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Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
" WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Tue, 18 November 2003 22:28
Hi all,
I recently bought some so called GTR T28 Garrett ballbearing turbos from Gukster. He even went to great lengths to claim it to be true by providing this link.
Quoted from his ad:
Last Post: Wed, 05 November 2003 22:03
Re: 2x GTR Turbo's $450 the lot
Re: 2x GTR Turbo's $450 the lot Tue, 04 November 2003 23:42
check out the specs here tm
Why so cheap????, simple,I want to sell them.
Re: Nissan GTR Turbos $450 the lot!! Tue, 04 November 2003 01:31
No not steel wheeled, they are BB
Why so cheap??? cause I wanta sell them!, who ever see's will buy
end Quote
GUESS WHAT!!!! The only thing he got right was that they are Skyline turbos. NOT T28 but TE2701 turbos which Not ballbearing either but std journal bearings.TE2701 are the older type of T28 so it part true, but still not a T28.
It is as if someone is say an AE82 corolla is the same as a AE101 corolla...which it is not....!!!!!!!
During my contact with Gukster he insist they were genuine GTR R33 T28 Ballbearing turbos. When I told him they were not T28 or ballbearing and I did want them, even if they were GTR, as I wanted ballbearing T28 turbo. I was willing to drive him to Garrett turbo distributor to provide expert advice, gave him a contact number to Garrett but was not interested. He asked me to contact his expert friend, his friend basically told me I got a bargain and worth a lot more, so I said then I sell them to u...he quickly changed the subject. He admitted it was not a T28 or ballbearing, he didn't even know wat type of garrett turbo they are..he even thinks he know more then the Garrett distributors....Gosh there are some pricks out there.
Basically I didn't care if they were worth more or less, I just didn't get wat I paid so the seller was selling un false pretenses.
In the end I just wanted him to give me my money back, basically he told me to get stuff.
Email the board for assistant but the board kept quiet.
But Guess what I sold them for $400 each.....without lying to anyone.......
Moral of the story:
Get the seller to quote the turbo number and call the manufacture b4 u buy it....there are some F@#$%%K dogs out there who claims to have been hard done, but end up eating u up with out a second thought. DISHONEST DOG.
As for the Board a reply would have been nice in any regards...
bunch of yellow bellys.

I supported Toymods On probation
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Registered: January 2003
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Tue, 18 November 2003 22:39

I understand that you would be pissed, but somehow i don't think that the board should be abused for all this? yes you followed this
Quote: | If you have concerns about any posts or threads then e-mail a moderator, select the 'Report message to a Moderator' option or email the board at
but what about this?
Quote: | Disclaimer: All posts are the property and responsibility of the poster, the forum moderators and administrators have no obligation to monitor any posts, however Toymods reserves the right to edit, refuse to post or to remove any information and/or materials (in whole or in part) that in its discretion considers objectionable or in violation of any applicable law or the Conditions of Use
I'm not taking sides, i understand you got F*#&CKED and i would be very pissed aswell.
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Wed, 19 November 2003 06:27

I don't think you should expect the board to protect you. They aren't here to babysit commercial transactions.
Besides - in the end you came out ok.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: May 2002

Location: Prospect, Sydney
Registered: April 2003
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Wed, 19 November 2003 06:50

THANKS SilyKa!!!
I was about to buy a Haltech E6K off that guy. I sure as hell aren't anymore, he didn't even return my calls after he was supposed to meet with me on a weekend to complete the transaction, what a character. Some people these days...... He's supposedly from Newcastle or something. I think that you Moderators should seriously consider banning him, seeing as though he obviously operates under false pretenses.

Club President I supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Wed, 19 November 2003 07:41

I am sorry to hear of the problem you experienced and we will be contacting Gukster in regards to the matter. The board will need to discuss what action is taken but it is quite possible he will be banned from the forums.
As for us not replying to you I do appologise. I guess it is easy to forget the the Toymods board is a volentary group of people who work hard to try and make Toymods a great club for its members. We all do this in our "spare" time and do get busy. This time of year is just as hectic for us as it is for everybody else so some things do take alot longer than we would like. I get over 100 emails a day and work from 7.30am till 7pm daily. Theres alot of days i just dont get the chance to check all my mail.
We are always happy to assist our club members when we can.
Just out of curiosity are you actually a club member ???
Location: sydney
Registered: September 2003
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Wed, 19 November 2003 12:42

ye i was about to buy those turbos but in the last minute backed away. he offered to drive from newcastle to sydney and agreed to sell for $400.something about him didnt sound rite.
im glad u got away with it.if he doesnt know what turbo theye are makes u wonder were he got them from.
hey Gukster im just glad i didnt turn up for this bogus sale.
get a life onsteda of trying to rip people off.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: May 2003
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Wed, 19 November 2003 14:47

some people are so dodgy, ban his ass if what has been said is true which seems as tho it is, fiar enough some people want a lot of money for thier parts but lying is NOT on
Registered: March 2003
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Wed, 19 November 2003 15:38

