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Toymods Board Member
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Tue, 08 April 2003 06:28
so as not to hijack Dave's thread i have cut and paste Yogi and Luke's posts here so they can continue their 'discussion' without hijacking someone elses thread.
vent yourself here boys and i'll lock it if it gets out of hand.
Quote: |
Luke you said!
why not push those feeling a little on the "too far to drive" side to actually do it. Cause once u've done it once, you will never wanna miss out again.
aaahhh. sorry dude not everyone feels the same as you.
pff.. w a f w.
ps.. just out of interest, a few people wanna know what 'race track' in australia your bike did 330kmph on?
pff W A C S!
what does that matter, L!
""sorry dude not everyone feels the same as you. ""
Yogi, u've never been to a "toyota nationals" , so you have no idea what it is like. If you think your too kool to hang out at the nationals, well thats cool. U always have to have a little say 1st when i mention something, so this time i'm just having a say back... cause i am not a yogi arse kisser like u've come to expect. haha.
Well here we go again,
I have been watching this crap go on for the last God knows how long between Yogi and Luke and after the last couple of weeks I have had I am going to have a rant.
I cannot see in any Toyota Nationals thread any comments about the Official Toymods Event (Car Rally/Treasure Hunt) so please keep your comments out of this one.
Comments like:
pff.. w a f w.
ps.. just out of interest, a few people wanna know what 'race track' in australia your bike did 330kmph on?
What is the point???? Why don't the both of you get a room or a thread and rip each other to shreads for all anyone cares.
Then comments like:
Yogi, u've never been to a "toyota nationals" , so you have no idea what it is like. If you think your too kool to hang out at the nationals, well thats cool. U always have to have a little say 1st when i mention something, so this time i'm just having a say back... cause i am not a yogi arse kisser like u've come to expect. haha.
Where do you get off saying crap like that! Not many of us have been as fortunate as you to have been to an "Official Toyota Nationals" when we were ready willing and able to attend they were cancelled.....even Yogi made the especially LONG trip from Wollongong to Dubbo for the Non-Existant Event. Don't even enter the realms of saying what people might think, Yogi did not even mention being "too cool" to go!!!
I think you are being very childish, and for the record Yogi can be just as childish as you but I think your comments are unwarranted. I am not doing this just to defend Yogi (he can more than capably do that himself) or because I am a Yogi "arse kisser: as you so put it (I prefer to kiss other parts of him!).
Please just keep it civil guys!
You forgot to quote yogi too , that would made it look a little less one sided.
Regarding the motor bike question, i could have started a new thread but that would have been extra effort, i have a few mates who race motor bikes and i've been informed that no production road bike can hit that speed on a race track in aus, so, i'm just asking mr yogi to explain where about he hit 330kmph, or infact is he just pulling his peepee.
[Updated on: Tue, 08 April 2003 06:29]

Location: Sydney Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Tue, 08 April 2003 06:47

the sun is yellow, the grass is green,
why be such a friggin queen! hehe.

Location: Perth - Cannington
Registered: December 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Tue, 08 April 2003 06:51

the grass is green???
OMG... i should ge my eyes tested.. i thought my front lawn was brown!!!

Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Tue, 08 April 2003 06:54

I believe that I categorically answered the "330KPH" question in the "Road bike ideas" thread;
In short, it is not possible for the mentioned bike, nor for any of the other (current) production bikes I mentioned...

Location: Sydney Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Tue, 08 April 2003 06:55

the sun is yellow, your grass is brown,
so stop being such a friggin clown.

Location: Sydney Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Tue, 08 April 2003 06:56

so i want to know when yogi said, life begins at 330kph, been there done that, what did u exactly mean??

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Tue, 08 April 2003 06:57

DannyGT4 wrote on Tue, 08 April 2003 16:28 | so as not to hijack Dave's thread i have cut and paste Yogi and Luke's posts here so they can continue their 'discussion' without hijacking someone elses thread.
Can we hijack this hijacked thread?

