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Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003

Location: Sydney
Registered: November 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter
Wed, 21 January 2004 07:46

email them to
ill host them
also PM me if im ova my inbox limit

Location: Terrigal
Registered: May 2002
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter
Wed, 21 January 2004 22:50

Can't wait to see these pics

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter
Wed, 21 January 2004 23:44

TurboRA28 I've sent you an email with the pics
What do you think? Sorry about the size of the pics
their huge, didn't know how to make them smaller. hehe.

Location: Terrigal
Registered: May 2002
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter
Wed, 21 January 2004 23:54

Mate hotmail will probably reject them if that large.
Would you mind sending to :
Many thanks!

Location: Castle Hill, Sydney
Registered: January 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter
Thu, 22 January 2004 01:21

i wanna see this!

Location: sydney
Registered: January 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter
Fri, 23 January 2004 00:09

Post up the pics
Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter
Sun, 25 January 2004 11:53

Send pics to
I have a 3SGTE TA22 Celica and would love to see another rear drive turbed 3S

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003

Location: East Doncaster, Melbourne
Registered: February 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Thu, 29 January 2004 03:43



Location: NSW
Registered: October 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Thu, 29 January 2004 04:06

Looks tidy mate, well done.
Location: sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Thu, 29 January 2004 11:10

man nice ride i watched thidscar geting wired up by jem it looks cool whats done to the ct26 and what power did u end up making

Location: Ballarat, Victoria
Registered: March 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Thu, 29 January 2004 13:07

thats cool as dude

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, WA
Registered: May 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Thu, 29 January 2004 16:53

Very Nice

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Fri, 30 January 2004 23:48

Thanks for the reply's guys!
"tin can", It made 187hp at the wheels and then
on the next run the turbine snaped off and all
the ceremic crap found its way in the motor,
damaging it. So now its getting a full rebuild
with Weisco forged pistons, and the turbo is getting
a steeel turbine with a TO4 front. It should be ready
soon, cant wait.
By the way it was only running 10 psi, and the turbo was suposed to be recoed so I dont understand how it broke.
Hate ceramic turbos!!!
Registered: October 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Sat, 31 January 2004 05:31

John K .. nice car
Just wondering I think I've seen your car before..
do you live in sydney ?
Did you do the 3sgte engine conversion yourself ? Its really neat and nice
If so may I ask how much did you got the engine and alos the conversion labour ?
Sorry for all these questions , since I 'll might be doing a conversion later

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Sun, 01 February 2004 00:35

Hi siggy,
Yes I live in Sydney.
I've been told that there is a similer
car to mine on the roads of Sydney,
so there is a chance you saw that one.
Mine has been off the road for well over a year
cause of the conversion.
I only drove the car for about 4 months after re-spraying it.
I bought a front cut thinking it would work out cheaper,
but it didnt in my case, because all the things I was planning on useing, I never ended up useing accept the intercooler which
I'm planning on changing anyways.
The front cut was $2000
The conversion was $6000
CT26 turbo rebuild $600 which broke damaging my motor on the
New re build turbo $1400 approx.
Engine rebuild $4500+ Weisco forged pistons etc.
Microtech computer LT-8 $2000+ installed
Gearbox $600
Man this is depressing I better Stop, there is still the suspension and brakes to be done, not sure how much thats going to cost, sorry if I've put you off abit, but these are the facts
If you include the price of my car the paint job, seats, tachos,
steering wheel there is over $23000
Things you do when your in love with your car!!!!!!!!
Location: sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Mon, 02 February 2004 10:03

man ur going to have a crazy engine when ur finished mick can build a crazy engine
at what boost did the turbo say bye bye

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Mon, 02 February 2004 23:15

"tin can" all this time we were blaming the turbo for the damage but Mick found out what the real problem was.
The turbo said "buy buy" at about 10 psi, but the reason was because the oil pick up was loose in the sump, so the whole time there was no oil in the motor and obviously none in the turbo as well. After almost 10 dyno runs the turbo said "i've had enough, you basterds arn't feeding me any oil!"
Mick's a great guy and I'm sure he'll do a great job, I was his first ever customer at his workshop when he opened and I'm more then happy with his work. I defenetly recomend him to people who need any performance work done. He's putting the motor together today. I hope it will ge ready by Sat for the Sprinter cruise.

