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Registered: May 2002
URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Sat, 22 November 2003 04:41
Hi ! I'm having some problem with spray-painting my car.
Paint splatters as it comes out of spray gun.. I thought the paint was too thick, so I put some more thinners but still splatters it. Someone told something might have been blocked in the spray gun, so I pulled it apart and cleaned the nozzel.
BUT still does it.. I don't know What I'm doing wrong ...
It worked fine a couple of days ago...
Can anyone provide me some solution to this problem ?
by the way, I was painting in rainy day..(but I was painting in garage, so would this be a problem ?)
HELP !!! HELP !! HELP !!!!
Location: Castlemaine Vic
Registered: November 2002
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Sat, 22 November 2003 05:36

what pressure you running it at? try turning that up a tad.
also have you got a water separator on the air line somewhere? maybe theres water condentation in the compressor tank
Registered: May 2002
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Sat, 22 November 2003 05:43

I'm running at 40 psi, and I've also got water separator near regulator, but what do i do if there is water in the tank (How do I drain the water out of the tank ?)

Location: melbourne
Registered: July 2003
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Sat, 22 November 2003 05:54

well i dunno if this really helps but at work our air compressor tank has a valve on the end and also the very end is able to come off with alot of effort, or get a heavy duty vaccum drill two holes in the tank and suck the water out then patch the holes up , thats just an idea

I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne.victoria.austra...
Registered: June 2002
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Sat, 22 November 2003 06:43

drain compressor for sure.
there should be a valve on the bottom/drain cock to empty the tank
i'd fill your gun with thinners, and, run it for a while just spraying thinner - i normally do this b4 i spray.
make sure you strain the paint b4 you put it in the pot too - very important!
painting on a rainy day, hmmm, can't say as i'd recommend it, depends too how humid it is also.
Registered: May 2002
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Sat, 22 November 2003 21:08

Thanks guys !!
I have drained the tank..hopefully this will fix it ..
How do you strain the paint b4 you put into the pot ?

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Sat, 22 November 2003 21:59

ditto hat grega said - ideally you want a nice warm summer day with about 0% humidity
Location: Castlemaine Vic
Registered: November 2002
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Sat, 22 November 2003 22:11

use one of ya mums stockings to strain the paint, or go buy some paper cone filters, there like 50c each, can either get fine, medium and i think theres others too..
but like the others say, usually when it rains (down here in vic anyway ) its cold, so if it feels like below 12-10dec dont paint.
also when you have finished with the gun for the day, clean it out as you would, then leave some thinners in it, like not full just a bit in the bottom till next time you are ready to use it.
also, when u say it splatters, is it like little bits of shit that comes out or is it actually just paint spots?
Registered: May 2002
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Sat, 22 November 2003 22:43

Thanks guys !!!
it comes out as actually just paint spots

I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne.victoria.austra...
Registered: June 2002
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Sun, 23 November 2003 00:48

yup - panty hose. worx great.
it sounds like your gun is blocked - time for a pull down and clean.
what sort of thinner are you using out of interest? i use motospray and its fine - i had a tin of other stuff and that was fucking hopeless - and caused the paint to clump and turn to shit!
Registered: May 2002
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Sun, 23 November 2003 01:25

I'm using the PPG thinners...not sure if it is a genuine PPG thinners as I bought from the paint shop.. I will try it with motospray thinners.
It was heartbreaking after days of preparation, so I will try anything to solve this problem
Location: Castlemaine Vic
Registered: November 2002
Registered: May 2002
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Sun, 23 November 2003 23:37

Thanks Guys !!!
I have done every thing that you guys have mentioned in replys, so I'll let you know how it went

Location: sydney
Registered: July 2003
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Mon, 24 November 2003 02:08

have you tried to strain the paint eith a stocking?
Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Mon, 24 November 2003 11:48

