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Registered: September 2002
22RE engine manuals
Wed, 07 May 2003 12:29
i need help with the 22RE in my 1986 corona csi. i cant get the car manual for this model but i found out there is a 84-85 celica with the 22RE in it. is there a car manual for this model or any sort of manual about this engine.

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: January 2003
Re: 22RE engine manuals
Wed, 07 May 2003 12:51

the 22re efi system from an 86 corona is different to the 22re system in celica.
What probs are you having? i may be able to help
Registered: September 2002
Re: 22RE engine manuals
Wed, 07 May 2003 13:19

1) if the car has been sitting around for a while (overnight, during work) when i go to start it up it takes a bit for the motor to get started, it just turns over for about 5-10 seconds then starts, but if i the car has been sitting around for about 5mins it starts up first crank of the motor.
2) when the motor is cold the engine tries to run as if it is warm (not choked) idling at 750rpm(which is its warm idling rpm) and strugling then it usually sorts itself out in a couple of minutes, then likes to idle at 900rpm even when its warm(sometimes it idles at 750rpm), im worried that the air/fuel mixture is not right when its cold and warm (like they are swapped around for some reason). Im not quite sure so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Josh Kemp

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: January 2003
Re: 22RE engine manuals
Wed, 07 May 2003 20:38

where abouts are you from? Possible causes for this are
1 cold start injector and/or its curcuit
2 air bypass valve and/or its curcuit
3 any sensors that control these.
Registered: March 2003
Re: 22RE engine manuals
Wed, 07 May 2003 20:49

sounds like the coolant sensor resistance should be 4000 to 7000 ohms at 0 degrees 2000 to 3000 at 20 deg c. yes your efi 22re is the same spec as a celica 22re 1985 vintage.could also be cold start system a gregorys manual and a multimeter will sort these out

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: January 2003
Re: 22RE engine manuals
Thu, 08 May 2003 08:36

1jdave wrote on Thu, 08 May 2003 06:49 | sounds like the coolant sensor resistance should be 4000 to 7000 ohms at 0 degrees 2000 to 3000 at 20 deg c. yes your efi 22re is the same spec as a celica 22re 1985 vintage.could also be cold start system a gregorys manual and a multimeter will sort these out
This is wrong. They run different efi systems. Let me point out the differences.
the 86 corona has a TCCS system which consists of the following
an o2 sensor
different ecu (3 plugs)
different ignition system(electronic spark timing)
different wiring harness
different tps
84-5 celica has an analog system with following
no o2 sensor
2 plug ecu
vacuum advance distributor(none est)

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: January 2003
Re: 22RE engine manuals
Thu, 08 May 2003 09:19

i forgot 86 corona has knock sensor where the 84-5 celica didn't

Location: Hobart, Tas
Registered: May 2002
Re: 22RE engine manuals
Fri, 09 May 2003 15:32

Interesting. I thought it was '87 Coronas that got the TCCS, now I know.
I wonder whether we ever got the early tall-deck 22RE?

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: January 2003
Re: 22RE engine manuals
Fri, 09 May 2003 20:55
stefan - when they changed to unleaded is when they got TCCS and it was 86 that got unleaded. I wrecked an 86 to get the TCCS off it a couple of months ago.
As for the tall and short decks, i think we only got the 1 varient. I have both a 22r-e from a celica and 22r-e from 86 corona(siting on the ground at the yard) and they appear to be the same block and head thou i haven't measured them yet.