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2004
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Tue, 03 February 2004 01:33

listen man, brakes shouldn't cost you that much to sort out if you are a little bit hands on and do some research. Check out the DBA catalogue ( and see which rotors have the same (or similar) hat sizes as your standard ones. Then take yourself down to the wreckers and grab some rotors which don't have much wear on them. These rotors might bolt straight onto the standard hub. If not, its just a case of redrilling them to the hub sizes. And getting a locating ring if the bore is slightly bigger.
While you are there look for some VL turbo calipers (finned, alloy) which are also found on VN and VS models and some old skylines) Get ones with near new pads .
Then you just need to make an adaptor plate to mount the calipers.
I did this on my ke25 corolla using Mitsubishi Magna rotors from the 88 model. (four stud and ventilated and much bigger in diameter)
This works out much cheaper than buying some fancy shiny parts. Which would probably only be slightly better in endurance racing.
These brake components are designed for stopping 1200-1400 kilo cars. They should manage pretty well on your 950kilo Sprinter

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Wed, 11 February 2004 03:44

Thanks for the info on the brakes Benjamin.
Do you think they would be good enough for my car,
I will have roughly 240hp at the wheels, and I'm planning on doing some track racing ( once every 2 weeks )
What would be my option if I wanted somethig better then that.

Location: Sydney
Registered: April 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Tue, 20 April 2004 11:26

hey nice to see it all finished. 
looks awesome. 
can i ask a quick question though, what are your 2 front bucket seats?? and also how much? custom rails etc?
cheers dude.

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Wed, 21 April 2004 01:11

Sprinter-Saurus, They are OBX "carrera" seats.
Bought them from Autobarn for approx. $900 for both.
Add another $100+ for custom rails etc. but if your 6 foot or taller forget about them, unless your thinking of making your ae86 a convertable They are way too high. So I've sold them and I've got the originals back on.
I've installed coil-overs with koni adjustables at the front and kyb with lowered king springs at the rear. Looks heaps better and handeling is awesome now.
I'll have some new pics up soon!

Location: Canberra
Registered: June 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Wed, 21 April 2004 04:07

Nice work John, having done a 3SGTE conversion into a Ta22 i can appreciate the work you have put in.
No way a CT26 should have failed on 10psi...there was something very wrong with the rebuild. i'd be taking it back to the turbo shop under warrenty. Even Toyota safely rate their turbo to 17psi. They aren't crappy Nissan ceramics, they are pretty bloody strong.
one thing that has me did the ceramic turbine bits find their way into the engine? or did the comp wheel fail as well. The comp wheel is alloy BTW

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Wed, 21 April 2004 04:30

Look at my 4th last post, you'll understand why the turbo shit it self, and yes so did the comp wheel.
Now I have the steel one from 7mgte, just in case...
My car cant get on the dyno cause the f@$ken exhaust is too low now that I've lowered it. Need to get the exhaust to go over the diff, at the moment its about 1.5cm off the ground
Cant wait to see what power it will make.

Location: Canberra
Registered: June 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Wed, 21 April 2004 04:43

Oh that's right...i remember a little bird telling me about that issue. Sorry mate, not something you want to be reminded about no doubt

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Wed, 21 April 2004 04:51

Hay Justen, how's that insane masterpiece of yours going.
I had nightmares after seeing your engine bay

Location: Canberra
Registered: June 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Wed, 21 April 2004 05:00

I had some tailshaft balancing issues as we tried to do our own custom one and the welding pulled just a tad. Getting it sorted by the pros which shits me a bit but i guess you can't expect to get it all right 
1st dyno run is this coming Tues but it'll be real gentle so no one expect any big numbers. Still needs clutch, fuel and diff sorted but i have the bits, just a matter of fabricating bits to fit them.
Now Dubbo is gone the pressure is off and i'll take my time to do the rest of the mods required. i still have things like a wife and house that need attention so struggling to find hours in a day to fit all the work in

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003

Location: Perth
Registered: April 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Wed, 21 April 2004 17:16

In the words of undercover brother..."SOLID"
Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Sat, 24 April 2004 00:13

Awesome. Loving that the paint is so clean and all colour coded too.
Can I ask, as I am in Sydney too, where you got your re-spray done and how much that cost you?
I've gotten quotes so far between $3500-$3800 to re-spray my car and get rid of some rust. I'd like to find a place that will do it for $2k... I might be dreaming.
Thanks in advance. Looking forward to seeing more pics and posting pics of my car soon too.

