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Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2002
I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Mon, 01 July 2002 15:41
i just bought a 1982 ra60! NOW wut do i do?! i was thinking of putting in a 4agze but i have NO idea wut to do ANYYYYYYYYYYYYYY help would be apreciated!!! its a 5 speed manual with 21r!
also.. anyone put in a new radio in a ra60? i got 3 headunits all different ends! ANYW HELP would be great again

Toymods Board Member I supported Toymods
Location: Turramurra, Sydney.
Registered: May 2002
Registered: May 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Mon, 01 July 2002 22:50

As Joel said, you cannot go past the 1G-GTE... i came on these forums knowing nothing and now I have a 1ggte RA65... hell I wasn't even looking to buy a car !
But 10 months and 10 grand later... I have a car that carves up rexes and 200sxs.... do the 1g conversion dood

Location: Cabramatta, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Tue, 02 July 2002 01:57

Bang for your buck, you can't beat a 1G-GTE conversion. Don't waste your time with the 4A-GZE. The 1G-GTE will transform your car.
As for the head units, you can fit it if you can use a soldering iron. It's not that hard, you just need a pin out diagram for your new head unit. You then need to figure out which wires that go to your old head unit are for: Power, Acc, ground, speakers, amp for sub (yes, the RA60 comes with them standard!), and antenna. Once you've got that, chop and splice.

Location: Paralowie, Adelaide
Registered: May 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Tue, 02 July 2002 03:53

Is it possibvle (read: easy) t fit the 1ggte in an ra23?
My 18rg is slow!

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Tue, 02 July 2002 04:50

it's as possible and easy as in an RA6x maybe even a little easier, since I'm pretty sure the RA23 has adjustable radiator mounts?

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Tue, 02 July 2002 07:05

Get yourself a 1G-GTE. While your waiting, get yourself a MA61 Supra interior, you would be surprised how comfy they are. All bolts in, you also get to know your car back to I do, having just changed heater core...
The stereo is fairly simple, I didn't bother with the factory wiring, because I mounted my speakers in my doors instead, all I attached my stereo to in the factory wiring is the ground, and then I plugged the antenna in... The sub is pretty amusing, just below the glove-box. 4" from memory, pretty good for the day though!
Oh, and get yourself some decent tyres...unless you like playing around in the wet

Location: Paralowie, Adelaide
Registered: May 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Tue, 02 July 2002 10:00

Hmmm i currently have 195/60/15's and my 18rg makes THEM a handful in the wet!
Fuck flying into a left hander again, When the roads havent had a drop of water on them for like, 3 months!

Location: Paralowie, Adelaide
Registered: May 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Tue, 02 July 2002 10:02

How much are these 1GGTE's worth and what is the exact model number? like 1GGeu? 1GGTEU?
What do i need, Is anything compatable? from my 18rg?
Cheers Ben

Location: Western Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Tue, 02 July 2002 10:17

Does anyone know if National Trucks still sell 1G front cuts?

Location: Cabramatta, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Tue, 02 July 2002 12:24

They're called 1G-GTEs.... 
Buy a front cut. GA70 Supra or GZ20 Soarer.
I bought my front cut off National Truck Spares for $1250. This price included the W58 which I was able to sell off.
They aren't compatible with 18R-Gs.
Sean, I'm not sure but for a while it seemed that National Truck Spares had 1G half cuts or they didn't at the same time depending upon who picks up the phone......

Location: Western Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Wed, 03 July 2002 11:39

I hear SSS are selling the 'everything you need' package for $1200 these days, so that may be another option. I'm just weighing up the cost of doing the 1G conversion against boring and supercharging the 18R-G. Need to do some more reasearch.
Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Tue, 09 July 2002 02:20

hey thanx all for replying!! this is another question i need to ask that i forgot to ask... the supra interior reminded of it actually...
is it just me or are sprinters the same body as a ra60/65??
cause i was playing gt3 got a sprinter and it looks the same..and since the supra interior will fit it.. i was just wondering how much would i b looking at and are they THAT much better? cause i think i need sum new ones and some pods for my speakrs cause when the guy installed the other speakers he took big chunks out to fit them.. so i would luv to know how much they would cost? IF anyone knows that is.. there 6.5 kenwoods kfc1687's..
im REALLY leaning to a 18rg conversion.. cause i dont want to spend huge wads on my first car cause its not the BEST of conditions and as sum1 sadi b4 a 18rg would chop a 100 kw 4age seca wouldnt it??
i also wanted to know if anyone has done a 18rg converion on a ra60 and how much all up it cost ALL UP and wut kinda performace it has kiloowats wise and wut have u beat? etc Oh and is it RWD???
thanx all for putting up with my stupid ass questions.. its just thats its my first car and i luve toyotas and i have no1 else to ask who KNOW wut there talkin about when it comes to toyotas

