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Forums Junkie

May 2002
re-using 4AGE head bolts? Sun, 04 August 2002 10:29 Go to next message
can you re-use 4AGE head bolts, or are they torque to yield (stretch bolts)???

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I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Sun, 04 August 2002 11:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
As you 'torque' bolts you make them yield and stretch a little. YOU can use them, many people do and have no problems. However, at about $8 a piece from Toyota, it's cheap insurance to replace them.

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

June 2002
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Sun, 04 August 2002 11:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
prolly re-use once, then replace Smile
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I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Sun, 04 August 2002 12:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
In general I'd follow your advice but I believe TE72_turbo is building a highHP GZE so rather than be sorry for a trivial thing as 80 buck compared with blowing a head gasket, I'd use new ones.

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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Sun, 04 August 2002 13:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Was just doing some thinking (rare, i know) but....

Ive never even lifted a torque wrench, but nonetheless as a hypothetical. Say you were to tension a bolt with a clamping force of say 50N. Regardless of how much the bolt had stretched wouldnt the clamping force still be 50N?

Or is it more the concern of a bolt stretching and then continuing to stretch, therefore diminishing clamping force?
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I supported Toymods

NE Melbourne
May 2002
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Sun, 04 August 2002 14:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message

if you are serious about the engine rebuild, don't bother with those head bolts i gave you. new ones from toyota are better, but really, i suggest you go for an ARP head stud kit p/n 203-4203 RRP approx $300.
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

June 2002
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Sun, 04 August 2002 22:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
jaz.........ah - then $80 is cheap insurance dude - dorikins idea is much better tho... Smile
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Mon, 05 August 2002 09:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
thanks for the replies, at the least I will buy new bolts.

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Occasional Poster

April 2003
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Wed, 17 August 2005 12:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Today was the first time I used torque to yield bolts. This was on a 5SFE. The initial torque was about 50Nm (36ft lb). While turning the final 90 degrees, it felt like a few of the bolts stretched (like they had momentarily stripped their thread). After finishing I wanted to know if all the bolts were evenly torqued, so I set the torque wrench to where the bolts would just move and it was about 95Nm. I tried all the bolts at 95Nm and only 2 wouldn't go to that torque. I probably moved one about 30 more degrees, but it still wouldn't get to 95Nm. As I didn't want to break the bolt, I left it at that. So to me it appears that torque to yield appears to hold the gasket down really tight, but not entirely even across all bolts. I'm interested to know what other people have experienced with torque to yield bolts. Any comments?

Also after cleaning the old bolts and seeing how corroded/damaged they were on the threads, I decided to spend the $80 on new bolts. The ACL value regrind set also recommended to use new bolts.
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STR8 2.8
Forums Junkie

February 2003
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Wed, 17 August 2005 12:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Nobody wrote on Wed, 17 August 2005 22:08

Today was the first time I used torque to yield bolts. This was on a 5SFE. The initial torque was about 50Nm (36ft lb). While turning the final 90 degrees, it felt like a few of the bolts stretched (like they had momentarily stripped their thread). After finishing I wanted to know if all the bolts were evenly torqued, so I set the torque wrench to where the bolts would just move and it was about 95Nm. I tried all the bolts at 95Nm and only 2 wouldn't go to that torque. I probably moved one about 30 more degrees, but it still wouldn't get to 95Nm. As I didn't want to break the bolt, I left it at that. So to me it appears that torque to yield appears to hold the gasket down really tight, but not entirely even across all bolts. I'm interested to know what other people have experienced with torque to yield bolts. Any comments?

Also after cleaning the old bolts and seeing how corroded/damaged they were on the threads, I decided to spend the $80 on new bolts. The ACL value regrind set also recommended to use new bolts.

did you grease the bolts first?
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Occasional Poster

April 2003
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Wed, 17 August 2005 12:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I oiled the bolt threads and washers with motor oil. Should I have used grease?
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Occasional Poster

April 2003
Torque to yield bolts Thu, 18 August 2005 08:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Well, I decided to retorque the head bolts this morning. This time everything went smoothly. Something might have needed time to settle.
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Bottom of the hill, Sydney
April 2004
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Thu, 18 August 2005 09:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Rex_Kelway wrote on Sun, 04 August 2002 23:36

Was just doing some thinking (rare, i know) but....

