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Location: Perth Western Australia
Registered: April 2004

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Sat, 19 November 2005 09:48

OST Pre Christmas cruise, joint with this cruise, and a celebratory cruise for my new car.
sounds like a plan, im all for it!
and i get to have a look at the "Choffbox" too 
Location: perth
Registered: June 2005
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Sat, 19 November 2005 12:29

well if my safc didnt shit itself i prob would have said yes, but now that i stripped or snaped (dont know yet) a arp head stud guess im gonna have to say no - if its fixed by then i will, moral - cars are bitches u cant rely on them

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Sun, 20 November 2005 06:44

Should have my car on the road by mid December, so I'd be keen.

Location: Perth Western Australia
Registered: April 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Sun, 20 November 2005 07:36

yeah im thinking 11th probably

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Sun, 20 November 2005 09:08

The 18th would be a more realistic target for me.

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Mon, 21 November 2005 04:16

I will endevour to be organising a OST cruise around this time also.. more than likely the 18th..
but won't be your traditional style metro cruise.. I'm thinking of heading down south for a blow out the cobwebs cruise/drive..
TRD 83
OST Event Organiser
Location: perth
Registered: June 2005
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Mon, 21 November 2005 07:08

how about a cruise up north to blow out the cobwebs

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Mon, 21 November 2005 07:19

I'd be happy to travel north too. I've seen a lot of down south, but haven't really been up north!
Location: Perth
Registered: July 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Mon, 21 November 2005 07:21

what is interesting up north way that is less than roadtripping distance?

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Mon, 21 November 2005 08:26

I actually have a purpose for travelling south...
there are a few OST members who live Mandurah/Bunbury and down there.. so I would like to give them a chance to meet and greet everyone..
+ North = more warmer... and already I'm feeling the heat from these 28degree days.. don't wanna melt in the long road trip up North!
TRD 83

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: March 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Mon, 21 November 2005 08:32

there is a soarer club / supra club xmas cruise BBQ on the 11th i think
so the 18th would be better for me and a few others
but as always iam up for taking the roof off and cruising with you peeps
Registered: November 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Mon, 21 November 2005 09:39

Ok, little bit of local knowledge...
Mandurah as a cruise destination might be a little more of the same, we are turning into a Freo of sorts.
Pinjarra would be pretty cool, this is starting to get proper country. There's a pub for lunch or we can go to the park and use the BBQ's. I'm not sure on parking space as I haven't been there recently. Let me know if you want me to check it out, it's only about 20 minutes away.
North Dandalup, now this would be cool. I haven't been here during the day for a while either but from memory there is a spot that should have a fair bit of parking and BBQ facilities also. It might be the dam but I don't think it is. The area I have in my head might not actually be in ND but I'll look into anyway.
ND is level on a map with Mandurah, Pinjarra is a bit further south. If you wanna go closer to Bunbury, there's Waroona, Harvey and others but I'm not familiar with the landmarks of these places.
I'd put a vote in for my North Dandalup place but I'll need to take a look in person to make sure it'll be right for a cruise destination/meet point.
- Vee
Location: perth
Registered: October 2005
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Mon, 21 November 2005 12:50

hey guys,
well the 18th would be really good cos im getting alot of installs done on the 12th of december and i really wanna go on a cruise with you guys with upgrades just to see wot you guys think of an upgraded ST185 gt4 celica. And not only that to see wot you guys could think of putting extras on it like turbo upgrade and stuff like that?!!!
Neways i have family in Harvey and i usually go there nearly once a month and theres nothing there really for all of us.
Neways yeh if theres other parts of the south that would be good. But youll have to mention some more places cos i used to live down south so yeh ask away and ill tell ya wot i think about the place.
What if we head down towards like bussleton and that or even Margeret River. I no that there some really good places in bussleton with some car parks but not quite sure where we would go and margeret river well the ocean is always good and the fresh air off the coast would be good for the intercooled cars
Registered: November 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Mon, 21 November 2005 13:09

