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I supported Toymods
Location: Berowra-Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Where are the RA23's?
Thu, 18 July 2002 00:39
Just a question but where are all the RA23's? as you only seem to see 28's and TA's all over the place but hardly spot a RA23 driving around is it just that there were fewer made or more crashed?

Location: Brisbane - Chapel Hill
Registered: June 2002
Re: Where are the RA23's?
Thu, 18 July 2002 01:57

Mine's sitting on blocks in the shed :/

Location: sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Where are the RA23's?
Thu, 18 July 2002 08:58

mine gets driven everyday of the week in western sydney.I have to agree that you don't see many which is why I drive mine as often as possible

Toymods Board Member I supported Toymods
Location: Turramurra, Sydney.
Registered: May 2002
Re: Where are the RA23's?
Thu, 18 July 2002 09:06

I've been driving mine to work fairly regularily for the last couple of weeks. Like Grant's, my car's built for driving.

I supported Toymods
Location: Berowra-Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Where are the RA23's?
Thu, 18 July 2002 09:49

well i must say i think they are better looking then the TA's and the RA28's but i guess that might just be my personal opinion, also "BIGWORM" could you have been driving around MT Colah a few months back like have the car in at a Mechanic's there as i remember seeing a Celica in that nice bright orange colour a while back must admit it looks nice, mine used to be orange but it was the standard orange so it looked a bit gross so we went for a change and did it a bright red shame though as after 4 years the rust is coming back through.

Location: Western Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Where are the RA23's?
Thu, 18 July 2002 10:25

GIN51E, I'm pretty sure I saw your car last Friday. It was at Auto One in Waitara? I've also got a red RA23. I work in Hunter st near Bob Jane/Westfield. My car's there every day.

I supported Toymods
Location: Berowra-Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Where are the RA23's?
Thu, 18 July 2002 10:40

gee last friday is to far back to remember what i did, umm but yeah probably me as i have been there recently think i may have been picking up oil that day. its embarrasing the amount of money i have spent there over the years.

I supported Toymods
Location: Berowra-Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Where are the RA23's?
Thu, 18 July 2002 10:44

mate whats your number plate? so i can give the RA23's horns a tooting if i see you around.
(anyone who owns a RA23 can be a friend of mine.)

Location: Western Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Where are the RA23's?
Thu, 18 July 2002 10:53

It's XSM-684. Mine has black steel wheels and crappy tires on it at the moment.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: Where are the RA23's?
Thu, 18 July 2002 12:50
I one i am spraying atm, my mate stradlater has another sitting in the same shed. and i have another sitting in pieces which will be used for the one im spaying and the body of that one will be used as a paddock bomb (its a shitter)