Location: Perth - Cannington
Registered: December 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Tue, 08 April 2003 06:59

hehehe.. i think my grass is dead.. that might explain brown...
not sure though.. could be all that petrol on it.. i dunno.
Shutting up... ill stay out of this for now.. i jus thought the rhyme was funny
Location: NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Tue, 08 April 2003 07:24

I LOVE verbal punch on's!!!
Thats some funny shit .
Oh, i also heard that his Celica does 275km/h in 5th gear at "just" 5000rpm......and that was from the horses mouth!!
Let the slinging begin
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Tue, 08 April 2003 07:28

It must have like 2.1:1 gears.
Location: NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Tue, 08 April 2003 07:32

LOL.....with 0.5:1 5th to boot!!

I supported Toymods
Location: south of the big smoke
Registered: May 2002

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Wed, 09 April 2003 03:27

One of my mates tellz me that he reaches 300 on the track on his Hyabusa? is this not true? should i tellz him to take his hand off it?
I know the busa will do that..
Location: up yours!
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Wed, 09 April 2003 03:28

Luke mate... whats wrong? whats with all the argo??
It sounds like you may have taken something I said to heart and hurt your little ego.
If you could please email me your current address, I will be more then happy to send you a big bunch of flowers, a box of Kleenex and a wonderful card with a couple of kitty cats on the front, better still if iam in the area, I will do my best to come over and give you a shoulder to cry on.
My email address is
Now why arnt i surprised that phil is here holding your hand as always, it seems Luke that you cant do or say anything with out Phil watching your back.
In regards to the Toyota Nationals, where exactly did i criticize or make comment of the event????
I gave my personal opinion of Dubbo itself.
You see I personally support the idea of the Toyota nationals and wish it the best of luck this year and the years to come.
Unlike you Luke I do not criticize or ridicule an event I have never been too! So get your facts straight!!
And what is so wrong with giving people a second option over the long weekend??
O.K so lets talk about events!
I know for a fact that I can turn up to any Toymods event and not have to worry about having to talk to you! The reason I believe this is, that your not a team player. In the two years that I have been involved in the club, you have not once lifted a finger to help promote the club at a show or event level.
At the last Small car Sunday, the board and other hard working members of the club worked into the little hours of the morning preparing a club display to promote Toymods and it paid off with the club winning "the best club display". you cant buy exposure like that and i am dam proud to be a part of it!
Yet you always full back on "other commitments" as an answer for your absences, well dude that "excuse" is wearing thin.
If you can find the time to play on these forums surelly you can make the time to attend a couple of events?
As far as i can see all you have to offer this club is your membership No. which should go to the current president at the time.
12 months ago if we were to have this discussion we would of been told to get a room or even have this tread locked.
But today we have been given our own thread front row center by one of your old committee members. what does that say to you?
I know i don't have any personal problems with any of the board members.
Phil old mate!
Why are you wasting your precious time and energy in the general discussion when you should be filling out your FOR SALE thread.
I do recall you saying "i will sell it if it doesn't do 300kw!"
and as you have stated in your post it is only doing 300hp, you have got to be pissed with that effort, i know i would be!
But come to think of it......after your last attempt to try and sell a car on these forums ending with an angry mob wanting to punch your head in, I would think twice before placing your ad on here!
As for my bike!
Iam currently researching the spec's of my model bike and i will get back to you with them, even if iam wrong! The current info i have is from my mechs and you all know what can go wrong if you only go off info from your friends!
Luke! Question?
where did I say I was on a race track?? you keep coming back to that??
And will a photo of the speedo in action be enough proof of a top speed or do i need more, for iam forever finding myself having to prove myself to you!
In closing after my long winded reply!
If you want to lower yourself to petty name calling, then do so, it only makes you look like the idiot!
Seeing how i have only recently brought a new house the internet in not easy for me to access, so dont take a long time between my replys as some sign that you have won some little victory, its just that iam getting on with my life
lots of hugs and kisses

Location: Sydney Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Wed, 09 April 2003 04:00

