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March 2003
modifying rotaries Fri, 30 May 2003 16:43 Go to next message
does anyone know of any books i can use on modifying the 13b and 20b. if not where i can find good info on doing it?
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Forums Junkie

December 2002
Re: modifying rotaries Fri, 30 May 2003 22:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Theres tonnes of stuff floating around the net what exactly are you looking at doing?
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March 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sat, 31 May 2003 03:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
you can bridge port it or even maybe j port it then put a 51mm webber on it.. it will go preddy hard on the 13b.. then you put extractors on it with a 2.25 inch zorst should go hard.. if you wanna go efi you put big bore throttle body on it with a fuel decent computer.. if you wanna go turbo you do an extend port and then t04 they willall make a quick street car... the turbo comversion will go very hard in an rx3 or 2 with standard s4/5 13btengine
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Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
January 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sat, 31 May 2003 12:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message

maybe you should start there? read most of the old posts....
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June 2002
Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 01 June 2003 09:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
best way to modify a rotary

step 1..unbolt rotary engine

step2 ..remove rotary engine

step 3..sell roary engine to some dumb sucker

step 4.. fit a 2jzgte

step 5 a trust t88 and nos kit, ecu ,clutch,diff,slicks.intercooler

step 5.. spend all night at the drags telling the rotary boys how little your 10 sec car cost
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February 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 01 June 2003 11:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
celicamad wrote on Sun, 01 June 2003 19:53

best way to modify a rotary

step 1..unbolt rotary engine

step2 ..remove rotary engine

step 3..sell roary engine to some dumb sucker

step 4.. fit a 2jzgte

step 5 a trust t88 and nos kit, ecu ,clutch,diff,slicks.intercooler

step 5.. spend all night at the drags telling the rotary boys how little your 10 sec car cost


sorry - i didnt think 'ROFL' would cover it

funny shit
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March 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 01 June 2003 11:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
t88's alone are around 7-8k or so aint they. then you have manifold then you fgodda buy the computer to run the big turbo...
a 13bt al lyou need to do is buy the engine, put a t04 on it and run microtech computer and 4:3 diff with decent exhaust and lots of boost.. 10 second car.. mazfix does 10 second packages for 10k drive in drive out Smile
what you listed will cost well over 10k to get it doing 10's for the 2jz.. the 2jz 3-4k for engine.. nos kit bout 1k or so... computer 4k.. t88 7-8k hmmm therte is 12-13k alone and thats not everything listed that you said Smile
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June 2002
Re: modifying rotaries Mon, 02 June 2003 10:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
7-8 grand for a t88 ummmm NUP maybe through some u.s suppliers but 4 grand with an external wastegate .

But if you want to go that way .the turbo for either engine would cost the same amount assuming they are both looking for the same power

actually a t88 and nos and you can run 8 s but i wont even start that one .

comparing a t88 to a to4 well no wonder you like rotarys

the microtech costs more than the chip mod used on a us spec ecu and that is a better ecu than a microtech EVER thought it was the microtech wont even run a 2j .the complete ecu chiped is $1500

both engines require a turbo manifold,injectors ,clutch etc.
They both require alamost the exact same type of hardware .
However the 2jzgte require NO INTERNAL ENGINE MODS to make 650 rwhp

Please dont tell me you expect a 13b to last on stock internals at that much power
The mazfix $10,000 package does not include a clutch or gearbox mods.
details here html

will a 13b turbo box handle the power of this package???

well lets compare
1 x 2jzgte(10 second package in a 1200kg car)

add TO4 $1500 (recond as is the mazfix to4)
wastegate $750
manifold $800
ecu $1500
clutch $2000
injectors $1000
pump upgrade $250

a cheap and nasty build at under $10,000 .
usually achieves around 650 rwhp and more torque than a rotary has ever heard of (making similar power)

you see 10 sec rotarys usually weigh about 1200kg or lighter
with the above setup 1700kg Supra's run 10s

650 rwhp in a 1200 kg car is around 8.73

Oh yeah and the 2j is actually quick on the street too

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January 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Mon, 02 June 2003 12:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
how are you comparing a 2JZ-GTE to a 13BT??
there's just a "slight" difference in the prices isn't there.. Laughing

a better comparison is a 2JZ to a 20B......

