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Toymods Forum Sponsor
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
FS- ARC front mount suit JZA70 Supra or maybe JZZ30 Soarer
Tue, 18 February 2003 13:54
core size 460x325x70 and as stated came off a JZA70 Supra with 1JZGTE engine. Probably suit a JZZ30 Soarer as well or anything you care to bolt it to.
email for further info
cooler is in Brisbane
Location: Gold Coast
Registered: June 2002
Re: FS- ARC front mount suit JZA70 Supra or maybe JZZ30 Soarer
Wed, 19 February 2003 14:24

price would be handy

Toymods Forum Sponsor
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: FS- ARC front mount suit JZA70 Supra or maybe JZZ30 Soarer
Wed, 19 February 2003 23:15

yeah probably would be
Asking $900 ono
Location: NSW
Registered: August 2002
Re: FS- ARC front mount suit JZA70 Supra or maybe JZZ30 Soarer
Wed, 19 February 2003 23:18

Jzz30 Soarer needs a wider core, like 700mm wide. Can get new ones to fit Soarer for less than $800.

Toymods Forum Sponsor
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: FS- ARC front mount suit JZA70 Supra or maybe JZZ30 Soarer
Wed, 19 February 2003 23:29

So a JZZ30 Soarer requires a bigger intercooler when its powered by a 1JZGTE then a JZA70 Supra also powered by a 1JZGTE? Amazing, perhaps you should go work for ARC as they are clearly doing everything wrong. Oh and a new cooler for less then $800? I bet its a real beauty
Location: NSW
Registered: August 2002
Re: FS- ARC front mount suit JZA70 Supra or maybe JZZ30 Soarer
Wed, 19 February 2003 23:35

Buddy, the JZ30) Soarer is wider across the front of the radiator than the JZA70, the tanks with bends you have do not suit the JZZ30 unless you want to go straight thru the radiator with your pipework.
They are extremely good, several club members running them at 250: RWKW. Don't know where you do your shopping.

Toymods Forum Sponsor
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: FS- ARC front mount suit JZA70 Supra or maybe JZZ30 Soarer
Wed, 19 February 2003 23:42

ah there see, a simple explanation rather then a rash statement makes everything much simpler.
Standard GTR cores will flow sufficient to provide 250+rwkw and can be had for less then $600 at the right place. Saying you can get a new core for less then $800 when comparing to a top line Japanese manufacturer is liking walking into BMW and bitching about the price of their cars because "you can got to hyundai and buy a new car for less".
If you want to shop at hyundai its your choice, me I would rather shop at BMW.........
Location: NSW
Registered: August 2002
Re: FS- ARC front mount suit JZA70 Supra or maybe JZZ30 Soarer
Wed, 19 February 2003 23:47

2 Points,
1 - The Intersooler you have will not fit a JZZ30 Soarer. (end of storey)
2 - You have not proven that the IC for less then $800 will flow any worse than what you are selling. Actual cost is $700, for 700x350x70 core and tanks. (you havn't proven a point here)
End of conversation.

Toymods Forum Sponsor
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: FS- ARC front mount suit JZA70 Supra or maybe JZZ30 Soarer
Thu, 20 February 2003 00:37

"End of conversation"? what is this, Jerry Springer?
Firstly, once you explained you first silly comment in a rational manner I conceded that you may be correct as I was unsure of the point myself. That is why I said MAYBE JZZ30. It only takes a mature approach to things which Im sure you will learn as you get older.
Secondly Im not trying to PROVE anything. Especially to you of all people. If you wish to run your cooler that you can get that is wonderfully fine by me, I have absolutely no problems with it at all. In fact I encourage you to continue along the same vein as you are clearly happy with what you have.
Now before you yabber on with more rubbish I suggest you read this page here as it will tell you a lot about efficiency of intercoolers. You probably need a 700mm wide core with the ones you buy as their efficiency is lower then a properly designed Japanese core. Japanese cores are not expensive because they look good. They are expensive because they are very very efficient, and you dont need to fill the entire front of your car with intercooler so you can run your 20psi boost without splitting the engine in half with detonation.
Now I have to thank you for destroying my thread
Location: NSW
Registered: August 2002
Re: FS- ARC front mount suit JZA70 Supra or maybe JZZ30 Soarer
Thu, 20 February 2003 00:57