Quote: | Luke! Question?
where did I say I was on a race track?? you keep coming back to that??
And will a photo of the speedo in action be enough proof of a top speed or do i need more, for iam forever finding myself having to prove myself to you!
Well your stupid and careless for doing a speed like that on a public road. Isn't it you that is always saying take it to the track???? hmmm????
Quote: | In the two years that I have been involved in the club, you have not once lifted a finger to help promote the club at a show or event level.
Yep, i've done nothing for toymods. Pull your head out of your arse, and smell the fresh air.
Quote: | Yet you always full back on "other commitments" as an answer for your absences, well dude that "excuse" is wearing thin.
If you can find the time to play on these forums surelly you can make the time to attend a couple of events?
Ok, so lets hold an event on a time i don't work.. how about Monday, 12 midday?? Sound cool. Does it mean anything to u that i havn't had a weekend night off for 2 years?? Infact this toyota nationals weekend is the 1st in a very long time, and i cancelled all gigs which was hard to do.
Don't knock phills car, it pulls twice as hard as yours and he hasn't spent $50k paying other people to do the work.
ANyway, i don't want flowers off you, just want u to stop pulling ur dik and admit that u havn't been 330kph on race track, and if that is true, admit your a careless prick for doing stupid speeds on the road.
End of story... u can email me at
Location: up yours!
Registered: May 2002

Location: Sydney Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Wed, 09 April 2003 06:27

Am i mentioning them all the time?? nooo... i think it is those who seek out the penis that see it more often that it is displayed.

Location: Sydney Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Wed, 09 April 2003 06:33

Quote: | As far as i can see all you have to offer this club is your membership No. which should go to the current president at the time.
what does rod have to say about that?? So u think the NRMA should take the No1 members number off him cause he is in a nursing home, too old to do anything or drive a car. (hypoth.)
I havn't actually renewed my membership yet, i'm waiting on the forms, and i will think seriously about renewing. Your a key player that turned me off being on the board of this club, now your turning me off the club all together. 3 cheers for Yogi8Poo.
Location: NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Wed, 09 April 2003 06:55

This gets better by the day!!!
say what you like about the car, doesnt upset me in the least! I dont need it to go into any magazines to prove to myself its worth the money ive spent on it.......
Oh, and as for the so called "lack of power" my car is producing, we will see who is "lacking power" at the next Toymods dyno day........
Lets keep this thread going gentlemen, tis good fun
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Registered: February 2003
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Wed, 09 April 2003 06:57

I prolly say this during every little tiff i see...but this need resolution, and fast!
I propose this be done via mud wrestling!
I'll supply the mud pool, and 1 string bikini...the rest will be up to both of you little girls to sort out

Location: Sydney Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Wed, 09 April 2003 07:02

can't be bothered coming to perth for a mud fight, how about we just have a 'pull ya boat' comp.
Simple rules, we get my car and yogi's car, hook a boat and trailer to each, do laps of a retired gay men's retreat, and the 1st car to break down, ( as long as it isn't mine ) , has to do a nudie run through the retreat. hehe.
PS: yogi, don't read into that one too mcuh.. i did'nt mention homosexuality or big penises.
Location: NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Wed, 09 April 2003 07:05

And as for my car Not making 300kw??? Look at the dyno graph......305rwhp UNTUNED on 18psi IS 300kw at the flywheel (give or take a few kw)...........
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Registered: February 2003
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Wed, 09 April 2003 07:06

thunderbird1 wrote on Wed, 09 April 2003 15:02 |
PS: yogi, don't read into that one too mcuh.. i did'nt mention homosexuality or big penises.
Technically you did

Club Member
Location: sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Wed, 09 April 2003 07:13

Quote: | Your a key player that turned me off being on the board of this club, now your turning me off the club all together.
I think you have forgotten that you were given the option to resign or have a vote of no confidence against you due to youre comments to other people and in various forums regarding Toymods and its members.. it is obvious why you chose the former...dont go blaming other people for your own actions.

Club President I supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Wed, 09 April 2003 07:17

I'm not getting involved in this "discussion" you guys can have your fun.
Since I was mentioned tho I will respond to the Membership number issue. The membership numbers cannot be changed.
Each member no matter what their role or time period within the club has that number for the life of this club (Hopefully indefinate)
A Toymoders membership numbers is just that, their number. Luke will always be Member no 1, I will always be member number 25, Yogi will always be member number 45 and Phill will always be member number 51 ! (Even if the 3 of you have not renewed )
Its not really your number that counts tho to be honest, sure it shows how long you have been around but its how you support the club that really matters in my personal opinion !
But anyway guys enjoy the thread you have your playground perhaps if you all get these things of your chests you will realise your all pretty good blokes with alot in common !
You all Drive Toyota's Ive Watched/Seen ALL of you build them yourselves and you have acheived great results for what you were trying to acheive !
Maybe you three should just gets pissed up the pub one night, hire 3 sumo suits and wake up with a better understanding of each other. Just a though