[Updated on: Mon, 02 June 2003 12:14]

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January 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Mon, 02 June 2003 15:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I agree.. you CANT compare a 13B with a 2J. For cheap horsepower i really dont think you can go past a rotary. Sure you might not get the same torque or driveability, but you can damn sure stick one in just about ANY car and produce serious numbers, where as the 2J is physically a MUCh bigger motor making it a little harder to shoe horn. Not to mention the price of a 2J front cut Shocked

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April 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Fri, 06 June 2003 10:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
theres no doubting the potential of piston motors compared to rotaries..

but i dont see too many cheap 8 sec rotors or skylines.

both have potential and both are going to cost u big dollars at the end of the day

also celicamad the bloke was asking for help..why not dump the 2j and install a f1 engine?

also celicamad could u post up a list of all the 2jetc engined street cars running 8's on a $10,000 setup...thanks
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Forums Junkie

March 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Fri, 06 June 2003 11:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah soem people are bias against rotery's. the 13b turboes reacts well to minor mods and you dont haveta put a big t88 on it to produce 10's they are alot better for small cars then a 2jz being lighter then the 2jz.. dont take up as much space.. wont make the car handle like shit.. cheaper to buy and revs very hard.. if you go and read about the potential of rotors you will see that they are not the peice of shit you think they are. the japanese are starting to scrap the 2jz for the smaller 3sgte because they weigh alot lighter and cans till get the big hp readings like the 2jz Very Happy you haveta modify the bottom end for a 2jz to handle 650rwhp and stil be reliable same as the rotorhaving to use bigger seals
2jz's have good potential but if it was going into my celica i'd prefere a 13bt over the 2jz and im sure alot of people would agree not saying pll in here would it will be cheaper on insurance and rego and wont need to do as much mods to your car to run a 13bt safely as opposed to the 2jz
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June 2002
Re: modifying rotaries Fri, 06 June 2003 12:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing


you haveta modify the bottom end for a 2jz to handle 650rwhp

since when?? there are half a dozen of them in Australia and dozens in the U.S.
If youd like to attend the Toyota Nationals next year i will show
you a 1j producing this on stock internlas


the japanese are starting to scrap the 2jz for the smaller 3sgte because they weigh alot lighter and cans till get the big hp

there is a massive difference between peak power and torque ....
a high h.p engine is ok for the track (provided you keep it reving).but the massive torque of the 2j would eat an equivalent powered 3sgte in a big heavy supra for breakfast

a lot lighter ????? ummm this still amazes me have you ever weighed either of these engines ???
there is only 50 kg difference ...ok 50 kg will help handling
and a 3sgte would make a better race car setup but for outright grunt.... PLEASE many 1500 h.p 3sgte are there(nothing against the 3sgte they are an amazing engine but you cant beat cc's)


also celicamad could u post up a list of all the 2jetc engined street cars running 8's on a $10,000 setup...thanks

i did not say the whole job could be done for $10,000 but the comparitive hardware was costing less than that (comparing the mazfix engine package)

i am fully aware of the overall cost .im building a 1j that potentially should easilly make this kind of power
my gearbox and diff alone cost $7,000

to the $10,000 engine package you can add .intercooler,plumbing diff mods(except for supra maybe) ,gearbox mods and a BIG tuning bill .not to mention tubbing the rear end slicks .then you probably need roll cage and wheely bars etc to be allowed to run

but these costs would apply to any 8 sec car

the fact is if the yanks are making 650 hp form stock internals (as have a few ozzy blokes) .then ITS possible for these times to be run in a 1200kg vehicle .and yes a 2j will fit in a Celica(wont be leagal) but a 1j would

MORBST ran 10.08 in a 1200 kg package making 550 rwhp with a LESS than $10,000 package including engine and diff and tyres ...with a 2.0 litre engine oh yeah UNTUBBED

gee i wonder how it will go with the 2jzgte soon to be fitted (so a little bird told me)


I agree.. you CANT compare a 13B with a 2J. For cheap horsepower i really dont think you can go past a rotary. Sure you might not get the same torque or driveability

so the car IF ITS LIGHT ENOUGH will make big peak power
but it will be shit off the mark and out of a corner
and probably get blown on the street by good packages making considerably less power

Oh well that makes sense .... i though the whole idea was to have a fast CAR?????????????????