I don't have time to waste with this, but i promise I won't respond after this.
1 - This is an open Forum. I was providing advice to you and potential buyers that it would not fit a Soarer and that it could be a little expensive.
2 - You initiated any confruntational attitude by responsing "So A JZZ30 Soarer ...." attempting to be smart!
3 - I am well over 40yrs, so not sure what growing has to do with it.
4 - I have had several MA70 Suipras and have an MA70 Supra Turbo along side a JZZ30 Soarer Turbo in my garage at the moment. I have rebuilt many and modded more.
5 - Nothing suggestes to me that you smaller cooler is any more effienent that the larger ones I know of for $700.
6 - If your argument stands up, I have not destroyed your thread. I'm sure the readers
Again - Open Forum. Helping poeple out with advice. Letting people know what is available for the money.
Your Intercooler may well be worth the money you are asking. It would take a flow comparison to tell.

Toymods Forum Sponsor
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: FS- ARC front mount suit JZA70 Supra or maybe JZZ30 Soarer
Thu, 20 February 2003 01:31

but how can "educating" people be such a waste? Especially from someone with such a wealth of knowledge as you? You see the intercooler actually has the piping running under the radiators lower support member, not through the radiator or around it as you seem to think. But being as intellectual as you are I guess you were just kidding around hey?
Being over 40 has not helped your arguement as you should know better but clearly dont. I guess I was spot on with the Jerry Springer quip.
I will make a point for you to contemplate ok. Power at the wheels does not necessarily mean an efficient cooler!!! Efficiency comes from a combination of heat dissipation and minimal flow loss across the core. I have seen a supercharged V8 turn the rollers to the tune of 500+hp using a very small K&J cored intercooler all at 15psi. Now take that cooler and turf it on the garbage heap and fit your monster. At the same pressure it would probably develop more power as due to its size it will get rid of more heat and allow more aggressive tuning.
Its entirely possible that the cooler you speak of is as efficient as the ARC unit, but it has to be a lot larger to equal the jap design. I dont possess unlimited time to debate things with limited people however since we are educating people apparently I will again point you to this page and you will learn that big does not mean better in the world of intercoolers and age does not mean smarter either.

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS- ARC front mount suit JZA70 Supra or maybe JZZ30 Soarer
Thu, 20 February 2003 13:27

