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Forums Junkie

May 2002
icon4.gif  If only ... (please read) Sat, 06 July 2002 09:21 Go to next message
If only I had woken up on the other side of the bed…

If only I didn’t have a fight with my girlfriend and went to paintball with her…

If only my mate was home so I didn’t go to play basketball instead…

If only I stopped by at the bank on the way home…

If only I didn’t show off to the M3 behind me…

If only there was a car in front of me to slow me down…

If it wasn’t for the stationary car I would not be writing this message to you guys… I would have been kissing the light post probably with my eyes still shut…

As the nice lady who helped me out told me, “what has happened has happened, smile that you are still here and able to smile back at me”

Please take it easy when driving ok – I know it is easy to say “I am a good driver, it won’t happen to me, but hell my life flashed before my eyes…”

Sorry I won’t be seeing you guys at Dyno Day tomorrow… Have a good one for me … and drive carefully …

MAX, you were right in saying that the 1G-GTE will turn whatever car u put it into your dream…It sure did !! but I might a nightmare of it

FATTONY – u sure you want to do the conversion still ?
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I supported Toymods

May 2002
icon9.gif  Re: Glad you are alright Sat, 06 July 2002 11:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Sorry to hear what has happened.

Myself and Rod (the toyman75) are glad to know that you are okay.

Take Care and we hope to see you soon.

Heart Heart Heart
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Forums Junkie

Cabramatta, NSW
May 2002
icon2.gif  Re: Glad you are alright Sat, 06 July 2002 14:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dude. I'm really sorry to hear that.

Glad you are OK though... We live and learn from our experiences.

I never got to see your car either. Sad
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Board Member
I supported Toymods

Turramurra, Sydney.
May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Sat, 06 July 2002 15:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
That really sux mate, my condolences to you.
It can shake you up a bit too, especially if you've just put alot of hard work into it. I've had similar, but I don't think quite as bad, things happen to me, so I have an inkling of how bad it feels.

Like the old lady said, just be thankfull you're able to smile back.
Sorry you won't be there tomorrow.
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June 2002
icon7.gif  i've never met you but... Sat, 06 July 2002 15:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
reading that post u written up makes me glad i'm still able to n'joi my life. i havent been in an accident (knock on wood) but i've seen accidents ruin families. your post really moved me, i could almost sense your sadness. in those short few moments reading your letter you opened my eyes again to see the true happiness in being alive.
jsut before i go i want to say something that you might not agree with. to me (a non member) toymods have been like a family, the heart's there in the group. shure they laughed at me wen i put my car on the dyno but i felt like i belonged to this club.
i understand u dont want to be reminded of what happened but dont let your accident ruin your connection with this happy family... Happy Sad
sad to see ya go but wishing the best for ya.
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Rolla Boy
Forums Junkie

Club Member

Sydney, NSW
May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Sun, 07 July 2002 09:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Thats gotta suck dude... Sorry to hear that... Just like the heartbreak that happened this morning... Right outside the Dyno place there was a little, well pretty major, incident involving an awesome GT4 celica and two rollas... I feel sorry for all three owners that were involved and didn't get to participate on the dyno...
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Forums Junkie

Formerly TRD_RoLLa

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Sun, 07 July 2002 10:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
My condolenses Nope Nope


Glad to see you are okay and all.
I'll catch up with you later.

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods
Toymods Club Secretary

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Sun, 07 July 2002 10:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Oh no, that's terrible to hear dude! Cry Cry Cry
I was looking around for your car today 'cos i was quite interested in seeing it..

glad to hear that you're ok, and like was said above - don't disappear from the Toymods community because of your loss.. The club is about people as much as it is about cars..
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Sun, 07 July 2002 11:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Far out dude...
Its good to hear you're okay. Its a damn shame. What exactly happened?
Take it easy okay? You better not disappear from here ok?
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Western Sydney
May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Mon, 08 July 2002 02:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
If only I didn't go yesterday...

If only I had slept in after coming home at 4am...

If only I had parked next to troyboy...

If only...

I know how you feel Les. At least we can take comfort in knowing that no-one was seriously injured and just hunks of metal.

Are you ever going to do another turbo celica project? I think my gze powered rolla days may be over.

