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Location: tas
Registered: June 2002
how to straighten supra body, specifically where the bumper sits
Wed, 13 August 2003 07:28
just figured out why my right side headlight and other body parts don't line up, the nosecose won't line up, the bonnet won't close properly. It's all becuase the right side has been pushed up about 3 inches! anyone who has taken there bumper off an MA70 supra will know those two placeholders that are made of thick metal that hold your bumper on, well my right side one is seriously been pushed up 3 inches too high. It's really made me depressed as i've just spent over $1400 on new panels and bits to restore this supra.
how the hell do a striaghten metal like this? you'd need a tractor to pull it downwards which is impossible.
:(- i really don't want to give up on this supra it's too nice a car. But i'm really stuck on how to bend this strong metal down to it's orginal place.
i can provide a picture to illustrate what i'm talking about.
please any help would definetly make me happy right now.

Location: Perth
Registered: May 2003
Re: how to straighten supra body, specifically where the bumper sits
Wed, 13 August 2003 07:39

Well you have 2 options taking it to a panel beater and get them to fix it $$$$$ or try doing it yourself.
A picture would be good.

Location: tas
Registered: June 2002
Re: how to straighten supra body, specifically where the bumper sits
Wed, 13 August 2003 07:55

well i've tried myself by putting a long metal pole in and bending it down, bad idea that just bends the metal at the end.
it obviously would require alot of force to even move this thick metal.
here's a pic to illustrate what i'm talking about. the blue squares represent where the bumper bolts onto the chassy/frame of the car.

Location: Sydney
Registered: February 2003
Re: how to straighten supra body, specifically where the bumper sits
Wed, 13 August 2003 08:04

heat it to about 723 degrees
i have a mate who has the same problem with his mk2 supra, cept its basically the entire front end in panels and shit..
sorry i cant help
hope it works out

Location: Perth
Registered: May 2003
Re: how to straighten supra body, specifically where the bumper sits
Wed, 13 August 2003 08:22

The only thing i can suggest is takin your hole front end of and try moving the brackets that the bumber bolts on to or if you want the mechanical term (bash the fckrs with a hammer)

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: how to straighten supra body, specifically where the bumper sits
Wed, 13 August 2003 08:24

Just get a panel beater to do it! I'm sure it wont cost that much if thats all you get done. Get a quote anyway.

Location: Perth
Registered: May 2003
Re: how to straighten supra body, specifically where the bumper sits
Wed, 13 August 2003 08:26

then bash it!

Location: Brisbane
Registered: June 2003
Re: how to straighten supra body, specifically where the bumper sits
Wed, 13 August 2003 14:16

Pardon my ignorance ?
When did you figure your LH side bumper was 3in lower ?? Did you not look at the car on level ground ?
As for any helping hint... is it the front bar that is bent or the complete mounting bracket / chasis ??

Location: tas
Registered: June 2002

Location: Perth
Registered: May 2003
Re: how to straighten supra body, specifically where the bumper sits
Thu, 14 August 2003 01:21

Bash iT
Nah seriously take it to a panel beater get a quote , then get a few more, if you do it dodgy you will regret later. and it will end up costing you more because they then have to fix wht u may fck up.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: March 2003
Re: how to straighten supra body, specifically where the bumper sits
Thu, 14 August 2003 02:36

Any good panel shop with a master bench can pull that chassis straight in no time. You might want to strip all the panels off yourself to save money.
Laurie D

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: how to straighten supra body, specifically where the bumper sits
Thu, 14 August 2003 06:09

my supra has got similar probs.
any idea how to remove the front bar. i put mine in a ditch at the start of this year and the front bar took a hammering. it flares out past the tyres on the front left.
also i hit a gutter pretty hard and it looks like the tyres have hit the front gaurds and got caught and pulled some of the gaurd down.
im pretty cut with all the damage seeing as the car was perfect when i bought it.
guess thats why parents say start with a datsun!

Location: Canberra
Registered: December 2002
Re: how to straighten supra body, specifically where the bumper sits
Thu, 14 August 2003 07:08

Does the bumper bar connect to the chassis?
If so you will have to get the chassis aligned, if this is the case again just get a quote from a reputable panel beater.

Location: tas
Registered: June 2002
Re: how to straighten supra body, specifically where the bumper sits
Thu, 14 August 2003 10:36

here's a gif animation i did, to really illustrate the matter of which i'm talking about. may take abit to load, and make sure your browser is set to play animations in webpages (usually turned on by defualt)
the animation plays so it shows the bumper come off, shows what the metal chassie has done then goes back to how it should be striaght metal so the bumper goes on properly.

i may do as you suggest and take it to a panel beater.

Location: sunny coast, qld
Registered: October 2002
Re: how to straighten supra body, specifically where the bumper sits
Thu, 14 August 2003 10:54

no idea about your question but damn that is some good work with that .gif!

Location: tas
Registered: June 2002
Re: how to straighten supra body, specifically where the bumper sits
Thu, 14 August 2003 10:59

whipped it together in 10 minutes. the porsche came from another project i'm working on, it's a car drag racing game
Location: Perth WA
Registered: June 2003
Re: how to straighten supra body, specifically where the bumper sits
Thu, 14 August 2003 11:27

Would it bend back into place ? if you jacked the side up or something ?
Panel beaters would cost you heaps to do that !
no offence but is it worth fixing it ? i know they are awesome cars but the damage as you explain it sounds pretty bad..
Try to source a half cut with a straight front end maybe do some cutting and welding but then if the car is unlicened it would have to be done pretty well or it wont pass the pits.

Location: tas
Registered: June 2002
Re: how to straighten supra body, specifically where the bumper sits
Thu, 14 August 2003 12:36
well from what i've tried no it won't bend back easily, quite rigid contruction. but you might be onto something with jacking it up taking the pressure off the front shocks and allowing me to exert more downwards force on it.
if you saw the supra now you'd say it's worth it, it looks absolutly perfect with the new panels on it, only thing stopping it from looking perfect is the crooked bumper.
has a very low mileage 7mgte with a 3" exuast so i think it's well worth it, especially since i got it for so cheap.