NO doubt rotary's can run good 1/4 mile times .And i have to agree fitiing a 2j to a small car would be a big job .

But at least it wont sound like a whipper snipper on steriods .or duck farting compressed air .And it will be quick on the strett

my mates 11.2 sec rotor does not come past my wifes Cressida 12.9 sec until 150 KPH .....big deal the race is over on the street at 120 MAX ... even he admits the big heavy cressida kicks but and is two full car lenghts on him at 100 kph

coming out of a roundabout its embarrasing for him ...he even said that

ANOTHER mate owns a 9 sec rotar drag car and has his own VERY WELL KNOWN ROTARY BUSINESS(no i will not say who )he still wants to sell rotaries ...and build BLOODY good ones(if there is such a thing)

i will quote him " rotars are 1/4 mile cars sick of wankers thinking they can have a street quick 10 sec package from me .if they want that buy a 1j"..........AND he did for HIS street car

last time i checked this was a Toyota forum !!!!!!!!

rotaries are for people that want to tell thier mates how bigger numbers they can pull on a dyno .........Interesting how my car flogs others packages that have pulled 50 h.p more on the same dyno . and im heavier

perhaps some of you rotary guys can find a $3,000 engine package(including engine and gearbox and ecu and taishaft and diff) that can run 12.9 in a 1580 kg car ????..........mine does Laughing Laughing Laughing ..cant beat torque

[Updated on: Fri, 06 June 2003 12:21]

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January 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Fri, 06 June 2003 12:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
celicamad wrote on Fri, 06 June 2003 22:17

NO doubt rotary's can run good 1/4 mile times .And i have to agree fitiing a 2j to a small car would be a big job .

But at least it wont sound like a whipper snipper on steriods .or duck farting compressed air .

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
are you saying that 6's sound good?!?!?
that's funny!

but yeah, enough about the the 2JZ to the roughly same priced rotar....the 20B.
how come this engine hasn't been mentioned since the first post?
i mean it has just a *slight* bit more power than the 13B.
that'd be a slightly different story.

in my opinion if i was to fit one of these engines to a shopping trolley, i mean small car, then i would fit a rotary for the ease of the conversion being a small engine.
but when we are talking larger cars i don't think rotary's are even in the question...they ain't made for larger cars...the torque of the 2JZ would be much better.

depends what you want it for.
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April 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Fri, 06 June 2003 12:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
well i already know and admitt that piston engines can and are as good as any rotary.

yeah its a toyota site but does that mean we have to bag all other forms of engines?

why dont u compare a mild 20B with say ta51, with a strong gearbox and diff etc to the supra engine?

theres many many engines out there and they all can produce power if treated properly and with enough $$$$.
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April 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Fri, 06 June 2003 13:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
celicamad...yes im a "rotary guy" and i couldnt care less what engine package u had in ur cressida or anything else, or how much it costs and how quick it is doesnt interest me at all.

if u got a bargain transplant well thats great.

if u dont like rotarys all well and good but do u see me saying this and that are shit engines..NO..

thats because i understand everyone has there own opinion and i reconise JUST because i may have a certain type of engine it doesnt mean that everyman and his dog should jump out and buy one.

toyota 2j and 1j engines are great ..everyone already knows that.

its like saying a motec is better than a microtech..of course it is ..BUT depends on $$$$

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January 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Fri, 06 June 2003 13:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
2J front cuts only 3k now??
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April 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Fri, 06 June 2003 13:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Smile cool i wouldnt mind one in the celica

anyone for a cheap 13bt
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Forums Junkie

March 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sat, 07 June 2003 01:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
actually there has been a few 3sgte supras that has made just over 1000hp and the 2jzgte bottom ends are only good for around 6-700 hp at engine 650rwhp is around 800 hp at engine. and i agree with rotatr of everything said just cause you dont like a particular engine it dont mean you godda bag everybody else about it.. if he wants a 13bt in hes car let him eh wa sjust after advise not some poof telling him to do something he dont weanna do everybody has theyre own opinions and a 20b with a t88 on it will spool alot harder then a 2jz with a t88 Very Happy
correct me if i am wrong.
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December 2002
Re: modifying rotaries Sat, 07 June 2003 04:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I don't want to sound silly, but why the F*#k would you want a 1000Hp engine in a street car. Most idiots would either kill themselves or usually kill someone else with them. And as for rotaries, they sound absolutely sh*it house. People look at your car not because they think its nice. they just think there is a hole in your exhaust. I know nothing about rotaries so there is not bias there apart form the ridiculous noises they make. How fuel economical are they anyway??
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February 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sat, 07 June 2003 05:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i once saw a rotor trying to hill start on a BIG hill

