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Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2002
RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Sat, 22 March 2003 00:43
this happened a while ago but im proud of it!
this christmas i had to drive to albury to see all the relations
my car is nothing special. just the 18rc with a sports exhaust and some old school wheels.
so i finally arive in albury and i see another a car with ACT plates and P plates..
it looked pretty crap but sounded ok had some pretty wide wheels and had too bogan looking chicks in the car..
so we pull up at the lights and they are kinda giving it a bit of a rev and looking over my car..
so i turn the stereo down a lil and give a little rev, not knowing if they were going to give me a go..
the lights go green and we both go for it,
it was head to head thru first but i got the lead on second by a car length.. changing to third i let it drop back to the 60 km speed limit and give a wave as they fly by...
not much of a win but its good enough for me!

I supported Toymods On probation
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Registered: January 2003
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Mon, 24 March 2003 02:41

LMAO.... bogan chicks....cracks me up every time!!!

Location: Mornington Peninsula
Registered: September 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Wed, 26 March 2003 21:45

Nothing wrong with Chick's in Torana's!

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Thu, 27 March 2003 21:46

lol you shoulda seen these ones tho!
nah they were cool, just heaps scary lookin
lol i was pretty worried i was gunna get beaten tho, but i showed them good!!!! hehe

Registered: May 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Fri, 28 March 2003 09:13

hey dude, sorry to say it but a 202 in an LH would chew you up and spit you out in a stock celica, hell, I wouldn't even be too confident in an 18rg.

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Fri, 28 March 2003 10:33

well i dunno if they was going as hard possible
but i know i sure as hell was!!!!
id say they woulda had me if we had of kept going thru the gears
i dunno wat sorta condition thier motor was in.
but my motor is in great condition,
but yeah, i had em untill i backed off, and thas all i know!! hehe

Location: Mornington Peninsula
Registered: September 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Tue, 01 April 2003 02:03

It's a bit like the time that I was in my dad's 1.3ltr 1983 pulsar and a 2 door BMW convertablem,lowered, mags, exhaust etc. pulled up next to me at the lights. They were looking at me in my car so I thought I'd give them a drag, well anyway I kicked there ass by about a car length or 2. I was really happy with that. All show and no go!

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2002

Location: Mornington Peninsula
Registered: September 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Tue, 01 April 2003 04:13

Nothing worse than a sleeper to put you in your place!
When my RA23 was running like a pig on heat I was beaten buy a grandpa in an old morris minor. He wasn't even trying!
I hung my head in shame!

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Tue, 01 April 2003 04:17

i think the biggest shame i had was like the first day i got my RA23, with the boat anchore for a motor
18rc, and this old grampa looking fella over took me at like 140 in this old school chrystler,
the embarassing was.. i tried to catch him!

Location: near chris and murray vic
Registered: July 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Tue, 01 April 2003 04:48

umm i dunno about a 18rc, but i could keep up with a mate's worked 202 LJ (apparently nearly xu-1 spec...) with my 18rg, so im pretty sure i'd be faster than a regular one
odubt i'd have a chance against his new torry tho... worked 308 slr (just wait till i can afford a 1ggte )

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Tue, 01 April 2003 06:34

the 18rc is like a boat anchore..
hehe i still say the C stands for craptacular!

Location: Canberra
Registered: December 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Wed, 02 April 2003 00:36

Yesterday i took on a Audi A4 1.8T i was quite surprised because i managed to keep up with it to about 100 which was the speed limit. The only thing ive done to the 18r-c is jetted the carby everything else is bog stock

Location: Mornington Peninsula
Registered: September 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Wed, 02 April 2003 02:08

If that torana was near xu-1 spec then there is no way that you'd be able to keep up with it. My dad owned an original that raced in Bathurst (no mods) and he said that he's never been in anything like it since. He's still got the manual at home for tuning the tripple sidedraft strongburgs!!! He was stuffing around in his VX berlina and was telling me that it still doesn't have the same takeoff and power as his xu-1.
My 18r-c in my Number 1,2 and 3 celica's are all boat anchors, but the 4th has some get up and go in it. Slightly modified when rebuilt with webber, extractors and sports exhaust! My 5th 18r-c will become an 18R-G and then will be turboed, intercooled etc! If that doesn't fly then something is wrong!

