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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
RWDboy 1986 ST162 - running, but prolly not for long Mon, 26 January 2004 11:11 Go to next message
Finally the car is back together on it's feet again! Still haven't really done much in the way of mods to it, just lots of tidying up etc. Half heartedly trying to sell it still, if anyone is interested send me a PM - would mind getting $5500 for it, although most Toymodders are looking for bargains and at $5500 this probably won't quite fit in that category Wink

As for what I'm planning to do to it? Looks like MegaSquirt ECU will be the first mod to go into it - will look at other things if it doesn't sell in a hurry, still need to re-seal the steering rack to get the thing fully leak proof.

As I said in a previous post I've run out of room to work on these things! So here's a picture of my current 'office'

(picture pending upload).

Once I've finished a few more jobs I'll put some more flattering pictures up.


Well this thing ain't selling fast (guess I need new pics ey? these ones are NOT flattering Very Happy) got the alternator fully reco and put back together, with powder coated pure white shell - looks bloody nice and should hold together for quite some time. The copper on the shaft (dunno technical name for it) had to be lathed a bit and there's not alot of room left for further work on it. Has new bearings and brushes.

Promise I'll put up pics of the car up here soon enough. I finished cleaning up and resealing the power steering pump a while ago now it's just a matter of putting the damn thing back in.

Also has brand new custom black leather gearstick boot!


Oh deary me! Now that I've constantly trashed my car I have to sell the thing, I'm not going to advertise to the more ignorant public just yet, I thought I'd give everyone here a chance just in case anyone might want it. The details are here
it's going for $5500 depending on how much stuff I finish fixing...I love this little thing, but I'm going to go the whole nine yards soon and get a *shhhh* ST165. I know the price is a bit steep, but I bought it for $6000 and I've spent alot on it and it has got a tonne of potential that could be realised very easily.

And finally some pics of my great ride (yes - I *AM* aware that it is a complete bomb, but at least it's a toyota).

This is it, in it's usual position - that is - up on ramps, in bits, going nowhere!

And some pics of the fantastic interior (try not to faint at it's awesome horror)


Well I thought I might as well put my car on this forum...even though I'm not yet a member of toymods car club...

1986 Celica SX (ST162)

Current RICE :
Kept to a minimum, I have a Sony CD player, 4inch Sony 2-ways in the front in the original speaker mounts, 6x9inch Sony 3-ways mounted in new parcel shelf (old one too weak). TRD sticker.

Work to do :
  • New cam breather hose & catch tank
  • MegaSquirt ECU
  • Reseal steering rack
  • Respray roof, front quarter panels, bonnet and bumper
  • Start thinking about some actual mods!

Work done :
  • New piston rings (way too much blue smoke)
  • New big-end bearings (very worn upon inspection)
  • New rear-main crank seal (oil leak)
  • Recondition broken distributor (including aluminium welding)
  • New dizzy cap (exy)
  • New front right strut (broken top-mount)
  • Four new tyres (all were below legal depth upon car purchase)
  • New exhaust manifold gasket
  • New intake manifold gaskets
  • Fuel injectors removed and cleaned (now flowing 15% better)
  • Valves re-seated
  • New cam-shaft seals
  • New north/south engine-mounts
  • New front skirt
  • New side and rear indicator lenses (effing expensive, but new ones look awesome)
  • New cam-belt idle & tensioner pulleys (expensive)
  • New cam timing belt
  • Resealed power steering pump
  • Reconditioned alternator (new bearings, brushes and machining)
  • Eagle 8.8mm Ignition Leads
  • NGK Platinum Plugs
  • Power steering hoses replaced with silicon hoses

[Updated on: Sun, 05 June 2005 09:21]

