04 November 2005 02:05

Il be out there this will be my first cruise with CCC cant wait. Cya all Out there,
Cheers BJ.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: Classic Celica Club- cruise Saturday
Sat, 05 November 2005 10:58

LOL damn i should come here more often...
Hope it went well...

Location: Morphett Vale
Registered: November 2005
Re: Classic Celica Club- cruise Saturday
Sat, 05 November 2005 23:41

Well the cruise was fun it was only a small one but it was more fun because it wasnt very formal it was more of a muck around. Bloody hot inside the TA22 Il be out to many more!!!

I supported Toymods
Location: SA; Home of Car Scene BS
Registered: January 2004
Re: Classic Celica Club- cruise Saturday
Sun, 06 November 2005 01:11

bah... as if i didnt see this post until now... i was doing FA yesterday!!! if i knew i woulda come along!!... especially now that the car is refinished.. just had respray number 3 
how'd it go??

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: Classic Celica Club- cruise Saturday
Sun, 06 November 2005 11:16

Ms_SILYCAR wrote on Sun, 06 November 2005 12:11 | bah... as if i didnt see this post until now... i was doing FA yesterday!!! if i knew i woulda come along!!... especially now that the car is refinished.. just had respray number 3 
how'd it go??
lol you and me both

Location: Morphett Vale
Registered: November 2005

Location: Adelaide
Registered: March 2003
Re: Classic Celica Club- cruise Saturday
Fri, 18 November 2005 11:08

Glad you could make it to SCS BJ, Schoolies just like watching Bay Watch anyway, alot of bootie you cant touch, unless....

Location: Morphett Vale
Registered: November 2005
Re: Classic Celica Club- cruise Saturday
Fri, 18 November 2005 21:32

Yea ur right ive got a girl anyways so i wouldnt touch any way I thought SCS will be alot more fun and I get to show my car for the first time ever . Should be a good day.

Location: Gawler
Registered: May 2005
Re: Classic Celica Club- cruise Saturday
Sat, 26 November 2005 05:06

Ahhh schoolies dont forget the classic chant.
Dry zone, what is it.
Its fucking bull shit.
Ahh good fun.
I will endevour to be at the next meeting just brought a ra40 but could someone let me know about the club rules and regs if it has any.

Location: Morphett Vale
Registered: November 2005
Re: Classic Celica Club- cruise Saturday
Tue, 29 November 2005 07:47

yea If ur interested u need to email Adrian at or better yet give him a TXT or call 0403303299 ( I suggest use the phone because he doesnt have his puta up and running 100%). Cheers, BJ

Location: Gawler
Registered: May 2005
Re: Classic Celica Club- cruise Saturday
Tue, 29 November 2005 09:33
Cheers mate i shall get around to it soon
Look forward to seeing you all.