Location: Sydney Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Wed, 09 April 2003 08:27

Quote: | I think you have forgotten that you were given the option to resign or have a vote of no confidence against you due to youre comments to other people and in various forums regarding Toymods and its members.. it is obvious why you chose the former...dont go blaming other people for your own actions.
Nice comment, as expected from another to always run to the other side.
Michael its one thing to sit back in a meeting with a smug grin, or make a comment behind the scenes, but you try facing a meeting when you know comments from people such as you are bouncing around behind your back.
I agree with rod, how about we all go the pub one night, get blind drunk and then we can all tell the truth about how fast our cars really are. Until then, my cressida does 345kph in 5th gear. Work that out!!
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Registered: February 2003
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Wed, 09 April 2003 08:57

[quote title=thunderbird1 wrote on Wed, 09 April 2003 16:27]Quote: | I agree with rod, how about we all go the pub one night, get blind drunk and then we can all tell the truth about how fast our cars really are. Until then, my cressida does 345kph in 5th gear. Work that out!!
...carry the 7...multiply by 12 add 690 and subtract 5. Square root....then....wooo i think i just proved that god doesnt exist whilst trying to "work that out!!"

Location: Perth - Cannington
Registered: December 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Wed, 09 April 2003 12:06

those emails adresses arent real!!!
damn, you guys need to grow up...
or get your arses on the track and see who clocks what.
*shrug* i dont care.. im staying out of it.. im just going to sit back and laugh at what im assuming are grown men arguing like i remember doing in primary school.. just over cars.
Peace, dont strain a muscle or blow a valve or anything..
Location: Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Registered: May 2002

Location: Sydney Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Wed, 09 April 2003 16:40

hehe.. yep, i've nearly finished it, they laughed hard when i bought the url.
8 more sleeps...
Location: bris
Registered: February 2003
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Thu, 10 April 2003 00:42

if only i knew why you guys were fighting
hilarious nonetheless

Club Member
Location: sydney
Registered: May 2002
Location: NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Thu, 10 April 2003 06:10

Its all fun and games til someone gets poked in the eye

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Thu, 10 April 2003 10:20

you'd think 2 mature men could put aside their difference, kiss and make up (or make out, whatever does it for you with all this talk of homosexuality )
it's funny, I've found you both helpful, decent, and polite guys when chatting to you. But put both in the same room (or message thread) at once, and the sheep skins come off (or maybe you just don the wombat suits when the time comes)
I dont know how the problem got to this level, but it's going to take both of you to mend the rift, at the least to a level where you can tolerate each other.
I'd personally hate to see either of you leave the club. You could at least try.
If the solution is a night at a pub, make sure I'm invited!
PJs in parra would be a good venue... if it gets rough the bouncers will be only too happy to carry you both out in headlocks (as happened last time I was there)

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Thu, 10 April 2003 11:37

scissors, paper, rock!
but i'd pay to see the mud wrestling!

Location: Sydney Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Fri, 11 April 2003 02:31

In the past we have had little arguments, usually i have to say sorry but this time i'm not in that position, i'm still waiting on a simple question to be answered... where did yogi do 330kph??
Michael... i'm not interested in the past, as far as i'm concerned, the beginning of Toymods was a fantastic time of my life, its been and gone. I hope this club remains around forever because i think it has filled the gap as was the plan, we now have a Toyota club that is as big if not bigger than a lot of clubs. However, sometimes i wish i could be Member 20+, come in with all my bright ideas, sling off at the problems and sit back while the people that broke the ice, the people that worked damn hard to make this club known just slowly disappear. Some of the people that 'made' this club happen, are no longer around, will the current members even miss a few more?
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Registered: February 2003
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Fri, 11 April 2003 03:58

TRACTION_ISSUES wrote on Thu, 10 April 2003 14:10 | LOL....
Its all fun and games til someone gets poked in the eye
then its fun and games you cant see
Location: bris
Registered: February 2003
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Fri, 11 April 2003 11:30

what exactly is this arguement all about?
so far i've ascerained its about toymods, and its founding members??