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Castle Hill, Sydney
January 2003
Re: Non-sleek ST162 Tue, 27 January 2004 01:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Nice man, make sure you check out my st162 also in the members rides section
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Non-sleek ST162 Wed, 28 January 2004 01:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You're ride is damn neat! I wish my car looked that good Smile
There are probably only two colours that work best for ST162s, metallic greys and white. Of course, it's impossible to make a sleeka look bad Smile
I try though -> my car really needs a respray.
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Fri, 20 February 2004 04:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Finally got around to taking pictures I just need to get the speedo cable fixed and I can start putting the damn thing back together!
Anyone here know a good stockist for new suspension rubber/bushes? I asked in another thread but didn't get any fast responses...
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Mon, 23 February 2004 13:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Update :
Hrmm - looks like my bank account is going to allow me to buy the following items in the next couple of days

- Whiteline adjustable front sway-bar
& rear sway-bay
- Whiteline springs (or King, not sure yet)
- Koni front & rear shock absorbers
- nolathane bushes

(plus several gaskets I still need and a new power steering pump)

Will put pics up when they are in!

[Updated on: Mon, 23 February 2004 13:20]

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June 2003
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Tue, 24 February 2004 11:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ahem, i do believe red is also an option on celica's Smile
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Tue, 24 February 2004 12:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yeah, true, but I've seen the factory red after fifteen years and if it isn't tucked away in a dark box for that whole time it doesn't stay too good! Having said that car is metallic grey and it looks shit Smile

Any good red paint job does the trick, but I guess I've always thought of red as an italian car colour.

(edit) Factory red & white a la the Group A rally cars is also a good option Smile

[Updated on: Tue, 24 February 2004 12:03]

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June 2003
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Wed, 25 February 2004 05:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hehe yeah mine needs a respray too just a question of time and money... 2 things i don't have Crying or Very Sad
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February 2004
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Mon, 01 March 2004 00:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
haha, i don't think this car is any worse than mine!
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Mon, 01 March 2004 03:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I'm sure there's ways to prove whose is worse Smile But I've never seen one as bad as mine...!
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Forums Junkie

September 2003
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Mon, 01 March 2004 13:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Nice celica Cool , good luck in your project whats next 3sgte hehe, is your dash out?, coz in that pic it looks like its missing.
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Mon, 01 March 2004 21:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yeah - it's out - I'm currently putting in some new speakers, the pic is a bit small and blurry but I didn't have the time to get a perfect shot.
At the moment I've had to take even more of it apart so I can fix this low oil-pressure problem (I no longer trust my *ex*-mechanic). It should be back on the roads in a couple of weeks. *sigh*
I'm looking at getting some rose-jointed front suspension at the moment...kinda stuck on price though Smile
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Forums Junkie

Epping, Sydney
April 2003
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Wed, 03 March 2004 01:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dude do you know FOR SURE that the oil pressure is low?

My guage reads WAY low.. but I had it tested and it is right where it should be. Just my sender + wiring etc causes a low reading.

Rob Smile
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Forums Junkie

December 2003
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Wed, 03 March 2004 03:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Mines the same guys, oil is actually over the full mark but still reads no pressure - unless i poot my foot down for a while and then it rises, but never past halfway - no idea whats goin on. Wiring u reckon?
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Forums Junkie

Epping, Sydney
April 2003
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Wed, 03 March 2004 03:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
man I had a big panic when my car started doing that. Lives at "0" and goes to nearly 1/2 when driving or just over when cold. But it was unfounded.

It is just the sender unit screwed into the head getting a tired old diaphram or whatev + a bad connection with the wire to the guage in your dash. (i also had a look at the connection and my 'presssure' went up. If you are REALLY worried, just go to a workshop and get an oil pressure test, will take 5 minutes.

Even my replacement (2nd hand) pressure sender wasn't that much better than my completely stuffed one. I have no idea how much a new one costs.. but untill you know for SURE that your pressure is low don't panic.
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Forums Junkie

April 2003
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Wed, 03 March 2004 07:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah I used to have that old problem with he oil pressure guage, a new sender from Toyota your looking at about $180, thats what it cost to get one to suit a guage, I never found an aftermarket one cause they all said they only run an oil light not a guage, funny thing is all celicas came with oil guages Rolling Eyes

as bad as you think your is ATM man It'll get better, I have seen some shocker in my time, and your's looks a bit better than a couple I have seen
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Wed, 03 March 2004 13:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Well - it used to read fine - until I took the engine apart and put it back together - and now it reads plenty lower than it did before Smile I'm fairly sure I know what the problem is, probably just the oil pick up gasket, which is easy fixed. Can't hurt to check it out as I need to change the oil anyways plus I had the cross members off to get at the power steering pump.

