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Location: Perth
Registered: September 2002
5m-e head onto 5m-ge block
Mon, 23 June 2003 17:42
quick q here for a desperate friend
got a 5m-ge block, head warped, and has 5m-e head (and intake mani) lying around
5m-e = timing chain
5m-ge = timing belt
can it all be swapped over?
how much trouble am i in for?
would it be much better to try and source a s/h 5m-ge head?

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: 5m-e head onto 5m-ge block
Tue, 24 June 2003 00:00

You're going to have all sorts of issues making that work, mostly because of the belt/chain thing. Definitely easier to source another 5M-GE head. Or you could just grab a whole new 6M-GE and chuck it in! 

I supported Toymods
Location: I renounced punctuation
Registered: May 2002
Re: 5m-e head onto 5m-ge block
Tue, 24 June 2003 01:31

The long answer is yes you can do it, but it will a different sump, crank gear pulley, chain tensioner and timing cover, and you can't be guaranteed that the timing cover will be the same deck height as the block, leading to all sorts of mischief (big front of engine oil leaks). You'll also have to source different intake and exhaust manifolds (they are different stud patterns).
Norbie is right. Just source another GE head, or if that is too exxy, it may just pay to source a new engine.

Location: Perth
Registered: September 2002
Re: 5m-e head onto 5m-ge block
Tue, 24 June 2003 04:59

yeah, thats wot i suspected
oh well, i'll give him the bad/good news

Location: melb
Registered: May 2002
Re: 5m-e head onto 5m-ge block
Tue, 24 June 2003 10:34

norbie where would you find one of these 6M motors and how much would it likely be?

I supported Toymods
Location: I renounced punctuation
Registered: May 2002
Re: 5m-e head onto 5m-ge block
Tue, 24 June 2003 10:36
RE Engines in Bayswater had a couple Chris. They were about 900 from memory, but no loom or ECU.