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August 2002
Pedal box for ke25 hydraulic conversion Wed, 07 August 2002 12:30 Go to next message
Could anyone please tell me what pedal box i could use in my ke25to do a hydraulic conversion.
Preferably something that would allow me to fit a brake booster to the firewall (rather than using a remote booster).
I am also fitting a 2tg, (trying to make a levin copy)
Also interested in what brakes /struts would be a good upgrade without having to modify lower arms as everything I have looked at in Toyota range have different length lower arms.
Any help would be great.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: Pedal box for ke25 hydraulic conversion Wed, 07 August 2002 15:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I have done this to my KE35 (full levin copy). And I think you will just have to take the pedalbox out, modify it yourself with a bit of thought, a hacksaw, a welder, and a celica clutch pedal and box to copy. No easy way. Unless you get a TE20 pedal box sent from Japan.
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May 2002
Re: Pedal box for ke25 hydraulic conversion Wed, 07 August 2002 20:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hey! I'm in Canada at the moment, and over here they have TE2? with 2T's in them and they have hydraulic clutches. Of course it's all left hand drive stuff but the pedal box wouldn't matter. Don't ask me to bring one back though, I'm leaving tonight.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: Pedal box for ke25 hydraulic conversion Wed, 07 August 2002 23:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Um, yes, I think there would be a difference with the Left hand drive version. It would not just bolt in.
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August 2002
Re: Pedal box for ke25 hydraulic conversion Fri, 09 August 2002 05:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I have already done this on a ke30 but they are a little easier as they already have a booster and a position for the clutch master cylinder. I modified and fitted a ta22 clutch pedal and just made it fit in the ke30 pedal box. This worked fine but on the ke25 there is less room and no pre designated position for the clutch master cylinder. Just hoping someone has done this and can give me some pointers before I rip into it.
Thanks Cool
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New Zealand
May 2002
Re: Pedal box for ke25 hydraulic conversion Sat, 10 August 2002 10:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
WEll, you might run into clearance issues with your sidies on your 2TG. So... options:

1.) Weld a bolt off the side of the clutch pedal which pushes on Clutch master mounted against firewall.
2.) Run some sort of Bedford van or similar, with remote resorvoir, and everything contained up in the dash.
3.) something else all together.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: Pedal box for ke25 hydraulic conversion Sun, 11 August 2002 05:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Well Karl,
The 2TG came standard in the TE27 Levin, so if he used all the standard bits, its going to fit. In my TE37 type car, I have room for trumpets and socks, but only just.
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August 2002
Re: Pedal box for ke25 hydraulic conversion Tue, 13 August 2002 12:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I have already done the full 2tg mod on a ke30 and am aware of the clearance problems in a ke25 but have seen 2tg's fitted to standard te27 so I know they fit with a firewall mounted booster and clutch hydraulics. My problem is that I can't get hold of standard te27 parts (I wish) in Melbourne so I was hoping someone might be able to help me locate some or point me in the right direction as to an easy mod.
Any help would be appreciated thanks.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: Pedal box for ke25 hydraulic conversion Tue, 13 August 2002 12:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
How is the TE brake booster and stuff different to the KE one? I would have thought the KE booster was smaller, or non-existant, making for more room? You will run out of room if the engine is not mounted in the middle, or in the proper position. Remember that the TE and KE crossmember is different, don't think you can just plonk the engine on the KE crossmember and have everything line up. Well, thats with the KE30 anyhow.

The TE engine is ment to have the crank dead in the middle of the car, and the engine is on a slight lean to the left side.
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Forums Junkie

July 2002
Re: Pedal box for ke25 hydraulic conversion Wed, 14 August 2002 12:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
could you give me any more information on converting a ke30 rolla to a hydro clutch (2tg is going to be fitted) ie. what pedal box to get from what car ect i heard ta22 ones will bolt up? also is there any modifyong of the box itself? is it just bolt it up and away you go do any fluid lines need to be riged up ect any help greatly appreciated!!

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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: Pedal box for ke25 hydraulic conversion Wed, 14 August 2002 14:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
go here:

Keep the KE30 pedal box, use a Celica clutch pedal, or some hydralic clutch pedal. Drill the hole in the fire wall for the master cylinder (obviouse place). The pedal box needs to be cut, welded, modifyed. Use your brain. Its too hard to show you over the internet.
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Forums Junkie

July 2002
Re: Pedal box for ke25 hydraulic conversion Wed, 14 August 2002 16:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Thanks heaps for your info jonny!!!!!
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August 2002
Re: Pedal box for ke25 hydraulic conversion Fri, 16 August 2002 13:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Thanks for advice Jonny2tg, I know the ke30 mod isn't too bad to do (have done one I used to race), my problem is that the ke25 (same as ke20 under bonnet in Aus) has no power assistance standard but I have seen them with this so I know they fit. I was just hoping someone could help me with an easy solution to a few drama's I was having. The biggest problem we have doing these mods is the availability of parts in different country's is a drag as different spec cars were not available everywhere and to do them neatly and legally we need to use the right stuff.
Would be interested to know what spec engines were fitted to KE series vehicles in New Zealand to see if any thing was available there.
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October 2003
Re: Pedal box for ke25 hydraulic conversion Sun, 07 December 2003 08:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
if your still interested.... i used a rx-7 series 1 hydrolic master in my KE25 when i did my 12A conversion.
i also used a Ford KB Laser brake master ( with a remote booster)
and they sat real nice to each other. hardly any mods needed to be done to the firewall or clutch was easy once we knew what to use.

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December 2003
Re: Pedal box for ke25 hydraulic conversion Thu, 11 December 2003 09:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
any pics
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October 2003
Re: Pedal box for ke25 hydraulic conversion Fri, 12 December 2003 06:27 Go to previous message
see my engine bay pics at;
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