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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

May 2002
[OT] Kill joy Sat, 01 March 2003 11:47 Go to next message
Don't you hate when people put you down using something you like or a hobby to attack you?

i've setup a personal website that was supposed to be a diary for my corolla. conversion, modifcations and all related. I had this feeback system. And naturaly you'd have so called friends drop by to check it out. Now one's fed up and left me a comment; i think you should give up on your car. and get real friends.

I know who it could be. 1 out of 3 persons. But i don't really care. I guess what craps me the most is how i tried so hard going out of my way and being nice to them. And i get this. like i know stuff about them what people talk behind there backs and all but i dont use it. And they hit me with degrading talk. Blah!

These people are so arrogant and jump to conclusions. I hate it when people come in to bust your day. It's like you having a natural disagreent about something but you wouldn't jump in out of nowhere and say it out.

Sometimes it suxs when you try and you achieve nothing and worse brought futher with crap
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November 2002
Re: [OT] Kill joy Sat, 01 March 2003 17:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
fuck em man

they most probably just wanna put you down so they can feel better about their lame selves

at least you're passionate about something, and you're having fun
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May 2002
Re: [OT] Kill joy Sat, 01 March 2003 19:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hey dude, you rock!
Its such a good feeling to be able to do something yourself and see the results and *hopefully* feel the results when you finish the task, and the sort of shit some people can sling while you do it is just stuff to ignore, it is such a shame that some people can get so bored and so fucking misunderstanding and I can talk from experience. I've had so much pride in what I've done recently, 1J into cressida, and *most* of my closest friends would even try to cut me down, leebroozlee is right fuck them, do what you want, if it makes you happy, it's just an accident that it makes them sad, cos they havent got anything to be even close to proud of, so they gotta cut you down. They're never gonna feel passionate about anything that they do, so they're losing out in every way.
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: [OT] Kill joy Sat, 01 March 2003 20:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
check this out.. i know who it was all along 26ad03316db7675164e3f0c8be270e9

starting from bottom to top

[Updated on: Sat, 01 March 2003 21:00]

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: [OT] Kill joy Sat, 01 March 2003 20:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
freebles your so true on that one.
heh all's these years i wasted trying to be friendly and nice.

i hate these games that girls play! arghhh

ok i know what this is about now..

my car broke down last week. i needed a lift home. so naturaly you ring a friend who's most likely near your area right? i called somebody. and yeah she was busy at uni so i said ok. now i get this.. you shouldnt only call your friends when you need something. and the person i called was someone i did things like a lift to parramatta becuase she wanted to. photoshop tutorials so should do do her hsc exam. and all i did was call to see what time it was to remember the accident and maybe even get a lift.

people always miss out detail when swapping stories. so it makes the original story and people involved look bad.

[Updated on: Sat, 01 March 2003 21:04]

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Forums Junkie

December 2002
Re: [OT] Kill joy Sat, 01 March 2003 23:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
"i wasn't trying to put you down. i was just making a point. and when people are trying to help you. take their help."

I don't know the rest of the conversation but you are your own person you decide what you do and nobody else. Good on you for having a hobby obviously its not your only hobby if you have designed your own web page.
People will always give you advice when you don't ask for it, this is good that they want to help but the advice that they give is usually only relevant to their own life experience and not yours so theres two things that you can do with this:
1. tell them to shove it or 2. be polite and listen then walk away and forget the whole conversation.
I personally get this all the time people feel that they need to be a good Samaritan or some shit, my opinion is go and join the salvation army if you want to be a part time councilor.
I agree with frebbles it is such a huge sense of pride and achievement when you stand back and have a look at what you've just done with your own hands its just not the same thing when somebody else does it.
I ran into a guy at the pub the other day and we were having a chat he must have had a few issues because he had started a book that was titled Men are from Mars, Women are f*%ked i reckon he will sell it to.
If you do want some advice here it is:

[Updated on: Sat, 01 March 2003 23:26]

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: [OT] Kill joy Sun, 02 March 2003 00:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
fuck em
if they're nasty enough to put down your hobby, which you obviously enjoy and get a great deal of satasfaction out of, then they're not worth having as friends.

I've got rid of all my friends who were hangers-on, leeches, and 2-faced. It means I can trust all my friends now, and know they're not gonna turn around and stab me in the back.
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Forums Junkie

December 2002
Re: [OT] Kill joy Sun, 02 March 2003 00:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Agreed i did the same about 12 months ago and i have never looked back. Just think of it as cleaning out the recycle bin on your computer.
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: [OT] Kill joy Sun, 02 March 2003 01:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah done that. well just some irratating ones that give you crap keep comming back. hiding and indirectly targeting you or do so by back stabbing.

atleast all the good ones i missed are commingback Smiley =

and thats so bull crap how she thinks i dont try to communicate with those so called friends. who's the one actualy saying hi, and making an effort to initiate convo's. i need some industrial strength pest spray.

[Updated on: Sun, 02 March 2003 01:21]

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Forums Junkie

August 2002
Re: [OT] Kill joy Sun, 02 March 2003 08:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
its all good mate

i know feel your pain all too well...

ya just gotta cut them people loose because you dont wanna bring your self to that perticular level..

altho sometimes its all so easy to do.

keep ur head up high dude, do wat makes you happy and the fuck to wat anyone else thinks

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: [OT] Kill joy Sun, 02 March 2003 08:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
you know what i gotta say the people here rock!
not at all snobby and just want to come here to grab some info.

but i guess everyone here learns from experience or from one anothers.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: [OT] Kill joy Mon, 03 March 2003 05:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I'd suggest that you continue doing what you're doing; if you enjoy it, and it isn't harming others, then I say "Go for it".
As for putting a web-site together, I am also doing the same thing (More just frigging around with Front page than any real "web-site design" per-se), and if people don't like it, they're more than welcome to "make like a turbo" (and blow me! Laughing )

Seriously though, you'll find as you get older that those kinds of comments/opinions (and the people who make them) will mean less and less to you...

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: [OT] Kill joy Mon, 03 March 2003 12:49 Go to previous message
Well i made it loud and clear. If she wants to fight, bring it on. Ill hit you hard with the truths when you talk about something. This girl's an ex and we went out over 3 years ago. why she still bugging me i dont know. why she judging me becuase shes bored. if she doesnt care about me then why talk crap about me!

get out of my life, im out of yours
you didnt want me. you left me.
and i was there for you when you needed something, even though you didnt expect me to help you or whatever. i tried to talk to you and offer you answers and advice to your queries. and i get this. totaly opposite of what i have done and you say you dont care.


seriously next time i'll get her for harrasment. im totaly fed up with this.

no one should be played around like this.
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