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Location: Cairns
Registered: June 2002
Rice or Not, U decide
Fri, 02 August 2002 01:57
Just been having a little bit of a thinking session and i came to the fact that a BOV seems somewhat rice to me. U know seems like an extra for all the little rice boyz around. Yeah i know they improve turbo life and all the rest but......
Whats your thoughts ?

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Fri, 02 August 2002 02:25

Im with you.. Im with the purpose as not being rice.. But.. You can plumb the BOV back into the intake.. therefore would not be so loud.. What i see as rice is all the BOV's now saying.. "scare pedestrians" and the like.. I honestly put those in the same category as RICE! At the end of the day tho.. Whatever floats your boat!'
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Fri, 02 August 2002 03:31

I love it how pople who dont even have turbocharged car criticise BOVS. If you had a turbo car the only reason you would put one of those Bosch POS things on is if you couldn't afford/aquire a real one.
Fact is the best commercial designs don't recirculate.

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Fri, 02 August 2002 03:42

What do you mean man? if i had a turbo car i would but a recirculating setup on it.. Its not my thing to have the car going ppppsssstttt psssssstttt psssssttttt every time i gas and ungas the car.. Which is why at the end of my post i said... "Whatever floats your boat".. Its up to the owner.. but if i was steering i wouldnt want that sound there that loud.. Its like the guys that try to have a blow off valve on a GZE.. siiifffff... just for the sound.. Ive heard little kids in shopping centers pretending there cars and at the end of there 1/4 mile they make a psssshhhhttt sound? Its a personal thing.. like exhausts.. and i wouldnt want the psst that loud..

I supported Toymods
Location: Berowra-Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Fri, 02 August 2002 05:44

the thing that floats my boat is the chirping noise you hear on the world rally cars sounds heaps better then just a pssssssst how do they make that noise? is it a certain type of blow off valve you buy or something else?
i heard its something to do with the back preassure and not having a blow off valve????
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Fri, 02 August 2002 09:31

Yes and no. Recirculating BOVs do tend to result in hotter air, as air gets cycled through the turbo, which is why venting the BOV to the atmosphere is a good thing, however look at BOVs like the big turbosmart ones, which have a bellmouth, which would be good for flow, but then they go and machine in windows around the base of the bellmouth to make the thing louder, and simultaneously reduce the flow capacity of the BOV. Sounds VERY rice to me.
The current trend seems to be venting the BOV through a small air filter, which keeps the noise down, but avoids the disadvantages of a plumback BOV.
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Fri, 02 August 2002 11:09

WHo said turbosmart were'nt shit as well ??

I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne.victoria.austra...
Registered: June 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Fri, 02 August 2002 11:36

funniest thing i ever heard was a BOV venting to the atmosphere on a VL Turbo - but it was AUTO!

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Fri, 02 August 2002 11:38

Who would spend money on a VL Turbo anyway?

I supported Toymods
Location: NE Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Fri, 02 August 2002 13:25

GIN51E... that sort of squeeking sound from WRC cars is the antilag system... i'm not 100% sure, but i think they inject raw fuel into the exhaust housing of the turbo and it ignites due to the heat, hence resulting in the turbing remaining spinning, preventing lag once back on throttle.

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Fri, 02 August 2002 13:27

thats right dorikin
ive heard this kills the life of yout turbo though
Club Member
Location: Sydney, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Fri, 02 August 2002 17:46

They wouldn't need to worry about the life of the turbos anyway... With all the sponsors that they have... I always had a silly feeling that the noise that the WRC cars make was from the suspension... How wrong I was... Oh well...

