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Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2004
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Mon, 11 October 2004 06:15

is it alright to pop in and hav a look, i might go out there after work, show off my Ta22
Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Mon, 11 October 2004 22:05

It would be great to see you pop in, but seeing as you will be there with your TA22 why not hang around and have a run. You never know you might just collect a trophy at the same time.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: May 2003
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Tue, 12 October 2004 01:55

Sorry guys, im out. I cant get the car tuned in time.

Location: Crapberra
Registered: September 2003
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Tue, 12 October 2004 09:05

Well it looks like I'm officially out of this event. Gonna be down the coast with the girly Hope it's a blast, I'll look forward to hearing all the glory stories, and hopefully catch up with you all on the Nov Moruya trip (ps. if we go dirt karting do you think they'll let me have another go )
Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Wed, 13 October 2004 03:28

You piker!
You are right, after all not everyone can break axles on those karts.

Location: Canberra Celica Group (CC...
Registered: August 2002
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Thu, 14 October 2004 06:30

We were all desperate to see the unveiling of the 22 but we can sure wait see it next time mate.
To anyone interested, you dont have to either bring a car or run a car on the day, you are more than welcome just to turn up and have a look at the cars on the Dyno, grab a cheap sausage sanga and have a chat to everyone.
Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Fri, 15 October 2004 02:53

Get you’re your bargain based tickets at the unbelievable price of only $35 per Dyno run!
Time is short, the list is getting long and the deadline is fast approaching!
With 22 starters already, you REALLY need to get your payments to Phil (0412 699 144).
We have negotiated the final date for money to be due with Autotech, and to help some of you guys and girls out, this has now been moved to Friday 22 October 04.
After this date all participants will be required to pay $40 including those that are entering on the day.
Those that are not able to meet the 22 Oct 04 cutoff date and want to have more than one run will then be required to pay $40 for additional runs as well.
We hope this gives people a lot more room to work out their finances.
IF there are any slots available on the day, you stand the chance of getting a run but will not be eligible for any of the awards or prizes.
Once again the due date for payments to guarantee a run has been
re-negotiated to Friday 22 October 04 (Dynoday still 11am, Sunday, 24 October 2004 at Autotech, Collie Street Fyshwick!).
Mitch & Phil
Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2004
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Mon, 18 October 2004 12:11

Hey guys,
My rolla is out and about now on the streets in Canberra, I'll come for a cruise out to the dyno day but still need to sort somethings out with the electrics so not gonna run. See you all there.

Location: Canberra Celica Group (CC...
Registered: August 2002

Location: Crapberra
Registered: September 2003
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Fri, 22 October 2004 04:33

ToyCam wrote on Tue, 28 September 2004 20:26 | So far I don't see any other contenders for the wooden spoon... That thing is MINE!!!
Ha Ha The competition for wooden spoon is on. The late entry bog stock RA40 with original truck 18r is gonna whup you all with it's raw unbridled lack of powaahhh!
Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Fri, 22 October 2004 06:30

Hi guys, the TA23 is out! goes into long term storage today
Ho yeah, I know you guys will be checking oil/water etc, but please check tyre pressures on Sunday. If the dyno operator has to keep pulling the air hose out, it will slow proceedings down.
See ya all there sunday, Chuck.

Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Fri, 22 October 2004 08:28

Quote: | Hi guys, the TA23 is out! goes into long term storage today
I guess that means there's room for an RA35 celica then huh? Or is it a 3T/2TG hybrid TA22, or even a V8 soarer???
Helloooo Steve.........Adam....... anyone home???
My P.O.S panelvan has decided to re-grow its ignition gremlin from 5500rpm... although not as bad as last time. Won't stop the little bugger from hitting the dyno rollers though, just change my estimate to 135kw
[The real] Phil

Registered: May 2002
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Fri, 22 October 2004 09:28

Good luck to all who get on the dyno, may your engines not ping

Location: Canberra
Registered: April 2003
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Sat, 23 October 2004 20:32

hmm, might stuff a rag down the carby throat....
any money that i'm going to get a pretty looking dyno graph, due to the flat spots, misfires.... crappy 4a

Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Sat, 23 October 2004 23:41

Nice to see that we have beautiful weather just like last year
Dont forget your umbrellas! There's not much room inside the workshop...

Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002

Location: Crapberra
Registered: September 2003
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Sun, 24 October 2004 09:35

Ha ha ha, just checked the video footage Pam was filming of my 40 on the dyno, got a great shot of Peter stepping out of my car shaking his head. Go the mighty 18R-c Whoo Hoo!!!

Location: Canberra
Registered: April 2003
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Sun, 24 October 2004 14:52

took my spoon
ah well, that'll teach me for using my secret weapon.

Location: Canberra
Registered: January 2004
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Sun, 24 October 2004 23:58

sorry i had to bail early guys, a bit of an emergency came up and i needed to go.
I think the 1g ran alright but i have much to do on it before it becomes fist worthy

Registered: May 2002
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Mon, 25 October 2004 00:24

Post up some results
Location: Canberra
Registered: September 2004
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Mon, 25 October 2004 02:42

Hi all,
I had a great day in spite of the weather.
Would it be possible for the guy (I'm sorry I've forgotten your name) that told me that the active front spoiler on my car works. There was actual video footage of it. Would you be able to edit me a copy of it and send it to
PS. I'm still bragging about the 1st dyno run.

