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Location: Canberra
Registered: October 2002
My first speeding ticket
Sat, 01 March 2003 13:41
Hey all. Last august i got my first speeding ticket and now that I've paid it off its time to reveal my evil deed.
Date 27/8/2002 (days after my B/Day)
Time 10:00 am
Car (this is ridiculous)
White Toyota |SEDAN|? Its an ST162 for christ's sake.
Offence: Non-School Zone exceed speed limit by > 45 km/h
Speed: 110KPH Zone Limit: 60 KPH
Note that i no longer drive so wrecklessly, but i still think its something worth framing!!
Location: Canberra
Registered: October 2002
Re: My first speeding ticket
Sat, 01 March 2003 13:44

Oh and the fine was a whopping $1447 and 6 points.
Normally ACT drivers only have 4 points, but i did a special course which gave me 4 extra and the right to take off my P's!
Club Member
Location: Sydney, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: My first speeding ticket
Sat, 01 March 2003 15:30

WTF??? What course was that??? I wish NSW would do something like that...

Location: Canberra
Registered: December 2002
Re: My first speeding ticket
Sun, 02 March 2003 00:55

I had a mate a few years ago who got done doing 200 in a 100 zone on a bike with a bald rear tire. Ended up with a $600 fine and lost all but one point the cop hand delivered the fine to his front door.
The guy actually made it on to John Laws talk back the next day (i hate that man) where he got bagged out on national radio.
Location: Canberra
Registered: October 2002
Re: My first speeding ticket
Sun, 02 March 2003 01:37

It's called P-Off. And yes, the ACT rules. It's a rogue state when it comes to licensing rules

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2002
Re: My first speeding ticket
Sun, 02 March 2003 04:18

i got caught at 135 in an 80
got the same fine.
same points..
but i copped a 3 months suspension
the coppers were really pissed off..
saying i should go to court and crap
and they knew i was on the brakes. aparantly...
as a result.. i no longer drive in such a fashion.....
Location: Canberra
Registered: October 2002
Re: My first speeding ticket
Sun, 02 March 2003 05:11

Same here. i think the cop that stopped me was too enthralled by his prior donut purchase to really be angry with me.
On top of that. He booked me for not displaying my P's!!
Overkill if you ask me

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2002
Re: My first speeding ticket
Sun, 02 March 2003 08:14

yeah they'll do that
but hey... if they have made you slow down.. was it worth it?
just some food for thought
Location: Canberra
Registered: October 2002
Re: My first speeding ticket
Sun, 02 March 2003 12:39

So who teh hell are you anyway? i swear it was you at P-Off

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2002
Re: My first speeding ticket
Sun, 02 March 2003 20:30

lol trust me,
ive never done a P=off course.
altho im thinking about it now.
but it cant have been from p- on course
because ive never been to one.
so who the hell are YOU!
Location: Canberra
Registered: October 2002
Re: My first speeding ticket
Mon, 03 March 2003 01:00

I'm completely bloody stumped... as to who YOU are

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2002
Re: My first speeding ticket
Mon, 03 March 2003 02:10
yeah me 3
and i gotta say its pretty wierd,