Just to bud in here with my 2 cents worth.
These sorts of hypothetical arguments don't do much for the forum and I don't like seeing a long standing club member offering information to other members being ridiculed by you, a relatively new member, just because the information you provide is challenged.
JZZ30MAN is referring to my ARE cored 630x300x75(core size) front mounted intercooler. It is a genuine custom intercooler designed for a turbo charged, hi-performance, petrol engine and not a cut down and dipped truck core. My intercooler dropped my intake temperatures at Wakefield from 70+ degrees with the stock side mount to under 30 degrees with the front mount at similar ambient temperatues but with substantial more torque/power output. The pressure drop from the turbos to the intake manifold across the intercooler was reduced by about 2 psi as well. Low and mid range torque received a substantial hike and max power was increased by about 15% at that level of modification - all for $700. Current level of modification of the engine and support systems does not allow the engine to make more than 250rwkw - this does not mean this intercooler will not allow more power to be generated with further modifications.
He is very correct in his advice that your intercooler is not appropriate for a well suited fit on a MKIII Soarer, as you suggested, without considerable modifications - cooling/air flow to the radiator would probably be comprimised after shrouding your intercooler, pipework is inappropriate, height is marginally excessive and the size is not significantly larger than a stock Soarer intercooler. Most Soarer owners would agree that your intercooler is too narrow, even the common stock GTR replacement that you mention is 600mm wide.
When comparing efficiency of intercoolers, this needs to be done in relative terms. You can not say that your 460x325x70 $900 intercooler is more or less efficient than the 630x300x75 $700 one as neither has been tested on the same equipment under the same conditions. You could assume that if your core was 600mm rather than 460mm wide using the same construction method and material it would be more efficuent and that if my $700 intercooler was 400mm instead of 630mm using the same construction methods and material that it would be less efficient. This argument is also without consideration for inlet and outlet pipe sizes and end tank design.
I would argue that ARC make excellent intercoolers but unfortunately are rather expensive as a result of cost of Japanese labour. I would also argue that high quality Australian sourced/made intercoolers are at least as good but at a more reasonable cost.
For a MKII Soarer or MKIII Supra application, I believe your intercooler size is appropriate if the buyer is happy with your negotiable price but, for a MKIII Soarer application (as you suggested) I would agree with JZZ30MAN that there are more appropriate and more economical new and used intercooler options available.
FWIW, it mat be your post but it is 'our' thread once it is posted on a public forum and our right to challenge your information or destroy it, to use your words. This is not a commercial business selling with the safety of statutory consumer protection and as such is a case of buyer beware - as a group of enthusiasts, we regularly challenge information where clarity is required as a means of our consumer protection. It's the nature of posting on public forums and discourages bad dealings between members.
Apologies for my long, wordy post - my English lacks the eloquence of others.
[Updated on: Thu, 20 February 2003 13:41]

Toymods Forum Sponsor
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: FS- ARC front mount suit JZA70 Supra or maybe JZZ30 Soarer
Thu, 20 February 2003 23:31

Lacks eloquence? lacks truth too I would say. I dont mind people backing their buddies up but at least try and make it honest.
"Jzz30 Soarer needs a wider core, like 700mm wide. Can get new ones to fit Soarer for less than $800."
That was his post, in entirety ok. Now no car NEEDS a core 700mm wide. I could fit one 300mm wide if I wanted, just increase the length of the pipe work. Had he said that intercooler is too narrow for the front of a soarer as the position of the rails will foul etc etc etc then it would have made sense. Instead he says a soarer needs a bigger core and he can get it cheaper for a non jap cooler. Fine if he can go start his own thread advertising a cooler which cannot be compared to the one I was trying to sell. You even said yourself they cannot be compared without being side by side. I dont go into others threads on any forums and post stuff for less, if I can get something and supply it for less I have the decency to start my own thread.
Now to you...
"and the size is not significantly larger than a stock Soarer intercooler"
What sort of drugs are you on? A stock Soarer intercooler core in a JZZ30 turbo is 245x220x100. How can something 325x460 be considered NOT SIGNIFICANTLY LARGER? Just in case you are wondering, I have a soarer intercooler right here which I measured right now just for you. Can provide a picture if you really need convincing.
"your intercooler is not appropriate for a well suited fit on a MKIII Soarer, as you suggested"
I never said it was a well suited fit, I said it MAY FIT!! MAY MAY MAY, it means possibly fit not definately fits.
As a result of your ignorance I wont be returning here, so you can start your little jumps of joy now if you like. Preferably under a ceiling fan those please, might knock some sense into you.
Location: NSW
Registered: August 2002
Re: FS- ARC front mount suit JZA70 Supra or maybe JZZ30 Soarer
Fri, 21 February 2003 00:11

Just remember that I never mentioned the efficiency of your intercooler, although you repeatedely used efficiency as an argument to attack me.
My point always was that the IC you are selling will not fit a Soarer, as you were not sure. Also that your pricing sounded a little high.
I think you have things a little out of context here.

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS- ARC front mount suit JZA70 Supra or maybe JZZ30 Soarer
Fri, 21 February 2003 07:27
You're arguing in circles and you're getting too personal for my liking.
I'm done wasting my time with you.
sayonara - and good riddence