And yeah - I should just get it tested at a workshop Smile
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sik sx

I supported Toymods

Sunshine Coast
March 2004
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Wed, 31 March 2004 13:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
my celica is so like urs it isnt funny..looks exact same and the eninge is in peices..being rebuilt..i hope u get it all sorted good luck ..btw nice car Smile prolly better then mine
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Forums Junkie

March 2004
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Sun, 04 April 2004 12:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
What's the oil pressure guage supposed to read normally? Does it even work? I mean, i've got a pretty bad oil leak and the guage still moves about the 1/2 way mark at idle.

I checked my oil level last night and it's below the 'L' on the stick.... gonna drop into Mobil tomorra morning Confused
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Sun, 04 April 2004 23:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Generally, oil leaking and oil pressure aren't related except when the oil has drained so much that it is missing on the pick-up in which case you'll starve the engine every now and then and it will eventually seize. Low oil pressure is generally related to bad seals in the oil pump or the pick up. I'm basically just going to replace the seal in the oil pick up, then get it tested at a workshop. If that comes up good and it's still reading badly at the dash, I'll start testing the oil sender and the wiring to check the resistance in the circuitry etc etc.
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Sun, 04 April 2004 23:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Bit of an update on how things are going.

My brothers rally car has sucked up some of my cash, as well as upgrades to my computer, so I'm not going to be grabbing the rose-jointed front end for a while yet (although I'm going to try to work a bit during the mid-semester break to get some cash).

I've had bugger all time to work on it, I'm tring to neaten the engine bay up so I'm getting a few things coated/painted and I haven't got around to getting the alternator cleaned up (requires me getting the housing off of it, which requires a press). Anyway, it's slowly coming along, hopefully during the mid semester break I'll have time to figure all this crap out!

Btw - is it worth powder coating anything in the engine, or will it tend to melt and fuck up? I guess high temp enamel is a better option? If so, are spray cans any good or should I get some more exy stuff and use an air-compressor spray gun?

Oh yeah, also I picked up a new power steering pump and I got some re-seal kit for it as well so now I should have full engine-wide oil retention Smile (50 bucks says the gearbox starts to leak, somehow, just to piss me off - still it would give me a good reason to replace second gear synchro)

Plus hopefully my EGR gasket has come in finally (can't get replacement ones, need to get genuine from toyota for like, 25 bucks!) so my engine bay won't turn charcoal gray after five kays.

[Updated on: Mon, 05 April 2004 00:01]

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Forums Junkie

Epping, Sydney
April 2003
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Mon, 05 April 2004 01:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message

, I'll start testing the oil sender and the wiring to check the resistance in the circuitry etc etc.

You know how the wire to the dash clips onto the pressure sender thing.. I found even cleaning up the contact surfaces made my "oil pressure" rise Smile
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sik sx

I supported Toymods

Sunshine Coast
March 2004
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Tue, 06 April 2004 03:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
if you dont mind me asking how much did u pay for yours? and the status of the car at the time of buying it
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Tue, 06 April 2004 05:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
being South Australia, these cars don't come cheap - $5500.

Given the actual condition I should've paid about $4000 but I was young and stupid and inexperienced in the way of the car and didn't have the advice from this forum that I could've used back then Smile

As far as I could tell, the second gear synchro was well worn. It had some kind of intake or exhaust manifold leak, and it seemed to have a minor oil leak and it needed four new tyres.

In actuality there were bigger problems. The rings were well worn, the big-end bearings were worn, the suspension was worn on the frint driver side, the rear main seal was stuffed etc etc. Plus it still mysteriously runs rich.

At least most of the interior was in good nick. Plus it has king springs on the front (I think).
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Worst ST162 ever : Update 5S-GE project Thu, 13 May 2004 10:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Update on what going on with the car, check the top of the thread.

