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Mooroolbark, Melbourne
April 2003
P Plate power limits Mon, 06 October 2003 13:41 Go to next message
I know this question has been asked a million and one times, but just say i was cruising round in a 200kw ta22 celica Rolling Eyes(i like to dream), and a cop pulled me over, how would they check to see what power its putting out. Do they even check? i mean they could pop the hood, but they wouldnt have any way of checking the horsepower. Just curious Twisted Evil
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Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: P Plate power limits Mon, 06 October 2003 13:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
if a cop thought you had more than the legal power (based on acceleration) he'd probably just send you off to the rta or whatever to have it dyno tested, which is of course where you turn the boost down to 5psi and install a 1.5" cat in your exhaust system Smile
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Mooroolbark, Melbourne
April 2003
Re: P Plate power limits Mon, 06 October 2003 13:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
So basically, i could have a 200kw celica, and if a cop did send me to the rta, i could turn the boost right down, and put on all sorts of nice restrictors, to get the power way down, and i could get away with it.
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Forums Junkie

January 2003
Re: P Plate power limits Mon, 06 October 2003 13:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I wasn't aware that us P platers had power limits(not that my 2TGEU is going to cause any problems but...), so we have a KW or HP limit?
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Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: P Plate power limits Mon, 06 October 2003 14:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
not in sydney we dont
in less developed states they do Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

January 2003
Re: P Plate power limits Mon, 06 October 2003 14:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sydney is a state Laughing Razz
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Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: P Plate power limits Mon, 06 October 2003 14:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
damn straight it is!

(7 days tillthesis due - I'm allowed to be incoherent in everyhting I do except thesis)
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April 2003
Re: P Plate power limits Mon, 06 October 2003 14:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
haha less developed states they do... whats that supposed to mean

in victoria, thers p plater power limits, but its hardly ever enforced but if it does happen, this is what i have heard happens...

You get a summons to go to court, to proove that your car is under the power to weight limit, which is like 115kw/tone, something like that, check vicroads website for clarrification...

basically you arn't allowed to drive a sr20det silvia or 180sx, but theres so many p platers driving them, have you heard of anyone getting done for this... i have only heard of 1 Vl turbo ever getting done for it, and also heard that that story is BS, so do what you want to do... basicallly i only have 1 year left of p plates, and i never can be bothered with that law, id be more worried when getting pulled over, that i had a air filter, car was to loud, and to low, and if i had any lights out, to get a canary, rather than getting a power to weight fine...

up to you, BTW, i've got mates running well over the power the weight limit and have been canaryed before, and cops never said anything about power to weight
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January 2003
Re: P Plate power limits Mon, 06 October 2003 14:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I'm sure Bob Carr wishes it was a state, but due to Thesis work I'll let it slide, I'm glade you've left it too the last minute! You get your best work done that way! Seriously though, good luck with it mate, I spose I'll get to meet you at Megacruise Smile
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Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: P Plate power limits Mon, 06 October 2003 14:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hopefully in a real car - tho i dont think there's much chance of that Smile
might be able to convince my mate in his JZA80 to drive me
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Hunter Valley
February 2003
Re: P Plate power limits Mon, 06 October 2003 20:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ah draven so NSW has no power limit??
Thesis? Sounds like uni shit........ did I tell u I ran away from uni? Now this stuff is chasing me by the sounds! ugh!
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Mornington Peninsula
September 2002
Re: P Plate power limits Mon, 06 October 2003 22:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
In vic it's 125kw per tonne. You can drive a 253 no worries but a 308 is out of the question almost for every car unless it's a tank that weighs 2 tonne.
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I supported Toymods

August 2002
Re: P Plate power limits Mon, 06 October 2003 23:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
personally i think the law is a god damn good idea
make inexperianced drivers have less powerful cars until they are experienced
works for motorbikes
sure i know its no cure for the idiots that do 100 down local streets (99.9% of cars are at least capable of 100) but at least it gives some time for the testosterone to die down

if i was a polly id petition for a seperate liscencing, you get your normal liscence that entitles you to say 3.0L and below with no turbo or s/c, and i higher liscence for anythign above (which you would have to complete an advanced course for too).

