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Forums Junkie

May 2002
More shitty drivers ffs !!! Tue, 18 June 2002 08:07 Go to next message
fukn buses !!!!!

driving home in the wet
bus's being cocky wankas as they are, one pulls out infront of me going the opposite direction, (Coming towards me) turning right, meaning he has to cut infront of me, so i slam the brakes, lock em up, its wet so i go weeeeee, my front left hits the bus's left rear.

the pricks being a fukwit trying to make up bs, he was shaking so he knows he's in the wrong.
so i gotta go through insurance to determine who is at fault cause police dont deal with "minor accidents"

anyone know what insurance company STA bus's are with ?? cause i gotta contact them

but umm yeah

he is at fault, bus cause im young and ethnic hopefully i dont get fucked over

left front quarter panel needs replacing, left front indicator smashed, left part of the grille needs replacing. and little damage to the bumber
i think thats it, i only looked for a second
gotta insepct more

fukn sic of shitty drivers !!!!

yeah im gonna go draw a diagram of what happened while its still fresh

the prick has managed to get 2 witnesses that somehow reckon i was in the blame too !!

they were walking along and they say yeah u did bad !!

bs !!!

ill try and draw up a diagram and scan it

to post up the diagram to i click on "insert image" and give the address of where it is on my pc??.... or does it have to be on the net ??
bah !!

im in yr 12 i got no time for this bs !!

[Updated on: Tue, 18 June 2002 08:07]

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Forums Junkie

Brisbane, QLD, Australia
May 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Tue, 18 June 2002 22:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Check your tyres out. Are they still legal? If not, get them fixed asap so they can't screw you on that.

Yea, I hate busses too. Every time I see one I always actually say out loud 'fkn busses'. Or when I get stuck behind one and am getting cancer from the fumes 'fkn diesel crap'.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Wed, 19 June 2002 04:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah tyres are kool
everything is kool
i got the car blue slipped and rego'ed at the start of june so they cant say my car is dodgy

but one thing i did do was spray my pedals silver just for a laugh
they might say that the brakes were slippery cause of that
should i say the pedals came from the wreckers like that or should i clean them off ??
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Forums Junkie

Brisbane, QLD, Australia
May 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Wed, 19 June 2002 05:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
If they bother you just pick up another set at the wreckers and temporaily use those.

Hope you have good luck with this.
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Occasional Poster

June 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Wed, 19 June 2002 16:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
dude how fast were you going?
but really, if you hit the rear of the bus, they might claim that there were plenty of time for you to realise the bus is turning, and you didnt slow down cos the bus was wrong.
young and ethnic eh.. you might want to put lots of foundation on wear a polo shirt, part you hair, and wear R.M. Williams pants and shoe, jamm a carrot up yors ass, and then say you live in the North Shore, and goes to school at Knox.

really what you need to do is stay chill, be responsible, and do not use the f word with talking to anyone. (i used it with the nrma, but thats another story) and talk to someone about the accident, and see if they can see things that you dont see.

good luck with it. dont stress out too much, no one got hurt...

(DISCLAIMER: personal experience with a couple of north shore yuppie scumsm and i do realise not all north shore kids are like that.)
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Thu, 20 June 2002 06:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah i swore once at the driver
umm...i wasnt speeding at all
yeah i hit the rear of the bus ...but its cause i tried to veer away to avoid the accident ...but unluckily locked em up and hit the rear of the bus
didnt wanna veer too much cause head ons are not fun

and it was impossible for me to speed cause there was an S bend b4 the incident
it should be all good hopefully
it better be cause the quote is around $1200

ill let u all know what happens
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Toymods Board Member

September 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Fri, 21 June 2002 08:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sorry to here that Manipulate.. Buses are bastards.. They always lean on that law that states that if a bus is leaving a bus bay you must give way at all times.... Bulls&*t.. What gives them the right to be able to pull out whenever they want to ???
Unfortunatly when they pull out they do it nice and slowly... just to annoy you!!! Dammit.... Stress....all bad.. I need to take up smoking again@!@!!

Good luck !!
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Fri, 21 June 2002 09:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
nah nah nah
read the story properly
he didnt pull out infront of me to overtake me
otherwise id be in the shit no matter how badly he did

he was coming in the opposite direction (towards me) along a road and he needed to turn to HIS right into a street
meaning having to cut accross my path
he didnt give enough distance and pulled out infront of me and blah blah etc
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Fri, 21 June 2002 09:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
smoking might kill you before the buses do be careful hehehe
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Fri, 21 June 2002 12:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Use threshold braking in the future dude,

Driver Only:

squeaze the brake down, putting on more pressure, as soon as you feel it lock up both fronts (left front can lock, tis ok) ease of a little bit. Look WHERE YOU WANT TO GO, NOT what you are trying to avoid.