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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Mon, 08 July 2002 12:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
All of us have had some sort of connection with this sort of thing before,it's good to see everyone is OK.As for the cars if it was built it can be rebuilt,it may take some doing (new shell,whatever)but a lot of the time it is all that some people start with,sometimes less.My car has been hit a few times the last was the worst but it has been repaired better than the first time.
remember nothing last forever but with cars you can try to prolong their stay with a bit of effort,don't give up it wouldn't be any fun if it was easy
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Mon, 08 July 2002 23:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Guys, thanks for the replies ! I am alive and well (3 days later) and yes have gotten over it...

I have not received my fine yet, but Im guessing it WILL be Subfuckingstantial Smiley =

(I deserve it)

Also, the car should hopefully be back on the road, as the main damage was ironically on the drivers side door...(I think/hope its fixable) unlike the (stationary) Pulsar that I wrote off !

U guys will get to see it eventually, but I doubt I will be seeing or wanting to see that car for at least 3-6 months !!

(What happened on dyno day guys ....? something bad ??...)
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Forums Junkie

Cabramatta, NSW
May 2002
icon5.gif  Re: If only ... (please read) Tue, 09 July 2002 04:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Les dude!!! What tell us what happened?

If you hit on the door, your chassis rails might be bent. Sad

As for the dyno day. GT-Four came round the corner and hit a Corolla. Pushed it forward onto another Corolla too from what I heard.

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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Tue, 09 July 2002 04:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Cut an ugly story real short.. came round a corner way to fast, lost it, didnt want to run into the 4 parked cars on opposite side of rd, so i veered left into a 360 degree spin and into a parked bomb instead.. in the meantime, writing that car off, and doing damage to my drivers side door, (thats gone)

other damage was windscreen gone, possibly need some work on the A pillar, but suprisingly, no damage to the structure of the car.. i.e. the bottom part of the door - where the door closes..

bit of broken plastic here n there
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Forums Junkie

Cabramatta, NSW
May 2002
icon3.gif  Re: If only ... (please read) Tue, 09 July 2002 04:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Phew! Sounds like you were pretty lucky!
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
icon3.gif  Re: If only ... (please read) Tue, 09 July 2002 05:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message

only "pretty" lucky ?

I think I had a better chance of winning Div1 Lotto than coming out of it unscathed.. very lucky..

anywho, guess that gives me a reason to need to respray the celica ey ? Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Tue, 09 July 2002 06:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Les ... At least you got this one as a warning, and came away unscathed. for too many people their "warning" wruins the rest of their lives, or their friends.

how are the gt-four and 2 rolla's holding up.. anyhitng major there, or just cosmetic?
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Tue, 09 July 2002 23:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message


(x) The car is repairable... Looks like I may be respraying it quicker than I expected !!!

1) Will need a new door, fix hinges
2) Need to fix up front windscreen
3) Rear right quarter - needs a little massaging
4) My leg, needs a little massaging too
5) front bar is farked... to all you RA65 owners, have a look at your front bar, that thing is SOLID AS !!! That's what saved my 1G
6) New dash required

Any donations MORE than welcome.

So what colour should I make it ?

(x) excess - $1000 (paid)

(x) fine - to be confirmed (hopefully still have my license !)
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Wed, 10 July 2002 00:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
what are the charges Les?
just reckless driving, or reckless + speeding?
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Wed, 10 July 2002 01:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message

im guessing it'd be the lot !!!

likely to lose license - im banking on it.....

how much ??? $500-600??
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods
Toymods Club Secretary

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Wed, 10 July 2002 01:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Neg driving = 3 points (can't remember the fine sorry)
Speeding 15-30 over = 3 point & approx $180 (from memory)

If they prove you were going more than 30km/h over the limit, then you'll lose your license regardless of how many points you have left. being that you weren't caught on radar though, they probably won't be able to ping you with speeding.. (hopefully).

Good chances you're looking at Neg driving and some hefty fines though. Confused
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Wed, 10 July 2002 02:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message

what if in my statement i said i was going 80-90km/h in a 50 zone ??

i wasnt left with much of a choice as there were witnesses and the pig even said, " i should take your license off you straight away without waiting for the paperwork to be done, after he saw the scale of the accident "
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Wed, 10 July 2002 02:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
you shoulda said "just under 80"
that way you're in the lower penalty bracket... but i guess it depends on how believable that may be from the amount of damage *smiles*
in that case, you're up for 4 points for speeding, 3 for neg driving, and prolly $500+ in fines
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Wed, 10 July 2002 03:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Just under 80 ??!!

