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south west sydney
November 2002
2TG 3T Hybrid Sat, 07 February 2004 04:47 Go to next message
2TG 3t Hybrid motor, 89mm bore, complete with new wiseco pistons, rebiult not run.
Currently has twin webbers, TRD copy 4 into 1 extractors (ceramic coated), group A style head mods with TRD valve springs and welded overlay camshafts.
this motor powered a KE35 to numerous class wins in NSW rally championship.
Available with factory TE37 engine crossmember, and 5 speed T50 gearbox.


Also selling genuine TE37 bonnet, new old stock.

$500 ONO

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Attachment: 2tg 3 800.JPG
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[Updated on: Sun, 08 February 2004 11:25]

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south west sydney
November 2002
Re: 2TG 3T Hybrid Sun, 08 February 2004 11:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
TE37 bonnet added
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: 2TG 3T Hybrid Sun, 08 February 2004 14:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I will buy the TE37 bonnet if it is the same as the TE37 Levin. Please give me a photo of the bonnet and let me know how much you want for it.

Maybe interested in any other TE37 specific things you have also.
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Forums Junkie

October 2003
Re: 2TG 3T Hybrid Mon, 09 February 2004 02:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hey man. Hate to be a bitch. But almost $3000 for a 1.8 Carbie is a lot of dosh. As much as I didn't want to put a dampener on it, you weren'y getting a response. Good luck with the sale of course. Have you tried rally type forums? Most the guys on here with cars that suit that T-series engine would want a turbo for that money.

[Updated on: Mon, 09 February 2004 02:59]

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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: 2TG 3T Hybrid Mon, 09 February 2004 03:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Let me see a pic of the bonnet and I will make an offer. I would like the chrome insert that comes with it also.
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Hornsby, N.S.W
September 2002
Re: 2TG 3T Hybrid Mon, 09 February 2004 07:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
heya ta plus 22, dont mean to be a biatch!! but all you ever do is get on here and slag other people for the prices that they want to charge!!! if your not interested man, then just let it go!!! and what makes you think that everyone would want to turbo their cars, im under 24 years of age and would not even think of turbo'N' my car as the price of insurance is up the creek!!! squek man, good luck with the sale, i dont believe that this price is unreasonable as i have a very similar built engine to yours and i understand that alot of money goes into them!!!
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Forums Junkie

October 2003
Re: 2TG 3T Hybrid Mon, 09 February 2004 08:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
juzzo84 wrote on Mon, 09 February 2004 18:14

heya ta plus 22, dont mean to be a biatch!! but all you ever do is get on here and slag other people for the prices that they want to charge!!! if your not interested man, then just let it go!!! and what makes you think that everyone would want to turbo their cars, im under 24 years of age and would not even think of turbo'N' my car as the price of insurance is up the creek!!! squek man, good luck with the sale, i dont believe that this price is unreasonable as i have a very similar built engine to yours and i understand that alot of money goes into them!!!

What ever dude. Bitch about prices, what a generalisation - I don't think thats all I ever do, . besides stu's stereo, I'd be intersted in knowing when else I've done it.
Tell me not to post if its not relevent - then you do the same? I thought my suggestion might help, whats wrong with it? Huh please tell me, you disagree well say that...but think twice before making Immature assumptions and telling other people what to do on a public forum, did I break any rules?

And how did I slag someone? NOPE, I didn't. So why make shit up ?

How does it affect you anyway? Oh thats right it doesn't. If you think thats all I do, then go open your eyes dickhead.
As for your assumption that I think everyone wants a turbo..FFS you don't know shit about me, For instance I chose a 2tgeu over a turbo coz I didn't fricken want a turbo. For many reasons, least of all Insurance premiums.

EDIT: Sorry "squeek" to sidetrack the sale, but I was only trying to help and ain't gonna take that attitude from anyone.

[Updated on: Tue, 10 February 2004 01:29]

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Hornsby, N.S.W
September 2002
Re: 2TG 3T Hybrid Tue, 10 February 2004 20:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
man, your not worth my time, stu's stereo, the 2tgeu plenum for sale at the moment, the 2tgeu efi gear that i had for sale, this motor, and there is plobly more things but i cant be fucked trying to prove them all to you, just showing you a few so you understand, your right it has nothing to do with me, but it does not look good for someone selling there gear, having someone saying how over priced it is, maybe someone was interested then you posted about how its over priced and that may have turned them away from making the purchse, so as much as ( you think) your helping the sale, you may also be killing it.
OVER AND OUT! Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

October 2003
Re: 2TG 3T Hybrid Wed, 11 February 2004 09:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
so this would be the efi gear you also didn't sell? Too expensive maybe? And the unsold stereo? Oh and yeah, that plennum for sale at the moment... yeah it is expensive. But hey if your happy for people to charge whatever to who ever they want, especially all the people on here unsure of the value go ahead be a prick. Done a good job of it already. If I know people can get it cheaper and something isn't worth what they are asking, I'll do my bit to make sure they don't get ripped off. As for being worth your time ? meh, I didn't ask for fact you asked for mine remember? Do I need to explain this too you?
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: 2TG 3T Hybrid Thu, 12 February 2004 11:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Squeak, are you still on here?

I am after the TE37 bonnet. And I would like a photo. I think $500 may be a bit much, but let me know what other offers you get. I want to buy this! But something closer to $200. Plus I need it shipped to Hobart, I will pay.

Also I am interested in your little story, how you have a genuine TE37 crossmember and bonnet?
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south west sydney
November 2002
Re: 2TG 3T Hybrid Fri, 13 February 2004 02:50 Go to previous message
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