Ive never even lifted a torque wrench, but nonetheless as a hypothetical. Say you were to tension a bolt with a clamping force of say 50N. Regardless of how much the bolt had stretched wouldnt the clamping force still be 50N?

Or is it more the concern of a bolt stretching and then continuing to stretch, therefore diminishing clamping force?

What happened to Rex and who's this "Ive". Wink
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Thu, 18 August 2005 10:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
bigport 4ages are not torque to yield, smallports are.

i do headgaskets at work on average probably once or twice a week, i only replace headbolts if they are torque to yield, unless the customer wants new ones or unless its a falcon.
i personally hate torque to yield bolts, cause even with new bolts, a VERY clean thread and a lightly greased bolt, when your doing the final 90 degree turn they dont all feel even which disturbs me a little and i hate the feeling they give, like they are about to break Confused

on my own personal engine id get new bolts, but i definately wouldnt spend $300 on ARP bolts.

also VRS stands for valve regrind set, not value regrind Wink
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Occasional Poster

April 2003
VRS - VALUE regrind Fri, 19 August 2005 13:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Laughing Sorry for the typo. Funny though.

Thanks "EVOSTi" for your opinion on torque to yield head bolts.
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Ademelaide, SA
July 2003
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Sat, 20 August 2005 08:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Rex_Kelway wrote on Sun, 04 August 2002 23:06

Was just doing some thinking (rare, i know) but....

Ive never even lifted a torque wrench, but nonetheless as a hypothetical. Say you were to tension a bolt with a clamping force of say 50N. Regardless of how much the bolt had stretched wouldnt the clamping force still be 50N?

Or is it more the concern of a bolt stretching and then continuing to stretch, therefore diminishing clamping force?

CAUGHT!!! first person Razz
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Forums Junkie

Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
January 2003
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Sat, 20 August 2005 08:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
just for the record,

normal head bolts, when torqued to their spec, will not plastically deform as ther strength is higher than the torque specs/clamping force. they may creep a little over time, but they should still be ok to re-use. for any serious motor you would always use new bolts.

torque to yield are exactly that. usually the main part of the bolt has a reduced diameter, so that when you torque to their spec, and then that little bit more, the bolts plastically deform, REDUCING the clamping force to that which the bolt can withstand without deforming.

the reason you can't re-use them as torque-to-yield is twofold..
one, when the bolts deform, they may work harden a little and gain strength, so that when you torque to the spec'd yield load, they will actually have higher clamping force.
or two, they workharden and do not gain strength, but they DO lose the ability to elongate (ie their %plastic deformation was used up last time), so that they will break when torqued to spec, as they ar eno stringer, and the plastic deformation caused results in failure...

or something like that...

[Updated on: Sat, 20 August 2005 08:25]

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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Sat, 20 August 2005 12:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message

bigport 4ages are not torque to yield, smallports are.

based on what? from what I can see, the toyota EPC lists the same part number for both engines.... And they both have the same reduced shank diameter.

I use ARP head studs now. Might be more than twice the cost, but at least they can be re-used, and in theory have more even clamp.
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Big T
Forums Junkie

September 2004
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Sun, 21 August 2005 00:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
TE72_Turbo wrote on Sat, 20 August 2005 22:20


bigport 4ages are not torque to yield, smallports are.

based on what? from what I can see, the toyota EPC lists the same part number for both engines.... And they both have the same reduced shank diameter.

Based on the Toyota Rebuild Manuals. I have a copy of both the early bigport and the later smallport and the head torquing techinques are different as EVOsti said.

Doesn't mean the bolts are any different though... maybe they just changed the techniques???