There is always two sides to every story!!! SilyKa obviously didn't do his homework on the turbo's in the first place. He was after GTR BB turbo's. And that by the sounds of it is what he got!! BTW what does BB stand FOR? Bush bearing or Ball Bearing HMMMMM. I wonder is this guy(SilKa) out to make GUKSTER look like Mr bad guy over a little missunderstanding? Sounds to me like SilKa fked up, and he is just as much to blame as GUKSTER himself. Not anywhere in the add do I see BALL-BEARING TURBO'S mentioned
We don't know what was said, it seems to be all one sided, so i guess we will just have to see what GUKSTER has to say in response to such childish and Defamatory comments.
SilKa it seems like you were after something u had little or know fkin idea about, until u recieved the turbo's in yor little hot hands and then decided to go and do some research. Hmmmm Chicken B4 the egg? Oh well, From what u lead us to believe, the GTR (t28) turbo's u recieved were in fact the items u were after. The add states GTR turbo's
Quote:(older type of T28 so it part true, but still not a T28.)
Hang on a sec here older type T28 = true, But still not T28. OK what are u trying to say here? TRUE but NOT, Black but nah its really BLUE! I think u should have a little think for a second or 2 here. Getting the facts straight may be a priority!
Do you know? or did you know? the difference between R33 And R32 turbo's before you purchased them. I DON'T THINK SO!
Hey i must say i am a little sad for u about the whole situation. But i think GUKSTER has to reply to your harsh remarks.
P.S Did GUKSTER really Fcuk You?
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Wed, 19 November 2003 17:09

i thought gtrs came with t25's and gtst's came with t28's??????

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Wed, 19 November 2003 20:13

incidentally, bb is generally accepted as being ball-bearing
I'm not weighing into this shitfight, since I dont know either side of the story very well

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Wed, 19 November 2003 21:05

JZA70T wrote on Thu, 20 November 2003 01:38 | There is always two sides to every story!!! SilyKa obviously didn't do his homework on the turbo's in the first place. He was after GTR BB turbo's. And that by the sounds of it is what he got!! BTW what does BB stand FOR? Bush bearing or Ball Bearing HMMMMM. I wonder is this guy(SilKa) out to make GUKSTER look like Mr bad guy over a little missunderstanding? Sounds to me like SilKa fked up, and he is just as much to blame as GUKSTER himself. Not anywhere in the add do I see BALL-BEARING TURBO'S mentioned
We don't know what was said, it seems to be all one sided, so i guess we will just have to see what GUKSTER has to say in response to such childish and Defamatory comments.
SilKa it seems like you were after something u had little or know fkin idea about, until u recieved the turbo's in yor little hot hands and then decided to go and do some research. Hmmmm Chicken B4 the egg? Oh well, From what u lead us to believe, the GTR (t28) turbo's u recieved were in fact the items u were after. The add states GTR turbo's
Quote:(older type of T28 so it part true, but still not a T28.)
Hang on a sec here older type T28 = true, But still not T28. OK what are u trying to say here? TRUE but NOT, Black but nah its really BLUE! I think u should have a little think for a second or 2 here. Getting the facts straight may be a priority!
Do you know? or did you know? the difference between R33 And R32 turbo's before you purchased them. I DON'T THINK SO!
Hey i must say i am a little sad for u about the whole situation. But i think GUKSTER has to reply to your harsh remarks.
P.S Did GUKSTER really Fcuk You?
GUKSTER in disguise?
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Wed, 19 November 2003 22:04

JZA70T did u check the link first b4 ur mouth started to fart. He said and I quote from the link he claims it to be Ballbearing...
Ring Garrett and they will tell u the TE2701 is more close to the T25 and not T28, hence the T28 was later produced.
Talk about finding the facts....!!!!!
Do u like suckin on him!!!!!
2ndly, like I said and AE82 rolla is not a AE101 rolla
TE2701 was the turbo he sold me, the "NEW" replacement was the T28 which superseded it is not the same.
Wat r u said, about who was the dishonest person making unfounded claims, my main reason for posting this was to warn others about him, and becare when u are buying from others on the forum.
I didn't want to post this warning, I inform toymods but they took no action. So is it wrong of me to protect my other fellow forum member from this deceitful person.
1:The turbos are not orignal R33 GTR turbos.
2:NOT T28 ballbearing as was claim and as quote by link
sorry board, didn't mean to come out that harsh, just wanted to protect my fellow members.
made $400 profit, damn, more like I F#%@#k him..ehehehehe...
and didn't have to be deceiful about it, either.
I am very fortunate to hav gotten away with it, I just hope others don't get lied to like I was, by the likes of him.
[Updated on: Wed, 19 November 2003 22:36]
Registered: March 2003
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Wed, 19 November 2003 23:58