I supported Toymods
Location: Berowra-Sydney
Registered: July 2002

Location: Cabramatta, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Sat, 03 August 2002 00:10

I don't think that squeaking is the anti-lag. The backfiring is the anti-lag system, but I think the sqeaks are just the BOV venting the insane amounts of boost those cars run.
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Sat, 03 August 2002 00:55

The sound could also be the wastegate opening and closing quickly while trying to keep wildly varying boost consistent. I believe this is the case because I have seen street cars where people have messed with the wastegate to get a similar sound.
As for antilag, old antilag systems ran fuel into the exhaust, but modern ones just keep the fuel running into the motor when you back off, and retard the ignition heavily, so that most of the fuel ends up in the exhaust unburned. Hence the "bang bang", and flames out the back, as fuel is burning in the exhaust system.
Anti-lag reduces turbo and exhaust life because it heats the exhaust system excessively. I imagine it wouldn't be too good for a catalytic converter either.
Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Sat, 03 August 2002 06:29

Its sounds good and all ....but i reckon youd get over and it would piss u off after a while
Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Sat, 03 August 2002 06:40

True, I reckon all the hassle will get annoying after a while... but it's my first turbo car and this is just one thing that I like about it! Plus it came with the front cut so it didn't cost any extra. The rest of the car looks totally stock. In time I think the HKS BOV will go.....

Location: _Sydney _
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Sat, 03 August 2002 06:54

The BOV i got came with the car its not very loud at all it was facing downwards i rotated it, and even so its not loud at all even when adjusting general driving u can bearly hear it only when u give it its noticeable. Unlike my mates skyline puts on a supoer loud one so just normal driving its loud... rice. But one time i heard one that sounded almost like a whistle.. duno what the guy done to it but it was a high pitch sound coming out of it, maybe a backyard mod to the bov...?

Location: The Rainy City
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Sat, 03 August 2002 09:50

I for one am not a fan of the externally venting "Mach 1 Super Sound" bovs. I mean, how ricey is that. Let the thing perform its duties (venting excess air) without making it a fashion statement. I try to let my turbo whine do all the talking 
I wanted a recirc bov for my starion, a cheapo bosch one, cos theyre relatively quiet and cheap. stupid thing is, starions run MAF ANDDDDDD MAP sensors (MAF till 0 vacuum, MAP when positive manifold pressure)... 
Guess ill have to put up with an externally venting one then... anyone know the quietest and least conspicuous ext venting bov?
I supported Toymods
Location: Perth WA
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Sun, 04 August 2002 09:27

You could get a cheap externally venting one, then "muffle" it with a little air filter, or foam box. As long as the foam does not restrict the air exit too much, it should be OK. Then you can have the best of both worlds, and change to "loud" mode by removing the muffler.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Sun, 11 August 2002 19:00

A lot of companies make a proper plumb back bov. .. have a look at the very bottom of their bov section, theres a type 3 supersonic with a big trumpet attachment, and a plumbback version, which plumbs back into the intake.
I personally love the WOOOSH! so what if i like my rice
And that term 'rice' is just getting annoying now. Its being used all to often for any car modification that isnt directly performance related.

Location: Preston
Registered: June 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Sun, 11 August 2002 22:30

I fully agree about the "rice" bit MREMIL. Way over used and starting to get annoying. I love the WOOOOSH! but being the poor uni student couldn't afford one so i used the stock one and now that vents out. Works awesome, almost enough to make me not want an aftermarket one. Its only loud when i want it to be.
Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Sun, 11 August 2002 22:53

That psycho angry turkey sound you hear from the WRC cars is the air charging back out the front of the turbo on changes. My crown used to make the exact same noise with the big TO4 on the 5M. I was actually running a BOV at the time too. The problem is that the BOV (bosch one) was just too small to pass the mass of air required. My mates brother dubbed it the turkey car. The outlet of the valve is not what to look at. Have a look at the inlet and piston size. In general, the more noise they make the more restrictive they are. My mate has made a couple of custom ones that have a 1 3/4 inch inlet size and piston area equivalent to 4 blitz units, and they are virtually silent.
Oh yeah-and theres nothing wrong with a BOV on an auto-it still blows off and helps stop compressor vibration when you get off the gas at the end of the strip/drag.
Cheers Sean

Location: The Rainy City
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Sun, 11 August 2002 23:49

for a two litre, what size would be quiet yet practical to find (read cheap)? i dont think its good for the compressor to stall with a thud of air on gearchanges like its doing now...
also, on a side note, wat makes that sound you hear on a lot of VLs these days? it doesnt sound like a bov, more like a series of soft flutters. I first thought it was a wastegate but i now think im wrong. anyone know?
Location: brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Tue, 13 August 2002 03:29

