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Location: Hackham South Australia
Registered: July 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Sat, 04 June 2005 06:22

The pace will be fairly tame, its only 60k's or there abouts.
Slow to med pace

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: November 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise* stay tuned for details
Sat, 04 June 2005 08:38

yeah count me in, will DEFINATLY have the 5k running soon so im keen as.
cheers harley

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: November 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Sat, 04 June 2005 13:22

yeah this should be sweet. if i get the day off work i will be able to do the whole cruise.
cheers harley
Location: Hackham South Australia
Registered: July 2004

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Sat, 04 June 2005 23:35

dude dont ever post cruise route details in an open thread
you are just asking for cops/defect stations.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Mon, 06 June 2005 08:19

on second thoughts im nota big fan of 60kmh cruisin and gettin stuk behind stupid sunday drivers.
and if we hittin the hills its alot safer at night.
but i guess im down 4 watever.
so ona sunday it is.
do we want in june ? 19th or 26th ?
realy dont phase me i can always make time 2 cruise.
cheers scott
dale email me the cruise route

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Mon, 06 June 2005 08:51

DIY no worries man, sorry if i sounded harsh but cops are the last thing we want coming, we are gonna be civilised anyways.
Just wondering, if u do make it night, what sorta pace is it gonna be? dont wanna offend anyone here, just i know the k series rollas aint exactly fast.
medium pace or?

Location: Gawler
Registered: May 2005
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Mon, 06 June 2005 23:50

OI what is this i hear about rollas not being fast enough. Pffft my rolla will hit 100 kays easy.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Tue, 07 June 2005 09:40

my vote is for night i want medium to fast(corolla) pace.
ur dreaming my rolla sill sit on 130 - 140 easi gota love 5k, 5pd n auto diff.
wats are everyone elses thoughts?
cheers scott
checkd out the route loox 2 be fun b better at nite tho

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Tue, 07 June 2005 11:47

LOL i wasnt talking about top speeds hehe, i more meant cornering and acceleration. im not baggin out k motors, i never would lol
this cruise is some motivation for me to get my ke running again... fuck im slack

Location: Adelaide
Registered: August 2003
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Tue, 07 June 2005 12:12

I would get my GF to bring her KE30 2dr along, but some dick drove into it at her work carpark and did a runner.
It was such a straight KE too.. careless fuckers

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Tue, 07 June 2005 22:19

omg that sucks to hear sean
same thing happened to me i know the pain
Location: Hackham South Australia
Registered: July 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Wed, 08 June 2005 08:30

Just to clarify something for you scott, the distance is 60k's not the speed. speeds vary from 35 to 120ish

Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2003
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Thu, 09 June 2005 09:33

Sean. I can take my bent ke35 so the ke30 doesnt look so bad

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Fri, 10 June 2005 08:37

hey dale yea them speeds is beter but still sunday driving does mean old poeple drivin real slow. and im an impatient fuk
nite cruse i think wood be much more beter
what are everyone elses thoughts ?
cheers scott
Location: Hackham South Australia
Registered: July 2004

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Fri, 10 June 2005 23:55

5pm ona satdee wood be good still gives me time 2 get home and get into the city by 10.
so i like that idea.
nah i just checked it in da map book.
so a date? 25th june call it 5 30? at moana?
cheers scott

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Sat, 11 June 2005 01:25

You guys should meet somewhere not so south
i dont mind meeting south, but thats pretty far...

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Sat, 11 June 2005 05:54

south is betta for meet
north is bad means i have 2 drive further.
any other people gna contribute here?
cheers scott
Location: Hackham South Australia
Registered: July 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Sat, 11 June 2005 08:00

Why a south meeting? coz the course that I have chosen goes south anyway, and there is plenty of carparks at moana. We won't have to worry about people shopping.
BTW pmp 020 25th june is cool but could we begin the cruise at 5:30 and meet around 5:00 - 5:15pm?