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I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: P Plate power limits Mon, 06 October 2003 23:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sounds good to me!

as you say tho, your average falcadoore can get pretty fast pretty quickly
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Mooroolbark, Melbourne
April 2003
Re: P Plate power limits Tue, 07 October 2003 04:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Cool Sort of gets me to thinking, that i could get something with some power, and not have to worry about getting done by the police.
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June 2003
Re: P Plate power limits Tue, 07 October 2003 05:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
uhh.. check the vicroads books it's actually a capacity restriction of 5 litres and power of 100kw/tonne least when i got my licence.. might've changed *shurgs*
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Forums Junkie

July 2002
Re: P Plate power limits Tue, 07 October 2003 06:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
any idea if we have it in qld?
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March 2003
Re: P Plate power limits Tue, 07 October 2003 07:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
In vic its 125 kilowatts per ton (tare mass) or those with a capacity - mass ratio over 3.5 ltres per ton.

Wish it was just the latter, then a 20b in a ta22 would be perfectly legal Evil or Very Mad
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Colac, Victoria
May 2002
Re: P Plate power limits Tue, 07 October 2003 09:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I had to sell my " killerwatt king " because of the power restrictions - Apparently the police and vicroads didint like the idea of a 6.2 litlre stroked 351 in a fairlane ..

they were happy with a 5 litre ( 302 ) in any falcon - but 351 is a Big no no .

irony struck twice - My ta22 got told to be " detuned " because of a seriously lumpy cam it had in it - went to register it after the engine swap and was promplty told " the cam has to go young fella " which REALLY REALLY sucked .. another 400 bucks wasted on removing it 2 weeks after it had gone in! Sad

and this was on a worked 2t !!
So if the police want to enforce it - they will ! regardless if you drive a fully blown chevy v8 - or a grunty pig ta22
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Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: P Plate power limits Tue, 07 October 2003 09:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hey classique - do you know a bloke called matt, drives a red st185 ?

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Colac, Victoria
May 2002
Re: P Plate power limits Tue, 07 October 2003 10:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
the name doesnt ring a bell dude ? Is he down this way ?

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I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: P Plate power limits Tue, 07 October 2003 10:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
he lives to the east of melb - out past the 'burbs. I just knw he's got a couple of mates with gt4s and skylines that he cruises with, thought you might be one of them. apparently he's turning it into a track car now, but I haven't spoken to him in around a year.
that's his site

edit: ignore that - just realised it hasn't been updated in years Razz

[Updated on: Tue, 07 October 2003 10:15]

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Colac, Victoria
May 2002
Re: P Plate power limits Tue, 07 October 2003 10:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Havent heard of him to be honest ... looking at his page now Smile

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I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: P Plate power limits Tue, 07 October 2003 10:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ah well
I'm better friends with his ex than I am with him anyhow, so that may be for the best Smile
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Colac, Victoria
May 2002
Re: P Plate power limits Tue, 07 October 2003 10:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
chuckles Wink

on his page he only has a st162
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Forums Junkie

May 2003
Re: P Plate power limits Tue, 07 October 2003 14:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
you could just get a sprinter putting out 650 hp a la option vol 70 and then when it goes to the weigh bridge put a dirty great big lump of concrete in the boot, dumb cops might miss it lol! and they would say r 2 tonne sprinter is legal lol
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May 2002
Re: P Plate power limits Wed, 08 October 2003 07:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
There are probably legal ramifications if you crash a car that has a higher power to weight ratio (or eng cap.) that your P plates allow. Insurance might not pay up as the driver/car combo was illegal. Certainly worth thinking about... Confused
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Northwestern Sydney
August 2002
Re: P Plate power limits Wed, 08 October 2003 07:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Was That 125KW the wheels or the fly ... Your Honour. Laughing Razz
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Forums Junkie

March 2003
Re: P Plate power limits Wed, 08 October 2003 09:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
A guy on sau got his car taken off of him because he was over the limit.
Drove an r33gts25t.
But the cops only checked the firewall then looked up the stats elsewhere.
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Elwood, Melb
August 2003
Re: P Plate power limits Thu, 09 October 2003 02:47 Go to previous message
One of my mates was driving around in his 286rwkw VL when he was on his P's, it had an RB20 with a big GT35R urbo, it's now a drag car but he still drives it on the streets sometimes on his full license. Once he was drivin' along and cops drove past him on the other side and one of the cops pointed at his car, they did a U turn and put the lights on, but he was out of there.
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