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Sun, 12 September 2004 02:11

My car is finally back on the road.
After having 2 engines die on me, I've put a standard 3sgte, with ST162 rocker covers, (in my opinion they are the nicest out of all the 3sgte covers).
Other things I've done;
1. CT26 turbo with TO4e front, steel turbine,
2. Front coil over suspension, adjustable hight, adjustable koni's, ra65 discs and calipers.
3. Rear kyb shocks with low king springs.
4. Have a Recaro seat yet to put in (out of Supra 91" R)
5. Massive front mount cooler yet to go in too.
I'll have some new Pics over the next week.

Location: Perth
Registered: June 2002
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Mon, 13 September 2004 00:04

I'm very keen to see your new pics/setup John......
What power are you making now?

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Tue, 14 September 2004 02:20

Well here are some new pics.


Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with pics
Tue, 14 September 2004 02:54

Gabe the car is booked in for a dyno tune/run on Friday 24/9
I'll let you know how it goes.

Location: Baulko Hillo
Registered: April 2004
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics (updated 14/9/04)
Tue, 14 September 2004 03:04

Very nice work John... Looks beautiful and I'm sure it has the muscle to match.
What did you mean by 2 engines failing?

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics (updated 14/9/04)
Tue, 14 September 2004 05:44

AE86slut wrote on Tue, 14 September 2004 13:04 | What did you mean by 2 engines failing?
1st engine: Standard, modified sump, pick up not bolted properly, pick up falls off. Ouch!
2nd engine: Fully rebuilt with forged pistons, etc, pick up bolted but no reinforcement, pick up snaps off under vibration.
3rd engine: So far so good.

Location: Baulko Hillo
Registered: April 2004
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics (updated 14/9/04)
Tue, 14 September 2004 06:00

John K wrote on Tue, 14 September 2004 15:44 |
Fully rebuilt with forged pistons, etc, pick up bolted but no reinforcement, pick up snaps off under vibration.
3rd engine: So far so good.
Damn..... That sucks. It's concerning how these sort of things seem to be relatively common. You musta been ropable after that one!

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics (updated 14/9/04)
Tue, 14 September 2004 06:19

I didn't think they were common, but apparently they are.
One advice to everyone who is modifying their sump, and extending the pick up, DON'T FORGET TO REINFORCE THE PICK UP WITH A BRACKET!!!!!!!!!

I supported Toymods Toymods Club Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics (updated 14/9/04)
Tue, 14 September 2004 08:20

Your car looks absolutely horn dude - Pretty sure I drove past it on Saturday actually, but the plates weren't on. Good work on such an awesome conversion - Hope it all holds together well for you. This would have to be one of my "ultimate conversion" choices.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: July 2002
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics (updated 14/9/04)
Tue, 14 September 2004 08:37

looks absolutely awesome

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics (updated 14/9/04)
Tue, 14 September 2004 23:47

Lucid I think you did see my car cause you're right it didn't have plates then, I put them on later that day.
Too excited to see how she goes so I couldn't wait.
Anyway here are some more pics I took this morning.

I'm not 100% sure if I'll be putting this spoiler on, what do you guy's reckon?
The clear blinkers are staying 100%
And this is my new project. I won't start on it for a while but it will be an everyday car with the following mods:
20v 4age, lsd disc rear end, suspension, maybe trueno front?!
For now its all stock, with some rust but very straight.

Location: Sydney
Registered: April 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics. Plus my 2nd AE86 (updated 15/9/04)
Wed, 15 September 2004 10:03

hey John what diff are you using in the 3sgte beasty?! 
cheers dude.

