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Miss 22

May 2003
women drivers!!! Sat, 31 May 2003 01:29 Go to next message
I've noticed that many people on these forums have a bit to say about women drivers and their a FWD vs RWD conversation i noticed that alotta people said that FWD's belong in a womans driveway and to leave the 'real' cars for the 'real' drivers!!! I will probably be one female who might agree with these coments. I am just writing this post not to disagree and start an argument about female drivers and the nice little excel's but to say that i too agree with the driving skills of MOST women. I however am going to learn how to do the 'sideways' thing probly with my Rear Wheel Drive TA22 2TGEU Celica. So watch out because there is a new breed of woman drivers on the way!! But believe me some of the worst drivers ive seen have not just been women...there are the men out there who have no idea. So let me know... what is the best 'worst driver story' and was it a woman driving???????? Smile
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: women drivers!!! Sat, 31 May 2003 02:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I'd agree that most women drivers are bad, but I know plenty of exceptions.
Also, most men tend to think they're better than they are. So while they are better drivers than women, they also push their skills too far and thus have more crashes.

My worst was an asian middle aged woman (I'm not sexist or racist, but in realistic terms that's a bad combination). She was stuck at the lights behind a truck in the middle lane, I was doing the speed limit (60) in the left lane. Light goes green, so I push a little harder (65-70).
without looking or indicating, she pulls out from behind the truck and into my lane. This resulted in a big front lockup, and I came to a screeching halt about 3 metres behind her. at this point I thumped the horn, and her reaction was to look up out of her windscreen, as if that's where the horn is coming from.. up in the sky.

my 2 second worsts have both been old caucasian men. pulling out of side streets without looking and nearly getting t-boned by me
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near chris and murray vic
July 2002
Re: women drivers!!! Sat, 31 May 2003 05:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
would have to be a middle aged woman in one of those big bmw 4wds coming the wrong way down a one way road in an underground carpark

she was going about 50 (fast for a carpark) and i scraped the back left wheel arch of my mums falcon trying to get out of the way.. i was about 2 inches from hitting her head on, and of course she didnt stop Mad
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: women drivers!!! Sat, 31 May 2003 06:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
the worst are half chinese-aussie drivers

they are "shit-hoons"... muahahha

sorry bad joke Shocked

and Miss22 - whats this sideways thing ur talking bout.. not drifting I hope !?? Surprised

and Draven - I agree with u !
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October 2002
Re: women drivers!!! Sat, 31 May 2003 07:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Did you ever park the TA22 near Hornsby TAFE? I would walk past that car every second day and want it. Have one to drive now though Smile

blerk (not BR1183)
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: women drivers!!! Sat, 31 May 2003 07:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Justin......just when we thought u couldnt top yourself by getting a chick into an old skool pimped up celica.....u got top yourself by teaching her how to get sideways

is there anything better ?

Go Mel GO!!!

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Re: women drivers!!! Sat, 31 May 2003 09:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
my Wife punts my 200+ rwkw supra around with ease (5 speed with button clutch too). She's a shocking hoon - even looked up how to turn the boost back up (after i turn it down) on the HKS EVC.

She hasnt come unstuck yet - so not ALL women cannot drive (in the performance sense).


JDM hachi

was adelaide now newcastle
February 2003
Re: women drivers!!! Sat, 31 May 2003 22:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i find that the worst drivers on the roads tend to be those with no interest in driving be they male or female, it's just that most guys place a high importance on the ability to drive, whereas most women dont value this too highly (don't care), thus although i hate to say it, it appears that women drivers are worse, but as with every thing in the world there are exceptions to the rule.
my g/f is one of these exceptions, moved up from FWD to RWD, and likes to give the thing a workout from time to time.
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Miss 22

May 2003
Re: women drivers!!! Sat, 31 May 2003 22:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Les...i was always told that when i get bored of life, to take a look at it from a different angle...drifting sideways down the street will hopefully show me this new perspective...either that or it'll just be a damn lotta funLaughing car has no working on that no that wasnt mine near tha TAFE..when do you see it..i wanna have a look at this machine you envy
Manipulate..Is there nothing Juzzo cant do?? Yeah well i'm on the right track for cars...and driving skills...only thing now is to get the car together, after getting some money together, and then go for the LEGALLY i can drive!!!

[Updated on: Sat, 31 May 2003 22:38]

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

July 2002
Re: women drivers!!! Sun, 01 June 2003 00:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Whats with people saying RWD is harder than FWD? i've had both and find it takes a lot more skill to get a FWD car going quick around corners then a RWD car, I've had the back hanging out around corners at 80km/h+ in my FWD car they are harder to drive at their limit because the way you drive the car is completly the oppisit to RWD. so you have to re teah yourself how to drive as the rules of RWD cars don't apply to FWD.

its easier to change from FWD to RWD then it is to change from
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Rolla Boy
Forums Junkie

Club Member

Sydney, NSW
May 2002
Re: women drivers!!! Sun, 01 June 2003 06:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Well, my worst driving experience was when a middle aged woman decided to pull a 3 point turn right infront of me when I was driving my previous car... I had no way to stop so I held on for the ride... I cannot recall anything from when I locked up to when I was in hospital about 8 hours later... I have no idea what happened between those hours...