Location: sunny coast, qld
Registered: October 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Fri, 11 April 2003 13:35

well i also have no idea what is going on??? so, could someone at least tell me the details of yogi's car. Must be very powerful if it can do 330kph!!!
And also, i don't actually know you people and i was just wondering how old you are? BTW i am not being sarcastic as i would actually like the question answered.
Traction issues: i would definitely not be dissapointed with the amount of power your car is making!!!

Location: Coffs
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Fri, 11 April 2003 13:41

Why doesn't someone just lock the thread.

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Fri, 11 April 2003 14:15

'cause it's been put here for them to vent?
and for us to all join in with out uninformed viewpoints?
in answer to the question about age (and kind of waht I was hinting at in my previous post), they're old enough that they should be able to get over this.
but humans are fickle creatures. at least they're not female
(sorry to the women out there.. couldn't resist)

Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Sat, 12 April 2003 08:46

bassaholic55 wrote on Fri, 11 April 2003 23:35 | well i also have no idea what is going on??? so, could someone at least tell me the details of yogi's car. Must be very powerful if it can do 330kph!!!
No, not the car...apparently his ZX10. I have answered this question (Now twice).
For the short-sighted (or short-memoried) among us:
"The ZX10 will notdo 330KPH..."
Nor, for that matter, will any other current production road bike...
(For those interested; I have known people who have ridden:
1) GPZ1000RX (ZX10 predecessor, (260KP/H top
2) ZZR1100 (ZX10 Successor) 275KP/H top
3) CBR1100XX (I owned one of these!) 280KP/H top (I had mine at 280 KP/H indicated...That was enough!!!
4) GSX1300R 310KP/H top - clocked by radar!

Location: Sydney Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Sat, 12 April 2003 09:30


Club Member
Location: sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Sat, 12 April 2003 11:05

I think you are forgetting that bikes gear ratios can be very easily changed and therefore 330Kmh is not un-achievable..hell if I can sit on the back of a Ducati D1 race bike at 300Kmh (SOMETHING I WILL NEVER DO AGAIN!!!!!) nearly 12 years ago I dont have any doubt that a modern machine could get to 330Kmh

Toymods member I supported Toymods
Location: Rydalmere, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Sat, 12 April 2003 17:02

While we're talking about bikes doing insane speeds, I have an ASX file of a CBR-1100 doing ~305 km/h on a highway, and almost running up the ass of another vehicle at around 295 km/h too.
If anyone is interested in having a look at this, PM me. BTW, it's not a small file...

Location: Barossa valley SA
Registered: January 2003
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Sun, 13 April 2003 02:38

Where is Steve when you need him?
Steve Steve Steve

Registered: May 2002

Location: Sydney Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Sun, 13 April 2003 15:04

Chill iggy... has nothing to do with u, unless you claim your camry can do 200 hehe.

Location: Sydney Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Sun, 13 April 2003 15:07

Chill iggy... has nothing to do with u, unless you claim your camry can do 200 hehe.

Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Sun, 13 April 2003 22:34

BigFella_73 wrote on Sun, 13 April 2003 03:02 | While we're talking about bikes doing insane speeds, I have an ASX file of a CBR-1100 doing ~305 km/h on a highway, and almost running up the ass of another vehicle at around 295 km/h too.
If anyone is interested in having a look at this, PM me. BTW, it's not a small file...
Yes, I too have seen the video...It is a test run by a German 'Bike mag on the ('99?) CBR11. Note that the bike shows an "indicated" 300KP/H - which is somewhat different than actually going 300KP/H.
As for fiddling with ratios....Yes, you probably could fit appropriate sprockets front and rear so the bike would be "geared" for 330, But you would need a lot of road, a down-hill slope and a tail-wind to get it there! (Particularly to get a ZX10 from it's (factory claimed) 260-odd top speed to 330!
(As an example of gearing...The VN SS Group A Commodores were "theoretically" geared for 375KP/H with those 6-speed gearboxes...)

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Mon, 14 April 2003 01:01

My cat's breath smells like cat food...

