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I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
a cunning play on words
Mon, 16 June 2003 06:20
Is the outhouse named on purpose 'cause we're going to end up talking shit in here?
I think it's a perfect fit
(note the complete lack of anything resembling a substantial post: a perfect first post in the outhouse)
Location: Sydney, Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Mon, 16 June 2003 06:26
I thought Mani's "For Sale" thread fitted in here perfectly!!
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: April 2003
Re: a cunning play on words
Mon, 16 June 2003 06:28
I don't know whether or not to be offended by the rooms name...
Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Mon, 16 June 2003 07:42
heehee..... at least we didn't call it "Toymods Poop-Shoot"
Club Member
Location: Sydney, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Mon, 16 June 2003 09:12
LOL... The outhouse is just another name for "Usless crap that has no relation to cars at all"...
I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
I supported Toymods
Location: I renounced punctuation
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I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Mon, 16 June 2003 11:45
Bring Back Joe. He always got the job done, even if it was done by passing paper bags under the table.
Club Member
Location: Sydney, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Mon, 16 June 2003 11:46
Political stuff... I'm not into this sorta stuff at all... I have no idea who's doing what and if what everyone is doing is good or not but Little Jonnie seems to be a good bloke, all except for that he likes to kiss George Bush's ass a lot...
I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Mon, 16 June 2003 11:49
yay! *jumps on a political discussion with someone who's got a level head*
I agree wholeheartedly! when there are only 2 real parties left (democrats dont count for reasons mentioned... greens have a few intersting policies, but not a complete political ideology/strategy, apart from vague ideas), you start to wonder what your options really are. Both are fairly undesireable, and they're starting to look a bit backward. The fact that there was opposition to reducing the age of homosexual consent inline with hetrosexual consent should be evidence enough of this! Opposition parties (no matter who they are, labour at the moment) tend to have few great ideas of their own, kick the crap out of wahtever the governemnt puts forward, blocks it, and then a similar thing happens when power changes.
The only real change recently was the introduction of the GST. And while I'm dubious about whether it was a great idea, I'm happy to at least see some progress.
And being a student, I wish someone would put forward an alternate plan to the government's "pay for your course" idea, because I'd vote for them just for that single policy. The idea of the rich being more eligible for an education than the smart is a trip back to mid last century, and hard to believe in a country which claims ideals of equality such as ours.
(I had some other intersting things to say, but I've suddenly lost my train of thought .. bed time)
I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Mon, 16 June 2003 11:49
Location: Cabramatta, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Mon, 16 June 2003 23:44
I've gotta say that Howard is a spineless little *%&@. The guy irritates me beyond belief. He doesn't have the guts to do anything radical.
The GST was/is one of the most stupid things that the Australian population has voted on, short of voting against independance...
I supported Toymods
Location: I renounced punctuation
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Mon, 16 June 2003 23:52
Howard makes me embarrassed to be Australian.
His pro American stance in order to gain some presence on the international arena infuriates me. Where are the weapons of mass destruction Mr Howard?
What he is doing to health and education worries me. These are fundamental rights, not a luxury for the priviledged few.
I supported Toymods
Location: sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Mon, 16 June 2003 23:59
I say shoot the F#@king lot of them and put a blue collar worker in there to run the country.
The way I see it is they are the ones the work there butts of everyday of there lives to try and make ends meet.
I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 00:12
well yeah
but people in general are fairly stupid.
and here we are, the younger population, characteristically unhappy and disillusioned with politicians in general
I'm not even going to go into the whole iraq thing.
let's just ask the question who has legal rights over the distribution of Iraq's oil now? who started the war?
what a coincidence.
I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: August 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 00:19
i for one actually supported the GST, most people go around saying its not fair we have to pay more! but dont forget other things got tax reduced (sure not to the same extent as to what went up) but this means that at least more people will be actually paying tax and the dodgers out there do too.
im all for the government having more money if it means it will be spent wisely... like free education (although it kinda would suck that EVERYONE has some sort of degree leading to overqualification) or at least subserdising more of the HECS.
unfortunatly in this world not one person or party can do things 100% right, but i do think a woman should have a go
I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 00:21
people wouldn't have more degrees.. it would still be based on educati0onal qualification, which it should be.
