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Location: sydney
Registered: May 2002
Location: SYDNEY
Registered: September 2002
Re: ta22 clear gt lens sale/swap
Sat, 12 April 2003 12:46

how much do you want for them mate. I am keen if they are good nick. Let me know

Location: sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear gt lens sale/swap
Mon, 14 April 2003 14:01

would really prefer to swap them for some parts but will let you know. what are they worth to you.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: April 2003
Re: ta22 clear gt lens for sale/swap
Mon, 14 April 2003 15:33

I have gt bonnet scoops.

Location: sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear gt lens for sale/swap
Mon, 14 April 2003 15:45

does that mean you would swap the vents for the lens. sounds ok. what cond they in,any chance of a pic.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: April 2003
Re: ta22 clear gt lens for sale/swap
Mon, 14 April 2003 16:23

well i didn't mean straight swap
but we can work something out
u r talking about the clear front indicator lenses aren't u?

Location: Melbourne
Registered: April 2003
Re: ta22 clear gt lens for sale/swap
Mon, 14 April 2003 16:27

as for the condition, they are good. chrome but would probably need to be re chromed coz there are some small dimples in them. hasn't cracked through the chrome but they are noticable. Fairly inexpensive for something that is rare. Dont know how it would have happened. I got them off a car i bought for 350 bucks.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: April 2003
Re: ta22 clear gt lens for sale/swap
Mon, 14 April 2003 16:38

i wouldn't be able to get a pic of them. But they are the GT ones. u know the long ones. What condition are the lenses in exactly?

Location: sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear gt lens for sale/swap
Wed, 16 April 2003 05:11

good. no chips no cracks. they need a clean and one has a bit of overspray on it but would clean up real good.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: April 2003
Re: ta22 clear gt lens for sale/swap
Wed, 16 April 2003 09:08

SCROTE:I am coming up to sydney tonight and staying till sunday. i'LL BRING THE scoops and if u wanna do a deal give me a call. George 0402871092

Location: sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: ta22 clear gt lens for sale/swap
Sun, 20 April 2003 17:08

still available....

Location: Melbourne
Registered: April 2003
Re: ta22 clear gt lens for sale/swap
Mon, 21 April 2003 23:43
sorry dude, i didn't hear from u for ages so i had to make alternate plans. back in melb now.