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Wed, 02 April 2003 02:47

i bought a bucket of bolts RA23 with an 18RG with twin solex's
and supra 5 speed..
lol if that dont go alright,
im going straight for the 1GGZE
oh yeah gimmie some of that supercharged goodness!!!!
i think the only reason to i want to get the ZE is because i wanna install a switch that turns the super charger on and off..
so i can run around on a 2lt 6, and then i can switch the charger on and give people a run,

Location: near chris and murray vic
Registered: July 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Wed, 02 April 2003 10:33

well i dont know how near to xu-1 spec it was... it did have the head completely done over, but no triple carbs dunno what else was done, but it was a beast!
and no, i dont think a stock 18rg nearly compares to a 190 hp race engine (mabye if i put a turbo on it??? )

Location: Mornington Peninsula
Registered: September 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Wed, 02 April 2003 22:38

Once my 18R-C becomes and 18R-G I'll be getting a turbo!

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Thu, 03 April 2003 02:58

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm turboiey goodness!

Location: near chris and murray vic
Registered: July 2002

Location: Mornington Peninsula
Registered: September 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Thu, 03 April 2003 22:37

It could be? I don't know, haven't really looked into it. I bought a reco'd 18R-C for $150 and then my b/f said lets do this and this and this to it and I said ok if you pay and he said yes.
Can't really complain!

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Fri, 04 April 2003 04:43

when its not ur wallet.. who gives half a crap? lol J/k

Location: near chris and murray vic
Registered: July 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Sat, 05 April 2003 00:04

well good luck with the conversion, and i guess it doesnt really matter if your boyfriend pays for it, his problem

Location: Mornington Peninsula
Registered: September 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Mon, 07 April 2003 05:17

Yeah, he actually has enquired about an 18R-G that's in WA so depending on the price I might end up getting that. A good friend of mine re-co's engines at mate's rates and we know a lot of people who can get us really good deals on all this sort of stuff. But I'll pay for some of the stuff cause it is my car.
And we want to prove a point to my brother that RA23's are better than KE70's!

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Mon, 07 April 2003 09:29

lol if he thinks other wise than hes goin loopy!!!

Location: Mornington Peninsula
Registered: September 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Tue, 08 April 2003 01:40

Yeah, him and his mate have similar crapollas. It's funny cause they always try to out do each other but at the end of the day they still have the stock engine in there and they both look like the family run-a-bout with all these wanky features on them!
RA23's for ever!!

Location: near chris and murray vic
Registered: July 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Wed, 09 April 2003 13:26

hey ke corollas rule!! best ever thrash bomb, as you dont care if you hit a tree with one, unlike the superior celicas

Location: Mornington Peninsula
Registered: September 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Wed, 09 April 2003 22:30

Yeah, thrash bomb is ok but when you go and spend $200 on a steering wheel, $200 on paint and then several hundred on a sports exhaust (no extractors, stock 1.3ltr engine) and won't replace the streched to the shitter clutch cable then it's just a joke.
I wouldn't care if anyone hit my blue celica <<<<<<< (Jokey), get the money for it, it's all good, got 3 others to then worry about.
I love car's with no crumple zones!

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Sun, 13 April 2003 04:31

Hmmm, thinking about it, the 202 is really a bog of a motor, it really nothin specail but u have to consider the fact that the torana had passangers in it and from what i gather from your story i gather u did not.

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2002
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Mon, 14 April 2003 00:27

just me
so yeah.. with no weight in either of em i dunno how it would have ended up..
but yeah i always thought that a 202 was shit unless u put tripple carbies on em....
a friend of mine has VK with a manuel 202 and its a bucket of shit!
Location: bris
Registered: February 2003
Re: RA23 vs 202 LH torana
Thu, 01 May 2003 06:10
for old pushrod inline 6's 202 (and their little bro's) have amazing potential and great revability for a 3.3L
when i was first starting out in cars my first project was not even close to XU-1 spec motor in a LJ 4 door, easy 14.4 quarter with only wild cams, high compression pistons, pacemaker extracotrs, yella terra head and balanced and shot peened bottom end (and on 185's )
i think most ppl in these forums underestimate the holden 6's
btw, someone said they beat a near XU-1 spec torona? i'd like to see that... either it wasnt XU-1 spec, or your lying