The GST basically makes it harder for people like me (student on low income) to get by. more things have tax on them, and I see almost none of the income tax cuts that were brought in at the same time.
as per usual, lots of tax breaks go to the high income earners.
Location: Cabramatta, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 00:33
Can you imagine the average Australian going up to the Pope and saying "G'day"... hehe
I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 00:34
if I had that chance, I think I'd say "How's it hanging"
I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 01:08
I was discussing this the other day with someone. Howard has the most clue out of our current politicians...which isn't saying much, and that scares me.
I didn't like Kim Beazley, but at least he had some balls unline Simon Crean, that guy as someone rightly pointed out has the personality of a cardboard cutout.
We neeeed someone else.
As for the university and general education stuff in general...don't even get me started on that! Try living off two days work a week, and still trying to get your car finished. On top of this you have all these uni fees, as well as the nearly $600 a pop it costs to do a unit at uni (more if you count books) much were these politicians paying when they went to university...considering most of them are middle-aged, they'd fit into the group that paid, hmmm $0!!!
Location: Cabramatta, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 01:47
Ermm... JCMF, if it wasn't for the government, you'll prolly be paying between $10k-$30k per year to do your Uni degree.
I wouldn't whinge about it. My cousins in America have their parents saving up for years to get their children through Uni.
I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 01:50
Errm...have you ever thought that it shouldn't cost that much anyway? I mean shit, if I went to a country like Germany on exchange, I wouldn't have to pay squat for my time there because of FREE education.
And btw...don't try to use Americans as an argument, I'm onto a theory atm to prove that as a race they are getting dumber and dumber.
Location: Cabramatta, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 01:55
Free education is all nice and that, but really, Australians have it pretty good when it comes to the cost of Uni degrees (for residents at least).
$4k a year ain't so bad when you consider that you'd prolly have to pay $2.5k for a 5 day course on, say, Linux security.
Is it possible to get dumber than Americans?! hehe
I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 01:56
we are in the middle
nowehre near as bad as america... but after talking to some German backpackers... man I wish I had've gone tehre for 3 eyars or so to do my degree.
I dont mind the system as it is right now. the courses aren't too expensive. but waht the govt is proposing will give rich kids too dumb to make the grades an easy way in, meanwhile kicking out someone else who deserves it more but cant afford to fork out $10000+ per year
I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 01:58
Apart from the cost of the lecturers, what exactly is sooo much more expensive for a uni to run than a high school. Even that gets balanced out by the fact there are a SHITLOAD more students.
Then they slug you with parking, and ammenities fees, and the profits they make on the text all adds up!
As for the Linux security course, thats a case of, "we charge that because you will pay it"
I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 02:00
btw...having this section of the forums kicks arse, cos I could so see this being one of the threads that would have been shut down in the previous "General Discussion" sections
I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 02:02
that's easy
high school education is seen as a necessity... university education is not. As a result, govt pays for high school education, but only part of uni education.
plus there are a *lot* of added expenses at a university. groundskeeping and land tax on an area that big? consider the number of office staff, cleaners etc required to manage that many rooms and students.
I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 02:05
I was gonna say, we've been ranting for like a page on governemnts and education without this being deleted.
ah well, it's a great excuse not to do this assignment.
speaking of this assignment... postgrad courses cost as much as american uni courses (about $10000 per year), but I can kinda understand that, as most people dont complete postgrad courses, or at least not until they've been in the workforce long enough to make enough money to pay for it. (I, unfortunately, fall into the minority that has to sign their soul away to PELS to be qualified for a profession)
I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 02:06
True, bit its still in proportion to the number of students. I'm not saying its the end of the world or the worst by any stretch. I am slooowly getting my car finished, so its not as bad as it could be.
