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I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Thu, 21 October 2004 15:40

personally there is no way i am going as hard as i can, for three reasons, one being the melbourne road trip, two being the AIR drift day, three being the melbourne road trip!
If my car is not functional for three events i am gonna be massively pissed off
Registered: March 2003
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Fri, 22 October 2004 12:55

Ok so who is definately in?
I'll start a list so we all know who is going to be there.

Banned User
Location: sideways
Registered: September 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Fri, 22 October 2004 13:42

I'd be there but :
1. It's a friday - most people will be working.
2. ClubPSi have a drift practice on the 14th.
Registered: March 2003

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Fri, 22 October 2004 17:15

put me down for some track action champ

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: June 2003
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Sat, 23 October 2004 05:56

There's no denying its the cheapest way to learn the track, but Im out for this one for the reasons I said before 
I may come out for a laugh though

Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Mon, 25 October 2004 11:21

At the moment im a maybe. I had some troubles on the weekend with fuel leaking out the back of my car, not too sure yet what the problem is as i havent had a full on look yet, but it will definitely be going in within the next few weeks to get fixed, depending on price im gonna upgrade all the lines and maybe the pump, but ill have to wait on price.
At this stage, i cant see why i wont be there. So put me down.
PS: Sanj you can come laugh at me buddy, s'all good

Banned User
Location: sideways
Registered: September 2004

Banned User
Location: sideways
Registered: September 2004

Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Wed, 27 October 2004 22:20

I now hope i can still make this...My car is at Fours N More as it decided to leak fuel on the Celica im getting every fuel line replaced and a bigger fuel pump.
The next available bookin date was the 10th of next month but the guys are just gonna do a little bit of work on it every now and then, meaning it could be 2, 3 weeks before i get it back But im in no hurry yet...

Banned User
Location: sideways
Registered: September 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Wed, 27 October 2004 23:53

Fuel leak out the back? *thinks of Die Hard movie... yippy ky'ya!*
So your fuel lines were leaking? or the pump?
Everyone reminder - Extreme horsepower this w/e
Location: Adelaide
Registered: October 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Thu, 28 October 2004 01:00

There are no major HQ holden or Ea falcon meets in november so i doubt there will be a huge amount fo them testing out on this day. I know from the HQ guys ive been talking to that they arnt testing much latly due to a fuel issue thats been going around in the HQ league about which fuel is legal and thuis which fuel they need to be tuned to. Seems like this is a good date for it then. I might go out and have a laugh at big jon and prolly end up trying to fix something as things often seem to break when its the first time out on the track for the driver.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Thu, 28 October 2004 09:34

Browny wtf? It has nothing to do with the HQ's or EA's...Its a practice day for the public...You Stooge.
Anyways, i wont be breaking anything on my car cos icant afford to fix anything more after either this week or next week
Registered: March 2003
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Thu, 28 October 2004 09:42

So why was your car at FNM Jon? I saw it there today.
Location: Adelaide
Registered: October 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Thu, 28 October 2004 10:19

yeah jon its a public practise day true. But when are these days the most crowded????? when there is a major race meet coming up. The HQ and EAs dont many set practice days so they use the public ones to test with. When this happens the track is packed and its really not fun for the others.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Thu, 28 October 2004 22:05

Danish wrote on Thu, 28 October 2004 19:12 | So why was your car at FNM Jon? I saw it there today.
Theyre dropping the fuel tank, having a look to see what may have caused the leak, then replacing every fuel line from the tank to the engine (except the steel lines along the body) and ive gotta talk to them about getting a bigger fuel pump
I miss my baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Registered: March 2003
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Tue, 02 November 2004 07:07

Well I just picked up my car from FNM, the brake pedal has never felt better! Master cylinder was swapped for a reconditioned one.
Reminding everyone who is going to check their brakes.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: November 2003
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Tue, 02 November 2004 07:12

I would REALLY love to go but its a friday which means im at work , and the next one isnt until December

Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Tue, 02 November 2004 07:22

Dude, how did my car look? Fark i miss it, coming up on a week without it, over a week not driving it
Registered: March 2003
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Tue, 02 November 2004 08:13

Hehe, it was safe and sound!

Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Tue, 02 November 2004 08:33

Excellent. Thats kinda what I like to these situations anyways!

Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Wed, 03 November 2004 21:11

Ummm...ok, so yeah, i cant afford to go, after the car has broke, and some other fines etc......sooooooooooooooooooo farken farked off...stupid bills and shit...ive still got the day off work so ill see if i can still come out and watch and video, but unfortunately i wont be running this time round *balling eyes out*
Registered: March 2003
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Wed, 03 November 2004 21:43

Oh well there's always a next time

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Wed, 03 November 2004 22:29

Too pissed off to talk about it

Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Thu, 04 November 2004 06:55

Whats with that, dude? Annoyed cos i cant go or something else or like what???

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Thu, 04 November 2004 08:08

big JON wrote on Thu, 04 November 2004 17:25 | Whats with that, dude? Annoyed cos i cant go or something else or like what???
nah man i have to FUCKING WORK!! 

Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Thu, 04 November 2004 10:12

youd be fuckin spewin dude!!! Like Danish said...theres always next time
Registered: March 2003
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Thu, 04 November 2004 11:07

I guess it will probably be just me out there this time!
I'll organise another anyway... hopefully on a Saturday.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: November 2003
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Thu, 04 November 2004 12:43

4th of december sounds good!

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Thu, 04 November 2004 13:24

yeah man 4th of december i am all for as well 
my car isnt getting hot anymore woohoo!
Registered: March 2003
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Fri, 05 November 2004 00:27

4th of December is good as well. I think on the 5th of December the Porsche club is having a Super Sprint day I was going to try out if I could arrange to get work off early. Otherwise the 4th will be good.
I'm still going on the 12th by the way if anyone else is interested.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Sat, 06 November 2004 05:25

Ive got a cruise on the 4th so im out for that date too...grrrr time after that maybe?? lol,
Registered: March 2003
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Sat, 06 November 2004 05:27

There is no luck with you is there!
No track day for you! Come back 1 year.

Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Sun, 07 November 2004 05:13

I can make the december one not the november one, hopefully a decent set of pads + DBA rotors might help too - phear teh brakes.
Quote: | This is not a CAMS sanctioned event, be warned motorsport is dangerous. Pace yourself do not go beyond your envelope.
| Hmmm - methinks I will have to go back from 9/10ths to 8/10ths just to be safe.
Registered: March 2003
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Tue, 09 November 2004 14:11

It looks like there is going to be a bit of bad weather on Friday.
So I'm cancelling this one just in case.
I think most people would rather go to a weekend event anyway, or most people arn't ready yet.
Look out for the next one, i'll post details.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala **CANCELED**
Tue, 09 November 2004 20:53

I think this is probly a good idea Danish...Seen as i think you were the only one in the end that could go!
I'll see what time my cruise finishes, or even starts, on the 4th as to whether or not i go out for a bit and watch, but no, wont have time to run my car.

Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
Re: Track Days At Mallala **CANCELED**
Tue, 09 November 2004 22:48

I'm still crossing my fingers that my GT4 comes good before then!

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala **CANCELED**
Wed, 10 November 2004 02:20

opic but FWDBOY your new avatar is full sick uleah 
nah it actually is hella decent

Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
Re: Track Days At Mallala **CANCELED**
Wed, 10 November 2004 05:24

If I could only ditch the ABS i'd be able to get better action on dirt happening

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala **CANCELED**
Wed, 10 November 2004 06:20

what its not as simple as removing the fuse for ABS?

Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala **CANCELED**
Fri, 19 November 2004 02:35

Hmmm, so whose going out on the 4th? Is it gonna be another one of those events where commitment reigns supreme???
On that note tho, i wont be putting my car on the track unfortunately

Location: Adelaide
Registered: November 2003
Re: Track Days At Mallala **CANCELED**
Sun, 21 November 2004 00:50

I will definately be going out on the 4th!
Few of my mates might be comming along too

Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala **CANCELED**
Sun, 21 November 2004 05:46

Ill be going out, but i wont be putting my car on the track. a dont have any money, b wouldnt really be safe at the moment...

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala **CANCELED**
Sun, 21 November 2004 09:13

danish count me out dude, ive got a head gasket to replace that weekend, if only it were later

Location: Adelaide
Registered: March 2003
Re: Track Days At Mallala **CANCELED**
Mon, 21 March 2005 09:52

Didnt have time to read all posts .but.
Mallala track days give us all a chance to get in our street registered or not cars, pay some cash and hoon around all day on a track againgst race Hq's and rotaries. cant beat the feeling.
They haven't even looked at my car yet, but the other drivers will be searching closely if you're drivn crazy or their fearing your gonna take em out when somethn falls off....
I dont understand that more dont go out. Especially with a group where the fun only gets better. Good place to practice your drifting..........i hear.......will learn one day.
Did any of ya's have times from laps? In my TA22 3tg Turbs I managed a 1:29:00. Just would like to hear how many seconds I have to catch up to ya's thats all.
I Wanna go out with others.....keep me posted.......Adrian

Location: Adelaide
Registered: May 2003
Registered: March 2003
Re: Track Days At Mallala **CANCELED**
Wed, 23 March 2005 15:37

With my new job I don't have time to do anything these days.

Location: South Aus
Registered: June 2003
Re: Track Days At Mallala **CANCELED**
Thu, 24 March 2005 17:16

blue72ta22 wrote on Mon, 21 March 2005 20:22 |
I dont understand that more dont go out. Especially with a group where the fun only gets better. Good place to practice your drifting..........i hear.......will learn one day.
HEY ADRIAN!! long time no see bring the 22... or as ive heard from benen... the 28?? out to a driftday and have some fun !!
i could be up for a track day, I've been on mallala a few times now and know the track fairly well, but havent exactly been there to take the racing line hrmmm Adrian, planning on getting a celica club track day going??

Location: adelaide
Registered: May 2002
Re: Track Days At Mallala **CANCELED**
Sat, 09 April 2005 04:45

Hey i like the look of the S4 in your sig [CatchMe]... it looks like the S4 my mate bought from you a while back!! that is one nice car, best looking series 4 ive seen...
Did u take it out on the track ever?
The 7 went to a good home, blokes that are very enthuiastic about rotor TLC.

Location: Adelaide - Race Central
Registered: June 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala
Sat, 09 July 2005 07:30

I hate to bring up old posts, but seeing as there is a topic here already, could we organise another one?
i would be keen!

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala **CANCELED**
Fri, 15 July 2005 12:32

I think I ight be in too. I tired of waiting to get a "Good enough" car. And since I've stiffed up the suspension now and the eninge is in a pretty reliable state I wanna give it a run. Seems to be a good price.

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: June 2003
Re: Track Days At Mallala **CANCELED**
Thu, 11 August 2005 01:00

On Sept 4, there's a Modern Regularity.
Full CAMS sanctioned event, official timing etc.
You will need CAMS L2S license, fire extinguisher, blue triangle and to get the car scrutineered.
The idea of Modern Reg is to nominate a time and be as consistent as possible. You acrue penalty points for every .1 of a second you are away from you nominated time. The person with the least points wins. Ie. you can win the day even if you are in the slowest car. This doesnt mean you can't go flat out or anything - you most definitely can!
If you're interested email me at
I hope to be out for it, and a few of the SARotors guys definitely will be.

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Track Days At Mallala **CANCELED**
Thu, 11 August 2005 01:04
sanjay how much does modern regularity cost?