The area I was describing is called Serpentine Falls, I'm told.
Do you already have some places in mind Damo? PM me if you want to keep it quiet.
- Vee

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Mon, 21 November 2005 15:43

Damo, a cruise as far down as busselton is a fair way, i dont think many people wil be determined, but, as always, ill attempt to make it.
a cruise out to the sticks would be nice..
Whiteman park offers a fair few picnic/BBQ areas etc. as does mundaring (near the Dam), however it is that you spell it.
and John Forest national park has always been a fav of mine 

Location: St James, Perth
Registered: June 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Mon, 21 November 2005 16:09

I'm up for a cruise! It'd be a good opportunity to meet some of you guys, since I just got my car. I don't know about driving to Busselton; it's a fair way. But if you're going to go that far, may as well go the extra 20 mins to Dunsborough. I used to live there like a month ago, so I know all of the good BBQ areas, etc. And it's WAY nicer there than Busso.

Location: Bunbury, W.A.
Registered: January 2005
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Mon, 21 November 2005 23:26

Hmmmm I don't know if my car will be finished by then... Hopefully it will be. I'll also throw this out there, there is also an open day at the collie motorplex on December the 11th if anyone is interested. I'm trying to get my car finished before then to go and test it....

Location: Perth Western Australia
Registered: April 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Tue, 22 November 2005 05:06

WOW ! , loads of interest here !
Damo , ill pm you ,we should meet up this weekend and plan some routes/maps and have a brew somewhere
i wanna be involved with the planning of the cruise this time and lets not make it purely OST , that why i started the topic as "all cars"
as far as the date guys , a lot of you are wanting it to be the 18th , which is kewl with me , just another week later means extra time to plan and make it a more enjoyable cruise
Location: Hillarys, Perth
Registered: November 2005
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Tue, 22 November 2005 12:46

Il definetly be there.

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: March 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Tue, 22 November 2005 12:58

man.......a cruise down to mandurah to pick up the boys.......then a cruise to pinjarrah....and back up Great eastern highway to armadale then back to someones house for a bbq or keep going up to the hills and go up to canning dam and relax for the arvo

Location: Perth Western Australia
Registered: April 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Tue, 22 November 2005 14:35

thats long cruise Rob,
but if petto is still down at the $1.05-$1.10 mark , i dont see a reason to not make it a massive cruise

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Wed, 23 November 2005 00:22

the dingo stole my sprinter..
Location: perth
Registered: June 2005
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Wed, 23 November 2005 00:34

if not the dingo.. then the rednecks.. hope nobody breaks down so far away from hope

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Wed, 23 November 2005 04:22

EldarO wrote on Mon, 21 November 2005 23:43 | Damo, a cruise as far down as busselton is a fair way, i dont think many people wil be determined,
agreed.. I wasn't thinking of going that far either - you have to bare in mind the travelling time to get there and back too.. (considering most of us will be coming from the metro area)
I'm thinking as far as Mandurah at the furtherest.. but Vee, if you have some places in mind that are a similar distance from the city, PM me some locations and i'll look them up. Also if you wouldn't mind doing some scouting of your local areas, that would be great - it would save me the drive there! 
Quote: | i wanna be involved with the planning of the cruise this time and lets not make it purely OST , that why i started the topic as "all cars"
No worries there John.. whilst primarily I do organise events to promote the OST car club ( *plug/promote* ) I have no probs at all with anyone from Toymods joining us! After all, thats were most of us have met!
Mainly I wanted Adam to have a chance to meet some of us since he'll be joining us at Motorvation... so Mr mz21_shiznac
- your car better be ready!
Cheers all!!
TRD 83
OST Event Organiser

Location: Perth Western Australia
Registered: April 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Wed, 23 November 2005 05:13

Yep Yep
Damo , If we minimise the "stops" along the way , we could do something as big as Hillarys to Mandurah !
Hillarys to City Beach
City Beach to Freo
Freo to Mandurah !
Mandurah to BBQ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
all in favor say EEYEEEEEEEEEEE!

