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I supported Toymods On probation
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Registered: January 2003
TA22 Wheel Purchase
Tue, 28 October 2003 12:05
Hey all, i'm seriously contemplating buying some wheels tomorrow the only thing i want to know is in the future when i decide to do a brake upgrade and use something like corona struts how will this effect the wheel offset? Thanks for any help.
oh, by the way the wheels are Performance Tempest

I've decided they look shithouse in chrome and just like that, although i was VERY suprised when put on my car today with a tyre. I have to say that they looked REEEEEEEEEEEAAALLLLLY good.

Location: Madrid - Spain
Registered: August 2002
Re: TA22 Wheel Purchase
Tue, 28 October 2003 20:26

I always thought that they would look great on an early celica, you'll have to post up some pics of the car once they are on.
As for the brakes, I have MA61 struts which push out the wheels a very small ammount to rectify the chamber problem. Some people say that the corona/hilux/pug moves them out others say it doesn't. The biggest problem you will have onthe front is more likely the inner rim hitting the strut. I think the widest rim you will get on is a 7in. There should be heaps of room in the bum for some wider wheels.

I supported Toymods On probation
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Registered: January 2003

Location: Madrid - Spain
Registered: August 2002
Re: TA22 Wheel Purchase
Tue, 28 October 2003 23:23

7in. wide on the front is going to be tight and if you are considering a brake and/or diff upgrade, it is best to do them first. No point in buying expensive wheels only to have them scrubbing after a brake upgrade.
There are always other options with brake upgrades, so depending on how badly you want the wheels make the decision and live with it.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: TA22 Wheel Purchase
Tue, 28 October 2003 23:26

I have 7" wheels and MA61 brakes on my RA23. No scrubbing whatsoever with 205 tyres on the front, although it is pretty close. 

I supported Toymods On probation
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Registered: January 2003
Re: TA22 Wheel Purchase
Tue, 28 October 2003 23:48

i'm not sure if the fronts are 7" aswell, but i will have to check about that... if after future upgrades they do scrub can this be fixed somehow?

Location: Madrid - Spain
Registered: August 2002
Re: TA22 Wheel Purchase
Wed, 29 October 2003 00:12

Yup, I have 205 50 16's on my RA28. The fit fine, but there isn't much room to move on them. The gutter bead on the tyre is only about 1-2mm off the strut and there isn't a lot of room outside the tyre either. The TA22's are a little different in the front end though. I recon that if you want the wheels, grab them and worry about the brakes when and if the problem arises.

Location: Madrid - Spain
Registered: August 2002
Re: TA22 Wheel Purchase
Wed, 29 October 2003 00:15

If they do scrub after the brake upgrade, you can get the wheel hub machined down a little. I am not sure how legal it is though.

I supported Toymods On probation
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Registered: January 2003
Re: TA22 Wheel Purchase
Wed, 29 October 2003 13:22

well i went and got them today and they look soooooooooooooo good!!! i am very very very happy with them i WILL get a picture up when i can get a lend of a digi camera. Now i just gotta save up for suspension and brake mods.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: October 2003
Re: TA22 Wheel Purchase
Fri, 31 October 2003 07:51

hey guys, i was interested in them for my TA22. I was lucky enough to see them on another light blue 22 one day near work when I realised I DON'T want them. They look great and really aggressive however the thing I didn't like was the way the spokes on them stuck out of the actual rim. I've always thought the celica looks best with some sort of lip on them. Ahwell thats my 2cents. how much did u pay for them, I'm about to buy the Performance Lotus style. I was lucky enough to get in contact with the Owner of performance wheels in adelaide and i can get the 16x7s for only $130 each. So plz let us know of any problems with yours boris. Coz I'd like to know before I get mine done. Cheers

I supported Toymods On probation
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Registered: January 2003
Re: TA22 Wheel Purchase
Sat, 01 November 2003 01:32

T APLUS 22, just wait.... i'll get a pic up of mine some time soon and you'll be reconverted back to thinking they look good!!!
All up i paid $1455 which was for the 4 wheels/tyres/locknuts/alignment/balance.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: October 2003
Re: TA22 Wheel Purchase
Sat, 01 November 2003 02:26
ok, look forward to it, but I doubt its gonna change my mind