Location: Rocky Mountains, Canada
Registered: May 2002
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Sat, 11 June 2005 09:05

Anyone mind if i join in with my Corona (avatar)??

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Sat, 11 June 2005 09:26

scott do you mind if i attend this one in the soarer?
keen to check out the pimp old school rides

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 ANYONE INTERESTED?
Sun, 12 June 2005 00:54

yep 25th at 5pm at moana sounds good 2 me dale.
i rekon we can handle a few odd tag alongs hahah.
aslong as dale has no objections either.
so its set.
see u all there.
cheers scott

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 25th june 5pm Moana Cpark
Sun, 12 June 2005 01:54

see joos there
Location: Hackham South Australia
Registered: July 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 25th june 5pm Moana Cpark
Mon, 13 June 2005 01:08

Yeah that sounds cool fellas. I don't mind if ya wanna tag along and check out the pimpd rollas. I don't have a rolla anymore so Im gonna be there in my 1991 N13 pulsar SSS. I should have the sterio done, so you'll hear me comin'.
I am not biased about just having rolla there, so long as we are not swamped out by every man and his shittodore.
I would like to keep this a toyota thing (besides the fact that I own a nissan).
Remember to meet at the Moana Beach Carpark along the Espanade, just north of the surf life savers club, on either side of the road ( that depends on if i get there 1st).

Location: South Australia
Registered: December 2003
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 25th june 5pm Moana Cpark
Mon, 13 June 2005 04:18

well hopefullyi will be there with redback (ke70) and a new 4a-c engine. havent been too a cruise for a while and i miss em...
all sound good so far

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 25th june 5pm Moana Cpark
Tue, 14 June 2005 08:27

should i message all my rolla peeps so we get a nice lil ke20 show?
good i think so to.
it beta not be raining. 155s, understeer and slippry roads suck.
cheers scott
Location: Hackham South Australia
Registered: July 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 25th june 5pm Moana Cpark
Tue, 14 June 2005 08:40

atleast you have over steer. the pulse whore only has understeer, and when the front wheels lose traction the lil bugger only move straight.
So how many do we have so far? I need to know so I can print directions for everyone.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 25th june 5pm Moana Cpark
Wed, 15 June 2005 12:00

id say print out bout 15 and that should cover it no worrys.
cheers scott

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: November 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 25th june 5pm Moana Cpark
Wed, 15 June 2005 14:16

loving it, would u be able to email me directions before hand dale. Got the 5k n 5 speed sorted now (still with gearbox rattle) but should be a good night out.
catch you all then
cheers harley
Location: Hackham South Australia
Registered: July 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 25th june 5pm Moana Cpark
Thu, 16 June 2005 07:52

sent you a copy, harley.
Hmm.. only 15 you say, i was thinking of copying about 50, but maybe, maybe we could get away with 25 copies.
Not including today, 8 Days to GO!!
Regards Dale J

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: November 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 25th june 5pm Moana Cpark
Mon, 20 June 2005 04:42

yeah dale i got your email but no map inside. could you try again.
cheers harley
Location: Hackham South Australia
Registered: July 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 25th june 5pm Moana Cpark
Mon, 20 June 2005 08:18

Harley: Hmmm... I thought that i forgot to do something when I sent you that. I was supose to attach the file, DANG!
I try again.
TO ALL: I photocopied the direction tonight, we have 25 copies available on the night.
Dido: On saturday I will be the first at the scene, I will make myself viewable. Just look for the white '91 pulsar with it hazards on and that'll be me.
Remember: SATURDAY 5 pm, Esplanade @ Moana, just north of the surf club. Look for the 1991 pulsar with hazards on.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 25th june 5pm Moana Cpark
Mon, 20 June 2005 08:33

im out, going to a 21st
Location: Hackham South Australia
Registered: July 2004

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: November 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 25th june 5pm Moana Cpark
Tue, 21 June 2005 06:36

got the directions in my inbox safe and sound. cheers dale. see u all there this weekend
cheers harley