I mean, there are 30000 students at my uni...just say that they're doing an average of 3 units each, each of an average cost of $500 each. That works out to $45 million, a semester, not including international students which pay through the nose.
I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 02:11
then you look at the number of lecturers, earning $60k+ each, not to mention senior lecturers etc. even if there's only 200 of them, that takes up over $12 million.
all the deans, cleaners, secretaries... at least $5mil more there. maintenance and improvements ... it all adds up damn quickly.
it's topics like these that explain the number of posts from max, you and me frank
I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 02:16
Haha, I know, forum conversations are fun
I understand it all adds up quickly, but you have to include the other things that add up we pay them, cos all I've covered in that working is fees, and I guarantee its more than that. Plus, you worked it out as a yearly thing, in that case you have to make mine $90 million. Take into account these and you'd be looking at around $100 million a year to play with, where is it going, cos thats a LOT of money!
When I studied German and German studies at uni, we found out why exactly Germany pays for education like that. Its because they want to make the country worth more money in the long run by having better educated people. It might cost them a bit in the meantime, but isn't it better than having the amount of people we have in low paying jobs and the low level of high technology compared to a place like Germany?
I supported Toymods
Location: I renounced punctuation
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 02:18
We have it pretty good, at the moment.
I got thru my science degree free of charge (pre HECS), and had to pay HECS for my medical degree. My PhD is HECS exempt. All in all, I had a 10K debt, which has been paid off. Pay your way (overseas) med students pay about 20K a year. However, the true cost of a medical degree is somewhere around the 200K mark!
In the USA, the student cops the full load of this bill. The poor buggers have to take out enormous loans or have incredibly wealthy parents to look after the bills. The current government is steadily moving towards such a system where only the wealthy elite can have a chance to make it thru university. Amenities fees, union fees and the odd library fine are trivial fare compared to a $35000 uni bill per year.
I'm all for a light HECS fee. Whilst it goes little way into subsidising the cost of the degree, it acts as a disincentive for people who start a degree because they can and then drop out (1st year drop out rates are about 30%).
Location: Cabramatta, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 03:23
Yup, it's good to keep the losers out. Plus it still provides a bit of incentive to actually succeed rather than repeat the same course 10 times...
It costs a bit, but not that much. And you can choose to defer it until you actually make money anyway, so it's almost like it's free.
I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 03:39
I simply dont understand why the US isn't doing something about improving it's higher education system. all they're doing is keeping the poor people poor, and making the rich richer. Not to mention the effect it must be having on the overall level of qualified people.
Location: Cabramatta, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 03:40
justcallmefrank wrote on Tue, 17 June 2003 13:25 | Oh, and just cos someone is repeating something doesn't mean they didn't try
Yes, I know, but you know what I was getting at. There's a level of appreciation that goes along with having to work/pay for it.
I've failed my own fair share of subjects. Heck, I went to Uni for 5 years and ended up leaving!
I supported Toymods
Location: I renounced punctuation
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 03:53
draven wrote on Tue, 17 June 2003 13:39 | I simply dont understand why the US isn't doing something about improving it's higher education system. all they're doing is keeping the poor people poor, and making the rich richer. Not to mention the effect it must be having on the overall level of qualified people.
Knowledge is power.
I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 03:55
I s'pose if you have a look at the way the youth of australia are starting to think... actually questioning the govts decisions and realising there are better ways of doing things.
The US certainly wouldn't want that... it has enough grief from the small number of college students it has now
Location: Lost in the K hole
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 04:20
speaking of international politics. how long you think 'till Israel totally nukes Palestine (or equiv)
ill start the countdown...
Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Tue, 17 June 2003 09:32
"oh, but they are dirty, and smelly. And they looked at us funny!"
Location: Tasmania
Registered: April 2003
Re: a cunning play on words
Wed, 18 June 2003 03:40
I noticed that the GST has been mentioned. In economic terms, it is classed as a REGRESSIVE TAX. It does not discriminate between the haves and the have-nots. Their is no sliding scale. This type of tax has been implemented in many countries, and has never increased the living standard of the poor. It generally comes with a small decrease in income tax, which to the poor is f**k all, and the those better off, it is more. Very REGRESSIVE. It taxes goods that are considered needs (required to survive), as well as wants.