And I bet by now everyone was starting to think I was one of those people who do nothing but dream of their car (as opposed to doing something about it).


I'll update this stuff again to clarify whether or not this engine mod will work. I'm halfway through finishing spraying my bro's rally car, so I should have a bunch more spare time in a week to get cracking on my baby Smile
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Worst ST162 ever : Update 5S-GE project Sat, 15 May 2004 05:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Updated again - any thoughts anyone Smile I've still got alot of work to do, that engine will probably spend the next month on various benches being sorted out and should be in the car within a couple of months depending how much time I have.
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Forums Junkie

October 2003
Re: Worst ST162 ever : Update 5S-GE project Sun, 16 May 2004 03:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Man this things gonna be wicked

What are some of the benefits of the 5sge over just the gen 1/gen 2 option of 3sge???
Coz this is really interesting....

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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Worst ST162 ever : Update 5S-GE project Sun, 16 May 2004 08:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hard to say what the benefits are really Smile First I need to get a dyno chart for the standard 3S-GE so I'll do that soon enough.

My guess is that I will have a higher compression ratio - hopefully around 9.9(±0.2):1 and there is also the slightly larger bore and capacity to take into acount. It'll probably came up to maybe a few kW extra up top and alot more torque (ST184s have 196Nm of peak torque as opposed to the ST162 172Nm).

Having said that, I'm probably also going to modify the head a bit to give a bit more power up top (at the expense of a bit of low down torque) things like camshaft and valve ports, get some extractors and a CAI (keep panel filter) so I'm hoping to get close to 80-85kW at the front wheels and around 200Nm peak torque. As usual, you have to take into account how crap the ST162 ECU is...I may ditch that as well in favor of a programmable aftermarket item (I've always wanted to, just a question of money!).

I'll post up the dyno chart of the 3S-GE when I get it done (hopefully in a few weeks). As I progress further I'll post up more dyno charts and details so as to get a quantitative comparison between the stock 3S-GE and the 5S-GE hybridy thing.

First stage is just to get the bits to fit together Smile

p.s. As for the benefits over the Gen 2 3S-GE? Well, I have heard issues about fitting the Gen 2 intake manifold into the ST162 engine bay, so usually a Gen 1 manifold is used...I'm fairly sure that the gen 1 manifold is not as efficient as the gen 2 - so it's likely that a bit would be 'lost' out in the conversion (ie...won't quite get the full 117kW at the flywheel with the gen1/gen2 mix) Also, doing the gen 2 transplant might be more expensive (can't confirm that just yet, depends how well things fit together with the 5S-FE/3S-GE mix) as you would need a half cut or the whole engine and loom.

I wouldn't say either way is better than the other though. I'm just trying something a little bit different (although it has been done before) to see how it turns out...if you never go, you never know - that sort of thing Smile Once I'm done I'll let people make up their own minds about whether or not I wasted my money Smile

[Updated on: Sun, 16 May 2004 09:54]

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Forums Junkie

Epping, Sydney
April 2003
Re: Worst ST162 ever : Update 5S-GE project Mon, 17 May 2004 01:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
very interesting dude and will appreciate tracking your progress and seeing how you go!

shame your not in Sydney or I could lend a hand Sad
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Worst ST162 ever : Update 5S-GE project Mon, 17 May 2004 01:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hands are always helpful, bit of a bugger you are in Sydney! Especially when I've got full time uni, 25 hours part time job at a shitty pizza store, and taekwondo to train for!!

Next time I get the chance to travel (I'm not holding my breath on that one) I'll make sure it's near to a date when there is a cruise in Sydney so we'll get to meet up.
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Forums Junkie

April 2003
Re: Worst ST162 ever - I have proof Wed, 19 May 2004 01:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ha full oil retention, I think thats a dream in these old cars

I thought last time I pulled the enigne out i did all the seals, but low and behold one of my cam seals started leaking again. so out came the engine again replace that seal, all good until a few days later its leaking again Mad dunno why and I can't be fucked, but now i found i to have a power steering leak, looks like the steering rack.

yeah interstin idea on the engine, I have been telling my friend to try it with his for ages.
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Worst ST162 ever : Update 5S-GE project Wed, 19 May 2004 02:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Well you can tell the friend that it will work with pre 1990-1994 5S blocks...but I've yet to discover how much fiddling with rods/pistosn there is going to be.

