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Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005

Location: Newcastle
Registered: June 2004
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Wed, 16 November 2005 23:25

yeh i'd like one
Location: sydney
Registered: June 2003

Location: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: March 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Thu, 17 November 2005 13:51

Interested pending confirmation of style.

Location: adelaide
Registered: May 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Thu, 17 November 2005 14:00

the lip on the te71 looks way hotter than that one dude,an if i had a ke id definatley be geting one of these
Location: sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Thu, 17 November 2005 20:41

Ok when does the car have to go there david
give us a date and ill try and get the car mobile to get there
will the lip be painted or will i have to get it painted
which one do u guys like better
thanks jess

Location: Newcastle
Registered: June 2004
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Thu, 17 November 2005 22:09

Yeh take urs there mang.
Mine is too shit down there to mold off..
So sorry David,
Plus i can't get mine there anytime s00n

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Fri, 18 November 2005 02:05

i like the one in the first photo better than the one on the wagon, but the wagon one looks ok, that can be a second choice.
tin can, tomorrow or next saturday at mfx in sydney...
paint? $3.95 of aussie export satin black 
9th month, ill talk to u on msn...thanks
lets get this shit cracking! and get some numbers up!
Location: sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Fri, 18 November 2005 05:15

ok coll ill work my ass of tomorrow day and night to get the car back on the road so we can get it there
sweet talk to u then

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Fri, 18 November 2005 09:45

thanks tin can, your efforts will help this along..thanks 
if you need to contact me for more details - 0407716089 thanks

Location: Launceston, Tasmania
Registered: April 2004
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Sat, 19 November 2005 02:57

I'm keen, would like to see what the style ends up being first.
I'd probably have to get mine posted if possible.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Sat, 19 November 2005 03:52

yes, freight is available...i am still pushing for the jap design, but i want imput from you guys how we should design it..thanks

Location: Launceston, Tasmania
Registered: April 2004
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Sat, 19 November 2005 05:27

Few more styles I found...

Last two are the same car so its the same lip style I think.

Location: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: March 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Sat, 19 November 2005 14:18

much prefer the style which reaches around the front guards, as in the white pic

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Sun, 20 November 2005 06:27

which pic michael? yeah those pics are good...
something like we have to get some numbers up!!! i want a lip!
Location: sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Sun, 20 November 2005 08:48

ok ppl i couldnt get the the car going today due to not finding a ae71 pedal box but i found one late today pick it up next week.
once thats in the motor will go in and ill get the mounts sorted then ill get the car out to mfx
hope it all goes to plan
cheers jess

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Mon, 21 November 2005 02:17

thanks mate keep us updated...get more people interested..thanks

Location: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: March 2005

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Mon, 21 November 2005 16:01

yeah that one is hot!! we just need some more interest...come people!!!!

Location: Launceston, Tasmania
Registered: April 2004
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Tue, 22 November 2005 01:23

Yep, if the style is like the one SeptemberS pointed out I'll be very keen.

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Tue, 22 November 2005 02:01

fuck me, i wanna buy a KE70 just for this front lip deal!

Location: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: March 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Tue, 22 November 2005 03:52

key points on the white one; not too low from the body of the car, wraps around the guards also.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Wed, 23 November 2005 04:27

rightio we know what we want
mfx reckon they might have something we can use
so all we need now is numbers
prices are looking at about $180-190 now
Location: sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Thu, 24 November 2005 10:34

so do we still need my car
thanks jess

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Thu, 24 November 2005 23:08

yes, we still need a test fit to check if it is suitable, thanks
Location: sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Fri, 25 November 2005 01:28

ok no worries

Location: Launceston, Tasmania
Registered: April 2004
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Fri, 25 November 2005 09:08

Count me in, I'd like to see how the test fit goes before I start moving funds around.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Fri, 25 November 2005 12:03

"move more funds than strippers hips"
Location: sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Fri, 25 November 2005 21:45

ok u can count me in
im trying to push the car along things are working out but very slowly

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Mon, 28 November 2005 23:53

come one bitches!!!!! my car has rims with semi slicks sticking out the guards..but no lip...make her happy!!!!

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Wed, 30 November 2005 15:02


Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Tue, 06 December 2005 00:01

come on guys!!!

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Tue, 06 December 2005 00:28

tin can??? when can you go for fitment trial...
Location: sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Tue, 06 December 2005 01:11

mate my car still has no motor and no clutch and no computer so i thjink i still a bit away ill see if i can get a ke off a mate how long will thay need it there for
thanks jess

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Tue, 06 December 2005 05:25

well we need someone to get a test fit asap....

Location: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: March 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Tue, 06 December 2005 05:53


Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Tue, 06 December 2005 13:56

all those in favour of september, buy a lip!!! BUMP

Location: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: March 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Wed, 07 December 2005 12:14

just put my name on the list fucken you look lonely there all by yourself fucken fucken lets start a trend fucken.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2005
Re: EOI of group buy: Ke70/Te71 Jdm style lips
Wed, 07 December 2005 22:44
1. Truenosedan
2. September
we dont need 15 people any more, we just need a trial fitter!!!!
can some one go to mfx please hahahaha