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Registered: May 2002
aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Wed, 23 April 2003 05:38
I would like to express my dissapointment at the deletion of the wwjd thread, sure, the initial topic lacked taste I will admit but i thought the discussion that pursued was above board and perfectally acceptable, and did not need to be deleted, unless the shit really hit the fan in the last 24 hours that is.
Was it because of the "touchy" subject? did it get a little too colourful today? Did someone just offend the moderator?
I would just like a reason that's all, especially when you let threads such as the robbo/v8 conversion (complete with robbo's mum) continue.
If anything I said in the thread upset anybody then I apologise as it was not my intention.

Location: Thornleigh
Registered: September 2002
Re: aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Wed, 23 April 2003 05:54

Yeah, I was a bit puzzled about this
Can anyone shed any light onto the reasons for this? I thought it was above board conversation, I thought It had just started to get interesting??
Just Wondering

I supported Toymods
Location: I renounced punctuation
Registered: May 2002
Re: aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Wed, 23 April 2003 05:59

It was an intellectually unchallenging topic in no way related to cars.
Build a bridge. Get over it.
Mods, delete this too.

Location: c'town, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Wed, 23 April 2003 06:05

gianttomato wrote on Wed, 23 April 2003 15:59 |
Mods, delete this too.
hang on a sec, dont delete this thread till i get my post count up...j/k

Toymods Board Member I supported Toymods
Location: Turramurra, Sydney.
Registered: May 2002
Re: aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Wed, 23 April 2003 06:36

Banging your head against a brick wall will only lead to bruises & a headache, consider the deletion a preventative measure.

Location: Thornleigh
Registered: September 2002
Re: aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Wed, 23 April 2003 06:55

Thanks for the chat guys
Off the topic a bit but great to chat with you all.
Until next time Mikey
Toymods Board Member
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
moderation of toymods forums
Wed, 23 April 2003 07:05

it is not always possible to uniformly moderate the forums as sometimes threads and posts slip in under the radar - to this extent we rely on forum users to notify us of offensive or inappropriate threads or comments
this link provides details on how to get in contact with a moderator if you have not done so before... &th=12783&rid=58&S=f5eb3e0549b9e92496e 1a86c73281608&pl_view=&start=0#msg_103234
we always encourage feedback and you are more than welcome to question a moderators decision, ultimately they are responsible to the toymods board who you can contact at
below is my response to several emails in regards to the removal of the WWJD thread:
Thanks for the enquiry.
We try to keep our moderator presence on the toymods
forums as low key as possible - we want to encourage
discussion and the sense of a 'free' community as much
as we can.
Having said that we also have a desire to see it as a
peaceful community and will step in if debate becomes
too heated or if personal attacks start to occur.
Generally our actions will be to warn parties or to
lock or delete threads.
The other factor we constantly bear in mind is the
image of the car club. We set up the forums for our
members to communicate and to spread toyota knowledge
throughout the net.
Specifically our objectives are:
(1) to provide a friendly environment for Toyota
owners and enthusiasts to socialise in
(2) to encourage and promote participation in
motorsport and other automotive pursuits
(3) to assist members in learning about car
modification and to encourage the improvement of their
automotive skills
In all that we do we bear these 3 objectives in mind.
We have a 'General Section' in our forum and certainly
allow off-topic discussions, however at the end of the
day we need people to realise that these are the
forums of the Toymods Car Club and topics should be
relevant to the club and its objectives.
In particular controversial subjects (such as the two
big ones - religion and politics) tend to create
animosity rather than bringing toyota owners closer
In specific reference to the WWJD thread I removed it
from the forums (after several complaints) because I
felt the topic was inappropriate for the Toymods
I also felt that it would cause offense to many of our
visitors and this is counter to our goal of creating a
friendly community.
In all things I attempt to remain neutral and
disregarding any personal views I might have I
essentially felt that whilst the topic was an imporant
one there were better places on the net to discuss
At the end of the day the internet is a huge and
limitless place and in our tiny corner we want to
provide a small haven for Toyota enthusiasts to gather
with like-minded friends.
I have seen countless threads such as this one start
in a calm and constructive way and quickly degenerate
into heated mud slinging matches.
It might be naive to think that by avoiding topics
such as these we are creating a happier place. I can
hear you accuse us of sweeping problems under the
carpet... but i would like to think we are doing a
little more than that.
Its all about time and place. I would love a debate
like this over coffee or a drink or maybe on other
forums but for the toyota community that we are trying
to create here it holds no place.
In an altruistic sort of way I'd like our community to
cross boundaries of nation, religion, politics, gender
and race, rather than strengthen such divisions.
Its only by bringing people together that true social
interaction and progress can occur otherwise we throw
up walls and stay in our own little worlds.
I hope this answers your question.

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Wed, 23 April 2003 07:12

Ok I give up, What the hell is WWJD?
Toymods Board Member
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
what was WWJD
Wed, 23 April 2003 07:33

Cool1 wrote on Wed, 23 April 2003 17:12 | Ok I give up, What the hell is WWJD?
your words are quite apt
to prevent mis-information or the start of the thread again within this one i will answer your question:
the WWJD thread was essentially a heated discussion on religion, in particular Christianity

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Wed, 23 April 2003 07:37


Registered: May 2002
Re: aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Wed, 23 April 2003 08:12

Okie dokie.
I wasn't really troubled about it being gone (although it was starting to get interesting) I was just curious as to why. sorry to waste 3 or so hours it must have taken to write that reply you mods get it tough eh?
I did realise that it'd be locked eventually, it was certain to turn into a shit fight, I thought we'd get to see some fly before you could stop it.
ahh well, maybe next time.
PS Under the circumstances I guess you did a good job GT4.