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Wed, 23 November 2005 07:16

coFF33 wrote on Wed, 23 November 2005 13:13 | Yep Yep
Damo , If we minimise the "stops" along the way , we could do something as big as Hillarys to Mandurah !
Hillarys to City Beach
City Beach to Freo
Freo to Mandurah !
Mandurah to BBQ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
all in favor say EEYEEEEEEEEEEE!
yeah - sounds like the general jist
Cheers John..
TRD 83
Registered: November 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Wed, 23 November 2005 09:03

coFF33 wrote on Wed, 23 November 2005 13:13 | Mandurah to BBQ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Go for the Western Foreshore, near KC and the war memorial. That way I can just get a new kid to do my work while I say g'day.
- Vee
Location: Perth
Registered: July 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Wed, 23 November 2005 10:22


Location: Perth Western Australia
Registered: April 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Wed, 23 November 2005 23:47

so far the poll says 14 for the cruise and 4 to sit at home and cry whilst listening to simple plan because they are not able to cruise.
14 is good but we need more Attention !
Tell your friends Toyotas and their friends toyotas! TOYMODS CRUISE 18th of DEC
Location: Perth
Registered: July 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Thu, 24 November 2005 01:31

aye, I could bring a mate or two 

Location: Perth Western Australia
Registered: April 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Thu, 24 November 2005 01:43

if they have the toyota powah they are invited

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Thu, 24 November 2005 02:54

Vee_469 wrote on Wed, 23 November 2005 17:03 |
coFF33 wrote on Wed, 23 November 2005 13:13 | Mandurah to BBQ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Go for the Western Foreshore, near KC and the war memorial. That way I can just get a new kid to do my work while I say g'day.
- Vee
Vee - ample parking available?? esp on a Sunday?
and some Street names of said memorial so I can look it up in the road book.
Cheers mate

Location: Bunbury, W.A.
Registered: January 2005
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Thu, 24 November 2005 09:52

Hmmm, I' don't know if my car will be ready then. It will be a tight one to make but I'll try. Even if it is just road tuned and not a full power run I'll still bring it.

Location: Perth Western Australia
Registered: April 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Thu, 24 November 2005 09:58

that would be bloody awesome mate, ive always wanted to see this z21 in the avatar!
Registered: November 2004

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Thu, 24 November 2005 15:26

I talked to my boss who grew up in the sticks, a few places here and there,
and he was very suggestive of serpantine (Props to Vee ), apparantly there are barbeque facilities there too?!?!?

Location: perth
Registered: November 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Fri, 25 November 2005 17:17

i might bring the cressida grampe out

Location: Perth Western Australia
Registered: April 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Sat, 26 November 2005 06:28

hells yer , Bring that cressy
i hope this cruise is 20+ toys to we can have a big ass cruise
Location: Perth
Registered: July 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Sat, 26 November 2005 06:32

do we even know where we are going yet? 

Location: Perth Western Australia
Registered: April 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Sat, 26 November 2005 06:35

I have a few ideas , im waiting on DAMO !!!!!!!!! to call me and orgynize a time to meet up and plan some shit ...
so damo READ ya pm and call me asap 
or even better ad me to ya msn

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Sat, 26 November 2005 09:21

Damo, invite John over to yours so he can check out the Supra aswell
cr00zing g00dneSS.

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Mon, 28 November 2005 03:44

too easy guys..
should be a big one!
at the moment - just keep Sunday 18th Dec free.. and me and John will be looking after the rest..