OMG... i nearly choked on the clutch fumes Laughing
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Forums Junkie

March 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sat, 07 June 2003 05:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The smokey rotars are a thing of teh past.
12A's are over 20 years old, and even some of the earlier 13b's are old too.

But if you compare a 13b rew or 13b renesis, then smoke isn't a problem.

And you can't honestly compare a rotor to a 6 cyl engine. The characteristics are completely different.

I find it hard to beleive that some of you can't be accepting of other engines. I hate to break it to you, but the 2jz is not the be all and end all of engines.

Personally, I love rotors, i think they are the best type of engine around for a light car (READ, DON'T NEED MUCH TORQUE).

enough of my bitching, if you want to extract instant power out of a rotor, get a good free flowing exhaust and port the plates. For street use, a large extend port would be best for both turbo and na applications because it reaps lots of top end and not too much bottem end is sacrificed.
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Forums Junkie

March 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sat, 07 June 2003 07:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
1000hp is almost common over in japan Very Happy
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April 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sat, 07 June 2003 08:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
any engine thats making heaps horse power is going to use a lot of fuel.

as for all the BS rotary comments..i wont even bother replying.

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Rolla Boy
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Sydney, NSW
May 2002
Re: modifying rotaries Sat, 07 June 2003 08:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I am a huge Rotor fan and love the noise, barp, barp, barp... Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy ...

I'd love to build up a 13B PP Turbo one day... It'd have to be in an RX3 aswell...
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Forums Junkie

March 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sat, 07 June 2003 10:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yep i would love to put a 13bt from an s5/6 in my celica Very Happy
i just love the power and potential of them.
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June 2002
Re: modifying rotaries Sat, 07 June 2003 11:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
should that rotor go like this

fart...fart...fart...fart...fart..fart.fart.fart.f artfartfartfartfartfartfartfartfaartfartafratfartf artdowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww( huge bog down)faarrrrrrt farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtfarrrrrrrrt ...whoops ran out of road could have beat him if i had another 200 metres

its quite obvious none of you have EVER driven a well sorted turbo six before .if you had you wouldnt be reading this



tell that to the 1160 kg 11.2 sec rotor that cant get near me until 150 kph

the only thing better than a low torque engine is a high torque one Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

the whole 20b thing ....well !!granted huge improvment on a 13b .by the time they get to the 35b mazda will have produced a good engine Razz
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March 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sat, 07 June 2003 14:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Too much torque = wheel spin, so unless u drive around with slicks on the street, its just wasted power.

And rotars can launch hard, very hard. I've seen one take a skyline gtr and spank it like no tomorow off the line all the way down the qtr.

And as for cornering, 50:50 ratio must be put on these cars for a reason
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January 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sat, 07 June 2003 14:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i don't think you can ever have too much now can you?
you'd just have to learn to not put your foot down so hard.

if you don't got the torque, then your power is gonna take LOONNNGGGGEEERRRR to get to the ground...

this post is turning into a bitch post....get a 2jz, get a rotary, get a 2jz, get a rotary.....geez.

(notice how the word "loud" is used...that's all they is)
let's face it, rotarys can sound loud, 4's can sound loud, 6's can sound loud, and hell, even my lawnmower can sound loud (it sounds sweet with my .25" pipe with HKS muffler and 4" tip on it! Laughing Twisted Evil )

to TRY to finish this off..
for all your rotary questions, see this site:
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Forums Junkie

