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Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
3sgte not boosting enough
Sun, 06 November 2005 09:18
I have just installed a boost controller and gauge in my celica and it wont boost up to the desired pressure i want. Its a gen 1 3sgte btw.
I have ran a line from a t-piece off the wastegate actuator and i installed the controller in the cabin. Its one of those simple turbosmart ones.
I disconnected that tvsv by blocking off the tubes. It will only boost to round 6psi with the controller closed and 8psi with it fully open. It holds pressure at high revs ok.
Anyone got any ideas?

Location: Toronto, Downtown
Registered: September 2004

Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
Re: 3sgte not boosting enough
Sun, 06 November 2005 09:42

Well it has a 2.5 inch press bend exhaust which would b bigger than standard, and they boost up to 9psi standard right?
I hav smashed the cat out.... So thats out of the question haha.
engine has done 130000 klms. Turbo should b ok shouldnt it..
wat do u mean by boost leak?
Registered: November 2005
Re: 3sgte not boosting enough
Sun, 06 November 2005 09:47

maybe its a stock boost setting on the ecu...

Location: Coffs Harbour
Registered: October 2004
Location: The realist ghetto area P...
Registered: April 2005
Re: 3sgte not boosting enough
Sun, 06 November 2005 13:45

crappy boost controler??

Location: Toronto, Downtown
Registered: September 2004
Re: 3sgte not boosting enough
Sun, 06 November 2005 20:31

billmchenry wrote on Sun, 06 November 2005 20:42 |
wat do u mean by boost leak?
that there is a leak in the i/c piping or the i/c itself
Registered: November 2005
Re: 3sgte not boosting enough
Sun, 06 November 2005 20:47

was your b/c bought brand new or used?
is is electronic or pneumatic?
if its pneumatic and one of those turbosmart ones, they have a reputation for being unreliable...

Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
Re: 3sgte not boosting enough
Mon, 07 November 2005 09:36

its a secondhand turbosmart pneumatic one. I think its ok cos i bleeds of huge amount of air. But im no expert.
If it had a leak in the i/c piping wouldnt it suck in air when its under vacuum?
I Supported Toymods
Location: Nthn Beaches, Sydney
Registered: October 2004
Re: 3sgte not boosting enough
Mon, 07 November 2005 09:56

billmchenry wrote on Mon, 07 November 2005 20:36 | i bleeds of huge amount of air
What do you mean by a huge amount? Could this be your leak???

Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
Re: 3sgte not boosting enough
Mon, 07 November 2005 10:03

Nah im mean when i wind the boost up. THe controller bleeds off heaps of air

Location: Brisbane
Registered: October 2002
Re: 3sgte not boosting enough
Mon, 07 November 2005 10:20

blocked bleed line

Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
Re: 3sgte not boosting enough
Mon, 07 November 2005 10:45

i only just installed it with a brand new bleed pipe.
Location: Perth W.A
Registered: September 2004
Re: 3sgte not boosting enough
Fri, 11 November 2005 09:33

the t-peice is too restrictive. I had a similar problem. the supra wouldnt boost past 10psi

Location: Newcastle, NSW
Registered: May 2004
Re: 3sgte not boosting enough
Fri, 11 November 2005 09:40

billmchenry wrote on Sun, 06 November 2005 20:18 | I have just installed a boost controller and gauge in my celica and it wont boost up to the desired pressure i want. Its a gen 1 3sgte btw.
I have ran a line from a t-piece off the wastegate actuator and i installed the controller in the cabin. Its one of those simple turbosmart ones.
I disconnected that tvsv by blocking off the tubes. It will only boost to round 6psi with the controller closed and 8psi with it fully open. It holds pressure at high revs ok.
Anyone got any ideas?
id put my money on a fudgered turbo or wastegate man, with tvsv disabled u should be looking at 8-9 psi on stock boost....having said that though, when i turn my controller all the way down my guage doesnt show much more than 5psi...but im pretty sure ive got a leak somewhere aswell...cheers

Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
Re: 3sgte not boosting enough
Sun, 13 November 2005 09:08

The t - piece is pretty small. But thats the only size the fits isnt it? ANd its the only thing u can use right?
I mite disconnect the wastegate and c wat it does...

I Supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: December 2002
Re: 3sgte not boosting enough
Sun, 13 November 2005 11:46

Did you put the T piece on the wastegate line?
I assume the T piece was only for the boost gauge, if so you should have t'd into the line for the map (turbo pressure) sensor.
The boost controller can run directly between the wastegate hoses, no t piece required (just more vacuum hose)

Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
Re: 3sgte not boosting enough
Mon, 14 November 2005 09:31

The boost gauge comes off the plenum.
I hav the t-piece between the waste gate hoses. How can i put the boost controller in without a t- piece?
Location: ipswich queensland
Registered: April 2004
Re: 3sgte not boosting enough
Tue, 15 November 2005 21:33

to install a boost control with u need to have it in the wastegate line, with a t piece it is still not doin nethin. one more thing, u cannot CANNOT mount a boostcontol like that in your cabin. it needs to be as close to the turbo as possible. only electronic boost controls can be remotely mounted. pnematic requires the correct pressure to work and at that distance it is getting the wrong signal.
get a piece of hose the right size to go from the actuator to the turbo and cut it in half and put the contoler in there.

Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
Re: 3sgte not boosting enough
Wed, 16 November 2005 11:03

I hav put it under the bonnet now. ABout 30cm from actuator line. It is t-d into the actuator line. Still only boosting 9psi
Location: ipswich queensland
Registered: April 2004
Re: 3sgte not boosting enough
Wed, 16 November 2005 19:43

u cannot use a t piece, it has a inlet and a outlet so plug it in between the actuator and the turbo.

Location: Fraser Coast, QLD
Registered: June 2005
Re: 3sgte not boosting enough
Sat, 26 November 2005 10:36
an inlet and an outlet on the wastegate actuator?
i took of the pipe to the actuator and it boosted up to 14 and hit boost cut. So i guess this means the turbo isnt shagged?