a milky white stuff in my radiator water is from oil leaking into it right?
would that mean my Headgasket is blown ? and if so how long is it safe to drive with this condition?
Almost definatly a head gasket or if the car hasnt been driven for ages that ca cause it. i have driven a car with a similar problem for ages. It just means the longer you wait the more cance to make more damage.
i don't think i'll drive it that much thunderbird1
i just need to make sure i can still uses it for the few days where i need to get places till i can get around to repairing it
thanks for the help guys
My Fiancee's 80 Corolla had a similar problem where Electrolysis had eaten between the water channel and the oil channel in the head crossing the two. Required some welding fresh metal into the head, but ran great afterwards :0)