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Location: Brisbane
Registered: December 2002

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: January 2003
Re: quick EFI wiring question
Thu, 08 May 2003 20:22

i got you pm
e1, e2, e3, e01, e02 all are earth.
I thought you were trying to get it to run on the 2s-e computer? the wiring may vary from 18rge but i don't have ecu pinouts for 18rge
When i wired up my efi all the earths where joined together somewhere along the line.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: December 2002
Re: quick EFI wiring question
Thu, 08 May 2003 20:46

I have the pin out diagram for the 2S-E but no explaination as to where they go, so I have been using the one that norbie made up for the 18rgeu as I am using all of the 18rgeu sensors, except for the AFM the if for the 2S-E. I think i have 2 wires around the wrong way in the AFM, I'll give thata shot.
Location: sydney
Registered: March 2003
Re: quick EFI wiring question
Thu, 08 May 2003 23:03

i wired up an 18rg afew months ago
i made my own wiring diagram from it
on toyotas e2 is usually sensor earth
which means all the earths from the sensors on the engine goto it
the earths are e01 e02 and e1
#10 and #20 are the injector grounds the ecu triggers these wires to get the injectors to pulse
this engine i did had probs with the dizzy and it wound give a pulse to the ecu
so make sure u have a matchin ignitor/coil to suit the ecu
to test if the ecu was pulsing the injectors i ended up hookin a points distributor to the ig signal to the ecu and it pulsed the injectors so i knew the ecu was ok
the other prob i found was he used a dizzy form a newer celica but that caused problems due to the dizzy timing and rotor button direction was all out so the spark wasnt timed right
but theres prob someone on here that knows what exact dizzy/coil/ignitor to use

Location: Northwestern Sydney
Registered: August 2002
Re: quick EFI wiring question
Thu, 08 May 2003 23:13

As for the igniter I found that a corona Igniter worked of the first of the efi engines. There is a wiring diagram in the gallery section of the site for a 5M-E efi wiring this is the same setup and almost identical pin outs for the 18R-GEU ECU
and shows earths (not locations)
I've heard that you can use a magna dizzy but haven't looked into this.
Hope this helps

Location: Brisbane
Registered: December 2002