I think all the people around me would have kicked my assssss !!

there was no way a car doing under 80 coulda done the damage I managed to do... so it was not worth saying upder 80 man..

+ would not have been believable.. the cop knew i ripped it through that corner just by the skid marks on the road ! Happy Sad
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Forums Junkie

Cabramatta, NSW
May 2002
icon4.gif  Re: If only ... (please read) Wed, 10 July 2002 05:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Les wrote on Wed, 10 July 2002 9:06 AM

5) front bar is farked... to all you RA65 owners, have a look at your front bar, that thing is SOLID AS !!! That's what saved my 1G

They also weigh a shitload! I think I heard that they weigh about 25kg... At the extreme front of the car....

[Updated on: Wed, 10 July 2002 05:04]

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Toby AE82 Twin

Travelling overseas
July 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Wed, 10 July 2002 05:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Never admit to speeding no matter how believable it may or may not be.

Witnesses saying "yeah he must have been going over 80" (for example) is not evidence enough to get you nailed.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Wed, 10 July 2002 06:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Pretty hard to say otherwise when the cop just said "I can take your license away from you right now" !!

Its like - if your car tipped over, do you really think the cops are gonna say... mate u were only going 80 ??

shitt you must have driven off a ramp or something to have that happen to you...

also... i was on the spot... happy to be alive - dodnt want to make up stories ! Grin

[Updated on: Wed, 10 July 2002 06:28]

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May 2002
icon8.gif  Re: If only ... (please read) Wed, 10 July 2002 08:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message

neg driving = 3 points, $162.00...

suffice it to say I have my ticket here...

accident on friday... &start=0&rid=320&S=1c32b2a1798ca2b5da1 e366c124beb38

like les, 1050 bucks excess Sad , but they couldn't prove i was speeding, (I was only goin round the corner at 35 ossifer!)so just a neg driving, which i'm gonna contest just on principle.

les... I read your post the day after my accident happened, made me go extremely _quiet_ for a while.

I hear ya.

Glad to hear you're ok though, at the end of the day (and please people I know this is blasphemy... but i'm a sinner anyway!) it really is just a car.

I said it before, and i'll say it again... Drive safe all you people, there are lots of people who'd miss you.

- Nick
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Wed, 10 July 2002 22:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message

just kidding - but yeah, jst from what I went through, I am glad to be alive... so whatever they do to me license.. fine .. argh ! Happy Sad
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Toby AE82 Twin

Travelling overseas
July 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Wed, 10 July 2002 23:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Just passing on some good advice thats all, most people after a serious crash, tend to spill their guts which is very understandable, I would do the same.

My point is that it doesnt matter what the cops think, it only matters what they can prove.

Anyways, at least you are ok.

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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Thu, 11 July 2002 00:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message

if its in the statement already i said 80-90 (in a 50 zone) can they pin me down ????!!!
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Occasional Poster

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Thu, 11 July 2002 01:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Can you clarify to them saying that's what it "felt" like? You didn't mentioned that you were actually looking at the speedo, cos when you are hooning along, who does? (unless you're pushing your max speed to brag/whimper) Cos 70 on some roads feels snail pace (so you start questioning who the hell chose the speed limit) and on others it feels mighty quick especially with bends and crests. That and under stress ppl tend to exaggerate, cops should know that.

Glad you are in one piece still and that you only hurt a parked car (well..your car too of course!), and not another human being, as they can't be repaired as easily. *hugs*

Fate is a funny thing: if you only you had gone to the bank...maybe you would have gotten shot in a hold-up. If only you had gone to paintball, maybe you would have scratched yourself then gotten a flesh-eating bacteria in the wound.