So u got your nickers in a knot for no reason at all!! You asked for GTR turbo's and thats what yo got. Afterall that was what was ADVERTISED. Did you really know that R32 and R33 GTR's both come out with T25 turbo's. Dip shit! If you had mommy help you with your home work you would know, that this was the case.
The only motor that comes from the factory with a T28 Ball-Bearing turbo is the late S14 200SX with the SR20DET motor. So it seems to me you definitely had and have no fking idea what you are on about. What is it like to live in the clouds?
You just need to accept some responsibility for you inadequate research and stop ya wingeing ya little girl. Stop licking your ball bag, take a back seat and read up before u start WARNING everybody about someone who u had a little misunderstanding with.
You may want to speak wisdom not shit next time you go like a bull at a gate.
You made more than your money back so what the hell u complaining about?Hmmmm You obviously have nothing better to do.
and becare when u are buying from others on the forum.Yeah whatever? You just wanted to have a bitch just because you don't want to accept your side of the responsibility. Its a shame some people are so full of themselves! Oh well Ho Hum. Back to the grind.
BTW links don't mean shit unless you know what u are looking at!!
So, in conclusion to the above mentioned,
Location: Sydney
Registered: November 2003
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Thu, 20 November 2003 00:20

JZA70T R U F@#$%@#k Gukster's whore?????
jst wondering

Location: Adelaide
Registered: May 2003
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Thu, 20 November 2003 00:26

silly wedge - LOL, so true! other people seem to think he is dodgy, so its not like sillyka is the only person he has seemed dodgy to, jza70t it seems got you knickers in a knot!! man this is a funny thread

Location: Bayside Melbourne.
Registered: May 2003
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Sat, 22 November 2003 04:20

All Skyline drivers are f*ckin' wankers and bullsh*t artists so SilyKa really should have assumed that this guy was no different seeing as he was selling his Skyline parts.

Location: Newcastle
Registered: August 2003
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Sun, 23 November 2003 02:21

He is from my neck of the woods hmm I wonder who he is....
Us Newcastleians aint usually rippoff artists. Just a lil povo lol

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Sun, 23 November 2003 02:54

all the med students I met up there were very povo...
but their greatest conquest was drinking the engineering students under the table. what does that tell you about doctors in australia?

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Registered: December 2002
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Sun, 23 November 2003 04:04

draven wrote on Sun, 23 November 2003 10:54 | all the med students I met up there were very povo...
but their greatest conquest was drinking the engineering students under the table. what does that tell you about doctors in australia? 
That they cheat, by using catheters over there too!

Location: Newcastle
Registered: August 2003
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Sun, 23 November 2003 07:35

What is a damn catheter lol

I supported Toymods
Location: I renounced punctuation
Registered: May 2002
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Sun, 23 November 2003 12:45

The liver is the root of all evil. My motto anyway.
A catheter is a small tube that goes into some cavity to drain fluid out. A urinary catheter goes into the bladder that way you never have to go to the can just keep drinking all night and never go to the dunny. Personally, I'd just go for condom drainage and a leg bag - just make sure your pubes don't get caught....

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Sun, 23 November 2003 12:46

which means now people will understand what I mean when I say "about as pleasant as a urethra catheter insertion"

I supported Toymods
Location: I renounced punctuation
Registered: May 2002
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Sun, 23 November 2003 12:49

Meh...with some lignocaine gel, it's all done in about 20 seconds!
Registered: March 2003
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Sun, 23 November 2003 14:21

SilyWedge wrote on Thu, 20 November 2003 11:20 | JZA70T R U F@#$%@#k Gukster's whore?????
jst wondering
Nope but yor mum is my whore!!!!!!!!!!
Well, thats wat she told me last night when i f%#ked her!!!!!!

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Sun, 23 November 2003 16:26

that's about 20 seconds longer than I'd rather it take
Location: Sydney
Registered: November 2003
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Mon, 24 November 2003 01:55

JZA70T wrote on Mon, 24 November 2003 01:21 |
Nope but yor mum is my whore!!!!!!!!!!
Well, thats wat she told me last night when i f%#ked her!!!!!!
JZA70T, You are one sick dude..
I honestly didn't know u practised NECROPHILIA
You are one desparate dude....GET HELP.....
Location: Sydney
Registered: November 2003
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Mon, 24 November 2003 02:18

I won't stoop to ur leave and talk abt ur parents, but I will about ur relos.
Did ur uncle gave it to u wen u were young, I mean really gave it to u...up ur clacker..... Did u find ur aunty attractive or something, or did f$#%#$k ur auntie to get back at ur uncle for giving u some....and I mean SOME....
I could have sworen u were a catholic alter boy...

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Registered: December 2002
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Mon, 24 November 2003 03:35

Yep, OK, thats me out of this thread, ..., where's the "unsubscribe to topic" button?!

Location: ballarat
Registered: April 2003
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Mon, 24 November 2003 03:52

thread lock or deletion immanent........

Club President I supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: " WARNING " Misleading Ads by Gukster Warning!!!!!!!!!!
Mon, 24 November 2003 05:29
Personal attacks of any sort are not permitted on these forums !
As such this thread has been locked and further action wil be taken after reviewing the facts.