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tallahassee FL usOFa
May 2002
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Sun, 21 August 2005 03:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
confusing two different things here - apples & oranges.
there are two different types of bolts, - reusable & non-reusable.
TTY(torque-to-yield) are usually non-reusable. all others are reusable forever, or until damaged - either threads or stretched & soft.
there are three different tightening techniques that may be used for the two types - torque only(the worst), measuring stretch(the best), and torque angle(a compromise).

there is nothing in any 4AG manual about replacing head bolts for any reason except damage.

these have a pretty decent writeup. ndex1.html

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Forums Junkie

Banned by his request

moved to tamworth
July 2002
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Sun, 21 August 2005 04:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
EVOSTi wrote on Thu, 18 August 2005 20:25

bigport 4ages are not torque to yield, smallports are.

i do headgaskets at work on average probably once or twice a week, i only replace headbolts if they are torque to yield, unless the customer wants new ones or unless its a falcon.
i personally hate torque to yield bolts, cause even with new bolts, a VERY clean thread and a lightly greased bolt, when your doing the final 90 degree turn they dont all feel even which disturbs me a little and i hate the feeling they give, like they are about to break Confused

on my own personal engine id get new bolts, but i definately wouldnt spend $300 on ARP bolts.

also VRS stands for valve regrind set, not value regrind Wink

you shoud use the smallport bolts and technique as its the later one and the heads are very much identical exept for the ports etc. toyota changed the way they did the bolt because they found it was better.
p.s it dosnt matter if there torque to yield or alloy studs if the engine has been done before you dont know what the hell the guy before has done to do it properly you have to chase the threads etc it properly or get someone that knows what the are doing,and most mechanics dont know shit from clay in the engine building department.i only quoted the above to point out smallport,bigport, that is all not the work!

[Updated on: Sun, 21 August 2005 04:42]

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July 2005
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Sun, 21 August 2005 04:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I've been given the impression that you can measure the length of the bolt/threads and compare this to the standard length to give some idea of the plastic deformation the bolt has withstood. Of course, this would have shortcomings if the original bolts were a vague, inconsistent length.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Sun, 21 August 2005 09:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
kingmick wrote on Sun, 21 August 2005 14:32

[you shoud use the smallport bolts and technique as its the later one and the heads are very much identical exept for the ports etc. toyota changed the way they did the bolt because they found it was better.
p.s it dosnt matter if there torque to yield or alloy studs if the engine has been done before you dont know what the hell the guy before has done to do it properly you have to chase the threads etc it properly or get someone that knows what the are doing,and most mechanics dont know shit from clay in the engine building department.i only quoted the above to point out smallport,bigport, that is all not the work!

i would think mechanics have a fair idea on rebuilding engines, sure we dont do it every day like an engine rebuilding specialist but for your average rebuilds its not too tough.
but i do agree with what you say about the bolts, they are basically the same engines so the different torque procedures are probably cause they found it better not cause they are diff requirements, but they still list them as different on the ACL VRS Smile
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Forums Junkie

Banned by his request

moved to tamworth
July 2002
Re: re-using 4AGE head bolts? Sun, 21 August 2005 10:15 Go to previous message
lol cause acl has to cover its arse!and no most mechanic are bought up on swaping parts to find a problem{especially dealer mechanics}.most wouldnt even chase the threads,which is a very basic thing to do.alot of machine shops dont even take the galley plugs out so what chance has the normal mechanic got of doing thing right,why do you think companies like jem engines do so well.dont get me wrong there are a lot of so called performace shops that shouldnt be doing services let alone rebuilds!god ive fixed them all,from very well known performace shops that use silastic on copper head gaskets to shops that have mega drag cars and online store that have done rebuilds with the block in the i wouldnt trust your local mechanic to do the rebuild unless you have a good one,and they are few and far between.hence the big deal with motors when they say factory rebuilt!its just not a sales pitch.percentage wise your safe getting a machine shop to build your engine.

[Updated on: Sun, 21 August 2005 10:17]

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