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Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
1JZ conversion problem - Sump fouling front universal joint
Sat, 25 October 2003 11:06
Right were the sump plug is my sump is fouling the universal joint on the front diff of my Bundera. Just was wondering if there are any narrower or different geometry sumps, ive heard that there are 2. I have a photo of the sump fouling the UJ, but for me to display it here, i need a host, volenteers? The photo below shows the type of sump I have, what car would have my engine come out of anyway?

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: 1JZ conversion problem - Sump fouling front universal joint
Sat, 25 October 2003 11:07

Geez that photo is big

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: 1JZ conversion problem - Sump fouling front universal joint
Sat, 25 October 2003 11:15

lol want me to resize it for ya?

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: 1JZ conversion problem - Sump fouling front universal joint
Sat, 25 October 2003 11:23

Sorry it's not my photo, it's a link from somebodys website.

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: 1JZ conversion problem - Sump fouling front universal joint
Sat, 25 October 2003 11:27

Oh yeah, if it helps to ID what car my 1JZ came from, it had a clutch fan on the front. I notice the JZA70 supras have a thermofan.

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: 1JZ conversion problem - Sump fouling front universal joint
Sat, 25 October 2003 12:00

cant actually see much of the sump from that pic, but it looks like a mid/rear sump type.
A front sump (such as the one off a Chaser 1jz) will almost certainly fix your fouling problems.
Be prepared for a hunt tho - they're a bit rare, and typically a bit expensive.
see if you can find a place that will swap you a chaser sump for your sump + a little bit of cash

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: 1JZ conversion problem - Sump fouling front universal joint
Sun, 26 October 2003 00:01

I assume you will need the chaser pickup aswell?

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: 1JZ conversion problem - Sump fouling front universal joint
Sun, 26 October 2003 00:23

Another question, is there different types of 1JZ engine mounts?

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: 1JZ conversion problem - Sump fouling front universal joint
Sun, 26 October 2003 01:20

yeah, you'll probably want chaser pickup (not sure if that's essential) but definitly need a chaser dipstick.
cant comment on the mounts - mine are custom

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: 1JZ conversion problem - Sump fouling front universal joint
Sun, 26 October 2003 03:39

What is your 1JZ in draven?
Went to TRD-KINGSWOODs site, and found an excellent drawing of the different sumps. Because they are two piece, i think it will be much easier for my to just fabricate a new lower section, ive probably got no chance of finding a chaser sump in WA. It's not fouling by a massive amount anyway.

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: 1JZ conversion problem - Sump fouling front universal joint
Sun, 26 October 2003 12:17

mk2 supra (ma61)

Registered: August 2002
Re: 1JZ conversion problem - Sump fouling front universal joint
Mon, 27 October 2003 01:53

You will need windage tray, pickup and take your pick of front, mid/rear or rear sumps.
I have a mid/rear supra dipstick in my front sump...have no idea of its effectiveness

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: 1JZ conversion problem - Sump fouling front universal joint
Mon, 27 October 2003 01:53

theyre different lengths - someone posted a pic for me a few months ago

Registered: August 2002
Re: 1JZ conversion problem - Sump fouling front universal joint
Mon, 27 October 2003 01:59

WHy is this, they both seemed to be similar of depth to me
meh not that it matters much, they dont burn oil anyway
Location: gold coast
Registered: May 2002
Re: 1JZ conversion problem - Sump fouling front universal joint
Mon, 27 October 2003 09:33

Yep dipsticks are different too. I compared them a while back.
1J bundera, oh yeah. What tranny are you running??

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: 1JZ conversion problem - Sump fouling front universal joint
Mon, 27 October 2003 23:27

Im running the standard R151f. These and the R150 have a 30mm shorter input shaft than the R154, luckily for me dellow had a bellhousing to suit.

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: May 2002
Re: 1JZ conversion problem - Sump fouling front universal joint
Tue, 28 October 2003 04:31

That engine you have there looks to be out of a Soarer. They are mid/rear sump same as the jza70 but the main thing that gives it away is the A/C. The connectors are different on a Supra.

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: 1JZ conversion problem - Sump fouling front universal joint
Tue, 28 October 2003 04:45
No thats not my engine, but yes my aircon compressor is identical, with the wierd connection.