IS plumback really quiet when they go off. Because i dont like the BOV's. When i went to broadwater first car that left had this really loud BOV and i was thinking sweeeeet. Then the second car to come out had a BOV and im thinkin ok thats alright then the third and fourth car came out with BOV's. I think i worked out 4 out of 5 cars at broadwater DONT have BOV's. But i did hear one of them that actually fluttered for what seemed like a second or two instead of just one quick woosh. Its like a sorta squealy/fluttering sound and i really liked it. Does anyone know what this is?. ps. if u have a BOV please dont take offence its just my opinion and i dont expect everyone to have similar opinons.
Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Tue, 13 August 2002 06:46

The longer, fluttering sound you heard was the air coming back out the turbo when the throttle was shut, like the angry pidgeon sound you hear from a WRC car or a big TO4 equipped VL. It can be anything from a fluttery sound, to a sort of dull roar (you'll often hear the roar from trucks on changes).
As for the best valve for a 2 litre, go for the bosch unit. And if you are worried about the size, get two of them. The value for money is outstanding. Put it next to a fancy pants blitz or turbo smart one and you'll see very little difference in internal size/flow capability.
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Tue, 13 August 2002 06:48

i blocked the plumb back hose off the original ij blowoff valve and it sounds nice not to loud but deep sounding i love it

Location: Preston
Registered: June 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Tue, 13 August 2002 09:33

Quote: | i blocked the plumb back hose off the original ij blowoff valve and it sounds nice not to loud but deep sounding i love it
Which hose did you block off? I did this but i unbolted the valve and then blocked off the hole it left in the intake pipe. Do you have a pic of it?
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Tue, 13 August 2002 09:56

man you took it off completly!!!
you just take the hose off the side off the blow off valve and block it (the hose not the valve!!!!) should be the diameter of a 20c coin, and then the valve will vent to the atmosphere and not plumb back into the engine....alittle tricky to do but took me about 4 minutes

Location: Preston
Registered: June 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Tue, 13 August 2002 11:26

the valve is still there on the end of thehose, but the valve isnt bolted onto the intake anymore. At first i gottold to disconnect the hose from the valve instead but that was the wrong end.
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Tue, 13 August 2002 11:48

disconect the valve from the hose and block up the hose put the bov back on for your tourbo's sake put it on!!!

Location: Preston
Registered: June 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Tue, 13 August 2002 11:55

Why whats the problem?
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Tue, 13 August 2002 12:14

man every time you let go of the accelarator (the throttle shuts) the air/boost slams back into your turbos forcing them to spin the other way keep in mind that your turbos are spinning at a tens of thousands of rpm...
also your turbos will spool up faster cause they are spinning in the correct direction already reducing lag between changes....
go give it a try

Location: Preston
Registered: June 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Tue, 13 August 2002 13:13

but the way you have it atthe moment, doesnt let any of that pressure out. Its sitting in between the air filter and the turbo, so there is no pressure for yours to letout. I had it originally the way you have it now, and then i realised that the only noise from ti was comingfrom thehose cos it wasn't sealed properly. The valve wasnt making any noise at all.
Has anyone else tried this on a 1jz?
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Tue, 13 August 2002 13:46

dewd i think i've confused you, mine sounds mad and works great basically put everything back to standard ok now there is a little hose comming off the top of the bov....leave there is another bigger hose comming off the bov going towards the front of the car then goes down under the plumbing this hose...disconect it off the bov, and put somethingin the end of the hose, and tighten up the hose clamp over the item stuffed into the hose to block it off completely....
wwhhaala...atmospherically venting blow off valve that you can tell the cops "this is how toyota built it"
ps i'll have a look at it for you if you like i live in syd
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Tue, 13 August 2002 17:07

i'll probly post a pic tomorrow

Location: Preston
Registered: June 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Tue, 13 August 2002 22:21

