Seeking some advice in regards to an AE80 Corolla. It appears that the engine is nearing the end of its life, currently I have a 2A 1.3 ltr engine.. And I'm looking to replace it with a reco. What I would like to know is whether I can put a 1.6 ltr engine in its place without having to make any other mods. Does anyone out there know whether a 4A-ULE or something of the like will drop in without any worries?
I checked the Engine Swap guide on this site but it had nothing about the AE80.
Also if theres anyone that lives in VIC thats looking to sell a suitable engine then please let me know.
Not 100% positive but id imagine that any A series engine should bolt up so you could start by scavanging an old 4AC that someone is throwing out and test fit that then go for a 4AGE