If you are using PPG paint use the PPG thinners. Motorspray thinners is great with Motorspray paint, but CR#p with most high quality paints. DON"T mix brands, that will lead to all kinds of grief. Strain the paint as it goes into the pot. If you have a gravity feed gun, you can install a filter into the gun. If she is a suction feed gun, the biggest problem, is the air vent arrangement at the top of the pot, that has to be totally clean. Some painters use a long length of vacuum hose straight off the nipple on the top of the pot. Strip clean your gun after each layer of paint ie. after primer, after colour and after clearcoat. After cleaning put 50cc of thinners in the pot, and while spraying, hold a cloth over the various holes in the spray cap. You will know its clean when you get a really nice even pattern of spray, this is also a good time to adjust the fan pattern, saves wasting good paint later on.
And don't spray on humid days, you will end up with a blotchy paint job, with areas of dull and glossy paint!
regards Chuck.
Registered: July 2002
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Mon, 24 November 2003 16:43

re: chuck: you can't adjust the spray pattern with thinner in the bottle.. it's too thin compared to the paint 
I think 86racer should tell us, what is the spray pattern of the gun when he's spraying thinner, is it a nice uniformed
shape? or more like a
that will tell if there's junk in the bottle, or if the holes are blocked.
but if it was working a few days before, either you broke something while pulling it apart (or you left something out?), or you didn't clean your gun right after you use and something is blocking it.. but pull it apart, use thinner to wipe the needle, and as someone said, put thinner in there and spray until whatever comes out is clear coloured, good luck
Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Tue, 25 November 2003 10:55

gt20v ,please re read my reply, I said "adjust fan pattern". I suppose it really depends on what sort of gun you have!
Registered: May 2002
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Wed, 26 November 2003 09:54

Problem fixed !!!
Thanks guys for your advice !!
got one more question, if the paint looks dull and rough, can cut and polishing fix it up or Do I have to rub it back re-apply the top-coat ???
Registered: July 2002
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Wed, 26 November 2003 11:30

so what was the problem?
well, if it's just a small part, make sure you have enough coats and cut it back (if it's solid colour), otherwise smooth sand it and apply another good coat...
Registered: May 2002
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Thu, 27 November 2003 09:07

I didn't clean the gun properly that was my problem
I thought it was clean but especially the nozzle was dirty, had bit of paint build up as well
Any first time spray painters out there like me
Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Thu, 27 November 2003 11:43

Acrylic paint will not give a brilliant gloss "off the gun". You can help to promote gloss by adding 2 Pack reducer to the clear coat, instead of normal thinner. Thinners vary in grade "slow,medium, and fast". Most suppliers will supply the novice with meduim thinners, it flashes off faily quickly, and is not as prone to runs as the slow thinners. Flashing off refers to the thinners evaporating from the paint. If you have a nice uniform coat of colour on the car and it looks a little dull, thats just the way it works. Like I said 2 Pack reducer in the topcoat clear will bring up a fairly nice level of gloss. You will still need to compound and buff the car to get a really nice gloss.
regards Chuck.

I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne.victoria.austra...
Registered: June 2002
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Thu, 27 November 2003 19:46

chuck is spot on here. acrylic does come outta the gun pretty dull, (especially flat colors - metallics come out with a bit more body, but still not an intense gloss like 2pack)
it seems that using the same brand of thinner with the same brand of paint is a good idea.
i use super cheap thinner to clean my equipment with, and, motospray (which is supposedly shit but i've had good success with so far, even for a beginner) thinner with the motospray paint i had color matched. like i say so far so good.
chuck i've also heard of spraying thinner (lightly) onto wet clear to also help promote a higher gloss. havent' tried it.
ps: never heard of 2 pack reducer in the clear though. will give it a try instead of normal thinner.
Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: URGENT !!!!! Spray painting ~~ HELP !
Fri, 28 November 2003 03:03

I'm a novice spraypainter(by novice I mean will buy a compressor in the next few weeks)myself and have been trying to find some web links on spraypainting but have had no luck. Any ideas??
Registered: May 2002