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Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002

Location: Perth
Registered: June 2002
Re: Heater blows cold air
Wed, 18 June 2003 04:43

im no expert but it could possibly be a knackered thermostat

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Heater blows cold air
Wed, 18 June 2003 04:53

Yup, once the engine gets warm it should stay warm. If not, your thermostat isn't functioning correctly (ie stuck open).

Location: The Central Coast
Registered: October 2002
Re: Heater blows cold air
Wed, 18 June 2003 05:43

It wouldn't push out any warm air if the thermostat was knackered would it?
Maybe the thermostat opens too early, before the engine is warm, how long does it take for the car to reach normal operating temperature?

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: Heater blows cold air
Wed, 18 June 2003 07:24

Are we talking about the same thing?
Engine warms up in about a minute of driving.
Stays warm and runs normal until I turn the car off...
I'm talking about the heater, air cond thing.
It blows hot air from the vents for about 5 minutes and then it blows cold air onwards...kinda like it has run out of hot air supply.
However, if that is related to the thermostat - where would I be looking to check it out??

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Heater blows cold air
Wed, 18 June 2003 07:46

The heater gets its heat from the engine, ie some of the hot coolant from the engine is routed through a heat exchanger in the dash. A cold heater suggests a cold engine, however there are other possibilities.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: Heater blows cold air
Wed, 18 June 2003 08:13

What sort of checks can I perform?
Winters gonna be cold - I'd need this to work.

Registered: May 2002
Re: Heater blows cold air
Wed, 18 June 2003 08:27

You could start by taking off the radiator cap and starting the engine when it's cold. you shouldn't see any flow in the radiator at all and the water (stick your finger in) should stay cold. Once the engine warms up, the thermostat will open and the water should start flowing, the water will then be hot at the top of thew radiater (don't burn yourself...(
If the thermostat is stuck open then the water will be flowing from the start and the engine will never really get hot enough to make the heater work well.

Location: Southern Sydney
Registered: August 2002
Re: Heater blows cold air
Wed, 18 June 2003 08:30

what car is this in?
I had a problem with my soarer not too dissimilar.
I had a busted Heater Valve Control Solenoid.
Basically mine wasn't opening and so the Hot juice wouldn't flow through the heat exchanger.
Picked one up from a wrecker for $50 and worked fine ever since.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: Heater blows cold air
Wed, 18 June 2003 08:46

GA70 Supra.
Where is this heater valve control solenoid??
I wanna check it out and find the problem and then if I can fix it I will...otherwise I'll be paying someone to look for it and that would be costly.

Location: Madrid - Spain
Registered: August 2002
Re: Heater blows cold air
Wed, 18 June 2003 10:44

If you have a vaccuum operated heater controls, then it is likely a leak or a solenoid that is faulty. Does it make a hissing sound when it goes cold??

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: Heater blows cold air
Wed, 18 June 2003 13:07

I'll try that radiator thing tomorrow...thanks.
As for noises - none
However, the actual climate control unit makes computer sounding noises when I change the temp...but the problem is just recent...and that noise has happened since I bought the car.

Location: Hornsby, N.S.W
Registered: September 2002
Re: Heater blows cold air
Wed, 18 June 2003 13:39

is the heater tap working correctly????
ie the tap that open to allow warm water into the heater core???

Location: The Central Coast
Registered: October 2002
Re: Heater blows cold air
Wed, 18 June 2003 23:05

I think what Remedy was trying to say is the supra doesn't have a heater tap juzzo. Sounds more like the heater valve control solenoid for sure.
Looks like you're in for a trip to the wreckers

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: Heater blows cold air
Thu, 19 June 2003 07:20

Okay, where is this heater valve solenoid??
and how can I tell if it's screwed??
Thanks guys...

Location: Southern Sydney
Registered: August 2002
Re: Heater blows cold air
Thu, 19 June 2003 07:49

on a soarer it is at the back right hand side of the engine bay. Sortof semi attached to the engine bay. Basically there will be a vaccum line running to it and then into this wierd sorta thing with a.... hang on there is no way I can describe this... I'll find a picture.

Location: Southern Sydney
Registered: August 2002
Re: Heater blows cold air
Thu, 19 June 2003 07:57

Ok it looks like this:

and has a vaccum line going into it and then out into another thing which will move when you put your heater on (or in your case may not).
Hope this helps.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: Heater blows cold air
Thu, 19 June 2003 08:13

Thanks for the pic...I'll have a search for it.
When I turned my car off today...I noticed that something in my engine bay sounded like it was making buzzing noises.
So for me to tell if it's screwed is to see if it turns or not?
I dont remeber seeing anything like that in my car...but I'll need to haev a better look!
Thanks again!

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: Heater blows cold air
Thu, 19 June 2003 18:06

On the way home tonight I put the heater on and it was nice and hot for the whole trip...
Also noticed the trips up and back ... after the drive and popping the bonnet open, the engine isn't as hot as it used to be. Usually I would open it and I can feel a whole mass of heat come out of the engine bay. The car still drives okay - is there anything I should be worried about??
Also - silly me...there was a plug which I forgot to put back in. Coz it was dark I cant say exactly what it is...but it seems to be connected to the radiator hose - kinda like a sensor. Could this be my problem with the heater?? I think Norbie was saying something about the thermostat...
However, I'm still puzzled as to why the heater worked properly today...and didnt the other days. I put that sensor plug whatever it is back I'll see if it's still giving me problems.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: Heater blows cold air - Need help now.
Sun, 22 June 2003 13:37
Okay - just wanted to say ...By plugging that thing in made no difference.
Ummm...I think I'm having the thermostat problem?
My temp guage doesn't go half way anymore - it only goes 1/4 the way. Even after long drives it doesnt seem to go back 1/4 mark. Also noticed that with the heater on (fan going) it remains warm and when I drive the engine harder, it heats up more. With the fan off (the hot air will blow and eventually will go cold).
I don't know if I'm making sense - but can anybody please help??
I get the feeling that when I'm making the engine work harder, obviously gets hotter and can give me heat inside the car. When I'm not working the engine, the air gets cold and therefore I think I'm having engine temp issues???
Please help - I was freezing my titties off in the car tonight.