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Location: cambo
Registered: May 2002
engineers cert. why bother?
Sun, 09 March 2003 10:59
sorry for my long bitch but...
whats the go with the law and engineers certificates? a guy came in to my work the other day to get a defect cleared on his swift GTi. its got some nice mods to it, one of which being the fairly common mod of the pod air filter. the thing is, this guy has been pulled over a number of times (not for being stupid but, the car draws attention) where the cops have tried to defect him for items such as the pod filter, each time he has shown them the engineers certificate clearly showing the pod filter has been passed ok. however the last such incident the cop has just ignored the certificate completely and gave him a deffect notice. so the guy has to pay for a replacement airbox and filter, and the notice to be cleared.
whats the go??? you try to do the right thing and they still shaft you. im nearly finished my engine conversion so can someone please tell me why i should bother spending all the money on an engineers certificate when ultimately the cops can do what they want?

Location: Coffs
Registered: May 2002
Re: engineers cert. why bother?
Sun, 09 March 2003 11:44

what thats crap. You should be able to take him to court.

I supported Toymods
Location: south of the big smoke
Registered: May 2002
Re: engineers cert. why bother?
Sun, 09 March 2003 12:20

after having along chat with my engineer aparently they cant Pass Pod filters they can just mention that they are installed
My engineer is currently in talks with the government whoevers and is about to a test on two brand new falcons, one with pod one without and pending the results on emissions and induction noise will result in the legalities.
he believes that it dont change crap all
also why have a enginners cert, cause they determine weither ya insurance company pays up or not! and if ya get a fine or not, like when ya get pulled over by the anti pod cops
guys im tired as i hope this all makes sence if not

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: engineers cert. why bother?
Sun, 09 March 2003 12:36

ahhaa anti pod cops.
if they pulled me over they'd be more worried about where the front plastic piece for my air filer is than the fact the motor has two hair dryers hanging off the side of it.

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: engineers cert. why bother?
Mon, 10 March 2003 02:37

heehee - anti-pod copper would go off his nut if he saw my engine bay.
Four trumpets + socks.... hrm.. "4 PODS! Thats 4 times as illegal!"
Its all gay, but thats just the way things are
Location: the riff
Registered: February 2003
Re: engineers cert. why bother?
Mon, 10 March 2003 04:58

ill put it to you guys like this; i drive like a fukn idiot a lot of the time. when its wet i often spend the entire day drifting...
Insurance will only cover you if your car is 100% legal therefore if you hit a telegraph pole and you have a pod filter the insurance company "can" say no and your then forced to pay the government $250,000 to replace a fukn wooden pole.

Location: cambo
Registered: May 2002
Re: engineers cert. why bother?
Mon, 10 March 2003 07:24

well with all the people here with pod filters, im sure theres heaps, and all of the people with pod filters who have had an acco, can anyone give any detail wether or not their insurance claim was rejected due to a pod filter either engineered or not?

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: engineers cert. why bother?
Mon, 10 March 2003 07:43

Well i know with shannons....if it aint street legal ...they wont cover u
and if your car isnt right.....doesnt mean theyll knock back the claim .....they have the right to....but they might wanna keep u if your a good customer

I supported Toymods
Location: Berowra-Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: engineers cert. why bother?
Mon, 10 March 2003 07:52

i wrote my celica off, it had heaps of pollution shit disconnected, oil all through the engine bay, webers with socks on the end as well as a broken pan hard bar mount, still got my money for the car, they never fully look over the car, often the smash repairs take photo's of the car and send it to the insurence company who then decides if the quote the smash repaires gave is correct or not, if correct and classed as a write off then a truck comes and picks it up.
then you get a phone call from some lady at NRMA trying to get out of paying for your car because she claims she can see hail damage on the car and bad rust "this is from just looking at a few photo's of the car" you then tell NRMA to get fucked that there was no hail damage and rust wasn't that bad and quote to them that the smash repairs guy said there was no hail damage and rust was minimal then tell them if they are not willing to pay up you will take it further and take them to court. then the lady from NRMA will say "well under the circumstances we will pay the full amount the car was insured for"
Thats how insurence companies work so you just tell them to get fucked and that you will take it further if required and they will pay up.

Location: cambo
Registered: May 2002
Re: engineers cert. why bother?
Mon, 10 March 2003 07:58

ohwell i guess il still get an engineers cert then. anyone know what they cost roughly for a gze into sprinter? is it extra for them to include brake upgrade, suspension, even the little things like after market steering wheel?
Location: sydney
Registered: March 2003
Re: engineers cert. why bother?
Mon, 10 March 2003 08:14

How much , and roughly what is needed to get a cert. for 17in rims on a ae92, the are 3mm to wide. I ask an unamed engineer in penrith but he told me that he wont do rims cause it is to complicated, personally I think he is full of shit.

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: engineers cert. why bother?
Mon, 10 March 2003 09:08

dont forget you will probably need an engineers cert to get rego, dont you?

Location: cambo
Registered: May 2002
Re: engineers cert. why bother?
Mon, 10 March 2003 09:42

naaah ya wont.

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: engineers cert. why bother?
Mon, 10 March 2003 10:55

about $400 for eng cert
and you dont need one if you have a friend who's a green slipper
unless the crash is serious, a lot of insurance companies will just nod and hand over the money
not that I've ever been in a serious crash (well, that I told any authorities about), so I wouldn't know
this coming from a guy who technically isn't insured, green lsipped, or engineered

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: engineers cert. why bother?
Mon, 10 March 2003 10:59

$400??? Ripped off! I found an engineer here in Brisbane that does the job for less than half of that!

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: engineers cert. why bother?
Mon, 10 March 2003 11:02

well, this is for a 1jz-gte ma61 conversion, not the simple gze
that's just waht I heard through the club, haven't actually been

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: engineers cert. why bother?
Mon, 10 March 2003 11:04
I got a guestiment quote for the 3sgte in my ta22 and it was less than $200!