Okay.. im a noob ...
Car is a 1990 seca 1.6L.. 4AGFC.. ... LOL i Want an 4age
Okay heres the question.. i've gathered that H4 is the type of globe that goes into the headlights..
But i've read that 100/130W headlights are the way to go...
Aren't these illegal??
55/60W alright??? are better y/n...
Im thinking getting some west h4 globes that are 55/60 from www.rollaboyz.org.au
Ummn .. if i was to go the 100/130.. means i would need a headlight upgrade?
Any response would be good.. Anyone have any suggestions..
i pulled globes like that from my ma61 when they burnt out and the guy at he shop goes.....oooooo they is illegal ahah
so i guess they are illegal then.