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Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002

Location: Terrigal
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Thu, 18 July 2002 23:16

Anyone know hard these are to convert to RWD and put in a sprinter?

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Thu, 18 July 2002 23:19

well considering i have one fitted into my sprinter, i can tell you exactly - not too difficult when you know what parts you need!
(also can send you an article showing how steve basic did his years ago....)
i can help you source those parts too if necessary.

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Fri, 19 July 2002 01:28

I'm interested in this article!

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Fri, 19 July 2002 02:18

check your PM

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Fri, 19 July 2002 02:53

I dont have any messages!

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Fri, 19 July 2002 05:18

check your e-mail then.....

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Fri, 19 July 2002 06:24

Got it! Thanks very much mate

Location: SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Fri, 19 July 2002 06:48

I would like this article and parts list too please. 
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Fri, 19 July 2002 09:32

can i get a copy of the article as well, thanks in advance
email to

Location: melb
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Fri, 19 July 2002 12:43

me too please

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Fri, 19 July 2002 19:50

I want it too Thanks!
my email is

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Sun, 21 July 2002 22:30

strangley enough, i am trying to sell a 3sge, not distribute articles all around australia....
i'll do a post this morning for you lot.
anyone want this motor? since a cutout motor is $750, i think $1100 for everything is very good value - it even has the airbox.

Location: melb
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Tue, 23 July 2002 10:43

didnt get my mail this morning....where's the article originate from - zoom or fast 4's or something like that?
I'll give you $750 for the motor.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Tue, 23 July 2002 22:44

2 of the e-mails bounced - not my responsibility that you don't have enough space in your in-box!! was from zoom 5 years ago.
if you want a motor, i have another gen 2 long motor, with inlet manifold, dizzy, exhaust - no loom (from an import sw20) you can have for $750 (you offered $750 for a MOTOR - there you go!)

Location: melb
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Wed, 24 July 2002 21:12

as you said I can get a motor from an importer for that price, which won't have been sitting there for 2 years and will have some sort of warranty. I realised when I posted my response that I was being vauge and you would try to offer me just the motor for that price. 750 for motor/ecu/loom/sensors...

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Wed, 24 July 2002 22:46

i suggest you speak to an importer and get a price on what a gen2 package would cost you.

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Wed, 24 July 2002 23:34

More than $750 I can tell ya that much.

Location: melb
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Thu, 25 July 2002 09:57

but not much more than your original asking price of 1100.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Sun, 28 July 2002 22:42

well if you really want a motor with a warrenty etc - i suggest you buy it from a dealer (if they indeed do have a motor, with an UNCUT complete loom etc - most will be able to throw a pile of bits together and "claim" it's all there). i know my motor(s) are in good nick (one of them came out of a sw20 that was still running & drivable!)
and why would i sell it to you for $750 complete when i can part it out? long motor has got to be worth $500 each. ecu? $100? 150? map sensors, igniters, loom, coil etc. i have loads of bits, and am not in a hurry to offload it at a stupidly low price.

Location: melb
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Mon, 29 July 2002 08:44

well mabey your price isnt too bad. I was at toyospares in melbourne today... they wanted 1500 for a 4agze without ecu and loom!! they also had a 3sge out of a 2002 celica 4wd for 3500 including transaxle.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: FS: 3sge - gen 2 with all wiring and ecu
Mon, 29 July 2002 22:29
strangely enough chrisss, i already knew that my prices were fair.
that 3sge is out of a caldina, not a celica. (supposedly new, but......)
so you want to make another realistic offer on this motor? (e-mail me if you are interested please)