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Location: Barossa valley SA
Registered: January 2003
always carry a fire extingisher
Sun, 06 April 2003 23:55
I am sure there are plenty people out there who already do have an extingisher in their car but in case you don't and you have a modified car go and buy one and install it today!
I found out the hard way the other night. I had only driven my car for the first time that morning since the 7m conversion. I was busy for most of the day and did not get a chance to drive it properly till that night. So in the evening I went and picked up a mate and then headed of to another mates place. I was still being careful and was by no means driving it hard but when I got onto my first peice of gravel road, just down from my mates place, I decided to have a bit of fun. So I went nice and carefully around the corner then once the road sraightned I let her out a bit. Hit boost in second and and as I expected she fish tailed nicely and the same again in third. I was enjoying myself nicely until my mate pointed out that there was a bit of smoke coming from the gearstick, I immediatly thought oh shit Ive roasted the clutch, but on looking up and seeing flames coming from underneath the bonnet I said a little more than shit.
It turned out that I had routed the remote oil filter lines too close to the turbo and once it got hot enough the pressure had burst it, spraying oil all over the engine bay starting with the hot turbo. Fortunatly using my jumper the coolant resevour a pale ale and a fire extingisher that my mate brought pretty quickly when we rang him, the fire didnt burn for very long.
I am going out today to buy some new oil hose a shit load of degreaser and a fire extingisher to mount in my car. If you dont already have one I recommend you go and get one today.

Location: Mornington Peninsula
Registered: September 2002
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Mon, 07 April 2003 05:12

You're bloody lucky.
I actually nearly lost one of my car's to fire on the weekend. I laugh at it now, actually I did then cause the car isn't my pride and joy but anyway, my RA40 hadn't been started for a while and my brother and dad insisted there was petrol in it cause they could see it squirt out of the jets when trying to fire it over but it ran out last time I was driving it. So my dad decided to pour petrol strait down the Carby. Anyway it backfired into the container of petrol,set the container alight which he threw into the air, set his jeans alight, the carby had a fire in it and so he was smothering that with a rag while trying to put himself out and the burning container landed in the grass and caught the grass on fire so my brother was trying to stomp that out. No one was hurt luckely
They then decided to put the petrol in the tank and not down the carby.

Location: Barossa valley SA
Registered: January 2003
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Mon, 07 April 2003 10:56

sounds like quite an entertaining little comedy act
I can laugh at it now that I know there was no damage but I assure you that I wasn't laughing at the time. It's not a nice feeling when you look up to find flames and black smoke pouring from under your bonnet.
One of my mates was saying yesterday that when his codia caught fire he just said screw this, bailed and sat on the other side of the road and watched it burn.

Location: Sydney
Registered: November 2002
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Mon, 07 April 2003 15:04

good idea..they're only like $20 for a little extinguisher right?

I supported Toymods
Registered: February 2003
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Mon, 07 April 2003 23:33

no, they are more. i think about $50.. but whats $50 when your life, even worse, your car is involved??
one of these saved my house, and my mates RX3 that he had poured $60k+ into the past 8 years. a boot full of C-16, and the car being under my garage roof.. the plastic fuel line for the pressure gauage had caught on fire..
hmm.. s#$t happens.. thank god it didnt blow..

Location: West Sydney
Registered: February 2003
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Tue, 08 April 2003 00:01

You can get extinguishers from BIG W for around $30.00.
Defiantley a good investment... Had them in my last two cars.....

Location: Barossa valley SA
Registered: January 2003
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Tue, 08 April 2003 01:17

I bought a decent Quell extingisher from the local hardware store yesterday for about $40 and thats a decent sized one. all I did was teck screw it to the floor in front of the passenger seat.
its deinitly a worthwhile investment, the jumper I ruined trying put the fire out on saterday cost more than that.

Location: Sydney
Registered: November 2002
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Tue, 08 April 2003 13:30

KMart has some Fireater fire extinguishers for $19.99
Mitre 10 has an Exelgard fire extinguisher for $29.95
No idea what sizes though.