March 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 03:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
any engine can sound loud.. every engine with lotsa hp running through it is going to be loud as well celicamad it is obvious you havent been in a rotor with a bit of powert through it.. they go well.. very well... so stop being so bias bysaying they are shit just cause you dont liek them hmmm most drag cars you see these days use rotors and not jz's look at pac.. they have at least 10 cars doing at least 9's and msot of them are street driven cars... i dont see a club for 2jz's that have cars doing from 9's to low 8 seconds all day so if rotors are doing those times they much be doing something right
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Forums Junkie

Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
January 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 08:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
speaking of 8 and 9 second cars, ya can't go past the puerto rican dudes with turbo 3TC's.... old tech but reliably fast...and they have very fast rotors too....
man you guys are way too sensitive about motors Wink
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February 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 09:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Intensevil wrote on Sun, 08 June 2003 00:09

Too much torque = wheel spin, so unless u drive around with slicks on the street, its just wasted power.

And rotars can launch hard, very hard. I've seen one take a skyline gtr and spank it like no tomorow off the line all the way down the qtr.

And as for cornering, 50:50 ratio must be put on these cars for a reason

most rotors i've seen are all TALK!!...

Laughing Laughing
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March 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 10:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah most.. but that means few you have seen has been fast Laughing
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Forums Junkie

March 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 11:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Well when a 2jz slams everyone at lemans, or can run a 6.98 qtr I might convert but untill then, its braaap for me Very Happy
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February 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 11:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
celicaboy wrote on Sun, 08 June 2003 20:55

yeah most.. but that means few you have seen has been fast Laughing

i see quite a few, its just that most rotors are infact not fast, and most that are wont beat piston engined cars unless theres a whole lotta road... which more often than not, isnt the case

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Rolla Boy
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Sydney, NSW
May 2002
Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 11:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Whats all this shit about knocking rotors ppl???

A car doesn't have to be fast to be cool... I have a stock Rolla SX and that provides enough fun for me... One day, when I can afford it I will have a more powerful car but not for a while, well when I turn 25 then it's car shopping time Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy ...

But, the fact that you're sorta saying that fast cars are cool, does that make PAC's rotors cool??? Yes... Oh whoops, thats a rotor... That can't be cool Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil ...
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Forums Junkie

March 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 11:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
a rotor can be fast a 2jz can be fast.. anything can be fast it all depends on how much work you do.. what you see that si a fast rotor but not beating unless its got lotsa road has only prolly got minor mods done to it just like any motor.. take the stock turbo off and put a bigegr one on and it will make it go alot faster Laughing

[Updated on: Sun, 08 June 2003 11:41]

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April 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 12:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
what is this shit about needing alot of road?

do people race 50m from light to light?

in that case u wouldnt get more than 2-3 car lengths on my stock excel.

im not here to knock any engine but why keep knocking mazdas when its easy to see u dont know anything about them?

where all suppose to be here to help each other not go on with complete shit.

yes i do own a ta22 with a 13bt...and mazda owners can accept it has a mazda engine why cant the toyota blokes accept it doesnt have a toyota engine?

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Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 13:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Why is it that the turbo rotors have never beaten the 6's at the HP heroes ?? and that is a PEAK HP event !

Why is it that all street rotors seem to run into a brick wall at about 550rwhp ??

Show me a 13b making more han 320 rwkw on straight pump fuel, it just dont happen even in dyno shootout land.

A few friends of mine have "550 rwhp" rotors, all when pushed will admit they dont make that anywhere but on race day - cos C16 or c21 simply costs too much - these are not street figures.

The most they can hope for is about 360hp on optimax.

hell , my stock 1j will give that figure a shake on stock internals and a mild turbo @ the same boost. Let alone porting, extensive dowling, massive turbo, unobtanium seals and a 10,000 k engine lifespan (at best.

NB. Rotor is spelt with two o's


Forums Junkie

June 2002
Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 13:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
i love this shit

umm does going for runs in 11.2 sec ,14 sec,and a sub 10 sec rotary count for having been in a fast one ....well fast above 6000 rpm anyway

im not talking racing 50mm im talking 150 - 200m
or just 0-100.

too much torque means wheelspin .....umm i can launch the cressida at 2900 rpm without wheelsspin with 215/60/16 .
with 650 nm of torque and its only a 1j

achieving traction means not lowering not fitting 18 ' wheels high profile tyres moderate tyre pressure and weight over the wheels ...yep the cressda carrys betwen 50-100kg of extra baggage over the rear and is faster both 0-100 and 1/4 mile because of it .

