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Location: Perth, WA
Registered: March 2004
[OST] dyno day
Thu, 16 June 2005 04:40
This is for [OST] members and fellow toymods people
I am putting together a Dyno day with Hyperdrive in Malaga on a saturday 10am in the middle of August (either the 13th or the 20th).this is strickly a fun day, with runs in shootout mode
The cost is $40 per car and i am looking to fill 20 spots, so the first in with name and car will be put on the list.
There will be a BBQ at the end of it so, even if your mates come down and want a feed aswell, then bring along $3. Drinks will not be supplied by us, but Hyperdrive have a vending machine if you feel lazy 
If you have any questions or want to book a spot then shoot me an email at as i am not on here most of the time
Cheer peeps
Robert Arcus

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 16 June 2005 04:44

I request OldSkool cars with big horsepower please! hehe
Unfortunately I don't know if my engine conversion will be done in time, so I may have to give up my spot and join in next time around.
If its a success, OST will organise these sorts of events a little more frequently.
TRD 83
OST Event Organiser

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 16 June 2005 04:48

awww, i don't have high horsepower 
ill come along though, i should be back by that time, and i volunteer my photography massif skillzzZzZZz
not that i have any, but i can try 

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: March 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 16 June 2005 04:50

 | dont need high horsepower for this, it's going to be an OST day, no big arse skylines invading the area 

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 16 June 2005 05:02

hey EldarO - something wrong with my pictorial skills ??

Location: perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 16 June 2005 05:47

we should have a 4age battle 
otherwise we are just going to get chopped 
i may be in, would like to know how much power i have

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: March 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 16 June 2005 07:45

normally for a single car it would be $70 so you are saving $30 guys!!
Location: perth
Registered: January 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 16 June 2005 08:42

i should be able to bring my ra28 18rg along, if the dyno day goes ahead

Location: Perth
Registered: August 2003
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 16 June 2005 08:55

i'll come, i live in the next suburb
maybe have a laugh putting the corona on there
but if i'm quick the 3t-gte could be in there
oh well a few friends with GA70 and MA70 supras should be there

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 16 June 2005 11:59

WA_TRD_83 wrote on Thu, 16 June 2005 13:02 | hey EldarO - something wrong with my pictorial skills ??
no Damo, but i bought a new camera and ive been going around taking pictures of everything.
and ive always had a "thing" for photgraphy, and now ive spent a bit so i can do what i like 
besides, someone has to take pics of your car while its up there 
also, if im back in time (i get back end of july) and its not too late to pay, count the van in, meh, might aswell have some fun 
teh 1.8 litre 2Y-C POWAH!
Registered: August 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 16 June 2005 14:09

Will try and get there, the ZE just might turn the rollers. .

Location: Perth
Registered: May 2005
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 16 June 2005 14:46

il b there put me down

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 16 June 2005 15:29

Ive just found out i come back on the 31st of July at 2 pm.
if youll take teh vanular, put me down for a spot. i guess i can pay via online transfer thingy?

Location: perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 16 June 2005 16:32

EldarO wrote on Thu, 16 June 2005 23:29 | Ive just found out i come back on the 31st of July at 2 pm.
if youll take teh vanular, put me down for a spot. i guess i can pay via online transfer thingy?
pay on the day mate

Location: Perth
Registered: November 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 16 June 2005 16:53

Hey Damo
I'm there..

Location: Perth
Registered: July 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 16 June 2005 17:04

u can put me down, id like to see how the 20v does

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: July 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Fri, 17 June 2005 02:17

phuck jeah im up for this! i need an initial dyno on my beast as i havent dynoed it yet since i got it.

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: [OST] dyno day
Fri, 17 June 2005 02:38

Yeah robbo betta permanantly mark me in for one of those 20 spots, in fact you could pencil me in for 9 of em depending how many cars i wanna bring down
But yeah PEN in the MINI i mean supra
Should be a good day if people dont pike out like they do!!!
Less talk more action people
Registered: November 2002
Re: [OST] dyno day
Fri, 17 June 2005 03:19

Better pencil me in as well.
JCMF wants to flog my 1G-GZE with his 1G-GTE.
I will be lucky if I can turn the rollers myself too....
Location: Perth Western Australia
Registered: October 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Fri, 17 June 2005 08:42

Hey can u guys put me down aswell.. i would like to see wat sort of figures my corolla 20v puts out

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: March 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Sat, 18 June 2005 08:37

cheers for this interest guys, but if you want to put your name down for real, shoot me an email, and i can give you my bank details so you can secure your spot for the day
it just makes it easier this way for me and for you guys just having to rock up and try to turn the rollers 
give us ur name and car type aswell, i dont know most of ya