Im not 100% sure about this, but im prety sure you've got it confused. If you can sorta imagine the BOV mounted backwards, the end that is bolted to the pipe, is the end that vents the pressure. If you notice, they way you have it, its mounted before the turbos, therefore there is no pressure there for it to release. The reason you blocked up that hose is becuase pressure pisses out out of it hardcore. Thats the pressure that the valve is supposed to be releasing. Put you hand in front of the valve the way you have it now, rev it and feel how much it vents out. Im guessing it wont be a lot. Take it off the way i had it, and you'll hear it a lot more, feel it when it vents and you can see it working.
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Wed, 14 August 2002 06:59

nope...ok i'll start again.....standard blow of valve the toyota one where toyota have put it.....bolted to the manifold correct??? leave it there...don't move it.......there is a big hose comming off it yes???? ok take it off the blow off valve and block the hose... thats it... it works mad and sounds great and wheel spins in second trust me nothing leaks

Location: Preston
Registered: June 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Wed, 14 August 2002 07:21

Trust me i know exactly what your talking about. Have a look where it is. It isnt on a manifold, its bolted to the air intake pipe that goes from the air filter to the turbos. therefore the way you have it there is no pressure inside the pipe its bolted onto. The pressure comes from that hose, which comes from the pipework leading from the turbos to the intercooler. When the throttle closes, the pressure runs through that hose to the valve, venting to just before the turbos.
Does anyone else have any ideas about this?
By the way should we start a new thread?
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Wed, 14 August 2002 07:39

my mate has a soara here at work and i just took a look at it... and now i think i'm wrong i 'll look at mine tomorrow i still dont get why it's giving me the blow off noise now???? i'll check it get post my findings

Location: Preston
Registered: June 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Wed, 14 August 2002 07:59

Im not sure what would be making that noise, but when i had it like yours, the noise mine made i think was from the hose not being perfectly sealed.
After i looked at it again and thought i got it the wrong way around, i put the hose back on, and unbolted the valve and made a piece to block the pipe up. Then when it made the noise it was louder, and you could feel the air cuming out now.
Mine is back on now, as its getting a boost controller in a couple of days, and apparently the stock BOV leaks with a little more boost.

Location: Balranald
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Wed, 14 August 2002 08:15

This is DAM rice boy stuff but damn funny. A mate has a Turbosmart type 2 BOV and was getting sick of the same sound when he thought he might put a netball whistle on it. It worked a treat. He had it on a little bracket so he could put it across when he wanted that sound. he had lots of hoons asking him what brand BOV he had on it. Very funny indeed!!

Location: Balranald
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Wed, 14 August 2002 08:17

HooN wrote on Mon, 12 August 2002 9:49 AM | for a two litre, what size would be quiet yet practical to find (read cheap)? i dont think its good for the compressor to stall with a thud of air on gearchanges like its doing now...
also, on a side note, wat makes that sound you hear on a lot of VLs these days? it doesnt sound like a bov, more like a series of soft flutters. I first thought it was a wastegate but i now think im wrong. anyone know?
YESSS!!!! That sound is really cool. Better than any BOV i reckon. Can this be done on any turbo car??

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Wed, 14 August 2002 08:47

ytri/mx83toy I've had this same argument over a 1J BOV/bypass valve setup. A former forum member with a Manual TT Soarer had an aftermarket BOV welded up to where the stock bypass valve normally bolts up. I tried explaining that he was trying to vent the pressure btw the air filter and turbo intakes and not the boosted pressure on it's way to the throttle body - argued over it for ages and he still ran this arrangement last time I saw him. His hard pipe kit even had a BOV mount just before the throttle body that was blocked up!!! With this setup he was actually ruining his turbos as no pressure was being released when the throttle was closed other than through the compressor blades. Last time I spoke to him , he was trying to track down replacement turbos as his were blowing excessive smoke at low boost - wonder why. He'd been through 2 separate 'knowm' performance shops and even they had not picked it up.
BTW, I prefer and use the subtle recirculating type - factory or aftermarket.

