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Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2003
That Toyota Engine Spec Page...
Fri, 09 December 2005 06:53
Hi Guys,
Have searched the new and old forums abit, I've lost the address to one of the most useful pages on the net, it was hosted at Geocities and it had all the engine specs of most Toyotas to date, does anyone have it handy?

Location: Newcastle
Registered: July 2003

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2003
Re: That Toyota Engine Spec Page...
Fri, 09 December 2005 09:48

Ah that's it, many many thanks

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: That Toyota Engine Spec Page...
Fri, 09 December 2005 10:01

Or just do what I do whenever I'm somewhere else, just type in "toyota engines" in Google. First listing

Location: Sydney
Registered: February 2003
Re: That Toyota Engine Spec Page...
Fri, 09 December 2005 15:56
better yet, look in the links page.
its at "mainly toyota"