Remember not to try and use your steering to get you out of something your feet got you in Smile.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Thu, 18 July 2002 01:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i called up the guys at QBE insurance 2 weeks ago and gave them a witness statement
i hadnt heard back from them since so i gave them a call today and go "yeah whats going on i havent heard back from u guys"
they claim they havent received the statement
so !!>..i gave it to them again just then, minus the signature. so i gotta wait till i can contact my witness to get it signed

fukn assholes

i was hoping my car to be fixed for the megacruise but it looks like ill be cruising around with a messed up left front then

Some ppl can be more useless than George Bush

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Taree, 4h nth of syd
May 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Thu, 18 July 2002 10:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hey bro, my uncle controls the buses in monavale, do u know the bus number and what was the location??? i will try and find out what insurance company they use

Eddie (Darola)
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Thu, 18 July 2002 15:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah i got all his details its all good
and their insurance company is QBE
thanx anyway Eddie

after i confirmed that they got the witness statement this time, they said they are sending around someone to assess my damage on friday 19th July

i THINK that means that they've accepted it as their fault

but i aint getting my hopes up

will keep u ppl posted as im sure u r all on the edge of your seats awaiting the conclusion of this incident
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Mon, 05 August 2002 07:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I win !!

Now to get my Sleeka in tip top condition again
cant wait to get a brand spanking new clean as front bumber !! along with a few other things

Celica - 1
Bus's - 0
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

July 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Mon, 05 August 2002 07:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
inertia did you do an Ian Luff driving course? because thats exactly what they teach you.

And Manipulate i feel for ya, but thank god we haven't lost another celica to the scrap yard, i've had many times i've nearly hit someone from people moving in front of me. once i was driving on a two lane road i was beside the bus then i noticed its front indicator go on and he stated pulling over into my lane i had to move onto the wrong side of the road and floor it to get in front of the bastard.

you hear about people bitching about 4wd's being unsafe and should be banned well how about bloody busses they are the ones who think they are king of the road.
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Southern Sydney
August 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Thu, 08 August 2002 12:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You think thats bad.... I had the same thing happen to me when I was only on two wheels..... that I mean on my motorbike [CBR 250RR].... not some kind of crazzed stunt driving technique.

Anyway.. when the bus merged on me I zipped around in front of him and scrapped through.... Glad I wasn't in my soarer cause no chance that would have made it through.

The thing that really shiteeed me though was that the Bus driver had the nerve to honk at me!

He didn't even realise he had almost turned me into roadkill.

So I stopped my bike in the middle of the road...(peak hour, Stacey St, bankstown mind you) spun around and gave him the Bird! Really effective on a bike.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Sun, 22 September 2002 13:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message

They paid me $1080

I got all my parts for $250
didnt really need the bumper so really i got it all for $150

now THAT's a nice freekn payment

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

I think i shall upgrade my wheels
and perhaps stereo

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Mon, 06 January 2003 07:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
And upgrade i did

Just to establish my hatered for BUSES again

today going along condamine street (a main road)
bus pulls out of his bus stop coming into my lane ....theres no way i can stop in time.....a quick check of the blind spot and i merge to the right lane.....if there was a car there i would have had to hit the bus.....and i guarantee i would have been done for it cause u need to give way to buses

pretty funny actually at the red light ahead i stick my body out the window and proceed to spit and signal at him

BAH !!!


[Updated on: Mon, 06 January 2003 07:06]

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November 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Mon, 06 January 2003 17:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
nice work! and congrats!

they're not half as bad as taxi drivers though Mad
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May 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Tue, 07 January 2003 00:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I hate buses as well, Ive had many close calls. They are worse than 4WDing North Shore soccer mums.

What nationality are you manipulate? Im a little ethnic man myself too. Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Mon, 17 February 2003 04:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hey Ronin

Im Persian with a little bit of Turkish

Yaself ???

(Ps: Typing with a serious face makes it look like your working)

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May 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Thu, 20 February 2003 04:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Im a little Lebanese Man.

Yalla I shout you a Kebab one night. Laughing
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Thu, 20 February 2003 23:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Laughing Laughing

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Sun, 23 February 2003 09:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
totally OT, but....

do you have any other pics of your car ronin? from looking at your avatar it looks very nice
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May 2002
Re: More shitty drivers ffs !!! Mon, 24 February 2003 01:49 Go to previous message
I'll post some up on a mates webspace and get you a link.
Might take a while though as they are on an old pc and will have to dig them up.
There are some floating about on the baords from cruises over a year ago.
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