The 5S pistons have *way* too short a skirt to rev up to 7300 RPM given the ratio of the rod/stroke, so they are out. It might be a while before I can tell the rest of the story Smile

As for the oil retention - hehe - my power steering is still leaking...prick of a thing! I'm going to replace every seal in the pump and see how that goes!!!
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Worst ST162 ever : Update 5S-GE project Wed, 09 June 2004 14:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Well - looks like the fun has come to an end...I'll miss this baby, even though it's nearly totally stock Smile

See top of page.
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Forums Junkie

Epping, Sydney
April 2003
Re: Worst ST162 ever : Update 5S-GE project Wed, 09 June 2004 14:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
rofl.. you should change the name of this thread Wink
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Greatest ST162 Ever (err?) Wed, 09 June 2004 14:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hahahah - ahhh - ummm.

*looks around*

Yeah - this is the most awesome ST162, buy it, yes, must pimp the ST162...

No No No
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Forums Junkie

Epping, Sydney
April 2003
Re: Greatest ST162 Ever (err?) Wed, 09 June 2004 14:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message

and get everybody to change their posts... and no one will ever know Wink


I wouldn't be worried buying it.. i will say that much
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Forums Junkie

April 2003
Re: Greatest ST162 Ever (err?) Wed, 09 June 2004 15:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah man after all that bashing saying how Rolling Eyes great Rolling Eyes your car is, you wanna sell it, is that with a half finished engine project? or are you gonna look at a 2.2l for the Rolling Eyes 3sgte Rolling Eyes in an Rolling Eyes st165 Rolling Eyes but you didn't hear that from me Nope
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Greatest ST162 Ever (err?) Wed, 09 June 2004 17:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I'm selling it with the 3S-GELC in...

If anyone wants to follow up on the 5S-GE thing, I can tell them exactly how to do it, hell I'll even go get the crank I've got modified to suit and then all they'll need is a 1.5mm copper head gasket and an o-ringed block (everything else comes from the 3S-GE) and it'll just about go straight in - voila extra 165cc. It'll still free run I think as well with about 9.5:1 compression.
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Greatest ST162 Ever - (for sale) Wed, 30 June 2004 06:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Just some minor updates - still haven't completely put this thing back together yet, fiddling with some of the older stuff (rubber hoses etc) to get everything in really good shape. It's looking good so far, the 'transformation' is nearly complete.

Anyone interested in buying or know someone who is looking for a rock-solid ST162 then just pm me.
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Forums Junkie

NSW Engadine
June 2003
Re: Greatest ST162 Ever - (for sale) Tue, 09 November 2004 07:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Did you end up getting the Whiteline Springs and the Koni shocks... because Im looking at buying some and was wondering how much they improve your handling...
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Greatest ST162 Ever - (for sale) Tue, 09 November 2004 08:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
No Smile

I kind of get a bit iffy about answering questions about improving handling too, because alot of people have different preferences. If you want an overall idea I guess me and several others have already spilt our guts about this topic in the ST162 dedicated thread.
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: RWDboy 1986 ST162 - running, but prolly not for long Sun, 05 June 2005 09:31 Go to previous message
Not much news - MegaSquirt ECU will go in sooner or later, still clearing some stuff up in that regard. For those wishing to do a similar transplant to their ST162 talk to me in a few months.

It took ages - and I've been very busy with other stuff - but the car is now back on the road after way too long off of it (at least riding bikes/buses has kept me fit). The GT4 soaked up alot of money/time as well - no one wants to buy this ST162 so at the moment i'm keeping it and slowly working on it.

Anyway - will post up some pics once I've resprayed it and finished a couple of minor jobs!
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