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Sat, 18 June 2005 10:23

Eldar Okanovic aka Eldar O
1991 Toy Liteace 2Y-C 1.8 litre carby, bestestest injun ever.
Location: Perth Australia
Registered: November 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Sat, 18 June 2005 15:45

Hey guys, just wondering if my mate and his ford falcon can go too? we were gonna dyno our cars but since this turned up, looks like could be fun

Location: Perth
Registered: May 2005
Re: [OST] dyno day
Sun, 19 June 2005 08:38

OST's buddy
Location: perth
Registered: March 2005
Re: [OST] dyno day
Mon, 20 June 2005 01:15

i can go it'll be funny to c the KE70 on the dyno

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: [OST] dyno day
Mon, 20 June 2005 01:56

I'm liking the diversity so far.. It won't be that bad sticking the 1G N/A on the rollers then!
Keep the interest coming guys - and remember.. if you are seriously serious - drop Rob an email so he can add your details to the list.

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: [OST] dyno day
Tue, 21 June 2005 09:21

ra23celica wrote on Fri, 17 June 2005 11:19 | Better pencil me in as well.
JCMF wants to flog my 1G-GZE with his 1G-GTE.
I will be lucky if I can turn the rollers myself too....
I said nothing of the sorts...but if you insist, I'll see what I can do.
Registered: November 2002
Re: [OST] dyno day
Tue, 21 June 2005 12:50

justcallmefrank wrote on Tue, 21 June 2005 17:21 |
ra23celica wrote on Fri, 17 June 2005 11:19 | JCMF wants to flog my 1G-GZE with his 1G-GTE.
I said nothing of the sorts...but if you insist, I'll see what I can do.
You said nothing of the sort on this forum, but your inference on the OST list is like a glove slapped across the face !!!!

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: [OST] dyno day
Tue, 21 June 2005 12:52

Blast, my secret has been found!

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: [OST] dyno day
Wed, 22 June 2005 05:07

Ahh HA! A battle of the 1G power plants..
Look out for the mighty power of my 1G-GEU guys!
Anyone still running the old skool 1G single cam?
Rob - hows the list looking now? any spots left?
TRD 83

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: [OST] dyno day
Wed, 22 June 2005 07:44

Haha, Laurence Scrap Metals has my 1GEU You've so got enough time to get that 7MGTE in there though Damo.
Location: perth
Registered: June 2005
Re: [OST] dyno day
Wed, 22 June 2005 12:45

hmmm any spots left might have afew other ppl who might be interested but they all drive nissans 1 r32 gtr 3 180sx's 1 cefiro 2 exa turbos dont know if u guys mind????

Location: perth
Registered: February 2005
Re: [OST] dyno day
Wed, 22 June 2005 12:53

yep count me in...n see how much xtra hp the sc14 does..
see yas there
hopefully have tha front mount intercooler plummed up

Location: Perth
Registered: March 2003
Re: [OST] dyno day
Wed, 22 June 2005 13:30

I'll be there and probably bring the celica along for the ride.... no dynoing for me tho, wait til i change the carbies for that.
Location: perth
Registered: June 2005
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 23 June 2005 06:54

if there is some free spots left on the day can u pay then????
Location: Perth Australia
Registered: November 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 23 June 2005 11:37

Chuck me down, also put down my friend if you could, he is a ford driver though he wants to dyno his car.

Location: Bunbury, W.A.
Registered: January 2005
Re: [OST] dyno day
Fri, 24 June 2005 11:38

Hey, I will be keen for a spot if there are any left...

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: June 2002
Re: [OST] dyno day
Sat, 25 June 2005 01:07

I'll probably come down to see how things go. Whether I put the SPIDA on the dyno yet, I'm not sure - I'm tempted.

Location: Perth WA
Registered: December 2003
Re: [OST] dyno day
Sat, 25 June 2005 05:33

*puts hand up*
Also a certain JZ20 will be filling a spot
Location: perth
Registered: May 2005
Re: [OST] dyno day
Sat, 25 June 2005 15:50

i used to own a st162 celica... now sold..
now i own a 92' soarer am i allowed to come?

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: March 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Sat, 25 June 2005 16:28

yes, if you have a toyota you can come 
The date will be looking to be August the 20th
this date will be confimed towards the day.
You CAN pay on the day, but, you cannot be prommised a spot straight away, but by all means come down and find out 
i have received some interest on this so keep it coming
and finally, to remind anyone wanting to book a spot, give me a bell on

Location: Perth
Registered: April 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Sun, 26 June 2005 00:39

It should be a great day even if your car is stock. its good to see what power your car has before mods. its a shame that the 6mge will be out of the cressida at that time, might have to bring the corona

Location: Bunbury, W.A.
Registered: January 2005

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: [OST] dyno day
Mon, 27 June 2005 23:30

If I still have my car then Ill come down for a run. Put all you 2 wheel drivers to shame.