Location: South Australia
Registered: December 2003
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 25th june 5pm Moana Cpark
Tue, 21 June 2005 08:22

sorry guys i gotta do an engine swap this weekend cant make it

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: November 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 25th june 5pm Moana Cpark
Fri, 24 June 2005 08:05

yeah got my car painted, new bumper white walls fixed up, im ready
Location: Hackham South Australia
Registered: July 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 25th june 5pm Moana Cpark
Fri, 24 June 2005 08:34

dude thats sweet as.
So can anyone give me a figure on how many will be at the cruise tomorrow?
I am pumped, I got the fully sik subwoofers pumpin and the fully sik exhaust except that I don't have a canon muffler.
Well see you all there.
Regards Dale J.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 25th june 5pm Moana Cpark
Sat, 25 June 2005 02:21

ill be there for the start but cant make the hole route.
got chickies to atend to.
dam its hard bein a PMP.
cheers scott
Location: Hackham South Australia
Registered: July 2004
Location: Hackham South Australia
Registered: July 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 25th june 5pm Moana Cpark
Sat, 25 June 2005 14:18

Hmm. That wasn't bad at all tonight. I all who went on the first and missed this one definately missed out.
We started out at moana as planned work our way through McLaren Vale, Blwett Springs, Coromandel Valley, bypassed Blackwood town centre through the back way and finally arriving at our destination exaclty 50 minutes after we left.
There were only 6 cars tonight (thats a bummer) and the cruise only took an hour, from there ke20_rolla and myself cruised to HJ's and well bassy was with us but for some unknown reason he just turn off some other direction.
I think that if I were to plan another it would have to be longer but still include this course aswell. A good route would be to start near the city and reverse the course to finish at moana.
Enough said. I think its time for bed.
Hey I'm a poet and I didn't even know it...

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: November 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 25th june 5pm Moana Cpark
Sun, 26 June 2005 06:41

yeah was a good route. next time i think we should try to end it at some kind of fast food eatery. had fun through the hills. mayB a start some where not so sudden next time. me and DIY had a small talk about that. great night hopefully a bigger turn out next time.
cheers harley

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise*#2 25th june 5pm Moana Cpark
Sun, 26 June 2005 08:28

wasa good cruise after the rally track wasnt to keen on getitnt the nice clean walls dirty.
but got alove the hill run.
NOTE: dont over take commodores doing 80kmph ona 40kmph corner when dale is in front and alredy on the brakes.
goin bak 2 3rd on the brakes isnt best fun wen on incomin traffic is headin for ya.
hahah but was killa fun so if ya feelin bored give it a go.
next cruise should be in the mix in near future.
cheers scott
all you who didnt show missed out i must say.
Location: Hackham South Australia
Registered: July 2004
Re: *Old Corolla Cruise* in the mix #3
Sun, 26 June 2005 14:07

All you cars need fats on the front to handle the next one, i suggest that you guys find some 13*6's and buy 185/60R13 's for the front and get some datto chrome hubbys and leave the 12's one the rear.
Maybe we can all be "Initial D" Ozzy style.
4 me I just need a rolla to fit the criteria, I am setting my eyes on either a KE28 2 door panel van or a KE50 Liftback. My mates friend has a rolla that matches one of these discriptions but he is unable to match, he was under a few beers.
Once i gotta rolla, I'll supercharge it all I need is to rebuild the Vane type blower and hook up a weber and PRESTO; A 60kw 3K motor..
Hmmmm I think I have an idea for the next course and it'll include the last one, just a hell of alot longer.
WE could meet on Refinery Rd in Lonsdale
We will pass Christies Bch to Port Noarlunga via the Esplanade, to Old Noarlunga via River Rd and after Old Noarlunga, we hit south rd to Pedlers.
Stay tuned for more details..

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: November 2004