If only you had a car in front of you to slow you down, then maybe you would have gone through the next intersection at the exact moment some guy from the other direction doesn't see the red light and ka-blam-o... Ok, there are lots of possibilities that could of happened, I'll shut up. *hugs*
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Toby AE82 Twin

Travelling overseas
July 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Thu, 11 July 2002 01:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dont know if they can get you for speeding by your own admission but can they get you on "dangerous driving" or "wreckless driving" or something if you admit you were not driving legally?
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Thu, 11 July 2002 02:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Thanks blerk - its all good I guess - still in one piece, and maybe if I do get a loss of license, i can save on petrol and put it towards spraying the car Smiley = ! Very Happy

Toby... I dunno how they work it out... lets just hope its a neg driving...

actually has anyone been fined for speeding on their own admission ?! just curious ?
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Thu, 11 July 2002 02:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
they can get you on assumed speeding, or something like that. That's what they do when they know you were speeding but cant prove how fast.
it's 1 point and a small fine (i dont know how much)
someone in the club got done for it while dragging I believe
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Occasional Poster

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Thu, 11 July 2002 03:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
And what's the go with aggravated acceleration fines? You don't go over the speed limit, you just get up to that speed at a rate that the cops don't like?
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods
Toymods Club Secretary

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Thu, 11 July 2002 03:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Aggravated acceleration??! WTF is that? In other words, they couldn't get you for:
a) Speeding
b) Loud exhaust, or
c) Loss of traction

so they had to make something up basically... Rolling Eyes
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Thu, 11 July 2002 03:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
(but hang on i told them i was going 80-90k's)

Well, if u are right, that'll nman i lose 4 pts reckless driving, 1 pt for adssumed speeding ??

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Thu, 11 July 2002 04:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah, but as was said, you can say it felt that fast, but could have been less
*shrugs* I guess you'll find out when they stick it to you
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Thu, 11 July 2002 06:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message

reassuring man !! thanks !! Eye Spin :- hehehe
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Thu, 11 July 2002 06:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah, sorry I can't be of more help, but I'm lucky enough to have never been in more than a fender bender accident, and never been caught, except by a lidar
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Fri, 12 July 2002 13:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Good to hear that the car is not a total loss. There may be a chance to see some pics and stuff of it yet. Hopefully it'll only be the negligent driving...ah well, whats done is done now and i suppose we all have to make the best of the situations we come up to.

Good luck to you bud Rolling
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Forums Junkie

Hobart, Tas
May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Sat, 13 July 2002 06:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Glad to hear you got out okay. Reading down the posts, I hear your car isn't in too bad shape so it's even better. And the engine is ok! Even if the car wan't so good, the engine and expensive custom conversion parts could be salvaged.

And you have insurance!!!!! Does that mean the insurance co will pay whatever it is to fix up YOUR car, or was it only 3rd party to pay for the other car? Hope it turns out well. I lost my car once in the wet, I was kicking myself but it was my warning, I was fine, my car didn't cost THAT much to fix and I'm a better driver now for it.
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Forums Junkie

Banned member

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Sat, 13 July 2002 07:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
mate there is accidents....somebody running a red light they didnt see

then there is accidents....speeding, driving dangerously then you lose control on a public road

you call this topic 'if only', well what about 'what if'

well what if there was a person walking along the road to the parked car you smashed into, they could be dead

or what if you (while spinngin out of control) went over a small puddle of oil and went just that little bit further into the car, maybe you may have died also or worse be permanently disabled for the rest of your life

sure everyone thinks they are a super hot shit car driver at one time or another but how many people really think about the consequences of our actions

what if a parent owned the car you wrote off and run into the shops for a litre of milk and left a young infant in the back seat 'for a sec'

what if.... ???

i am sorry to hear about the car mate, but i really think you should look at the situation as you being lucky, your still here Smile , nobody else was hurt (physically) and you hopefully learned a lesson Question

just my two cents speaking from past experiences


[Updated on: Sat, 13 July 2002 07:25]

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Forums Junkie

Hobart, Tas
May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Sat, 13 July 2002 08:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Wayne's right. I'm glad you're okay, but he's ABSOLUTELY SPOT ON. I didn't really note the speed when I first skimmed the thread. When you drive, you don't just have to worry about youself and your passengers, but EVERYONE ELSE OUT THERE. 90 in a 50 urban zone is STUPID.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
icon3.gif  Re: If only ... (please read) Sun, 14 July 2002 23:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
As has been said many times im this forum, I am totally responsible and knew what I did was STOOOOOOOPID Wink

I have lost the priviledge to be a back seat driver after that accident ... now when I sit in a car, i just shut up.