Location: Perth Western Australia
Registered: April 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Mon, 28 November 2005 07:12

Sounds like Damo and I will be taking HALF/HALF in this cruise
I will be orgynising the meet point and 1 or 2 stop points along the way to freo for all the north of the river toymodders
Damo will be doing the same for the south of the river toymodders.
We will all be meeting up at Freo as one big mob 
Then the cruise will be to Mandurah for a beautiful BBQ and a relaxing afternoon !
it should be a great day if mothernature stays at home 
More info coming soon

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Mon, 28 November 2005 07:39

coFF33 wrote on Mon, 28 November 2005 15:12 | Sounds like Damo and I will be taking HALF/HALF in this cruise
I will be orgynising the meet point and 1 or 2 stop points along the way to freo for all the north of the river toymodders
Damo will be doing the same for the south of the river toymodders.
We will all be meeting up at Freo as one big mob 
Then the cruise will be to Mandurah for a beautiful BBQ and a relaxing afternoon !
it should be a great day if mothernature stays at home 
More info coming soon 
yeah.. what he said!
TRD 83
OST event organiser

Location: St James, Perth
Registered: June 2004

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Tue, 29 November 2005 01:38

I have Carousel carpark in Cannington in mind for South of River people..
and as for OST stickers.. Rob might have some left.. I'm running low..
Rob - perhaps another batch should be organised?
TRD 83
Location: Perth
Registered: January 2005
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Tue, 29 November 2005 10:08

I might be up for a bit of a run, i'll keep chekin for details.

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Tue, 29 November 2005 15:07

I have an OST sticker which has become redundant to me, as the vehicle i am purchasing already has one.
if anyones in need, ill give mine to the cause 

Location: Perth
Registered: July 2005
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Wed, 30 November 2005 12:40

Ill be there as Im in rocko

Location: Perth
Registered: January 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Thu, 01 December 2005 03:34

it will be good from Hilarys to Mandurah but just dont go thru traffic lights, everytime I go to a cruise people get lost because of traffic lights and then it becomes driving by yourself cruise. will be good if its somewhere remote, I am up for a crazy long Drive to bunbury,
or what about Lancelin, thats not so far. its straight road up north and BBQ at Lancelin.

Location: Perth Western Australia
Registered: April 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Thu, 01 December 2005 04:10

Apophis good to have you along,
And on that Note.......
The map will be tested for North Of the River people this saturday and will be confirmed as of Sat Evening or Sun morning
Be Prepared for a lovely sunny Sunday the 18th of Dec with ya windows down and the breeze in ya hair as you cruise down the coast line of this glorious State.
Hillarys is Confirmed for the North Of The River Meeting spot.
I can say that it will be in a Hillarys Carpark positioned well for some good photos:)
Meeting time will be 10am with a 10:20pm SHARP departure from Hillarys on our cruise to Mandurah VIA Freo to meet up with the South of The River Toymodders.
Im hoping for a GREAT turnout
Watch this thread for updates over this weekend

Location: St James, Perth
Registered: June 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Thu, 01 December 2005 04:12

I think the plan is to meet some of the crew from Mandurah, so Lancelin is no good?

Location: Perth Western Australia
Registered: April 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Thu, 01 December 2005 04:20

Lancelin is out of the picture what so ever

Location: Perth
Registered: January 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Thu, 01 December 2005 07:54

Anyway its all good as long as it doesnt involve driving thru the city! And I would also add that you guys are cool and well manners, I came from another car forum and the people in there are RUDE! When someone asks a question, the first answer is always *Search button*.
Anyway I will stop my whinging, go cruise! Hope it doesnt turn out to be a crazy boosting down 50km/h roads and scare the sheet out of the next granny you find on the street cruise.

Location: Bunbury, W.A.
Registered: January 2005
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Thu, 01 December 2005 09:15

Location: perth
Registered: June 2005
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Thu, 01 December 2005 09:49


Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Thu, 01 December 2005 10:15

your a twat mate, if you come along to this cruise ill be avoiding you like the plauge.
That said, i think the OST boys (and girls, sorry Lauz & Co!!!) are exceptionally well mannered.
oh, and if anyone wants to take pictures of a van doing burnouts, providing i still have it then, ill be happy to oblige 
Location: perth
Registered: June 2005
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Thu, 01 December 2005 11:32

mate do i really have to dig up threads to prove myself.... forget the burnout u starting to sound like a holden boy however id love to take photos of ya van on fire - maybe with u inside it

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: EOI : December XMAS Cruise :D ALL CARS !
Thu, 01 December 2005 13:45

ahahah hero 