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Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2003

Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: April 2003

Location: Wahroonga
Registered: June 2003
Re: My ma70
Wed, 27 August 2003 05:28

I have to agree, nice car.
Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My ma70
Thu, 28 August 2003 08:46

looks like a real neat car mate. thinking of getting a big set of 20's or keeping the factory rims?? i wanted to buy a MA70 but have decided to hold onto my excel till the end of the year and import a 15 year old 1989 Jap car. cool car again champ, looks shmick as!

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: My ma70
Thu, 28 August 2003 09:04

Yeah mate. Definitely replace them. Actually looks pretty good as they have been highly polished. But I reckon I will eventually get some 18 inch chromies. Dont think any bigger than that will fit. Very low.

Location: Crawley, WA
Registered: October 2003
Re: My ma70
Wed, 15 October 2003 10:54

I just got me a mkIII supra as well but a ga70 Did not have enough $$$ to get a decent ma70 around here...Trying really hard to squeeze the max out of my two small little turbos though Hahaha
Anyway...really nice ride, nice color too GrRrRrR

Location: Ballarat, Victoria
Registered: March 2003
Re: My ma70
Thu, 06 November 2003 06:13

very niceu. dunno how i missed this one

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: My ma70
Thu, 06 November 2003 06:36

Thanks guys. 
Yeah the colour is nice. But man alive it gets dirty.

Registered: November 2003
Re: My ma70
Tue, 11 November 2003 00:11

Very sweet ride dude!

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: My ma70
Tue, 11 November 2003 00:17

Thanks dude. I like it.

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003
Re: My ma70
Tue, 11 November 2003 00:50

Nice Supra, im looking at getting a 86-89 gza70-TT next year but dont know if i can risk 3rd Party Insurance, Howmuch are you paying for insurance and what age?. They have awesome looking gen3 supras in america at the moment they have one with a 7mgt running 750 rwhp thats just crazy. I know about the headgasket problem and that its a bitch if not done properly, thats why i want the TT 1GZgte. Also does the car feel heavy?, i was thinking of getting a 180sx but i want to stick with Toyotas coz i know how tough and reliable they are and supras are more cruisers than lighter sport cars like silviasetc but with 200 to 250rwkw(what i want to acheive with my supra) anything is fast. Hope to see you in the upcoming cruises and meets so we can talk Supras.
These are Mark3 Supras 1986-1991, Top20 US:
1 730.5, 746.7 the fastlane
2 673.9, 659.2 HiPsiSupra
3 622.8, 635.7 ASL MKIII
4 534.8, 543.1 OB1JZA70
5 527.8*490.0 BlackDevilSupra
6 524.0, 493.5 Boosted Supra
7 523.8* SUPRAsized
8 520.8, 492.2 SupraspeedMKIII
9 505.4, 522.4 aljordan
10 496.6, 470.8 toypro
11 492.4, 455.X jt2ma71
12 479.1, 431.9 drjonez
13 471.1, 475.9 jza71
14 454.2, 474.2 jtamulis
15 445.2, 474.4 ZaZZn
16 440.2, 424.0 SupraTrey
17 435.5, 468.3 JBLMk3
18 435.0, 401.5 JG_XSBOOST
19 417.8, 428.8 Trent88T
20 411.7, 401.4 Mike Anderson
[Updated on: Tue, 11 November 2003 01:16]

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: My ma70
Tue, 11 November 2003 02:44

I am 22. 3rd party with just car is $576 a year. You can forget about comp though. They quoted me $4750. 
The car does feel a little heavy when you start off, but you just keep the revs up and it's a dream. Around corners it's totally fine. I keep up with my brothers st162.
This car leaves 180sx etc in its dust every time. I have beaten 200sx and wrx's in it as well. And at the moment there are no serious performance mods at all.

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003
Re: My ma70
Tue, 11 November 2003 03:24

Hey mate, Thanx for the info. I cant beleive 3rd party for it is that reasonable i thought it would be more. Ill go third party and get a crazy brake/suspension upgrade and a tracker alarm system then advance driving course about 4 days which includes basics training and basic car racing techniques, that should keep me out of trouble HOPEFULLY. Im looking at the 1jz supra, I just talked to an Importer in Newcastle and he said you can get 220 rwkx with just higher boost and exhaust and he also said hes got a mate with a stock engine running 340 rwkw now that would be scary im aiming for 220 rwkw and hopefully run low 13z high 12z.

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: My ma70
Tue, 11 November 2003 03:32

Yeah you should be able to do that easy. Once I put my exhaust on and get some bigger tyres, I should be able to run a 13.5 1/4 mile. So not too bad for basically stock.
I think that guy was pulling your leg when he said 340rwkw with stock engine. There is just no way you could do it. You would need a whole heap of things (bigger fuel pump, oh, I cannot be bothered to list them all). Bascially it might be a "stock" engine, but it would have a heap of new stuff in it.
A 1jz would be awesome. I would love to drop one in my car. 
I have yet to get an alarm system. Just make sure you always park in secure car parks and that sort of stuff.