And with this FWD vs RWD crap, who really cares??? I love driving FWD cause it's fun to hook into corners and to have the back kicking out is awesome... I don't want a RWD cause I know that I couldn't control myself and I'd be ripping burnouts everywhere... "Real men drive RWD"... Pffft, whatever Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil ...
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: women drivers!!! Sun, 01 June 2003 07:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yeah like i said b4....each to their own in regards to RWD & FWD

and Ginsie your exactly right with what u said

it is much more difficult to counter understeer than it is to counter over-steer
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Gold Coast
January 2003
Re: women drivers!!! Sun, 01 June 2003 11:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
real men ride bikes.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: women drivers!!! Sun, 01 June 2003 11:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Do Posties count ?

Yay for auto-clutch !!!
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Gold Coast
January 2003
Re: women drivers!!! Sun, 01 June 2003 11:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
we will let it count if you clear a set of doubles on it Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: women drivers!!! Sun, 01 June 2003 12:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
What does that mean ?

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Forums Junkie

Brisbane, QLD, Australia
May 2002
Re: women drivers!!! Sun, 01 June 2003 15:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
BansheeBuzz wrote on Sun, 01 June 2003 21:54

real men ride bikes.

And real boys add powerbands to theirs. Very Happy

Just kidding, couldn't resist such a charming temporary Australian. Wink
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Forums Junkie

Eastern Sydney
May 2002
Re: women drivers!!! Tue, 03 June 2003 09:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
GIN51E wrote on Sun, 01 June 2003 10:22

its easier to change from FWD to RWD then it is to change from

I'd have to disagree with that,going on the people I've seen trying to go from FF to FR,and my own experience - having previously worked for a rental company that had only FF cars,and owning nothing but FR cars myself.
FR guys find FF cars a lot easier to punt harder than most FF guys find it when put into FR cars.
most FF guys aren't used to using on the throttle to steer the car,or familiar with the quickest way to enter a corner in an FR car.

a guy who usually drives FR can get into an FF car,and as long as he's sensible with entry speeds,can be reasonably quick off the bat. most FF guys get into an FR car,and get spooked by the way the back moves,and alters the steer characteristics as you power out.

I did a "slut run" with a mate a while back. he took my 4ag ae86,and I took his modded n15 SSS (100kw at the front wheels).
I was all over his tail in his car when he drove my sprinter,but when we swapped back,he couldn't keep with me on the return leg.

to get back on topic,I tend to agree with JDM hachi. women are generally disinterested with driving,as are most people on the roads. cars are a conveyance,and that's all to them. they'd much rather read better homes and gardens articles about the best fertiliser and latest material for chic fence palings than pick up an option magazine.

my favourites are the young girls in the hatchbacks. they love to drag off the lights. if they win,it's all laughs. if they lose,you're a wanker with a small dick. how does that double standard work? anyone got an idea about that one?

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Forums Junkie

Mornington Peninsula
September 2002
Re: women drivers!!! Tue, 03 June 2003 22:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I got some female friends out there who are bad drivers and same with male friends.

But it really depends on what you base the bad driving on. If it's no consideration for others on the road, if you're a lazy driver and don't do the small things while driving like indicating, turn across 3 lanes of traffic, pull out in front of others because you know they can brake to avoid hitting you. Bad driving could be speeding, tailgating, can't drive to the speed limit. Talking on mobiles. The list could go on.

If we take these as things that make bad drives then I'm sure all of us here are guilty of at least one of them. It's a known fact that women are more likely to speed but men are more likely to do the crazy shit like burnouts, sideways in the wet etc.

I think the amount of bad drivers out there is equally devided and different people who drive differet cars will have different bad driving habits. And with more people out on the road the chances of having more bad drivers only increases.
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I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: women drivers!!! Tue, 03 June 2003 22:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I have to agree with you ra23celicachick.

wot's with you guys... there is just as many Bad men drivers for all the same reasons and sometimes worse....
from my experence on the roads there are women on the roads that may not be concentating or "being lazy" but there are alot more men that are doing stupid dangerious things out on the road that should be kept to the track/paddock.
so in my opinion it is a 50/50 situation, but there are different reasons for the "Bad Driver" name!
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Blacktown Bro
July 2002
Re: women drivers!!! Wed, 04 June 2003 02:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I agree that there are probably equals numbers of bad men and women drivers, but the difference i feel is this, and this is my opinion only.

Men kind of know they are doing something stupid and tend not to do it ie burnouts where public safety is at risk (yes there are manyexceptions to this). So when you get road rage, they get the idea they have stuffed up and either stop or get really pissed off. But men have a terrible tendency to tailgate and cut in on your space! But thats ok because i have a terrible tendency to slam on my brakes! Laughing

Women tend to drive in either a state of nervousness (asian women in mercs JEEZ -SUS! Lookout!) or in lar lar land and not giving a shit. If a women driver stuffs up and you inform her, I find they get really defensive, and abuse you Twisted Evil . But is doesnt matter if there in their SUV sitting up your arse! It still your fault from their perspective!

Peace on the roads my bruvvers! Cool

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Forums Junkie

Brisbane, QLD
February 2003
Re: women drivers!!! Wed, 04 June 2003 03:56 Go to previous message
Iam of the persuasion that "bad drivers" are people who dont like driving or find it a hassle\nuisance.
However this is not always the case.
If you look at my two parents:
Dad- Loves to drive but is very easily distracted by his mobile, woman on the side of the road\in other cars and generally talking to people in the car(he loves to look at people when talking ot them)
Mum- Doesnt really like to drive, didnt even bother getting her licence till she was 25. Bad driver because she learnt when she actually cared about life Razz

I think to be a halfway decent driver you should learn ASAP and not be overly stupid. If you start driving with the attitude that things will go wrong, and worry about everything on or near the road you'll be a bad driver.

Saying that i'd prolly prefer being near a confident driver being a silly bugger than a nervous driver being over cautious
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