ummmm i think i already said anything can run well on the 1/4 mile about try the nissan vs the rotary from idle at the lights over

LOUD?????? umm my cressida makes 240 rwkw and sounds almost stock in fact most of my neighbours dont even know its modified

i have trouble getting runs sometimes

i dont hate rotary engines beacuae they are rotary engines .
or mazda or whatever .

i hate them because they are low torque street pigs that take forever to make thier power .BUT put one on a 1/4 mile and they EVENTUALLY can perform well (this is unchallenged)

i have spent MANY hours in a very well known rotary workshop and been for MANY runs in all sorts of packages .outright power is there no doubt .but they are still street pigs and i get bored blowing them away

ohh yeah and finally doesnt a JUN 2jz hold one of the land speed records
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I supported Toymods

I renounced punctuation
May 2002
Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 13:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Intensevil wrote on Sun, 08 June 2003 21:07

Well when a 2JZ slams everyone at Le Mans, or can run a 6.98 qtr I might convert but until then, its braaap for me Very Happy

There have been quite a few 2JZs in the 6.8's Stateside.
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Forums Junkie

June 2002
Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 13:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
almost forgot a relaible scource informs me that wankel was originally spelt wanker but they changed it to see just how many knobs would buy one

bring back robbo ...bring back robbo

[Updated on: Sun, 08 June 2003 13:20]

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Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 13:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Where is robbo ? I miss the poor misinformed soul.

I'm sure he would have a valid and constructive opinion on this. He's probably fitted a gt26 turbo to one of these engines b4 !!

Forums Junkie

June 2002
Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 13:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
actually i believe he fitted a large exhaust fan to the end of the exhaust system and it made 0.000000000000000001 kw extra

[Updated on: Sun, 08 June 2003 13:27]

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April 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 13:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
have u ever been in a mazda that has a stock turbo? even just a high flow? a stock 13bt has max power by 6..and is at full boost by about 2500-3000.

12sec cars reach go well over 105mph over a 1/4 so running between 0-100km/hr means jack shit.

the rotarys ur talking about are setup for 1/4's more than likely.

and by the way ..all street runs ive been to are over approx 400m..not 150 or what everur on about?

this cressida sounds like a weapon Rolling Eyes

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Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 13:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Celicamad is talking about the trafficlight GP - where most streeters do 9/10 of their racing. Also the first 150 m of road at "runs" before the cars disapear into the dark and the spectators dismiss the race as lost when the rotor is still a car length behind.


April 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 13:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
well i understand but it would be like saying u beat me on my recently sold yamaha r1..over 50-100m or to say 120-130kms.

then i would tell u how about we have a run where i can use the other 5 gears.

also mazda engines dont need huge torque or power cause the cars we put them in generally are not overweight..

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Forums Junkie

March 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 23:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
geez rotatr some ppl are so bias.. rotors make alot of power just like any other car... they are a very good light engine i dont see why ppl knock them they are alot better then what ppl say they are these ppl have obviously not seen or been in a fast rotor or any rotor for that thought to be knnocking them.. i bet they just knock themc ause they are loud and not a piston engine so if ppl get over this bias shit and actually do some research about them they wills ee that rotors aint as week as what they think come to think of it.. a 2jz big 3 ltr hmm whats a 13b.. 1.3 or so aint they and still can manage to spool up a large turbo quite early now you all think about that one
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Forums Junkie

March 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 23:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
And don't compare a 2jz to a 13b, try comparing it to a 20b.
Stock standard they put out 320hp, similar to the 2jz's ~350hp.
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Re: modifying rotaries Sun, 08 June 2003 23:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The swept area of a 13b is the equivalent of a 2.6L piston engine. THAT is why they spool up a large turbo as well as 1j or rb26 !


Re: modifying rotaries Mon, 09 June 2003 00:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Also if you wanna talk about about 20B's that would make them nearly 4.0 litres when compared to piston engines, or 25% larger than a 2j. And (by your figures) makes nearly 10% less power at no doubt much higher revs than a 2j.

Also if you wanna compare 2j's to 20b's lets not put the 20b in an 800kg 1960's shopping trolley, and compare the performance of the engine at home in a COSMO.