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003
Re: My ma70
Tue, 11 November 2003 03:45

I was sceptical also coz i got a mate that goes to my curch, that has a r33 GTR Cost Him 60k and he just now modded it $20,000 upgrade twin-gt3530,tomei-cams,jun-pistons etc etc he got 320rwkw at all four wheels on a dyno at Subzero Performance in brisbane, this car goes so fast it hearts your heart and you cant breath on boost, you can start breathing when he comes off boost, hes had the car upto 270 ks/hr . It goes all over the road in straight line. . When he bought it for 60k it had come straight from a Japanese tuning house so at that stage it was fast but now its a coffin on wheels . BTW, Hes not a P plater with parents money, hes 30yo that builds large apartment buildings, i just hate seeing full show car wrx and supras with P's. Anyway to get that sought of power from stock internal 1jz, i have to see to beleive.
[Updated on: Tue, 11 November 2003 03:48]

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: My ma70
Tue, 11 November 2003 03:48

I too cannot stand to see those P platers in their hotted up cars.
In intend for the 250 rwkw or so for my car. That is what I am aiming at. Be a few years yet though.

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003
Re: My ma70
Tue, 11 November 2003 04:01

I have a few mates with quick cars and turbo motors so ill have a lot of knowhow when working on the Supra also one mate works in peps auto and i know another that works in autobarn so i can get heaps of stuff cheap including injectors, fuel pumps, forged pistons, exhaust, gauges etc etc etc. The Guy with the GTR doesnt know much about cars he just pays money and says i want to be fast, he doesnt even know he had a huge plenum chamber he said whats that but he rebuilds motorbikes, maybe he just doensnt know about turbo setups.

Location: Sydney Miranda / Perth Mu...
Registered: November 2003
Re: My ma70
Tue, 11 November 2003 08:30

good choice on the car.Looks HOT and super LOW! It wont take you long to realize that every man and his dog is going to have eyes on your pride and joy. Just lock it up and enjoy it man.

I supported Toymods
Location: south of the big smoke
Registered: May 2002
Re: My ma70
Tue, 11 November 2003 12:13

your car looks great! real mean!
i like it

Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: April 2003
Re: My ma70
Tue, 11 November 2003 12:25



Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003
Re: My ma70
Tue, 11 November 2003 22:09

Nice , That car is super low, it looks like a 3inch drop from standard.

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: My ma70
Tue, 11 November 2003 23:45

Yeah. It is a 3 in drop. Gonna have to raise it soon. Bigger wheels (up to 18in) is going to mean no more super lowness.

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003

Location: Mooroolbark, Melbourne
Registered: April 2003
Re: My ma70
Tue, 18 November 2003 14:51

Mcbain u have a nice c supra, loks godo.

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: My ma70
Tue, 18 November 2003 23:12

Thanks mate. I do my best.
Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2003
Re: My ma70
Mon, 24 November 2003 11:29

lol caledwvech you wont like 2 c me driving around in my jza70 with P plates then 
meh we will have 2 get a supra cruise happening in a month or so.... so i can show off my p plates

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: My ma70
Mon, 24 November 2003 23:58

Heh heh. Do you drive around the West Pennant Hills area??

Location: Camden, NSW
Registered: June 2002
Re: My ma70
Tue, 25 November 2003 08:17

Nice car dude,
I too am a p-plater n just worked my arse off for the last 6months to be able to afford my supra so some of us do do it on our own :S.
An mkIII crusie sounds sweet. Mine should be ready just after xmas to hit the streets as it will be lower, some nice 18" 5 spoke rims and a nice 3" exhaust just to start things off Look forward to seeign the rest of you supra boys in the near future
Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2003
Re: My ma70
Tue, 25 November 2003 11:36

hehe nah Caledwvech i dont 
i 2 work my ass off for my car!

Location: Ballarat, Victoria
Registered: March 2003
Re: My ma70
Tue, 25 November 2003 11:58

hmmmmmmmmmm nice new pics

Location: Sydney Miranda / Perth Mu...
Registered: November 2003
Re: My ma70
Wed, 17 December 2003 04:44

Looking forward to catching up sometime
and maybe going for a cruise.

Location: Camden, NSW
Registered: June 2002
Re: My ma70
Wed, 17 December 2003 07:27

man thats insane premium there, $4750
Im 19, and pay 2500 a year full comp. My Excess will be around the 1700 mark if i claim, but i dont plan on writing it off so im not worried about that. I think im with Zurich, but could be GIO lol

Location: Sydney Miranda / Perth Mu...
Registered: November 2003
Re: My ma70
Wed, 17 December 2003 08:07

Anyone have any suggestions for insurance, having dramas.......
MA70 no probs
JZA70 = No Insurance
Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2003
Re: My ma70
Wed, 17 December 2003 12:49

ypu check out just cars? and all those?... ill prolly have the same problem
Location: Brisbane
Registered: November 2002
Re: My ma70
Fri, 19 December 2003 22:58

Quote: | But I reckon I will eventually get some 18 inch chromies.
Chromies are:
* shit
* a waste of money
* heavy
* a joke
You should consider investing in a 17" or 18" set of subtle wheels. Chromies are ghey, heavy, and negatively affect handling/braking performance due to their sheer weight. They also make you look like a tosser!
I cannot put into words how upset I will be if you put chromies on the car and ruin it 
Here is a mate's car... these wheels look pretty nice. Still they're a touch too shiny.. something silver/grey coloured would suit fantastically. Even still, these are 10 times better than chromies!