Location: GoldCoast/Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Sat, 19 April 2003 00:31

Hmmmmm guys just a lil bit of info.... you most likely know already but oh well my 2 cents.
Its not just a matter of buying "AN EXTINGUISHER"!! Just a thought but do you guys know what type of extinguisher you are buying?? ie. Dry chemical, water, foam??? This I beleive is important!! Water will do jack shit to an engine fire!!
PS: If you get a dry chem one, every now and then turn it upside down and a bit of a pat and shake as sometimes the powder settles at the bottom of the cylinder and then it comes time to use all you get is a "pffft" and nothing!!!
I supported Toymods
Location: South of Wollongong
Registered: May 2002
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Sat, 19 April 2003 04:20

I bought a fire extinguisher (dry chemical) from supercheap for $21.20 today. (20 % off everything ). Just wondering where the best place to mount ot would be?
7mgte, u screwed it to the floor....where else?
and thanks for the tip SPEEDCORE

Location: Barossa valley SA
Registered: January 2003
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Sun, 20 April 2003 00:38

$21 you can't complain about that.
and yeah dry chemical is the way to go, they usually say what type of fire they're for
Im not sure how much room there is in sprinters but mounting it on its side along the trans tunnel is another option. Some people mount or keep them in the boot but every second can count if you want to save your car.
Club Member
Location: Sydney, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Thu, 24 April 2003 12:57

I reckon the best and easiest place for an extinguisher in the car is in the passenger footwell on the side of the transmission tunnel...
I'll have one there and one in the boot aswell... Just incase the amps get a bit hot...

Location: Brisbane
Registered: July 2002
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Fri, 25 April 2003 15:25

The only thing about those Supercheap fire extinguishers are that them brackets (plastic) break easily!
Mine broke so this is how I mount mine:
Hah hah ...
Autobarn ones cost around $50 but you get a metal bracket I do believe ... that is perhaps where all the extra dosh goes.
Club Member
Location: Sydney, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Sun, 27 April 2003 08:11

I tried to fit mine on the trans tunnel and it can't go there ...
I dunno where to mount the in-cabin one now... I'm thinking infront of my seat on the floor...

Location: Barossa valley SA
Registered: January 2003
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Tue, 29 April 2003 00:23

mounting it on the floor in front of either front seat works well just slide the seat forward as far as it will go then mount it so its nearly touching the seat.
as for the broken bracket, one option would be to mount a piece of metal to the floor or wherever then use zip ties to attach the extingisher, if you couldn't snap a couple of zip ties when your car is on fire then you mustn't love your car enough!

Location: Brisbane
Registered: July 2002
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Tue, 29 April 2003 08:56

7mgte83 wrote on Tue, 29 April 2003 10:23 | as for the broken bracket, one option would be to mount a piece of metal to the floor or wherever then use zip ties to attach the extingisher, if you couldn't snap a couple of zip ties when your car is on fire then you mustn't love your car enough!
... that was funny ...
Somehow I don't picture myself doing that ... already had problems when my previous grill was attached by zip ties ...
I might as well use a shoe lace or something.
Club Member
Location: Sydney, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Tue, 29 April 2003 11:46

Why move the seat forward as far as it will go??? The extinguisher will be in my way then... If for some reason I need to move the seat forward (I have a 5 door), I'll remove the extinguisher from the bracket and slide the seat forward...

Location: Barossa valley SA
Registered: January 2003
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Tue, 29 April 2003 22:42

aah sorry you know us self centred supra owners, only think in terms of two door
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Registered: February 2003
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Wed, 30 April 2003 04:05

anymore than two doors is a waste
mk2 owner and proud of it baby
BTW glad to hear your whole car didnt go up

Location: Barossa valley SA
Registered: January 2003
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Thu, 01 May 2003 00:22

I thought it was going to when I first saw the flames, scared me a hell of alot more than the occasions when Ive been in or close to having car accidents with other people driving
Club Member
Location: Sydney, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Thu, 01 May 2003 10:04

7mgte83 wrote on Wed, 30 April 2003 08:42 | aah sorry you know us self centred supra owners, only think in terms of two door
Hehehe... Thats what I thought... Hence why I wrote that my car is a five door... I thought you might've forgotten...

Location: Barossa valley SA
Registered: January 2003
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Fri, 02 May 2003 01:25

thats nothing, you should see the strange looks I get when I get into the back seats of 4door cars via the front
Club Member
Location: Sydney, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Fri, 02 May 2003 09:11

That wouldn't surprise me with you Supra owners ...

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Sat, 03 May 2003 04:11

what always gets me is having the seatbelt for the front seat so damn far forward in 4-door cars.
I go to reach behind the seat to get it, and it's nearly in front of me!

Location: Hornsby, N.S.W
Registered: September 2002
Re: always carry a fire extingisher
Sat, 03 May 2003 04:24
you cant go wrong have a extinguisher in the car.
my friends premier had an engine electrical fire, and luckly he had the equipment to fight the fire.