Location: Lost in the K hole
Registered: May 2002
Re: aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Wed, 23 April 2003 14:33

well, i thought it was a decent, thought provoking discussion - but yeah, not appropriate for toymods, agreed...
pity though; i suspect its as close to a philosophical discussion as a lot of readers here are likely to get

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Wed, 23 April 2003 23:51

I thought that's what general discussion was for... general discussion.
I would have liked to take part in that discussion. as long as it stays on a philosophical level, anyone who is secure in their beliefs shouldn't be offended, but instead sohuld see it as an opportunity to voice and justify their opinions and beliefs.
of course, if it ends up in a shitfight, with people becoming personally abusive, then of course it needs to go.
I never saw the discussion, so I cant say on whether it should have been deleted or not

I supported Toymods
Location: I renounced punctuation
Registered: May 2002
Re: aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Thu, 24 April 2003 00:40

At best the argument was circular.
Argument 1: "There is a god. Fear him or go to hell."
Argument 2: "Insert discussion re evolution/Big Bang here. No direct evidence for a god/hell existing. So I'll smoke crack and have threesomes with identical twins till I die thanks."
Alternate between arguments 1 and 2 ad infinitum. Sprinkle with expletives, the occasional agnostic rubbish and there was the WWJD thread. Nothing exciting. Even the Mormons put up a better show. I even had to ring the cops once to escort some JWs off my property.
An interesting philosophical argument might have contained phraseology like "God might be the superforce". Such discussion represents an insightful amalgamation of current scientific theory and spirtual philosophies. I strongly suggest you get out there and read any of Paul Davies' books. They are an interesting read.
You can't have a philosophical argument with an 18-25 year old born again. They're not well read enough (most have done little more than glanced at the 'required reading'), their life experiences are limited (most 18 year olds have yet to experience the death of a loved one or the loss of a spouse, not travelled or been exposed to cultures other than their own) and are generally intolerant of views not paralleling their own. It is a frivolous pursuit. Some are intellectually challenged to the point where I'd have a better chance of understanding them when they spoke in tongues.

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Thu, 24 April 2003 00:45

I take a little offence at that, fitting into the 18-25yo
but am generally better read and more open minded than most others.
should just have told them to go read Kant's "critique of pure reasoning", with the final conclusion being you cannot prove nor disprove the existance of god through logical argument.
despite that, I still enjoy a good stimulating discussion (even though wwjd sounds as though it didn't count)
mormons seem to leave me alone. Maybe it was the long black hair, black goatee, and heavy metal t-shirt

I supported Toymods
Location: I renounced punctuation
Registered: May 2002
Re: aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Thu, 24 April 2003 00:51

draven wrote on Thu, 24 April 2003 10:45 | Kant's "critique of pure reasoning"......
draven wrote on Thu, 24 April 2003 10:45 | ...mormons seem to leave me alone. Maybe it was the long black hair, black goatee, and heavy metal t-shirt
I thought that was why they picked on me! Although now I sport a crew cut.

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Thu, 24 April 2003 01:25

gianttomato wrote on Thu, 24 April 2003 10:40 | Argument 2: "Insert discussion re evolution/Big Bang here. No direct evidence for a god/hell existing. So I'll smoke crack and have threesomes with identical twins till I die thanks."
Fuck, I'm comming to your partys

Location: Lost in the K hole
Registered: May 2002
Re: aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Thu, 24 April 2003 01:41

yep, so see you in hell too, shane?

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Thu, 24 April 2003 01:41

and I'm amazed someone else out there has heard of DSM-IV ...
but to properly be diagnosed as OCD you also have to meet the other criteria at the beginning of that chapter. Religion doesn't count

Location: Lost in the K hole
Registered: May 2002
Re: aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Thu, 24 April 2003 02:01

we're not all just mechanics you know
And with regards to DSM-IV OCD criteria, diagnosis can be made based on criteria for *either* obsessions or compulsions or both.
Now, referring to the nature of the disorder adversly influencing social functioning etc: when society as a whole has hostorically evolved around the basis of the populations obsession/compulsions, such obsessions/compulsions ar no longer 'intrusive', rather they are 'inclusive' to societal expectations, and thus are considered normal.
It doesnt help that the with such a large population base, significant political/social influence is thus gained, further re-inforcing the 'normality' of the disorder.

Location: Lost in the K hole
Registered: May 2002
Re: aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Thu, 24 April 2003 02:13

I just pulled this DIRECTLY from the DSM-IV OCD chapter, and I dare anyone to try and explain how "feeling that they have sinned, and now must mutter 50 hail mary's and 10 our father's in pennance" is in ANY way, shape, or form different from what is described below:
"individuals distressed by ... thoughts may find relief in counting to 10 backward and forward 100 times for each thought. In some cases, individuals perform rigid or stereotyped acts according to idiosyncratically elaborated rules without being able to indicate why they are doing them. By definition, compulsions are either clearly excessive or are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent"

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Thu, 24 April 2003 03:33

but as you just said, it's not a disorder since it's normal.
just like a person suffering from depression after a loved one dies is not classified as suffering a disorder, as it is a normal response.
I knew all those years of uni would pay off
and yes, people who must say 50 hail marys every time they "sin" may well be classified in some way as OCD, but that does not define the majority of the religious population (who are thankfully a lot more relaxed/sane).
and something tells me this is almost turning into wwjd again
Toymods Board Member
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: aah, Mr moderator, escuse me??
Thu, 24 April 2003 04:07
draven wrote on Thu, 24 April 2003 13:33 |
and something tells me this is almost turning into wwjd again 
yup... so it will be locked
read my original reasons if you're a bit slow