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics. Plus my 2nd AE86 (updated 15/9/04)
Thu, 16 September 2004 01:22

Sprinter-Saurus wrote on Wed, 15 September 2004 20:03 | hey John what diff are you using in the 3sgte beasty?! 
cheers dude. 
Standard diff
Soon to be either Hilux or 9" Ford LSD disk to disk.
Location: Adelaide - NthEast
Registered: March 2004

Location: ghetto area 2745
Registered: November 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics. Plus my 2nd AE86 (updated 15/9/04)
Thu, 16 September 2004 10:06

wanna sell the yellow ladie you know my munber

Location: Taree, 4h nth of syd
Registered: May 2002
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics. Plus my 2nd AE86 (updated 15/9/04)
Fri, 17 September 2004 03:23

Hey mate, love the car 
just a quick question, where did u get the clear front indicators???? i want some for my ae82

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics. Plus my 2nd AE86 (updated 15/9/04)
Sun, 19 September 2004 02:03

Thanks for all your positive comments guy's.
Jt 162, 3s into RWD is a big conversion, not easy at all. I was gonna stop the conversion number of times, cause everything had to be modified. Nothing was a direct bolt in. Believe it or not my Fiance was the one that kept telling me to just stick with it and finish it off. By the way, I'm using a supra 5 speed box, and the conversion is so worth it at the end.
As for the ST162, dude these are awesome cars, don't pay attention to guys that knock FWD cars. Your idea on a 86 or TA22 3sg conversion is great but I would suggest keeping the ST162 for everyday, if your budged allows it.
P.S. my everyday car is a Honda FWD SSSHHHHHH! don't tell anyone.
Darola I bought them from "Justinfox" thanks Justin. He ordered them from ??? ask him I don't remember. But as far as I know ae86 and ae82 don't share the same blinkers!?

I supported Toymods
Registered: August 2002

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics. Plus my 2nd AE86 (updated 15/9/04)
Sun, 19 September 2004 12:59

Love those seats mate, good to see i'm not alone Can in general looks great, and I really don't like AE86's.

I supported Toymods
Registered: August 2002
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics. Plus my 2nd AE86 (updated 15/9/04)
Sun, 19 September 2004 13:03

Darola wrote on Fri, 17 September 2004 13:23 | Hey mate, love the car 
just a quick question, where did u get the clear front indicators???? i want some for my ae82
they have been discontinued

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics. Plus my 2nd AE86 (updated 15/9/04)
Sun, 19 September 2004 23:26

There you go, blinkers discontinued.
Thanks Garthboy!

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics. Plus my 2nd AE86 (updated 15/9/04)
Sun, 19 September 2004 23:59

ae86drift wrote on Sun, 19 September 2004 22:33 |
Darola wrote on Fri, 17 September 2004 13:23 | Hey mate, love the car 
just a quick question, where did u get the clear front indicators???? i want some for my ae82
they have been discontinued
but wasnt someone ordering some? or something..
if someone is, pls pm me

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics. Plus my 2nd AE86 (updated 15/9/04)
Mon, 20 September 2004 02:33

You can always get some made out of clear perspex!?
Just kidding ( in case someone is thinking about it ) I doubt that it would work.
If I find some info on ordering them I'll let people know,
but if Garth said their discontinued then they most probably are. I looked up "ae86" in the dictionary and there was picture of Garth.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics. Plus my 2nd AE86 (updated 15/9/04)
Tue, 21 September 2004 09:19

The company (Uras) that made those indicators have discontinued production of them. The guy on these forums doing a group buy, was using these.
...but... Eastbear now make them, more expensive and I dont know what the differences are? But I got some of them

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics. Plus my 2nd AE86 (updated 15/9/04)
Tue, 21 September 2004 23:18

There you go guy's

I supported Toymods
Location: Sutho/Hills NSW
Registered: September 2002
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics. Plus my 2nd AE86 (updated 15/9/04)
Tue, 21 September 2004 23:57

nice work, was the engine installed by a brad in milperra by any chance?

Registered: February 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics. Plus my 2nd AE86 (updated 15/9/04)
Wed, 22 September 2004 00:16

John K wrote on Mon, 20 September 2004 12:33 | You can always get some made out of clear perspex!?
Just kidding ( in case someone is thinking about it ) I doubt that it would work.
been there, made em, done that, sold em!

put the lip on too John K.......just watch out for rabbits

Location: NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: My 3SGTE Sprinter Now with NEW pics. Plus my 2nd AE86 (updated 15/9/04)
Wed, 22 September 2004 01:01

Audioslaver wrote on Wed, 22 September 2004 10:16 |

put the lip on too John K.......just watch out for rabbits
LOL I think it will be on for the Toy-fest 3rd Oct.
Any other Sprinters going???