Location: Barossa valley SA
Registered: January 2003
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Mon, 14 April 2003 01:13

aah finally a post in this thread that makes sense

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Mon, 14 April 2003 01:54

of course it's possible
in a vacuum chamber, with a pure oxygen feed to the air intake, perfect quality fuel, and tested on a dyno with zero friction
that's how all physics works

Location: Newcastle
Registered: May 2002

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Mon, 14 April 2003 02:21

as long as it doesn't result in people leaving the club, and huge disputes like this, they can hate each other to their hearts content! (as far as I'm concerned)

Location: Barossa valley SA
Registered: January 2003
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Mon, 14 April 2003 10:42

it does not make for great ambience however
Bad feng shui very bad feng shui
Banned by his request
Location: moved to tamworth
Registered: July 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Mon, 14 April 2003 13:52

haha great light reading. how have you been luke? hows the music going. thought of a good band name the other day when i was driving { SOLAR FLARE }. ready to drop a 2j in the car yet luke?
now in reply to some of the above. YOGI YOU ARE A TOSSER, 330KM\H on a bike, ive been riding bikes since i was 4 and have thrown many around and come off many a time, broken a few bones and left miles of skin behind and im telling here and know as i would to your face your a dipstick. ive riden bikes to 240 and cars to 287 but i can tell you at 330 on a road regod bike would take someone of very amazing skill. i dont want to bag your car, as i dont expect everyone to have the knowledge and experiance as people that work at the top of the performance game {that was our car on the cover of ZOOM race car edition the austrack motorsport national sport sedan}your car is a nice show car and that is all full stop. and yes i have seen it in person and ive seen you also at the car show that was at penrith a year or so ago. we had the 702hp at the wheels "udlose" commodore there, the one with the lion on the bonnet. the horse powers now up a fair bit from 702hp now and is just in the prosses of going twin turbo for well over 1000hp and being setup to drag race at the new track. i have watched as most of the real car nuts have slowly disapeared and i put it done to one thing, johnny come laterly tossers. what do i mean! the ones that try to tell people that have been in the trade for years at the highest level that what they get payed hundreds of thousands to build top level street and road cars is wrong. i hardly give advice to anyone on the forums know because i get tired of dipsticks trying to argue point that they have read in magazines. funny that the same magazines they get there info from try and get there info from us, but they only ever get little tip bits! because it cost us alot of time and money to come up with the latest and greatest and if you want it you pay, but when this advice is given from time to time for free to people on the forum they want to tell you you know nothing and quote total crap from magazines. i could have told you how to get alot more from your 4agte realiabley etc but then i found out from other people that have been involed with the club, since before it was formed {funny none are still involed} and they told me you are a tosser YOGI so its your loss not mine.
p.s 330km\h hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Toymods Board Member I supported Toymods
Location: Turramurra, Sydney.
Registered: May 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Mon, 14 April 2003 14:09

Carefull, or you'll go blind.

Location: Ipswich
Registered: July 2002
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Mon, 14 April 2003 14:19

Thought i would just have a uninformed say like everyone else.(no offence to those who are informed.)
But as for the whole 330kph road bike thing.
Now i know nothing about bikes but was watching a performance video a while ago and it had some bike called a hyabushi???
I think it was that. Anyway on an airstrip in the rain this thing clocked about 290 VERY easily. And it looked like it had alot more. We reaplayed it accelerating(had a camera on the speedo too) and it got to this speed in about 12 seconds.
Now i would think that this bike was able to 330 seeing what i did of it.
But that is just what i speculate. Please correct me if i am wrong but is this a road bike that can do 330???
I think it might be.
And i wont pass judgment on anyone unless i have met them myself. I will not flame someone because of hearsay.
On a side note tho. I think a pub crawl/piss up dedicated to these 2 sorting there shit out would be a great idea. Any excuse for a piss up i say.
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Registered: February 2003
Re: Yogi and Luke's Own Thread
Mon, 14 April 2003 16:20

i think you're referring to the suzuki hayabusa 1300, which are very nice bikes...only thing suzuki are good at are bikes(such shit cars)
hrmmm gotta love that "1299cc, 4-stroke, four-cylinder, liquid-cooled, DOHC, 16-valve, TSCC" goodness