Annnnnnnyways - If only .. what if... same shit mate - you can read the post however you like, or not at all, doesn't bother me... as long as this post can change prevent someone from doing what I did, or saves just one life - driver or pedestrian, I am content. Smiley =

and Wayne, I am really not too fussed about the car... the first thing I thought about after the accident was,
"Did I hit anyone?" then
"did i smash any property (obviously I did...) then,
"what damage have I done to myself/my car..."

If you notice the order of my thoughts then it's obvious that I realised that i bungled up OK, so no need to be so cynical.

[Updated on: Sun, 14 July 2002 23:05]

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July 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Tue, 16 July 2002 03:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sorry to maybe let your hopes down, but unfortunately it seems that the cops can get you for speeding wether they actually caught you on camera or not. Many a time people i know have been done for speeding even when the police wern't there. I dunno if the cops were just making it up as they went and hoped that we didn't read the actual rules or not, but it's happened many times down here. I have a feeling that a lot of the cops i've dealt with here in canberra are just being cunts and making the rules up as they go. Apparently they can even get you pinned for neg driving even by what a bunch of witnesses say. One time my friend was, and i admit he was going briskly, but not more than 10k's over, going around this corner in his Powerglide-equipped RX3. Obviously when accelerating out of the corner, to the not-very-mechanical-minded-pedestrian, the huge stall converter must have made it sound like it was wheelspinning. Now he stopped just after the corner and whent into a shop, unfortunately the pedo went up to a paddy wagon that was parked on the side of the road and told the officers that he had been wheelspinning around the corner. The officers said, 'yeah i heard that' and went up to him and booked him for neg driving! Now i was sure that they couldn't do this, and beleive me we questioned it to the max, but in the end it's your word against theirs in court, and who is the judge going to beleive? Two respectable officers and a charitable citizen, or two 'hoons' in a mini tubbed RX3?
Sorry 'bout this man, hopefully you come off better than my friend did.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Tue, 16 July 2002 03:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Bah - I will just have to wait i guess toyrota !!
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Tue, 16 July 2002 23:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message

With this cop crap...
they can book you for whatever they like.... but if you choose to take it to court then they have to be able to defend their actions.
I know of a cop who booked someone for speeding... no radar or nuthin, but saw him driving and booked him. sent the fine in the mail. When the guy got the fine he contested it, and sent in his court app. The cop knew he couldn't back up the fine so he pulled it.
Ie the guy had the fine taken away without having to go to court.
By the way i know the cop, not the guy who got the fine.....
My advice - if you think you have been unfairly done by, go to court... you can't come out any worse.

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Toby AE82 Twin

Travelling overseas
July 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Wed, 17 July 2002 00:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message

You will come out worse if you lose! Court & legal costs...

Notwithstanding that, I agree with you, if you have been unfairly done by, take it to court.

Not much I can do about the camera fine I received yesterday in registered post from when I was in a hire car on holiday on the gold coast!!! At least the fines are less in Qld.

I'm just glad they got me for 125km/h and not 190! BTW - that was on a flat road in a year old manual corolla...not bad...
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Wed, 17 July 2002 00:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah i got my 1st speeding fine last week.
but it turns out it wasnt me
wasnt even my vehicle

i had some temporary plates while i wait for my personalised ones
i handed back the temporary plates but they were still in my name

gotta love the "hard working" souls at the RTA
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The Rainy City
May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Wed, 17 July 2002 01:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Going back a bit, but the front bars of RA65s are tanks and a half! my car was hit from the front right angle, pushing it onto the gutter from a parking position, and my front bar didnt budge.... just my crossmember, suspension, radiator support, bonnet and every thing else besides =/

Sorry to hear about ur car... at least we can be glad this RA65 was saved! Smile Smile

I fully understand where ur coming from... everyone has hoon moments, just sometimes its at the wrong place at the wrong time...

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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Wed, 17 July 2002 08:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You don't have legal costs...
it is heard by a majestrate... no lawyers... or jury or that crap

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Toby AE82 Twin

Travelling overseas
July 2002
Re: If only ... (please read) Wed, 17 July 2002 08:05 Go to previous message
Thats if you represent yourself.

There are still court fees though.

[Updated on: Wed, 17 July 2002 08:05]

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