Tax the good when it is new, tax it when it is sold second hand. What a f**k.
I'm not really much of a fan of this tax system, but I believe the system we had before needed a massive overhaul.
I'm not a Liberal basher either. But I do have an Economics Degree, and did study it a bit.
Location: bris
Registered: February 2003
Re: a cunning play on words
Wed, 18 June 2003 03:56
draven wrote on Mon, 16 June 2003 19:37 | exactly
except political and/or religious stuff.. as some people are incapable of holding a decent argument and get all shitty :\
except one political thing I can say safely (and know 66% of australians agree with me)
Simon Crean is a knob, will lose the next election, and the Australian people simply dont support him. no charisma, no flair... nothing.
not that I like Beazley either.
or Howard (much).
if I offend, pm me and I'll delete the post... I'm too tired/sick to be my usual restrained self
i couldnt agree more... hes a tosspot, i thaught labor was sposed to be all about the 'blue collar' voters and they install this snobby rich fuck to be the leader of the party
when you think about it, he looks exactly like George W Bush - well.... kinda
I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Wed, 18 June 2003 09:42
which is a bad thing in itself
I agree
The tax system before was pretty ordinary.
While I recognise that this tax is probably better overall for the nation, it also is worst for the people who can least afford it (like the poor, and students like me).
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: April 2003
Re: a cunning play on words
Thu, 19 June 2003 00:53
yeah but you know I was thinking... for all the craziness that goes on in Australian politics, I reckon we live in like the best place in the world, and I have been around a little, but everywhere I go, and everything I see, I am like so thankful that I live in this awesome country.
Like, sorry if I am like the irritating positive voice in an arguement, but I reckon Aussieland rocks. We have all the cool stuff that America has, yet without the crime, violence and far more beautiful.
Even if it isn't brilliant politics and they make mistakes, we need to talk about it and stuff and vote and complain and all, but overall, we got it good as.
hmmm. don't hurt me!
Location: On your mum!
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Thu, 19 June 2003 08:33
Wow. How did I miss this thread before? I am actually very good at catching threads when they are obsolete.
I can agree with much that is said here - Simon Crean will probably never run this country - He is a loser.
Kim Beazley is a bigger loser - a dyed in the mould several times around f#%k up. The Collins class subs come to mind.
John Howard has about the most political nouse in parliament (in a position to win an election) at the moment, and if I think back to my high school days 1986 -87 to be precise, I would never have believed that John Howard would have ever run the country - less likely than Crean is at the moment.
Nark stated that Howard has no guts to do anything different.
Well he introduced the GST (that is Grab Snatch and Take) and he banned semi-automatic rifles and shotguns, while covering the costs with a hike for our Medicare benefit. That was a political marvel.
The standout thing that I agree with the most is that when JOHN HOWARD is the BEST that is on offer, then the selection is SHITTY!
Who started this thread anyway? I hope that it gets deleted.
Oh, the homosexual consent thing is another joke - compare that to the Hollingsworth episode and see a whole frigged up political reality. (And still Labour doesn't have the content to beat the Libs!)
I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Thu, 19 June 2003 08:39
Why do you hope this thread gets deleted? Having a place to have a real conversation/debate on here is one of the best things thats ever happened!
I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Thu, 19 June 2003 12:29
I started it
not on this topic tho
but then ,I also took it around to this topic.
why should it be deleted? everyone agrees with what everyone else is posting, it's not causing any disharmony within tthe toymods community...
Location: On your mum!
Registered: May 2002
Re: a cunning play on words
Fri, 20 June 2003 04:36
That was just a comment that I made when I realised that I was typing away on a subject that annoys me (but I need to have a say).
I do agree that we need to discuss these things openly somewhere, that is how we learn. Aaah well.