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I supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: August 2002
GX81 Brake Booster
Sun, 09 November 2003 04:07
I need a Brake Booster and Master Cylinder from a GX81 (similar to MX83 Cressida)
Anyone here get a front cut GX81 for the 1G-GTE and not need the Booster and Master Cyl ??
I'm in Sydney, but can collect from almost anywhere....
Thanks heaps

I supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: August 2002
Re: GX81 Brake Booster
Tue, 11 November 2003 00:40

Surely someone has got one lying around from the many 1G-GTE conversions that have been done....
I'm almost getting to the desperate stage

Location: Brisbane
Registered: June 2003
Re: GX81 Brake Booster
Wed, 12 November 2003 08:52

ive got one out of an sa63 celica,i dont know how similar it is but you can have for $50!!

I supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: August 2002
Re: GX81 Brake Booster
Fri, 14 November 2003 03:10

I doubt it will be the right one, but if you want to take some measurements, that would be great...
I have tried the ST162 Booster which was too large and that was about the only other option I thought we had...
The bolt pattern on the back of the booster (firewall side) should be 4 bolts, spaced 85mm apart
The diameter of the booster at the widest part should be less than 190mm

I supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: August 2002
Re: GX81 Brake Booster
Sun, 23 November 2003 15:36
Still looking for a GX81 Booster....
any other suggestions ??
I've tried a JZX81 Booster - no good as it's the same booster as the MX83 Cressida