I supported Toymods
Location: Australia
Registered: November 2003
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 30 June 2005 04:49

Skip wrote on Tue, 28 June 2005 07:30 | If I still have my car then Ill come down for a run. Put all you 2 wheel drivers to shame.
I take it you have 2WD/4WD and not AWD?

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 30 June 2005 05:14

Yeah selectable of course.
Best part is my transfercase is engaged through vaccum signal (push button on dash).
When the lines receive positive pressure they engage the transfer by themselves. So when you hit boost the car engages 4WD, this is all well and good if the front hubs are locked but creates a whole lot of grinding godness if they arent. I remedied the situation by fitting a one way valve to the signal lines so it don't happen anymore, but it would be a good traction control method if I had a whopping great turbo

Location: perth WA
Registered: June 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 30 June 2005 07:35

So I gather I wont be able to bring the GT4 along. I could always bring a jack with me

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: March 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Sat, 09 July 2005 15:27

Just to confirm the dates here people, it's the 20th August at 10am.
i am pleased to see the interest already, i have filled up 13 spots and if anyone hasnt emailed me at to put their name down, do it now !!. As the only people who can run have to be down on my peice of paper 
If their is no more interest then i will be forced to open it up to other clubs :{
oh, and stickers should be there on the day for peoples aswell.

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: [OST] dyno day
Sat, 09 July 2005 15:30

My name is on the list right?

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: [OST] dyno day
Mon, 11 July 2005 00:29

yer! I'll be there..
If the mighty XX is back on the road by then I'll run the 1G on the dyno for a laugh
ps. still looking for a 84-85 style Supra front bumper.. anyone .. anyone at all ??
TRD 83

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: March 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Tue, 12 July 2005 09:12

justcallmefrank wrote on Sat, 09 July 2005 23:30 | My name is on the list right?
if you have emailed me then yes........otherwise no

Location: Perth
Registered: November 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Tue, 12 July 2005 09:17

I gotta pull out.
ct12a has gone pop....
that makes me sad
Sorry Damo

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: [OST] dyno day
Tue, 12 July 2005 09:38

guilty_19 wrote on Tue, 12 July 2005 17:12 |
justcallmefrank wrote on Sat, 09 July 2005 23:30 | My name is on the list right?
if you have emailed me then yes........otherwise no
I e-mailed you via the OST list from memory What does your list say? If it says nothing, count me in fo' shizzle.

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: [OST] dyno day
Wed, 13 July 2005 00:32

just send him a email again..
it takes a few goes for Rob to get in gear
looks like i may have sorced a front bar from SA too.. so provided my car is fixed, I may actually be able to run!
TRD 83

Location: Wa
Registered: May 2002
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 14 July 2005 01:56

might be able to come down and have a look, if the piston skirt for the #2 piston hadnt broken i would have done a run with the 2T/3T hybrid to get some definite info on its power. Only a short drive for me, im in Ellenbrook

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: March 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 14 July 2005 04:52

WA_TRD_83 wrote on Wed, 13 July 2005 08:32 | just send him a email again..
it takes a few goes for Rob to get in gear
looks like i may have sorced a front bar from SA too.. so provided my car is fixed, I may actually be able to run!
TRD 83
i got peewee down..... just give us an email to biggie
DAMO - how many have you got lined up???

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: [OST] dyno day
Thu, 14 July 2005 05:46

Rob - how many officially do you have on the list then?
Maybe drop a list of the names that have a spot so far..
I don't have anyone on my list - I didn't know I was meant to be making a list!?
I think you've got most of it under control.
TRD 83

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: March 2004
Re: [OST] dyno day
Fri, 15 July 2005 02:21

oh ok
assumed u had someone.............might of just been me 
ive got 13 people on here
1. myself
2. Pewee
3. Damo
4. Chris Cairns
5. Daniel Wright
6. ADZ
7. Matt Henderson
8. Eldar OKanovic
9. Ben McIntosh
10. Kim Nguyen - with possible friend
11. Dion Christie
12. Anthony - AE86 Trueno (didnt get ya last name)
13. Russ Knight (may not be able to attend)
so if you arent on here..........

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: September 2003
Re: [OST] dyno day
Fri, 15 July 2005 03:09

yeah man - I got a few more people coming - but not interested in running on the Dyno..
Maybe my mate John might wanna stick his Mk3 Supra on there - I'll ask him tonight..
and I'll mention it to a few others I see on the weekend, see if I can fill up the last few spots.
TRD 83
*note: I'm a maybe at this point - I'm hoping my car will be repaired in time!
Location: Perth
Registered: February 2005
Re: [OST] dyno day
Fri, 15 July 2005 10:55

I'll let you know if i can come but i wont spin the rollas....
(car isn't anything special....)
Go the 4A-FC....
i need money....
Wildsupra bring the mini.... love to see it in action....