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Forums Junkie

Camden, NSW
June 2002
DRUGGO TRUCK DRIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wed, 19 February 2003 23:28 Go to next message
I swear on my life this guy was on goey or poppin e's or something.... heres the story:

I just left home wid my mate n g/f in da car bout to go back to her house... i turned onto narellan road near the narellan maccas and recognised some1 pulling out of mitre 10 so i waved (as u do) neway just as we were driving under the bypass this truck pulled over on me almost running me off the road n im like wtf!!! ok then musta been an accident cos he didnt see me... then next thing i know hes tailgating me about 2cm's from my car n using his compression brakes to stop millimetres from my car. So here i am in a tiny sprinter wid 2 passengers n this big mother of a truck tailgating me, we all decided to get away from him... so at the roundabout near the new indoor centre i went infront of a car and so there was now a car between me and the truck n so he preceeded to tailgate that car untill it got out of the way n then floored it passed me and got a fair way infront... i thought YAY hes gone but no.... he slows down so i get behind him at a reasonable distance, thinking nothing of it i then glanced at my cd player to switch songs and SSSSCCCRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECCCCCCCCCCCCCCHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHH i glance back up n have to lock my brakes up as i see he has just done it for no reason!!!!!

So now im pissed... i drop it into seccond n tear past him and just my luck i get stuck at da fkn lights to turn towards macarthur square off narellan road... the truck pulls up just infront of me in the other lane n hes swearing n shit but looked like he was drugged out... so i let him go n get right off him...he goes into glen alpine too so im thinking ok he will be i slow down n then turn around a little bend n there he is sitting on the side of the road.... i thought he would try pull out on me... so i floor it n get it to about 130 to go past him n i fly by him as he tries to pull out... neway now i was going ok...what if he follows me so i turn down the round about n head toweards my g/f's place n luckily for me he didnt follow!!!!

What was dis guys problem? if i see him next time, ima gonna jump outta my car wid my clublock n beat the fuck outta him just for scraing the shit outta my girl... noone does that n gets away wid it!!!!
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November 2002
Re: DRUGGO TRUCK DRIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thu, 20 February 2003 04:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
bad luck man..campbelltown drivers aren't the best..especially the ricers who think they're good drivers cos they're all over the road with no signal lights

and yep truck drivers are worse..most of them tailgate way too close
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Forums Junkie

January 2003
Re: DRUGGO TRUCK DRIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thu, 20 February 2003 04:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
poor you lucky it didn't get any further or anything bad happen
its the sprinter man !
people can't get enough of them lol
he must of seen your sprinter and thought it was a nice car and he was jealous so he decided to do all this stuff, or simply he is bored and so doped out he must think its fun to follow people, cause his a ****head.
Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

January 2003
Re: DRUGGO TRUCK DRIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thu, 20 February 2003 14:01 Go to previous message
Bleh that sucks, its usually commy drivers that do it to me, just drop to 20Km and piss 'em off. Sadly when ur up against a truck this aint the options, glad your ok Smile
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