How many cosmo's do you hear about at the drift/drag/circuit racing scene ANYWHERE ? they are not particularly fast or suitable. Its only recently that 20b (strapped into 1970's shopping trolley's) drag cars in australia have been competative against their 13b rivals (after many years of development)and the Puerto Rican's still use 13b as weapon of choice, and they're the best in the world. The japs send their engines out here to be built, they have no clue.

My point - youre all comparing cars with crazy engine transplants to a production car with modifications.

Sure the rotormaster r100 is undeniably fast - but would it even crack a 12 second pass with a modified 10a ? i doubt it.

Toyota J engines rock - we dont need to fit them to corollas to be quick.



New Zealand
May 2002
Re: modifying rotaries Mon, 09 June 2003 00:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
To call a 13B a 1300cc engine is not really correct. Due to the completely different way they work you cannot compare them direct to a 1300cc piston engine. I believe the standard motorsport conversion is 1.8. So approximately -
12a = 2.1l
13b = 2.3l
20b = 3.6l
And you tend to find that standard fuel consumption (depending how you drive of course) supports these figures.

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June 2002
Re: modifying rotaries Mon, 09 June 2003 01:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hi Guys
I thought that you might find this performance comparison between the Cosmo 20B and Soarer 1JZGTE interesting.
It appeared in HPI Number 30. (Both cars are stock autos)
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------
1995 Toyota Soarer 2.5 GT-T 1JZ-GTE
Power= 206kw @ 6200rpm
Torque= 352Nm @ 4800rpm
Weight =1600kg
0-100= 6.05
400m= 14.25
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------
1995 Eunos Cosmo 20B Type S
Power= 206kw @ 6500rpm
Torque= 402Nm @ 3000rpm
Weight= 1570kg
0-100= 5.42
400m= 13.54
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------
The 20B TT is quite a torque monster and would make a good competitor against the Supra's 2JZ-GTE . Both engines have great potential and plenty of on tap torque. twin turbo 1J's are a great performer once you get hauling along, But I would be interested in seeing a comparison between the VVti Single turbo 1JZ-GTE as it delvers heaps more torque down low than the TT version. Smile
Has anybody domne a VVti 1JZGTE conversion in OZ yet?
-Regards Mike
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Re: modifying rotaries Mon, 09 June 2003 01:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yeah the single turb's 1J makes peak torque at something like 2800rpm. The TT 1j does make its torque in the mid 4000's (confirmed on Celicamads dynoplus) but the addition of the twin pipes mod lowers the point of peak torque to about 3800. This is why many people who get the twin pipe mod done complain that thier car actually feels slower afterwards. It is because the massive torque surge is smothed out and peaks earlier removing the sensation of large hp. The times at the end of the day tell another story, significantly reduced 0-100's and 1/4 miles.

Forums Junkie

March 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Mon, 09 June 2003 02:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i ddint say anything bout 1300cc piston.. i said the 13bt (rotor) is about 1.3ltr thats what i thought but yeah if they are a 2.3 ther must be that is still alot smaller then a 3ltr Smile and as fj20 said the 20b is slightly betetr from factory Smile
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April 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Mon, 09 June 2003 05:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
guys u all need to stop the 2 year old bullshit..of mine is better than urs.

hopefully these type of posts are only the views of a couple of narrow minded users.

get over it fellas...the 2j is a great engine and so is the 20B..FULL STOP

and if u where all so smart u would be putting them in ke10's etc.

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Forums Junkie

Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
January 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Mon, 09 June 2003 05:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
LOL Very Happy
well, apart from the max engine size you can put in a KE10 being 2.1L NA in NSW Sad

but seriously tho, why do ppl keep going for the heavy cars? 600-700kg is a nice weight to start from!

imagine a 20B TTT in a KE10!!!! would be a sports sedan monster!!

no way you could fit a 2JZ in there... it's hard enough fitting a 4AGTE in....

yeah i agree, they are both great engines, but are not the best around, and there will always be a better one developed in a year or two.... they are designed for different purposes and you guys have to accept that... as for asking for rotary advice on toymods?? maybe is a better place.

and _everyone_ should buy a KE10 to do up Very Happy
Cya, Stewart

rotatr wrote on Mon, 09 June 2003 15:30

guys u all need to stop the 2 year old bullshit..of mine is better than urs.

hopefully these type of posts are only the views of a couple of narrow minded users.

get over it fellas...the 2j is a great engine and so is the 20B..FULL STOP

and if u where all so smart u would be putting them in ke10's etc.