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Tue, 09 July 2002 02:37

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Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Tue, 09 July 2002 05:17

i have pretty much either decided on either a 18rg.. or i was thinking..
would a 5M-GE be i better decision to fit into my 82 celica?? cause i was checking out a site and it said that a 18rg has 130 hp and a 5m-ge has 141 to 165 hp depending on yr model...
im looking for sumthing reasonably cheap.. nothing that costs thousand and thousands. of dollars.. cause as i said its my first car so i dont wanna spend too much on it.. a 18rg looks like the one so far.. but then i saw this supra engine the old 5m ge one... and thought would that be better do u think??
thanx all!! im selling one of my 929/rx4's and wig that money and money i have saved i wanna get a new engine a DECENT engine ... anyways.. if u have msn please msg me, email me reply wuteva! i need sum advice.. thanx!!!!!!!!

Location: Cabramatta, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Tue, 09 July 2002 06:59

The decision between 18R-G and 5M-GE would be the purpose of the car. Do you want something faster in a straight line (5M) or something a bit slower but able to go around corners (18R).
Answer that question honestly and you'll have your decision.
Also, I'm not sure how difficult a swap a 5M is, but it's definately more difficult than an 18R due to its length and the EFI conversion.

Location: Melbourne, VIC
Registered: May 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Tue, 09 July 2002 07:43

bit of a hijack here but what the hell:
Toyospres loosely quoted 2,200 for a drive-in drive-out 18RG conversion on my RA60 (and 2,950 for a 1G-GE). Is that reasonable? Doing it myself isnt an option; I have neither the space nor the know-how at the moment.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Tue, 09 July 2002 10:38

i asked toyospares about the 5m and they told me it would be cheaper and easier to sell my car and buy a supra. they quoted me about $3800 i think, for a 3t-gte, drive in drive away.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Wed, 10 July 2002 08:30

Putting a 5M-GE in an RA60 would be a very difficult job, and you'd be left with screwed-up handling and straight-line performance that's best described as "average" (ie you'll struggle to keep up with current model Commodores). Worth it? I don't think so. I've said it before and I'll say it again - it's cheaper and easier to sell the Celica and buy an MA61 Supra, which has lots of extra goodies anyway.
As for the 18R-G conversion, I did it in my back yard with only very basic tools and very little mechanical knowledge, and it took a single afternoon with the help of one friend. A mechanic could probably do it in a couple of hours. $2200 sounds a bit steep to be honest, but then again, what do you expect from a mechanic! He'd probably screw up the job anyway.
Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Wed, 10 July 2002 09:01

well it looks like the 18rg is a 100% definate thing now! but i have no tools or equipment to take out my engine and dropping in that one anyways.. so its has to be mechanic all the way
ive gotta ring around and get sum prices i think on how cheapper i can get it.. im hoping around 2000 but ill c wut happens i reckon 
after i get the 18rg my plan is
1) 2.5 inch exhaust with extractors 2) k and n filters *i m not sure if u can get them for this engine can u? and since there twin carbies i would need 2 right?!* 3) i think it cums with webbers :S 4) then after that.. i have no idea :S thats were i would need sum help
Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Tue, 16 July 2002 03:45

i have question.. when i put in the 18rg ecxhaust webbers extractors lower it, how much would i be expecting to sell it would u know?? just roughly??
cause i m thinking about selling this then getting a loan and buying a mkIII and have that be my next baby..
thanx all!!!!

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Tue, 16 July 2002 07:25

The mods you're proposing will do very little or nothing for the resale value of your car. If you're not planning to keep the car I wouldn't bother with an engine conversion, it's just money down the drain...

Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: I JUST BOUGHT A 1982 RA60 CELICA!! no wut?!
Wed, 17 July 2002 10:47
What's a WUT, and why didn't you get one?