I'm glad ou're taking care of it, but have some pride boy!
Location: Brunswick, W.A.
Registered: December 2003
Re: My ma70
Sat, 20 December 2003 09:24

I am also a P plater but there is only 1 person responsible for paying for my JZA70 and thats me not me olds. Some ppl actually do it the hard way. And yeh man nice ride

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: My ma70
Sun, 21 December 2003 23:11

We shall see. I have actually photoshopped a few things, and they actually look really good. Thinking shadow chrome anyway.
Location: Australia
Registered: September 2002
Re: My ma70
Thu, 08 January 2004 09:05

Wow those wheels look very familiar!

Location: Sydney
Registered: February 2003
Re: My ma70
Thu, 08 January 2004 11:16

omg that is soo hot
i want i want i want

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: My ma70
Thu, 08 January 2004 22:04

Why thankyou. But she's my baby, so HANDS OFF!

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003
Re: My ma70
Fri, 09 January 2004 00:06

Hey, howz the BEAST, got any new mods? , will you be at toymods dyno day?.

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: My ma70
Fri, 09 January 2004 00:38

The beast is sick. 
The beast has no rego. 
I will be at Dyno Day IF I have rego by then. Dont know yet. Actully I will be there, but I dont know if my baby will be.

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: My ma70
Wed, 24 March 2004 04:21

My Koni Yellows have now been replaced by some Bilstein Coil overs
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Registered: February 2003
Re: My ma70
Wed, 24 March 2004 06:33

sounds expensive
worth the cost?

Location: Kelmscott, Perth, W.A
Registered: March 2004
Re: My ma70
Wed, 24 March 2004 16:13

im with the non-chromie nazi over there, keep chromies off it and get something that will suit the car's heritage. something japanese.
chromies are for ya mercs and beamers, not supras...

Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: April 2003
Re: My ma70
Wed, 24 March 2004 23:07

what about some white 5-spoke deep dish wheels?

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2003

Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: April 2003
Re: My ma70
Thu, 25 March 2004 02:21

isn't that "Stenno"?

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: My ma70
Fri, 04 June 2004 13:16

Well, thanks to Rod and his work and Silverwater Automotive Services I now have some beautiful Iridium Spark Plugs, some fully sik bro blue spark plug leads and a new afm. Goes much nicer now and faster. I shall try and put some new pics up soon.

Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: April 2003
Re: My ma70
Sun, 06 February 2005 05:52

new pic

Location: Hobart, TAS
Registered: October 2004
Re: My ma70
Sun, 06 February 2005 07:04

that is one sweet ride, i'd stick with the standard wheels untill i did some engine tuning and then look at the suspension/wheels combo to make her track like its on rails. Thats just me, im no chromies fan

Location: Kelmscott, Perth, W.A
Registered: March 2004
Re: My ma70
Sun, 06 February 2005 07:46

car looks nice man, have you had any problems with those wheels?

Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: April 2003

Registered: November 2003
Re: My ma70
Mon, 07 February 2005 09:19

Ur car always looks sweet man, i think its awsome.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: January 2005
Re: My ma70
Tue, 08 February 2005 07:02

very nice man!!!
why didnt you go for the jza70 2.5 tt?!?
couldnt cum across one or...

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: My ma70
Thu, 03 March 2005 05:29

Thanks dudes. I love my car. 
Yeah i couldnt come across one of those that fitted my needs. Would have actually loved a ijz tt one, but i spent AGES looking for one. This was a very good deal and i knew it had been looked after.

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: My ma70
Thu, 03 March 2005 05:30

Mofo III wrote on Sun, 06 February 2005 18:46 | car looks nice man, have you had any problems with those wheels?
I have had a little trouble. They have the wrong offset so i cannot turn my wheels to full lock (about half a turn off). But apart from that (and i get used to that) they are sweet.

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: My ma70
Thu, 03 March 2005 05:32

negative boost wrote on Sun, 06 February 2005 18:04 | that is one sweet ride, i'd stick with the standard wheels untill i did some engine tuning and then look at the suspension/wheels combo to make her track like its on rails. Thats just me, im no chromies fan
Already got the suspension. She's sitting on Bilstein adjustable coilovers. And yes it corners like it's on rails except for when i hit bumps and then it goes psycho because the suspension is so hard.

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: My ma70
Fri, 04 March 2005 03:41

new pix of new wheels


Location: UK
Registered: August 2003
Re: My ma70 **new wheels! + pix**
Wed, 08 June 2005 00:53

Very nice!!! I love seeing older cars well looked after and cared for! to Me thasts worth more then having a new car!!
Whats all this "settle for the mk III"
I'll probably get flamed for this but I prefer the MkIII to the Mk4.. (my ideal car is mkiii shell, mk4 running gear, best of both worlds!!)
I have always liked old school cars