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Forums Junkie

June 2002
Re: modifying rotaries Mon, 09 June 2003 05:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
its a bit useless to use facory specs as the jap limit is 206 kw and i have no doubt a 20b makes a shitfull more than 206 kw
as does a 1j

as far as the cosmo goes

umm i think these STANDARD SPECS are a little more realistic

0-100 in 6.2 secs
1/4 mile in 14.3 secs

also the times quoted for 1j soarer are for manual the auto does 5.7 secs in standard form and weighs 1670 kg

for starters this is a stock 1j (no twin pipes with 3 inch exhaust)
this is 340 nm of torque and 189 kw @ wheels
interestingly this is the same figure most stock 1js get on toymods dyno

which is approximatley (for auto) 484 nm of torque and 270 kw @ flywheel .

max torque is at 4185 rpm and with twin pipes max torque is at 3700 rpm

with twin pipes a decent intercooler and 16 psi over 650 nm of torque has been produced and 342 kw (240 kw @ wheels)

my wifes cressida weighs 1580 kg
i think this clears up the 0-100 issue

i have raced a boosted (18 psi)rx4 with 20b fitted which had aftermarket managment .out of 10 runs i won 8 and the other two runs he wheelspun .his best 1/4 mile on street tyres is 12.95

but it was impossible for him to repeat these times on the street

it was making 290 rwhp in 4th gear ( i quite believe that)
i also belive that with a decent setup this car could run faster
and the 20 b made the 13b 's id run look like hyundai excels in performance difference

a 20b is barley a 1j let alone a 2j

as far as comparing to a stock 2j ...well 2js are sequential and in a 1700 kg supra in stock form do 0-100 in 4.6 secs

and can do a 13.1 sec 1/4 mile and weigh around 1620 kg
and thats a non vvti 93 twin turbo model

thats kind of kicks the shit out of a cosmo Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

specs here 3promo.jpg

with stock turbos in twin mode a u.s spec supra can run into the 11s .but thats in a 1700kg vehicle .

the graph below shows the before and after power from a boosted stock 2j running in twin mode .The 600 odd h.p is on stock internals with a large single turbo and re-chipped factory ecu
421 rwhp is 314 rwkw and thats 392 kw @ flywheel(allowing for manual).ON STOCK TURBOS AND STOCK ECU

i belive that a 20b is rarer and more expensive than a 2j
BTW A 2jz complete 1/2 cut $3500 auto asian autos slacks creek
0-100 the auto is still quicker than the manual .Its the 6 speed box thats worth a shitfull i think around $3,000

considering a 1j complete is only $1900 at asian autos again
and they are only 720 mm long will fit in an ra 23 celica and can do 0-100 in 4.7 secs in 1580 kg Cressida imagine how an RA23 celica would go weighing only 1200kg with the 1j and a 9 inch diff .thats 380 kg lighter ummmmm i think sub 4 secs is not out of the question

they fit!!!! its easy and a $5,000 total conversion see here

fits just nice in my celica ...note the distance to the front of the car ....

[Updated on: Mon, 09 June 2003 06:03]

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April 2003
Re: modifying rotaries Mon, 09 June 2003 06:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah i went a bit far with the ke10 example Rolling Eyes

although a lighter car would be a great start.

also i have no knowledge of supras etc but a 13.1 sounds a little quick.

whats the average time someone will run with a stock tt supra at a steet meet?
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June 2002
Re: modifying rotaries Mon, 09 June 2003 06:27 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
Yeah those performance times are a bit optimistic for a stock 1J in a 1580kg Cressida. "0-100 in 4.7 secs in 1580 kg Cressida"
I do not doubt though that a 1J Cressida with some smart mods could shave a couple of seconds of its 0-100 time.
In Autospeeds Comparison between the Manual & Auto Soarer 2.5 GT-T.
They commented that the auto was quicker in most situations except flat out straightline acceleration. 0-100 & 400m where the 5speed manual was only slightly quicker.
-Regards Mike
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