Location: Canberra Celica Group (CC...
Registered: August 2002
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Mon, 25 October 2004 04:55

What a great CCG Dynoday #2....except for the filthy weather! Yep we will post up the results ASAP.
Definately appreciate the great attitude from Peter Dowling of Autotech. He was so impressed by the attitude of the CCG entrants that he offered to have us back again as soon as we like! Maybe at the end of Jan 05 so we can hopefully have better weather and all our rides in top shape.
Special thanks to:
Paton Performance for sponsoring the trophies (well done Shane), Phil Lawrence & Jeremy Marsh for the extra assistance on making the day such a success.
Hope you all have dried out by now and we will post up the fun and games soon.
Cheers Mitch & Phil

Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Mon, 25 October 2004 10:04

Quote: | ah well, that'll teach me for using my secret weapon.
Haha! Love your work. Can you do that to my panelvan??
Unfortunately, my clutch decided to call it quits late yesterday after a hard launch once the rain went away, I think the van will get a rest in the backyard for a few months...

Location: Canberra
Registered: April 2003
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Tue, 26 October 2004 02:33

Sure thing, we can swap engines. Although i'll have to ask for cash on top though
Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Tue, 26 October 2004 03:11

Results are in:
Up to 1500cc Turbocharged – Jane Greagg Turbo Starlet 95.4kw (127.2hp)
1501cc-1600cc N/A Rodger Maconachie TA22 Celica 2T 70.9 kw (94.5hp)
1501cc-1600cc Turbocharged Phil Lawrence AE71 Corolla Panel Van 169kw (225.3hp)
1501cc-1600cc Supercharged Justin Marshall AE86 Sprinter 73.4kw (97.8hp)
1601cc-1800cc N/A Mitchell Sloan TA22 Celica 3T-GEU 70.0 kw (93.3hp)
1801cc-2000cc N/A Zane Taylor RA23 Celica 18R-GU 83.1 kw (110.8hp)
1801cc-2000cc Turbocharged Ken Halford SW20 MR2 3SG-TE 141.6kw (188.8hp)
2401cc-2600cc Turbocharged Peter Greagg Soarer 1JZ-GTE 212.3kw (283.0hp)
2601cc-2800cc N/A Phil Eacott MA61 Supra 5M-GE 104.3kw (139.0hp)
2801cc-3000cc Turbocharged Rob O’LearyJZA80 Supra 2JZ-GTE 211.9kw (282.5hp)
3001cc and over N/A Michael Smith MX83 Cressida 1UZ-FE 153.0kw (204hp)
3001cc and over Turbocharged Justen Simpson ST185 GT4 1UZ-FTTE 250.3kw (337.3hp)
Wooden Spoon Award – Sebastian Becher RA40 18R-C 46.1kw (61.4hp)
Most Improved since Dyno Day 1 – Zane Taylor From 43.1kw (57.4hp) to 83.1kw (110.8hp)
Increase of just of 95%
Many thanks go to:
Peter (Dyno Tech) for letting us pester him on a Sunday
Jeremy March and Ashley Williamson for bringing along their Laptop and Colour Printer
Chuck for getting the CCG BBQ finished after no one volunteered to help him and for his foresight in coming up with some way better ideas for categories
Phil Lawrence and Justen Simpson for keeping the scoresheet up to date
Phil Lawrence for helping with reconciling the final results
Capital Trophies and Sportswear for providing the labels for the Wooden Spoon and Most improved trophies
Shane Paton for going out of his way to make the Wooden Spoon and Most improved trophies
Mitch for taking the time to get the gas bottle filled for the BBQ, towing the club trailer out and making the arrangements for this Dyno Day to happen and
All the participants for showing up on such a miserable day. Without you guys it would have been a very lonely day.
Some people left prior to the end of the proceedings and we still have your Dyno sheets. We will be having a Beer O’Clock (Mitch you can fill in this detail) and we will be bringing along your sheets then. Should you want to collect your sheets prior to the beer o’clock you can call Phil on 0412 699 144 to make arrangements for collection.
Hope to see you all down the coast to party with the TOYMODS. Stay tune for more details.
Mitch & Phil

Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Tue, 26 October 2004 12:03

Quote: | Sure thing, we can swap engines. Although i'll have to ask for cash on top though
Sure You should be a con-artist! Take the original 4AC from my panelvan whilst I install a 4AGTE, then swap me once its done???!
I'd consider it if you had actually won the wooden spoon, but seeing as its now a proven underperformer, and couldn't take a trophy, I think i'll have to pass 

Location: Canberra
Registered: April 2003

Location: Canberra
Registered: January 2004
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Tue, 02 November 2004 05:30

HI phil e,
I'm not going to beable to pick up me sheet for a while, putting in some long hard hours, trying to fux cars, sell cars, by a van and earn money. also my e-mail is dead as i've moved outta home so i'll try and check this section as much as i can,
Thanks for a great dyno day, wasn't happy with my result but least i won my clss!!! seening i was the only 4AGZE car there,(phil L u don't count its turbo'd)
Later, J

Registered: May 2002
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Tue, 02 November 2004 06:23

Been on a trup to New Zulland Justin?
Hope it wasn't your white sprinter I saw firmly embedded in the trees after a big slide across the grass near Belconnen Pool a few days ago?? Pretty sure it wasn't yours.
Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Thu, 04 November 2004 21:07

Drop in the Bowl and you can collect it off me or Cathleen.

Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Sun, 07 November 2004 10:38

Yeah Ross, it's Farran, I'll track down that footage soonish (when i get a moment) and I'll email that video to you, I'll probably make some VCD's of the day for CCG members and alike by the next meet as well if you're interested. I know a few people are.

Location: Canberra Celica Group (CC...
Registered: August 2002
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Wed, 10 November 2004 04:36

Hiya Farran
I am definately interested in a CD of footage and pics. I am collecting as much as I can to post up a mix of pics and footage to show the CCG at its social best.

Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dynoday - Canberra Celica Group (CCG) - 24 October 2004 - Canberra
Sun, 14 November 2004 05:05
I'd be keen on seeing some footage too
Phil L