Location: Southern Sydney
Registered: August 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Wed, 14 August 2002 17:17

Quick question ytri...
If I have followed you correctly the factory BOV on a 1jz vents straight from its arsehole back into the intake before the Turboz.
If you pulled your BOV off the intake and sealed the hole.... where does the BOV now vent to?
Unless you've made a new route through to atmosphere it sounds like it would be trying to still go back into the intake but meeting a dead end!
Did you spin the BOV arround or something aswell as pluggin the whole?
If this isn't the case let me know where it goes or where you directed it cause I'd like to try it on my 1jz.

Location: Preston
Registered: June 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Wed, 14 August 2002 22:22

The hole that was covered, is the hole the BOV left in the intake pipe. This was so nothing would get sucked in there and damage anything. The end of the valve that vents the pressure is now left open, and just vents out to atmosphere now.
I dont really recommend doing it though. I never had a problem and I ran it like that for a year or so, but I have heard that its not good. Does anyone know whether its ok or not??
Give me your email address, and i'll send you a pic if you want.

Location: Southern Sydney
Registered: August 2002

Location: Preston
Registered: June 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Thu, 15 August 2002 01:18

Email has been sent Remedy!
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Thu, 15 August 2002 06:47

yeah i was wrong guyz ytri forive me
yeah ytri im going to try it your way and see how i go with it....

Location: Preston
Registered: June 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Fri, 16 August 2002 03:46

mx83toy, relax, no probs at all. I dont have mine like that any more. Mainly becuase cops were always giving me the eye as i drove past them, and because i was getting the car ready to get a Profec B installed and i heard they tend to leak with extra boost. I have to go pick my car up later this afternoon with no boost controller, because they were sent an AVC-r instead of the Profec-B. Have to wait an extra weeknow
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Fri, 16 August 2002 06:48

shit!!!! hey the apexi is still a good unit how much do they want for will match Apexi S-AFC

Location: Southern Sydney
Registered: August 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Sat, 17 August 2002 04:33

Hey Ytri!
I did your mod on the BOV, worked pretty well, thanks for the tech tips.
I'm not really into the 'I have a turbo and therefore must make it known to all' thing though..... Just wanted to see what ti would sound like.....
I know what you mean by not wanting to get the attention of the cops.... this thing is bloody loud 
Well I'm going to leave it this way for the weekend. I should be pissed off with it by Monday enough to get the spanners out again.

Location: Preston
Registered: June 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Sat, 17 August 2002 05:54

mx83toy, the Profec B was priced at $880, and he said i could have the AVC-r for an extra $170. I still decided to wait for the Profec so hopefully it will arrive by saturday next week.
Remedy, I missed the sound of it straight away Im not really into letting everyone know that its a turbo either but sometimes when the V8 boys are trying to play, nothing pisses them off more than letting it go right next to their window
By the way, have either of yous done anything to your engines? Have either of yous had them dynoed? I had mine dynoed a while ago just after it started running bad and it only did 132 rw kW the wheels. I got it dyno tuned yesterday. It was running rich, which was causing some of the black smoke so they leaned it out. The main cause of the black smoke though is a burnt valve stem seal (i think thats what he said) This time it did 149 rw kW. A bit low I know, but it has 200,000 on it now, with 120,000 of them being pretty hard driven

Location: Southern Sydney
Registered: August 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Sun, 18 August 2002 02:25

Mine is completly stock.... and I haven't had it dyno'd yet as I've only had it for 2 weeks.
Can't wait till the next dyno day though.
Definetly putting some bigger rubber on the back. Roads were a little wet last night and I sure gave my friends a scare. Nothing a bit of opposite lock couldn't fix though !

Location: Preston
Registered: June 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Sun, 18 August 2002 10:59

i used to have 255 35/17's on the back, but now i've only got 235 45/17's, cos i wrecked a set of rims when i slammed into a gutter. The 255's looked awesome on the back!

Location: Southern Sydney
Registered: August 2002
Re: Rice or Not, U decide
Mon, 19 August 2002 06:44
I currently only have stock wheels with 225/60/16's on them.
Once those are worn out I plan to put some 245/50/16's on the back.